Sean Hannity has yet to prove Waterboarding is not Torture

fact: waterboarding has been considered torture since the spanish inquisition.

Claiming something as a "fact" doesn't MAKE it a "fact." It is probably true that lots of folks have long considered waterboarding to be "torture." That doesn't mean all people have reached that same conlcuison. It's a BELIEF, by the way.

fact: The UNITED STATES considered it torture when the japanese used it on our troops.

Really? They considered it a violation of the rules of war, perhaps, but did they label it "torture" at that time? And if so, does that preclude reaching a different conclusion later on?

When you get right down to it, the question is not a proposition on a ballot where the majority rules. A thing is either torture or it is not. Waterboarding comes close. You say it crosses that line. I don't know. Maybe it does. (I'm not the sole judge, either.) But I don't buy it. I say (however ugly it may be) that it is something that doesn't actually qualify as torture.

claiming that waterboarding has been considered torture since the inquisition IS a fact.... and perhaps you should read up on the japanese war crimes trials and what we did to japanese officers who waterboarded OUR troops. Are you really SO hypocritical that you would claim we have the right to come to a different conclusion about waterboarding when we are the ones USING it instead of the ones it is used ON?

Oh pul- leeze! The answer to THAT question is quite obvious.
Who gives a fuck if waterboarding is torture, fact is it works. Just ask Abu Zubayda who broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks. As distasteful as waterboarding is, it is a successful and necessary evil in a very, very brutal war. We should not forget that the people on whom this technique was used held information that could have killed dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of us. We should also not forget that we are not waterboarding choirboys here.

I can guarantee everyone of you bleeding heart pussies would waterboard a person if it saved the lives of your child or some close to you that you adored. You are all fucking hypocrites, you say waterboarding is torture and should never be implemented then you go on and on about Sean hannity being waterboarded, what compassion you idiots have. Hannity isn't the enemy you stupid fucks!! You may disagree with his ideology but as far as I know he hasn't killed or plotted to kill any Americans.

was abu zubaydah the guy who confessed to shooting lincoln?

...and burying Jimmy Hoffa.
What comparison? I made no comparison. I stated a couple of facts: My brothers are USMC so they are courageous and they have been waterboarded with no ill effect.

If there is an idiot around, it ain't me. The evidence suggests it is you and a few others.

Can you prove you have brothers in the USMC who were waterboarded? It's a meritless claim without proof.

It doesn't matter if what she said is true or not. Nobody can honestly compare a voluntary simulation to actual waterboarding.

You are right, it only appears to matter to Joke. Since he's claimed that I:

a. have no brothers
b. my brothers, if they exist, are not USMC.

He made those claims. He can back them up.... or not. I actually don't care because he's an assclown who is neither use nor ornament.
Who gives a fuck if waterboarding is torture, fact is it works. Just ask Abu Zubayda who broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks. As distasteful as waterboarding is, it is a successful and necessary evil in a very, very brutal war. We should not forget that the people on whom this technique was used held information that could have killed dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of us. We should also not forget that we are not waterboarding choirboys here.

I can guarantee everyone of you bleeding heart pussies would waterboard a person if it saved the lives of your child or some close to you that you adored. You are all fucking hypocrites, you say waterboarding is torture and should never be implemented then you go on and on about Sean hannity being waterboarded, what compassion you idiots have. Hannity isn't the enemy you stupid fucks!! You may disagree with his ideology but as far as I know he hasn't killed or plotted to kill any Americans.

Likewise, the day an American Soldier gets captured and waterboarded we'll see your kind hop on a totally different foot. You cry hypocrisy without even being aware of the farcical nature of your own beliefs.

and, if YOU AND HANNITY are so goddamn cavalier about what does or does not constitute torture then, YES, let's see you put up or shut the fuck up. After all, YOU will get the benefit of crying STOP and it will stop as opposed to those whom you condemn with your one way standards and laughable john wayne attitude.

Apparently you don't know me very well. I have been waterboarded and I never said it wasn't torture. Torture is subjective, what may be torture to you may not be torture to someone else. You obviously have no knowledge of Al Qaeda's torture techniques, none of which includes waterbording. but does include amputation of limbs, removing eyeballs, pressing hot iron to the flesh, using power drills and blowtorches among other things.

Torture, Al-Qaeda Style - May 24, 2007
Who gives a fuck if waterboarding is torture, fact is it works. Just ask Abu Zubayda who broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks. As distasteful as waterboarding is, it is a successful and necessary evil in a very, very brutal war. We should not forget that the people on whom this technique was used held information that could have killed dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of us. We should also not forget that we are not waterboarding choirboys here.

I can guarantee everyone of you bleeding heart pussies would waterboard a person if it saved the lives of your child or some close to you that you adored. You are all fucking hypocrites, you say waterboarding is torture and should never be implemented then you go on and on about Sean hannity being waterboarded, what compassion you idiots have. Hannity isn't the enemy you stupid fucks!! You may disagree with his ideology but as far as I know he hasn't killed or plotted to kill any Americans.

was abu zubaydah the guy who confessed to shooting lincoln?

...and burying Jimmy Hoffa.

He also confessed to climbing K2 in late 1969 and camping out until it was the right time to strike. Using an advanced BB sniper pistol he waited until Apollo 13 was at the perfect angle before firing the single shot that crippled the capsule enough to prevent the lunar landing. Apparently at the time, Allah was not fond of the idea of American imperialism moving out of Earth's atmosphere.
Who gives a fuck if waterboarding is torture, fact is it works. Just ask Abu Zubayda who broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks. As distasteful as waterboarding is, it is a successful and necessary evil in a very, very brutal war. We should not forget that the people on whom this technique was used held information that could have killed dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of us. We should also not forget that we are not waterboarding choirboys here.

I can guarantee everyone of you bleeding heart pussies would waterboard a person if it saved the lives of your child or some close to you that you adored. You are all fucking hypocrites, you say waterboarding is torture and should never be implemented then you go on and on about Sean hannity being waterboarded, what compassion you idiots have. Hannity isn't the enemy you stupid fucks!! You may disagree with his ideology but as far as I know he hasn't killed or plotted to kill any Americans.

Likewise, the day an American Soldier gets captured and waterboarded we'll see your kind hop on a totally different foot. You cry hypocrisy without even being aware of the farcical nature of your own beliefs.

and, if YOU AND HANNITY are so goddamn cavalier about what does or does not constitute torture then, YES, let's see you put up or shut the fuck up. After all, YOU will get the benefit of crying STOP and it will stop as opposed to those whom you condemn with your one way standards and laughable john wayne attitude.

Apparently you don't know me very well. I have been waterboarded and I never said it wasn't torture. Torture is subjective, what may be torture to you may not be torture to someone else. You obviously have no knowledge of Al Qaeda's torture techniques, none of which includes waterbording. but does include amputation of limbs, removing eyeballs, pressing hot iron to the flesh, using power drills and blowtorches among other things.

Torture, Al-Qaeda Style - May 24, 2007

Laying down so a bunch of guys can piss on your face isn't waterboarding.
Can you prove you have brothers in the USMC who were waterboarded? It's a meritless claim without proof.

It doesn't matter if what she said is true or not. Nobody can honestly compare a voluntary simulation to actual waterboarding.

You are right, it only appears to matter to Joke. Since he's claimed that I:

a. have no brothers
b. my brothers, if they exist, are not USMC.

He made those claims. He can back them up.... or not. I actually don't care because he's an assclown who is neither use nor ornament.

If you don't care then why respond to him so much?
Who gives a fuck if waterboarding is torture, fact is it works. Just ask Abu Zubayda who broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks. As distasteful as waterboarding is, it is a successful and necessary evil in a very, very brutal war. We should not forget that the people on whom this technique was used held information that could have killed dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of us. We should also not forget that we are not waterboarding choirboys here.

I can guarantee everyone of you bleeding heart pussies would waterboard a person if it saved the lives of your child or some close to you that you adored. You are all fucking hypocrites, you say waterboarding is torture and should never be implemented then you go on and on about Sean hannity being waterboarded, what compassion you idiots have. Hannity isn't the enemy you stupid fucks!! You may disagree with his ideology but as far as I know he hasn't killed or plotted to kill any Americans.

You need to provide some evidence torture works. Your bullshit allusions don't qualify as evidence.

What part of "Abu Zubayda broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks" did you not understand?
was abu zubaydah the guy who confessed to shooting lincoln?

...and burying Jimmy Hoffa.

He also confessed to climbing K2 in late 1969 and camping out until it was the right time to strike. Using an advanced BB sniper pistol he waited until Apollo 13 was at the perfect angle before firing the single shot that crippled the capsule enough to prevent the lunar landing. Apparently at the time, Allah was not fond of the idea of American imperialism moving out of Earth's atmosphere.

wasn't that khalid sheik mohammed who confessed to that, or was it al-libi? probably all of them.
Likewise, the day an American Soldier gets captured and waterboarded we'll see your kind hop on a totally different foot. You cry hypocrisy without even being aware of the farcical nature of your own beliefs.

and, if YOU AND HANNITY are so goddamn cavalier about what does or does not constitute torture then, YES, let's see you put up or shut the fuck up. After all, YOU will get the benefit of crying STOP and it will stop as opposed to those whom you condemn with your one way standards and laughable john wayne attitude.

Apparently you don't know me very well. I have been waterboarded and I never said it wasn't torture. Torture is subjective, what may be torture to you may not be torture to someone else. You obviously have no knowledge of Al Qaeda's torture techniques, none of which includes waterbording. but does include amputation of limbs, removing eyeballs, pressing hot iron to the flesh, using power drills and blowtorches among other things.

Torture, Al-Qaeda Style - May 24, 2007

Laying down so a bunch of guys can piss on your face isn't waterboarding.

Who the fuck said it was? You are one stupid fuck!!!
Who gives a fuck if waterboarding is torture, fact is it works. Just ask Abu Zubayda who broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks. As distasteful as waterboarding is, it is a successful and necessary evil in a very, very brutal war. We should not forget that the people on whom this technique was used held information that could have killed dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of us. We should also not forget that we are not waterboarding choirboys here.

I can guarantee everyone of you bleeding heart pussies would waterboard a person if it saved the lives of your child or some close to you that you adored. You are all fucking hypocrites, you say waterboarding is torture and should never be implemented then you go on and on about Sean hannity being waterboarded, what compassion you idiots have. Hannity isn't the enemy you stupid fucks!! You may disagree with his ideology but as far as I know he hasn't killed or plotted to kill any Americans.

You need to provide some evidence torture works. Your bullshit allusions don't qualify as evidence.

What part of "Abu Zubayda broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks" did you not understand?

the "valuable information" part.
Why askk Dogbert? You'd get to hear Sean Hannity tell you that it is, if fact, TORTURE.

Because simply being Waterboarded wouldn't Garuntee that Sean would Concede it was Torture...

It's OBVIOUSLY NOT an Enjoyable Procedure, so his Negative Response to being Waterboarded would be Predictable...

But if he did it, and then said, "It Certainly Sucked, but I still don't Believe it is Torture", would that Satisfy Dogbert?...



Oh I'll give you that... but his total aversion and giant pussy avoidance seems to indicate that he knows exactly how he'd respond to it. Sure, he COULD be stubborn.. but my money is that he watched Mancow's video and then his balls shrank up into his abdomen.

Hell, if it were that easy then why has Hannity not done his obligatory 3 seconds and jumped off the table like dog shaking water from it's pelt and shown how stubborn he can be? My prediction is, again, because he knows he come up for air blathering on about how, admittedly, waterboarding IS torture and he'd have to come up with a new excuse to rationalize the action.

This is where I Think you are Missing the Point, and others...

Nobody is Saying Waterboarding is "EASY"... Including Sean.

It's NOT Fun or Easy for a Reason...

A LOT of things aren't...

The Question is, is it Torture.

And if so, then our Military should Stop doing it to our Servicemen.

Has Sean had ManCow on his Show since?... Has this been Addressed at ALL?...


Who gives a fuck if waterboarding is torture, fact is it works. Just ask Abu Zubayda who broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks. As distasteful as waterboarding is, it is a successful and necessary evil in a very, very brutal war. We should not forget that the people on whom this technique was used held information that could have killed dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of us. We should also not forget that we are not waterboarding choirboys here.

I can guarantee everyone of you bleeding heart pussies would waterboard a person if it saved the lives of your child or some close to you that you adored. You are all fucking hypocrites, you say waterboarding is torture and should never be implemented then you go on and on about Sean hannity being waterboarded, what compassion you idiots have. Hannity isn't the enemy you stupid fucks!! You may disagree with his ideology but as far as I know he hasn't killed or plotted to kill any Americans.

You need to provide some evidence torture works. Your bullshit allusions don't qualify as evidence.

What part of "Abu Zubayda broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks" did you not understand?

Call me skeptical....but I don't think it's wise to simply accept what someone posted without evidence.
No. It would only mean Hannity would pop his "keeping my word" cherry.

Has Sean given a Reason for NOT doing yet?...



Yes he has. I believe he said something like:

"The reason I've not done it is because, as my fanbase can attest to, keeping one's word is highly overrated. See, we understand the way the world works is just to say whatever the hell you need to say whenever that is and to whomever may be listening to satisfy the moment. Keeping your word is for suckers!"

The Following User Says Thank You to CurveLight For This Useful Post:
noose4 (Today)

^I'm Disappointed that Noose would Applaud Lying at all...

I could Give a Shit LESS that CurveLight is Lying, but for Noose to Thank him for it...


Because simply being Waterboarded wouldn't Garuntee that Sean would Concede it was Torture...

It's OBVIOUSLY NOT an Enjoyable Procedure, so his Negative Response to being Waterboarded would be Predictable...

But if he did it, and then said, "It Certainly Sucked, but I still don't Believe it is Torture", would that Satisfy Dogbert?...



Oh I'll give you that... but his total aversion and giant pussy avoidance seems to indicate that he knows exactly how he'd respond to it. Sure, he COULD be stubborn.. but my money is that he watched Mancow's video and then his balls shrank up into his abdomen.

Hell, if it were that easy then why has Hannity not done his obligatory 3 seconds and jumped off the table like dog shaking water from it's pelt and shown how stubborn he can be? My prediction is, again, because he knows he come up for air blathering on about how, admittedly, waterboarding IS torture and he'd have to come up with a new excuse to rationalize the action.

This is where I Think you are Missing the Point, and others...

Nobody is Saying Waterboarding is "EASY"... Including Sean.

It's NOT Fun or Easy for a Reason...

A LOT of things aren't...

The Question is, is it Torture.

And if so, then our Military should Stop doing it to our Servicemen.

Has Sean had ManCow on his Show since?... Has this been Addressed at ALL?...



This is all a great example of how fucking stupid we are as a nation. We are looking to idiotic talking heads as a barometer for what does or does not constitute as torture. Why don't we hold up britney spears as a mother to all children? Why not make michael vick a shrine to animal care? Let's give bill clinton a lifetime Faithful achievement award?
Who gives a fuck if waterboarding is torture, fact is it works. Just ask Abu Zubayda who broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks. As distasteful as waterboarding is, it is a successful and necessary evil in a very, very brutal war. We should not forget that the people on whom this technique was used held information that could have killed dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of us. We should also not forget that we are not waterboarding choirboys here.

I can guarantee everyone of you bleeding heart pussies would waterboard a person if it saved the lives of your child or some close to you that you adored. You are all fucking hypocrites, you say waterboarding is torture and should never be implemented then you go on and on about Sean hannity being waterboarded, what compassion you idiots have. Hannity isn't the enemy you stupid fucks!! You may disagree with his ideology but as far as I know he hasn't killed or plotted to kill any Americans.

Likewise, the day an American Soldier gets captured and waterboarded we'll see your kind hop on a totally different foot. You cry hypocrisy without even being aware of the farcical nature of your own beliefs.

and, if YOU AND HANNITY are so goddamn cavalier about what does or does not constitute torture then, YES, let's see you put up or shut the fuck up. After all, YOU will get the benefit of crying STOP and it will stop as opposed to those whom you condemn with your one way standards and laughable john wayne attitude.

Apparently you don't know me very well. I have been waterboarded and I never said it wasn't torture. Torture is subjective, what may be torture to you may not be torture to someone else. You obviously have no knowledge of Al Qaeda's torture techniques, none of which includes waterbording. but does include amputation of limbs, removing eyeballs, pressing hot iron to the flesh, using power drills and blowtorches among other things.

Torture, Al-Qaeda Style - May 24, 2007

yea dude.. people LOVE being dunked in water. Just look at all those witches who liked nothing more than fessing up to being wives of Satan during what amounted to a little, innocent forced bath.


and I know, i know... you waterboard yourself for fun... *yawn* Like a MAN, I'm sure.

But, just so you know, relegating what YOU think is worse, despite your own ironic hierarchy of worse tortures, doesn't validate your position here. I garenfuckingtee that those who were waterboarded viewed it as torture despite your silly fucking nomenclature dance.

Who gives a fuck if waterboarding is torture, fact is it works. Just ask Abu Zubayda who broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks. As distasteful as waterboarding is, it is a successful and necessary evil in a very, very brutal war. We should not forget that the people on whom this technique was used held information that could have killed dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of us. We should also not forget that we are not waterboarding choirboys here.

I can guarantee everyone of you bleeding heart pussies would waterboard a person if it saved the lives of your child or some close to you that you adored. You are all fucking hypocrites, you say waterboarding is torture and should never be implemented then you go on and on about Sean hannity being waterboarded, what compassion you idiots have. Hannity isn't the enemy you stupid fucks!! You may disagree with his ideology but as far as I know he hasn't killed or plotted to kill any Americans.

You need to provide some evidence torture works. Your bullshit allusions don't qualify as evidence.

What part of "Abu Zubayda broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks" did you not understand?

what part of "almost all we know about how hypothermia effects the human body is the direct product of Joseph Mengele's experiments on jewish twins" don't you understand, motherfucker? I'm willing to bet that you don't take such a cavalier position about the cost effectiveness of torture when it's YOUR ASS on the slab.
You need to provide some evidence torture works. Your bullshit allusions don't qualify as evidence.

What part of "Abu Zubayda broke after 30 seconds and gave up valuable information that helped us to stop a number of attacks" did you not understand?

the "valuable information" part.

valuable /v'æljuəbəl/
adjective: precious, costly, valued, rich, dear, useful, expensive, worthy
If you describe something or someone as valuable, you mean that they are very useful and helpful. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Many of our teachers also have valuable academic links with Heidelberg University.
If you decide to do you own make-up, here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best.
The experience was very valuable.
Valuable objects are objects which are worth a lot of money. ADJ ADJ-GRADED
Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable.
...valuable books.

information /'ɪnfəʳm'eɪʃən/
noun: intelligence, knowledge, notice, news, report, data
Information about someone or something consists of facts about them. N-UNCOUNT
Pat refused to give her any information about Sarah. + 'about'
Each centre would provide information on technology and training. + 'on'
For further information contact the number below. important piece of information.
The information was passed on to another government department.
Information consists of the facts and figures that are stored and used by a computer program. N-UNCOUNT Tech:Computing
Synonym data
Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
Information is a service which you can telephone to find out someone's telephone number. N-UNCOUNT US

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