Sean Hannity has yet to prove Waterboarding is not Torture

You need to provide some evidence torture works. Your bullshit allusions don't qualify as evidence.

What part of "Abu Zubayda broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks" did you not understand?

Call me skeptical....but I don't think it's wise to simply accept what someone posted without evidence.

It's SO VERY EASY to say that someone waterboarded had given up valuable information....SO VERY EASY.....but not enough to make me believe it is true. Just like I don't believe we've only waterboarded a handful of suspects. Ever heard the term "tip of the iceberg"?
What part of "Abu Zubayda broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks" did you not understand?

the "valuable information" part.

valuable /v'æljuəbəl/
adjective: precious, costly, valued, rich, dear, useful, expensive, worthy
If you describe something or someone as valuable, you mean that they are very useful and helpful. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University.
If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best.
The experience was very valuable.
Valuable objects are objects which are worth a lot of money. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable.
...valuable books.

information /'ɪnfəʳm'eɪʃən/
noun: intelligence, knowledge, notice, news, report, data
Information about someone or something consists of facts about them. N-UNCOUNT
Pat refused to give her any information about Sarah. + 'about'
Each centre would provide information on technology and training. + 'on'
For further information contact the number below. important piece of information.
The information was passed on to another government department.
Information consists of the facts and figures that are stored and used by a computer program. N-UNCOUNT Tech:Computing
Synonym data
Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
Information is a service which you can telephone to find out someone's telephone number. N-UNCOUNT US

Well, that certainly clears up what valuable information we got thru torture, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 113C > § 2340Prev | Next § 2340. Definitions
How Current is This? As used in this chapter—
(1) “torture” means an act committed by a person acting under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon another person within his custody or physical control;
(2) “severe mental pain or suffering” means the prolonged mental harm caused by or resulting from—
(A) the intentional infliction or threatened infliction of severe physical pain or suffering;
(B) the administration or application, or threatened administration or application, of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or the personality;
(C) the threat of imminent death; or
(D) the threat that another person will imminently be subjected to death, severe physical pain or suffering, or the administration or application of mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or personality;

US CODE: Title 18,2340. Definitions

it is common knowledge that water boarding is not fatal....and you will not die....sure it is uncomfortable....but it is not severe and has no lasting severe effects....

not torture.... if it isn't fatal, it isn't torture. Got it. :lol:
No no, asswipe. I directed you to tell me here since aI am not inclined to go look at your drivel in a flame zone thread.

Do as you're told, dogdirt.

You aren't going to direct me to do anything. I understand what you're aiming for here.

You want me to do what you say so you can say "good boy". Or, I won't do it and that way you can take the coward's way out of having a debate.

That's not going to fly little birdie.

My proposal for a debate is clearly obvious, especially since I proposed it again to you in the waterboarding thread. What do you think it's about? Monopoly? :eusa_eh:

I have given you a direction, dogdirt.

Do as you're told, pussy.
* * * *

claiming that waterboarding has been considered torture since the inquisition IS a fact.... and perhaps you should read up on the japanese war crimes trials and what we did to japanese officers who waterboarded OUR troops. Are you really SO hypocritical that you would claim we have the right to come to a different conclusion about waterboarding when we are the ones USING it instead of the ones it is used ON?

It is also a "fact," that the way you argue makes you appear to be a bit of a douche. Ok. So now we know that it is a FACT that some people hold a belief. That doesn't make the belif so, does it?

And I am aware that a few Japanese war criminals were accused of toture and that the U.S. included in the litany of such allegations the charge that they had committed waterboarding (or its fundamental equivalent). And? I didn't deny it.

You might want to learn how to comprehend what you're reading. The fact that "we" labeled it "torture" THEN does not make that label accurate and it certainly doesn't mean that for perfectly VALID reasons we are barred from correcting that label, now.
what part of "almost all we know about how hypothermia effects the human body is the direct product of Joseph Mengele's experiments on jewish twins" don't you understand, motherfucker? I'm willing to bet that you don't take such a cavalier position about the cost effectiveness of torture when it's YOUR ASS on the slab.

Typical idiot response is to shift the subject. Once again you've shown yourself to be a complete idiot.

It doesn't look like you could keep up with a subject even if you lived in a Trapper Keeper.

Did you think of that insult all by yourself? I didn't think so. I've heard nine year olds use that exact same line.
the "valuable information" part.

valuable /v'æljuəbəl/
adjective: precious, costly, valued, rich, dear, useful, expensive, worthy
If you describe something or someone as valuable, you mean that they are very useful and helpful. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University.
If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best.
The experience was very valuable.
Valuable objects are objects which are worth a lot of money. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable.
...valuable books.

information /'ɪnfəʳm'eɪʃən/
noun: intelligence, knowledge, notice, news, report, data
Information about someone or something consists of facts about them. N-UNCOUNT
Pat refused to give her any information about Sarah. + 'about'
Each centre would provide information on technology and training. + 'on'
For further information contact the number below. important piece of information.
The information was passed on to another government department.
Information consists of the facts and figures that are stored and used by a computer program. N-UNCOUNT Tech:Computing
Synonym data
Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
Information is a service which you can telephone to find out someone's telephone number. N-UNCOUNT US

Well, that certainly clears up what valuable information we got thru torture, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry, I forgot you idiots can't think for yourselves. I understand how hard it must be for you numbskulls to do any research. The fact is the he gave up KSM along with other vital information that helped us to stop other planned attacks.

ButI don't expect you stupid fucks to understand any of it. So why don't you crawl back into the little hole from whence you came and dream of lollipops and lemon drops and let us adults take care of securing this nation and interrogating suspected terrorist.
No no, asswipe. I directed you to tell me here since aI am not inclined to go look at your drivel in a flame zone thread.

Do as you're told, dogdirt.

You aren't going to direct me to do anything. I understand what you're aiming for here.

You want me to do what you say so you can say "good boy". Or, I won't do it and that way you can take the coward's way out of having a debate.

That's not going to fly little birdie.

My proposal for a debate is clearly obvious, especially since I proposed it again to you in the waterboarding thread. What do you think it's about? Monopoly? :eusa_eh:

I have given you a direction, dogdirt.

Do as you're told, pussy.

speaking of PUSSIES... See any good threads to avoid today, PUSSY?


* * * *

claiming that waterboarding has been considered torture since the inquisition IS a fact.... and perhaps you should read up on the japanese war crimes trials and what we did to japanese officers who waterboarded OUR troops. Are you really SO hypocritical that you would claim we have the right to come to a different conclusion about waterboarding when we are the ones USING it instead of the ones it is used ON?

It is also a "fact," that the way you argue makes you appear to be a bit of a douche. Ok. So now we know that it is a FACT that some people hold a belief. That doesn't make the belif so, does it?

And I am aware that a few Japanese war criminals were accused of toture and that the U.S. included in the litany of such allegations the charge that they had committed waterboarding (or its fundamental equivalent). And? I didn't deny it.

You might want to learn how to comprehend what you're reading. The fact that "we" labeled it "torture" THEN does not make that label accurate and it certainly doesn't mean that for perfectly VALID reasons we are barred from correcting that label, now.


if the above red statement is TRULY what you think is a fact then, clearly, you have deeper issues than trying to retort with some of the most laugh-inducing retard frenzy tripe to hit these forums since PI got banned.


Your last paragraph, and the double standard bullshit that you seem to think invalidates a precedent definition, is just cream and cherries on top of the shit blizzard that is your overall forum participation.

You aren't going to direct me to do anything. I understand what you're aiming for here.

You want me to do what you say so you can say "good boy". Or, I won't do it and that way you can take the coward's way out of having a debate.

That's not going to fly little birdie.

My proposal for a debate is clearly obvious, especially since I proposed it again to you in the waterboarding thread. What do you think it's about? Monopoly? :eusa_eh:

I have given you a direction, dogdirt.

Do as you're told, pussy.

speaking of PUSSIES... See any good threads to avoid today, PUSSY?

It's funny to see an ineffectual twit like the pussy popgun jumping in to try to give a leg up to another nitwit in need of assistance. Does dogdirt really have to suck off your micro-cock now?
valuable /v'æljuəbəl/
adjective: precious, costly, valued, rich, dear, useful, expensive, worthy
If you describe something or someone as valuable, you mean that they are very useful and helpful. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University.
If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best.
The experience was very valuable.
Valuable objects are objects which are worth a lot of money. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable.
...valuable books.

information /'ɪnfəʳm'eɪʃən/
noun: intelligence, knowledge, notice, news, report, data
Information about someone or something consists of facts about them. N-UNCOUNT
Pat refused to give her any information about Sarah. + 'about'
Each centre would provide information on technology and training. + 'on'
For further information contact the number below. important piece of information.
The information was passed on to another government department.
Information consists of the facts and figures that are stored and used by a computer program. N-UNCOUNT Tech:Computing
Synonym data
Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
Information is a service which you can telephone to find out someone's telephone number. N-UNCOUNT US

Well, that certainly clears up what valuable information we got thru torture, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry, I forgot you idiots can't think for yourselves. I understand how hard it must be for you numbskulls to do any research. The fact is the he gave up KSM along with other vital information that helped us to stop other planned attacks.

ButI don't expect you stupid fucks to understand any of it. So why don't you crawl back into the little hole from whence you came and dream of lollipops and lemon drops and let us adults take care of securing this nation and interrogating suspected terrorist.

and if you enhance this interrogation the suspected terrorist will soon be a confirmed terrorist. if one waterboarding sessions does not suffice, you can do it as long as needed until the terrorist confesses.
* * * *

claiming that waterboarding has been considered torture since the inquisition IS a fact.... and perhaps you should read up on the japanese war crimes trials and what we did to japanese officers who waterboarded OUR troops. Are you really SO hypocritical that you would claim we have the right to come to a different conclusion about waterboarding when we are the ones USING it instead of the ones it is used ON?

It is also a "fact," that the way you argue makes you appear to be a bit of a douche. Ok. So now we know that it is a FACT that some people hold a belief. That doesn't make the belif so, does it?

And I am aware that a few Japanese war criminals were accused of toture and that the U.S. included in the litany of such allegations the charge that they had committed waterboarding (or its fundamental equivalent). And? I didn't deny it.

You might want to learn how to comprehend what you're reading. The fact that "we" labeled it "torture" THEN does not make that label accurate and it certainly doesn't mean that for perfectly VALID reasons we are barred from correcting that label, now.


if the above red statement is TRULY what you think is a fact then, clearly, you have deeper issues than trying to retort with some of the most laugh-inducing retard frenzy tripe to hit these forums since PI got banned.


[Balance of the standard insipid popgun bullshit deleted for brevity] * * * *

It is a fact. That a retard such as you is unable to discern that it is a fact only speaks to your severe mental retardation.

Note: the way he argues doesn't MAKE him a douche. That wouldn't be a statement of FACT. That would be merely a statement of opinion.

But it IS a fact that people form opinions about him based on what he says or the way in which he says it.

I'm pretty sure that one will sail over your pinhead, too. :lol::lol::lol:
I have given you a direction, dogdirt.

Do as you're told, pussy.

speaking of PUSSIES... See any good threads to avoid today, PUSSY?

It's funny to see an ineffectual twit like the pussy popgun jumping in to try to give a leg up to another nitwit in need of assistance. Does dogdirt really have to suck off your micro-cock now?

you know, try as you might the only thing that you sound like is one long, drawn out pussy fart.... pussy. Hell, I bet you furiously refresh that thread like the Son of Sam yelling at barking dogs noting on your little list who to, laughably, pepper with your standard issue trite bullshit.

POPGUN... whooooooah... impressive.


It is also a "fact," that the way you argue makes you appear to be a bit of a douche. Ok. So now we know that it is a FACT that some people hold a belief. That doesn't make the belif so, does it?

And I am aware that a few Japanese war criminals were accused of toture and that the U.S. included in the litany of such allegations the charge that they had committed waterboarding (or its fundamental equivalent). And? I didn't deny it.

You might want to learn how to comprehend what you're reading. The fact that "we" labeled it "torture" THEN does not make that label accurate and it certainly doesn't mean that for perfectly VALID reasons we are barred from correcting that label, now.


if the above red statement is TRULY what you think is a fact then, clearly, you have deeper issues than trying to retort with some of the most laugh-inducing retard frenzy tripe to hit these forums since PI got banned.


[Balance of the standard insipid popgun bullshit deleted for brevity] * * * *

It is a fact. That a retard such as you is unable to discern that it is a fact only speaks to your severe mental retardation.

Note: the way he argues doesn't MAKE him a douche. That wouldn't be a statement of FACT. That would be merely a statement of opinion.

But it IS a fact that people form opinions about him based on what he says or the way in which he says it.

I'm pretty sure that one will sail over your pinhead, too. :lol::lol::lol:

no, it's really not a fact. Indeed, that you seem to think so illustrates exactly why you are such a punchline around here.


just so you know, those "people" you bring up don't uniformly leap to the fucking defense like you do because THEY are not so paranoid about how they are perceived like you are. Many may disagree with him.. but rarely do they act like a fucking crybaby throwing out profanity like a 12 year old who saw the work FUCK scrawled on a bathroom door for the first time like you do.

and, trust me Hannity reject, you couldn't sail a fucking helium balloon over anyone's head around here. If deep concepts were long jump distances you'd need to climb out of your fucking rascal before hitting the sand pit. chew on that, you silly little blowjob baby.
Typical idiot response is to shift the subject. Once again you've shown yourself to be a complete idiot.

It doesn't look like you could keep up with a subject even if you lived in a Trapper Keeper.

Did you think of that insult all by yourself? I didn't think so. I've heard nine year olds use that exact same line.

You probably sit next to nine year olds all the time be it on the bus or in the classroom so I am not surprised you hear what they say. Though I am a bit shocked you can remember.
I have given you a direction, dogdirt.

Do as you're told, pussy.

speaking of PUSSIES... See any good threads to avoid today, PUSSY?

It's funny to see an ineffectual twit like the pussy popgun jumping in to try to give a leg up to another nitwit in need of assistance. Does dogdirt really have to suck off your micro-cock now?

Considering how much you talk about sucking dicks, you have to be the most homosexual straight guy that ever lived.
valuable /v'æljuəbəl/
adjective: precious, costly, valued, rich, dear, useful, expensive, worthy
If you describe something or someone as valuable, you mean that they are very useful and helpful. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University.
If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best.
The experience was very valuable.
Valuable objects are objects which are worth a lot of money. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable.
...valuable books.

information /'ɪnfəʳm'eɪʃən/
noun: intelligence, knowledge, notice, news, report, data
Information about someone or something consists of facts about them. N-UNCOUNT
Pat refused to give her any information about Sarah. + 'about'
Each centre would provide information on technology and training. + 'on'
For further information contact the number below. important piece of information.
The information was passed on to another government department.
Information consists of the facts and figures that are stored and used by a computer program. N-UNCOUNT Tech:Computing
Synonym data
Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
Information is a service which you can telephone to find out someone's telephone number. N-UNCOUNT US

Well, that certainly clears up what valuable information we got thru torture, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry, I forgot you idiots can't think for yourselves. I understand how hard it must be for you numbskulls to do any research. The fact is the he gave up KSM along with other vital information that helped us to stop other planned attacks.

ButI don't expect you stupid fucks to understand any of it. So why don't you crawl back into the little hole from whence you came and dream of lollipops and lemon drops and let us adults take care of securing this nation and interrogating suspected terrorist.

You gotta link to support any of this? Or are we traitors for doing something truly bizarre by asking for evidence?
It doesn't look like you could keep up with a subject even if you lived in a Trapper Keeper.

Did you think of that insult all by yourself? I didn't think so. I've heard nine year olds use that exact same line.

You probably sit next to nine year olds all the time be it on the bus or in the classroom so I am not surprised you hear what they say. Though I am a bit shocked you can remember.

Wow you really are stupid. The nine year olds I was speaking of are my twin grandchildren. But I figured you would attempt yet another lame insult, it seems to be the M.O. of you left wing idiots.
Well, that certainly clears up what valuable information we got thru torture, doesn't it? :eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry, I forgot you idiots can't think for yourselves. I understand how hard it must be for you numbskulls to do any research. The fact is the he gave up KSM along with other vital information that helped us to stop other planned attacks.

ButI don't expect you stupid fucks to understand any of it. So why don't you crawl back into the little hole from whence you came and dream of lollipops and lemon drops and let us adults take care of securing this nation and interrogating suspected terrorist.

You gotta link to support any of this? Or are we traitors for doing something truly bizarre by asking for evidence?

Evidence that information was gleened from enhanced interrogation? Well hell I figured that was common knowledge. But I digress, knowledge is not your strong point.

The Justice Department memo of May 30, 2005. It notes that "the CIA believes 'the intelligence acquired from these interrogations has been a key reason why al Qaeda has failed to launch a spectacular attack in the West since 11 September 2001.' . . . In particular, the CIA believes that it would have been unable to obtain critical information from numerous detainees, including [Khalid Sheik Mohammed] and Abu Zubaydah, without these enhanced techniques." The memo continues: "Before the CIA used enhanced techniques . . . KSM resisted giving any answers to questions about future attacks, simply noting, 'Soon you will find out.' " Once the techniques were applied, "interrogations have led to specific, actionable intelligence, as well as a general increase in the amount of intelligence regarding al Qaeda and its affiliates."

Marc A. Thiessen - Enhanced Interrogations Worked -
speaking of PUSSIES... See any good threads to avoid today, PUSSY?

It's funny to see an ineffectual twit like the pussy popgun jumping in to try to give a leg up to another nitwit in need of assistance. Does dogdirt really have to suck off your micro-cock now?

Considering how much you talk about sucking dicks, you have to be the most homosexual straight guy that ever lived.

How thoroughly unoriginal and completely illogical. Of course, that means that the quoted post is just typical fare from bent tight.

Assholes like bent tight think that TALKING about sex equals oral sex. :cuckoo:

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