Sean Hannity and Oliver North Head Military Charity Mired In Scandal

Gotta love the BACKBEDDLING..

ok, I was wrong, BUT still.:lol:

How was I wrong, Stephanie? Was the charity later found to be legitimate?


Then STFU.

The funds haven't been distributed.... because they were never meant to be distributed immediately. They are held in trust until the kids of the soldiers need the money to go to college. True story.

However, that fact - and it is a fact - doesn't get in the way of idiots with an agenda using it as a stick to beat up Hannity.

Stupid partisan hacks stoop to any depth - even destroy a decent charity - for political gain. Disgusting.

My original point still stands. Assuming that is indeed the case it needs to be aired publicly. Not simply following the law, but complete open books. I hold charities to which I contribute to a much higher standard than the law and Hannity has shown to be less than transparent. He initially said that he was going to prove that as much money as possible went to the scholarship funds and that neither he nor his fellow organizers would make a dime from this.

He hasn't demonstrated that yet.
The money collected is largely set-aside for FUTURE use -- think scholarships -- and, therefore, it is a simple mathematical truth that presently more money is collected than disseminated.

So fucking what?

It's hard to collect charitable contributions for future scholarships today and have that money available for that intended purpose if you also fucking SPEND it today.

This non-story got beat to shit the LAST time it was trumpeted as some kind of proof that Hannity is a lowlife prick. He might not be the best voice of present day conservatism, but there's still not a single credible shred of evidence that he's a conniving thief of some sort.

The OP is basically bogus.
This accusation has been made before and I don't believe anything was ever made of it.

Regarding Oliver North, I don't know why he is such a hero to conservatives. The guy was guilty as sin in the Iran Contra scandal.

Yepper, I could only come to 2 possibilities with North. Either he was a liar or a fool. Neither type would ever be a hero to me.
Well, he's certainly no fool!

The bulk of the Iran-Contra money went into his Swiss bank account, and he knew which documents to smuggle out in his girlfriend's crotch, rather than shred, to force Reagan and company to protect him rather than make him their "loose cannon" fall guy.

"his" account, yea, I guess you can say that,in that he opened them and kept the funds moving in and out, but if you are inferring he used it for his own ends, outside an alarm system for his home, can you link to substantive evidence showing such please?
Debbie Schlussel can hardly be considered "a reasonably wellknown conservative commentator" she is a nut case who lashes out at people without any evidence. She called journalist Jill Carroll who was abducted in Iraq "anti-American" and she said that Carroll "hated Israel" without offering any evidence. Recently she said reporter Lara Logan "deserved to be sexually assaulted" in Egypt. Schlussel was defeated in 199o when she ran for state representative in Mich and she lashed out at her opponent's family and the judge who certified the ballots. For some reason she continually attacks the Muslem population of Dearborn Mich. Lately it seems she is on the attack at what she calls "faux-conservatives". She should stick to being a film critic because she isn't qualified to do anything else.
How was I wrong, Stephanie? Was the charity later found to be legitimate?


Then STFU.

The funds haven't been distributed.... because they were never meant to be distributed immediately. They are held in trust until the kids of the soldiers need the money to go to college. True story.

However, that fact - and it is a fact - doesn't get in the way of idiots with an agenda using it as a stick to beat up Hannity.

Stupid partisan hacks stoop to any depth - even destroy a decent charity - for political gain. Disgusting.

My original point still stands. Assuming that is indeed the case it needs to be aired publicly. Not simply following the law, but complete open books. I hold charities to which I contribute to a much higher standard than the law and Hannity has shown to be less than transparent. He initially said that he was going to prove that as much money as possible went to the scholarship funds and that neither he nor his fellow organizers would make a dime from this.

He hasn't demonstrated that yet.

I agree. I think ALL charities should have an open book policy. But, the fact remains, this charity was always meant to be a long term investment. It was not set up to distribute funds immediately..... because they are trying to ensure that the kids of dead servicemen get access to college. I personally think that's a great cause.

I would be less than impressed if it was proved that Hannity or North or anyone else used money inappropriately but - until that is proven - it remains speculation.... and speculation from a biased source is not something I credit as worthy of concern.
When conservative commentators begin eating their own, you know that something is up.

Debbie Schlussel is a reasonably well-known conservative commentator with a large radio and online following. While I have always found her to be over the top – particularly with her anti-Muslim rhetoric – she certainly has the respect of the conservative community. So when she broke a story a few days ago accusing Sean Hannity’s charity of being a ‘scam’, this naturally got my attention.

Schlussel claims that the Freedom Concerts conducted by Hannity and the Freedom Alliance (whose chairman is Oliver North) have been an unconscionable con. The concerts are supposed to be raising money to pay college tuition for the children of soldiers who have died in our foreign wars and to provide needed funds to help out soldiers severely injured in battle. Clearly, a noble goal and a charity well worth helping out.

Or is it?

Check out what Schlussel has discovered in researching the organization for the past year-

But it’s all a huge scam.

In fact, less than 20%–and in two recent years, less than 7% and 4%, respectively–of the money raised by Freedom Alliance went to these causes, while millions of dollars went to expenses, including consultants and apparently to ferry the Hannity posse of family and friends in high style. And, despite Hannity’s statements to the contrary on his nationally syndicated radio show, few of the children of fallen soldiers got more than $1,000-$2,000, with apparently none getting more than $6,000, while Freedom Alliance appears to have spent tens of thousands of dollars for private planes. Moreover, despite written assurances to donors that all money raised would go directly to scholarships for kids of the fallen heroes and not to expenses, has begun charging expenses of nearly $500,000 to give out just over $800,000 in scholarships.


Sean Hannity in serious military charity scandal - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - True/Slant

Oliver North involved in something shady? Who could have predicted that?

Who knew? They're both such iconic philanthropists... :eusa_eh:
Smarmy self-serving commentary from the usual liberoidal suspects notwithstanding, there's STILL not a single shred of credible evidence that Hannity has done ANYTHING improper or "untoward" relative to this charity.

I would like to see liberals here acknowledge that there is nothing even especially suspicious about holding the funds collected -- and possibly investing them to increase their worth over time until the day comes when the scholarship requests come in. (Actually, now that I think about it, there was a voice of objectivity from a liberal IN this very thread; but I won't mention his name since he might get "tainted" in the eyes of the less objective liberals if I am the one giving him kudos. :cool: )
The maazing thing abtou the right and ollie is how after his release/pardon how that churches paid him to speak to their congregations.

A traitor to america being paid by churches...
When conservative commentators begin eating their own, you know that something is up.

Debbie Schlussel is a reasonably well-known conservative commentator with a large radio and online following. While I have always found her to be over the top – particularly with her anti-Muslim rhetoric – she certainly has the respect of the conservative community. So when she broke a story a few days ago accusing Sean Hannity’s charity of being a ‘scam’, this naturally got my attention.

Schlussel claims that the Freedom Concerts conducted by Hannity and the Freedom Alliance (whose chairman is Oliver North) have been an unconscionable con. The concerts are supposed to be raising money to pay college tuition for the children of soldiers who have died in our foreign wars and to provide needed funds to help out soldiers severely injured in battle. Clearly, a noble goal and a charity well worth helping out.

Or is it?

Check out what Schlussel has discovered in researching the organization for the past year-

But it’s all a huge scam.

In fact, less than 20%–and in two recent years, less than 7% and 4%, respectively–of the money raised by Freedom Alliance went to these causes, while millions of dollars went to expenses, including consultants and apparently to ferry the Hannity posse of family and friends in high style. And, despite Hannity’s statements to the contrary on his nationally syndicated radio show, few of the children of fallen soldiers got more than $1,000-$2,000, with apparently none getting more than $6,000, while Freedom Alliance appears to have spent tens of thousands of dollars for private planes. Moreover, despite written assurances to donors that all money raised would go directly to scholarships for kids of the fallen heroes and not to expenses, has begun charging expenses of nearly $500,000 to give out just over $800,000 in scholarships.


Sean Hannity in serious military charity scandal - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - True/Slant

Oliver North involved in something shady? Who could have predicted that?

Who knew? They're both such iconic philanthropists... :eusa_eh:

So, the left has another issue to camouflage their failed agenda? Ho-hum. First of all Schlussel is no conservative. She is either a nut case or a media hog. Why else would she say that the female reporter "deserved to be sexually assaulted" in Egypt. Why aren't womens groups outraged? Because she is a fellow traveler? So Hannity and North have (only) raised $800,000 for scholorships for Military families> How much has Schlussel or any of the other critics raised ?
The maazing thing abtou the right and ollie is how after his release/pardon how that churches paid him to speak to their congregations.

A traitor to america being paid by churches...

It's maazing that someone of your intellectual prowess

can even breathe.

Ollie might have been guilty of violating some laws for his behavior in the Iran Contra "scandal." But that hardly makes him a "traitor" in a world where words have actual meaning.

The entire story is actually interesting on the level of the proper role of the Legislative versus the Executive Branch when it comes to foreign "affairs."

There is a fairly one-sided presentation of the affair found here: The Iran-Contra Affair 20 Years On
But despite its obvious bias, it is still a useful point of departure for discussing what actually happened.
The maazing thing abtou the right and ollie is how after his release/pardon how that churches paid him to speak to their congregations.

A traitor to america being paid by churches...

It's maazing that someone of your intellectual prowess

can even breathe.

Ollie might have been guilty of violating some laws for his behavior in the Iran Contra "scandal." But that hardly makes him a "traitor" in a world where words have actual meaning.

The entire story is actually interesting on the level of the proper role of the Legislative versus the Executive Branch when it comes to foreign "affairs."

There is a fairly one-sided presentation of the affair found here: The Iran-Contra Affair 20 Years On
But despite its obvious bias, it is still a useful point of departure for discussing what actually happened.

Dealing weapons to an avowed enemy of the USA?
Kinda sounds like treason to me.
The maazing thing abtou the right and ollie is how after his release/pardon how that churches paid him to speak to their congregations.

A traitor to america being paid by churches...

It's maazing that someone of your intellectual prowess

can even breathe.

Ollie might have been guilty of violating some laws for his behavior in the Iran Contra "scandal." But that hardly makes him a "traitor" in a world where words have actual meaning.

The entire story is actually interesting on the level of the proper role of the Legislative versus the Executive Branch when it comes to foreign "affairs."

There is a fairly one-sided presentation of the affair found here: The Iran-Contra Affair 20 Years On
But despite its obvious bias, it is still a useful point of departure for discussing what actually happened.

Dealing weapons to an avowed enemy of the USA?
Kinda sounds like treason to me.

Telling HALF the story sounds like cowardice from you.
Yepper, I could only come to 2 possibilities with North. Either he was a liar or a fool. Neither type would ever be a hero to me.
Well, he's certainly no fool!

The bulk of the Iran-Contra money went into his Swiss bank account, and he knew which documents to smuggle out in his girlfriend's crotch, rather than shred, to force Reagan and company to protect him rather than make him their "loose cannon" fall guy.

"his" account, yea, I guess you can say that,in that he opened them and kept the funds moving in and out, but if you are inferring he used it for his own ends, outside an alarm system for his home, can you link to substantive evidence showing such please?
The "Enterprise" money was in swiss accounts controlled by Hakim, Secord and North. The money not spent on the Contras belonged to the "Enterprise"/Hakim, Secord and North. None of the millions in the Swiss accounts was returned to the American people after the scam was exposed, so yes they were "his" accounts along with "his" partners in crime.
The maazing thing abtou the right and ollie is how after his release/pardon how that churches paid him to speak to their congregations.

A traitor to america being paid by churches...

It's maazing that someone of your intellectual prowess

can even breathe.

Ollie might have been guilty of violating some laws for his behavior in the Iran Contra "scandal." But that hardly makes him a "traitor" in a world where words have actual meaning.

The entire story is actually interesting on the level of the proper role of the Legislative versus the Executive Branch when it comes to foreign "affairs."

There is a fairly one-sided presentation of the affair found here: The Iran-Contra Affair 20 Years On
But despite its obvious bias, it is still a useful point of departure for discussing what actually happened.

Dealing weapons to an avowed enemy of the USA?
Kinda sounds like treason to me.
you do undeerstand the dealing of those weapons was a multipurpose thing
first, they were scheduled to be decommissioned by the Israeli government and replaced with new ones, and it was to give a balance to Iran in its war against Iraq(Saddam) so that neither side would win

and the money was used to fund the freedom fighters in Nicaragua
Color me shocked. A lefty dissing a conservative. I'm dumbfounded.

FYI: When there is actual, hard evidence of wrongdoing, I'll happily condemn Hannity - Hannity is an ass... but a left winger writing a bullshit piece about a conservative does not make it fact. Facts are my friends. They are clearly a foreign concept to Mad-o-lyin.

That's how it needs to be said! Well done!

the charity is for KIDS OF SOLDIERS ... how many soldiers in iraq/afgh do you think have kids going to college????!?@#?!@#? get back to me in 17 years when the funds will be used
A perfect example of what passes for "logic" in the CON$ervative Brotherhood. No soldiers had any children of any age before they went to war, they only had babies after going to war, therefore there would be no need to pay out money for school for at least 17 years. :cuckoo:

the charity is for KIDS OF SOLDIERS ... how many soldiers in iraq/afgh do you think have kids going to college????!?@#?!@#? get back to me in 17 years when the funds will be used
A perfect example of what passes for "logic" in the CON$ervative Brotherhood. No soldiers had any children of any age before they went to war, they only had babies after going to war, therefore there would be no need to pay out money for school for at least 17 years. :cuckoo:
dipshit, blu isnt a conservative

the charity is for KIDS OF SOLDIERS ... how many soldiers in iraq/afgh do you think have kids going to college????!?@#?!@#? get back to me in 17 years when the funds will be used
A perfect example of what passes for "logic" in the CON$ervative Brotherhood. No soldiers had any children of any age before they went to war, they only had babies after going to war, therefore there would be no need to pay out money for school for at least 17 years. :cuckoo:

That was actually the point of the charity. To invest money for the kids NOW to help them in the future. That is conservative logic.

Fucking idiot.

the charity is for KIDS OF SOLDIERS ... how many soldiers in iraq/afgh do you think have kids going to college????!?@#?!@#? get back to me in 17 years when the funds will be used
A perfect example of what passes for "logic" in the CON$ervative Brotherhood. No soldiers had any children of any age before they went to war, they only had babies after going to war, therefore there would be no need to pay out money for school for at least 17 years. :cuckoo:

That was actually the point of the charity. To invest money for the kids NOW to help them in the future. That is conservative logic.

Fucking idiot.
edthemoron has no grasp of reality

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