Sean Hanity sums it up

read and learn before spewing lies.
A member of Congress had their phone confiscated that could have evidence or conversations about January 6th, so ask yourself are the boxes the thing they ( FBI ) were after or are they searching for something that could convict many for what happened on January 6th 2021.

Many of you on the right focus on those Boxes but no one has yet said what was the scope of the Warrant and Trump legal team could put all this to rest by giving the media the details of the Warrant and yet they refuse and why?
Interesting. Still, its extremely doubtful that you could charge a president with it. Presidents have the full legal authority to declassify documents at will.
He's not the prez, he only thinks he is.
A member of Congress had their phone confiscated that could have evidence or conversations about January 6th, so ask yourself are the boxes the thing they ( FBI ) were after or are they searching for something that could convict many for what happened on January 6th 2021.

Many of you on the right focus on those Boxes but no one has yet said what was the scope of the Warrant and Trump legal team could put all this to rest by giving the media the details of the Warrant and yet they refuse and why?
Oh, without a doubt they raided his home under false pretenses. They were for sure fishing for January 6th information, which is totally unrelated to these classified documents. Its a dirty game that is going to have repercussions for the left im pretty sure.
Interesting. Still, its extremely doubtful that you could charge a president with it. Presidents have the full legal authority to declassify documents at will.
Having the ability to do something doesn’t mean that he did it.

It would still be illegal to store declassified government documents in his basement. Those belong to the people. Since they’re declassified, the public should have access to them and last time I looked we aren’t allowed into Trump’s basement.

Saying he declassified them would also counter their claim these were mementos and personal documents.
Having the ability to do something doesn’t mean that he did it.

It would still be illegal to store declassified government documents in his basement. Those belong to the people. Since they’re declassified, the public should have access to them and last time I looked we aren’t allowed into Trump’s basement.

Saying he declassified them would also counter their claim these were mementos and personal documents.
No, he didnt do it, but since he could, it would be rather petty to charge him with a crime, especially since he is a president. Its a line that you dont want to cross, and a line that a judge is unlikely to cross.
Oh, without a doubt they raided his home under false pretenses. They were for sure fishing for January 6th information, which is totally unrelated to these classified documents. Its a dirty game that is going to have repercussions for the left im pretty sure.
You do not know the scope of the warrant nor has the FBI or DOJ stated what they were looking for!
Nah, they don’t care about Trump.
But they do care very much about what the left has been doing the past year. Moderates wont have the same vitriol for Trump as you guys, and they will not like seeing our federal government going after the political opponents of this current administration. This sets a terrible precedence for our nation.
You do not know the scope of the warrant nor has the FBI or DOJ stated what they were looking for!
By all reports, it is NOT about January 6th, and only about having classified documents, much like Clinton had but was never punished for. If you try to punish Trump, it will go terribly for you i think. This is already really bad for you, but it could get even worse.
Don't you ever tire of being full of shit?

You confused Moon Bats always deny your stupidity and destruction, don't you?

Letting that corrupt bitch Crooked Hillary get away with gross security crimes because she was the Democrat Party's Presidential nominee was one of the most despicable crimes ever committed by a Democrat Administration and no amount of Libtard spin is going to justify it.
Oh, without a doubt they raided his home under false pretenses.
I realize this episode poses a challenge for you but try to stay attached to reality. The federal magistrate who signed the search warrant had to be presented with convincing evidence the documents the FBI wanted, the ones Trump stole from the WH, were proof a crime had been committed.
Letting that corrupt bitch Crooked Hillary get away with gross security crimes because she was the Democrat Party's Presidential nominee
A Republican by the name of James Comey made the prosecutorial decision on Hillary and in the process of his determination likely cost her the presidency.

I realize this episode poses a challenge for you but try to stay attached to reality. The federal magistrate who signed the search warrant had to be presented with convincing evidence the documents the FBI wanted, the ones Trump stole from the WH, were proof a crime had been committed.
Yep. There is a lot of speculation that someone close to Trump tipped them off, and thats the only reason why the judge signed the warrant. Given that it appears they found nothing, im wondering if Trump played the FBI and conned them into opening an empty safe. His support is sky rocketing now as a result of this raid.
Wow, it's fun to watch the Doomsday Cult drink the koolaid.

The same people who spent 70 million dollars proving Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job are the ones whining that Trump is getting a bad deal for walking off with FIFTEEN BOXES of sensitive documents.
/------/ "The same people who spent 70 million dollars proving Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job"
WOW, are you that misinformed, or just trying to pass off another lie? Bill Clinton was impeached for committing perjury – not for immoral sexual conduct.
In case you are just misinformed, read this:


A crime that occurs when an individual willfully makes a false statement during a judicial proceeding, after he or she has taken an oath to speak the truth.

My comments:

Biden and the Deep State are out of control

I think I'll wait until the details surrounding the warrant become public before making any judgment on this.

And I'm sure-as-hell not taking the biased word of a right-wing Talking Head like Dawn Shamity... :cool: ...goddamned Rump-kisser...

If she told me Night was dark and Day was light I'd get a Second Opinion...

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