Sean Hannity: I Never Suggested Obama Was Muslim

Hannity? Is that a comedy or drama show?

Soap opera.

Soap opera? Maybe.

I tend to think "American Tragedy" disguised as propaganda.

OK to be accurate it's a gossip/exposé show using politicial actors instead of movie actors. Basically "Entertainment Tonight" dressing up as politics.

HANNITY: I never fueled the myth. How do you come up with this stuff? He did go to a Muslim school. He writes about it in his own book.

PLAYBOY: He did not grow up in Kenya.

HANNITY: He went to a Muslim school in Indonesia, or wherever it was, Kenya. I forget. Now you’ve got me. I think it was Indonesia. I’m trying to remember his biography. It’s going back so long. He admits he went to a Muslim school.

"He admits" he went to a "Muslim school".
He also claimed he's not a Republican. And all of the talking point parrots around here wonder why I think they're full of crap.
[ame=]Obama: "My Muslim Faith" - YouTube[/ame]
Reminds me of MessiahRushie making the same denial a mere 2 days after saying Obama was a golf-loving Muslim.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I really didn't, I didn't know Muslims loved golf as much as they apparently do. Right here, what paper is this, the Boston Herald, "Obama Teeing Off Nation One Sunday At A Time." he played at Our Lady of The Fairways, they call it. That's the Vineyard Golf Club.

August 25, 2010
RUSH: * I've never put it out there myself that Obama is a Muslim.*

You're actually so dense you don't get that yet? It's been five years, dood.

He's {my Muslim faith} in spoken quotes, as in "my so-called Muslim faith".
Christ, he says right in your video "well what I'm saying is he (McCain) hasn't suggested I'm a Muslim".

Some of y'all must go to a special school to achieve this level of density.
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You're actually so dense you don't get that yet? It's been five years, dood.

He's {my Muslim faith} in spoken quotes, as in "my so-called Muslim faith".
Christ, he says right in your video "well what I'm saying is he (McCain) hasn't suggested I'm a Muslim".

Some of y'all must go to a special school to achieve this level of density.

Yes it has been five years of him proving he hates this country.... As for him being Muslim did he not grow up as one in his early years?

Welcome to my nightmare

You're actually so dense you don't get that yet? It's been five years, dood.

He's {my Muslim faith} in spoken quotes, as in "my so-called Muslim faith".
Christ, he says right in your video "well what I'm saying is he (McCain) hasn't suggested I'm a Muslim".

Some of y'all must go to a special school to achieve this level of density.

I'm sorry, I wan't fitted with an Obama Context Filter like you "Progressives" I tend to listen to what he actually says, like when he does the Muslim call to prayer with a "first-rate Arabic accent"
Hannity is a douchebag

He will schedule guest after guest who claim that Obama is a Muslim (or worse) and sit back and say nothing

Then he says.....I never claimed Obama is a Muslim

Did you watch that video. Republicans say he's Muslim. He was talking about the the "faith" they keep assigning him, not that he's a Muslim himself. He's very clear about that.

You fuckers, you're such dirty people. Ready to pounce on every word. Too bad your kind doesn't spend some of that energy on education or building something. Then again, considering how often you fail, I wouldn't want to walk over a bridge you had a hand in building. Would you?
Fox News host Sean Hannity said in a Playboy interview published Wednesday that he never helped propagate the conservative conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama is a secret Muslim.

Hannity: I Never Suggested Obama Was Muslim

Playboy Interview - Sean Hannity

PLAYBOY: Fox News overall hit a 12-year ratings low in January and recently had a record low in a poll on viewer trust. The perception among many is that Fox News is out of it. Is there anything you’re doing to change that perception?

PLAYBOY: Let’s talk about the racial dimension of having successful black conservatives on your show attacking the president. What’s the fascination?

HANNITY: Who? I don’t know who you’re talking about.

PLAYBOY: Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, J.C. Watts, Herman Cain——

It's hilarious. He also says he is NOT a Republican.


Is there anything a right winger won't lie about?

Sean Hannity was the one who said off the record that everyone at FOX NEWS was told that when the birth certificate discussion came up they were to ridicule it and take the position that they didn't get into conspiracy stuff. That they were to avoid the topic of Obama being a Muslim and avoid the birth certificate issue and make sure to shoot it down with ridicule. Everyone who wanted to keep their jobs followed orders according to Hannity. He was not the only one to leak that information about FOX policy.

As to the matter of Obama's father being a Muslim - his mother was also Jewish - so there's that.

But probably more disturbing is Hannity doing an interview with Playboy right on the heels of Rumors that Obama administration had that Rolling Stones Journalist assassinated because of his investigation into corrupt FBI / CIA op.

He got too close and someone planted a car bomb. Interesting that eyewitnesses have already come forward stating they saw the car explode into flames, no car accident - just a huge explosion - the car turned into a fireball. What was he investigating the FBI and CIA for? I never could find out. According to police report he hit a tree and his mercedes exploded into a fireball - yeah right. A mercedes? Good luck with that. Eyewitnesses say there was no tree - it exploded into a fireball right before their eyes. No tree, no speeding.

The Rolling Stones Journalist said the night before he died - his car exploded into flames ( suspect car bomb - police have official version as his car hit a tree at high rate of speed - that excuse was used for last guy that was asssassinated ) that he was being watched and followed since he began to uncover a story about CIA / FBI. Evidently before he died he said he was in fear for his life and felt they were going to try and kill him. A few days later? He's dead.

Interesting Hannity would be doing this interview now as it looks like Rolling Stone Magazine is on the outs now over the Journalist ( who was assassinated ) and also since General McKrystal told the world how he really felt about Obama in the Rolling Stone article a year or two ago. News keeps getting stranger by the day! - Jeri
Doesn't Rupert Murdoch own Fox News? I think so. The bottom line, RDean, is that I'd have to agree with you. Obama isn't a Muslim who follows the religion of Islam anymore - that was once upon a time in Indonesia - and the truth is his life was hell. A black youth surrounded by asian Muslims who tormented him so severely his mother finally sent him to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. ( Muhammad called black people raisin heads - the opinion of the Islamic world is that blacks are to be slaves to serve them - not in positions of leadership as Obama is in right now ) As to his mother?

Why didn't she do it earlier is my question. She worked for the State Dept, she could have arranged it yet she let him suffer for years - people have went on record that they told her themselves that the abuse the boy was suffering was real and she should do the right thing and protect him. Where were her maternal instincts concerning that I wonder. If I were Obama I'd have a very big score to settle and it looks as if he is in the perfect position to pull it off. Things are not always what they appear to be. It was no accident that he had to study his islamic studies from a catholic school and not a madrassa like the rest of the muslim children did. He was a target.

Under the circumstances I can understand why it is important to bolster the claim that Obama is still a Muslim but the truth is he isn't. If you want to know what Obama believes in - it is a western style lifestyle like his friends Beyonce and Jay Z - he has no desire to live like a Muslim in a Middle Eastern country would. He has only surrounded himself with some of them to give the appearance of it because it is important for the Islamic world to believe he is a Muslim. Even though he no longer is. Now that the Islamic World sees Russia protecting Assad while Obama is trying to remove Assad to install MB - it is becoming apparent that the Russians are Irans friend while Obama is not. This is becoming a huge problem for the Obama administration to explain.

- Jeri

p.s. according to Kissinger when the arab spring is over that is when the dollar will crash leaving the "New Leaders" of Middle East ( Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah ) flat broke and then they can go in and wipe them out and establish their utopia world without muslims.
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Fox News host Sean Hannity said in a Playboy interview published Wednesday that he never helped propagate the conservative conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama is a secret Muslim.

Hannity: I Never Suggested Obama Was Muslim

Playboy Interview - Sean Hannity

PLAYBOY: Fox News overall hit a 12-year ratings low in January and recently had a record low in a poll on viewer trust. The perception among many is that Fox News is out of it. Is there anything you’re doing to change that perception?

PLAYBOY: Let’s talk about the racial dimension of having successful black conservatives on your show attacking the president. What’s the fascination?

HANNITY: Who? I don’t know who you’re talking about.

PLAYBOY: Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, J.C. Watts, Herman Cain——

It's hilarious. He also says he is NOT a Republican.


Is there anything a right winger won't lie about?

Sean Hannity was the one who said off the record that everyone at FOX NEWS was told that when the birth certificate discussion came up they were to ridicule it and take the position that they didn't get into conspiracy stuff. That they were to avoid the topic of Obama being a Muslim and avoid the birth certificate issue and make sure to shoot it down with ridicule. Everyone who wanted to keep their jobs followed orders according to Hannity. He was not the only one to leak that information about FOX policy.

As to the matter of Obama's father being a Muslim - his mother was also Jewish - so there's that.

But probably more disturbing is Hannity doing an interview with Playboy right on the heels of Rumors that Obama administration had that Rolling Stones Journalist assassinated because of his investigation into corrupt FBI / CIA op. He got too close and someone planted a car bomb. Interesting that eyewitnesses have already come forward stating they saw the car explode into flames, no car accident - just a huge explosion - the car turned into a fireball. What was he investigating the FBI and CIA for? I never could find out. According to police report he hit a tree and his mercedes exploded into a fireball - yeah right. A mercedes? Good luck with that. Eyewitnesses say there was no tree - it exploded into a fireball right before their eyes. No tree, no speeding.

The Rolling Stones Journalist said the night before he died - his car exploded into flames ( suspect car bomb - police have official version as his car hit a tree at high rate of speed - that excuse was used for last guy that was asssassinated ) that he was being watched and followed since he began to uncover a story about CIA / FBI. Evidently before he died he said he was in fear for his life and felt they were going to try and kill him. A few days later? He's dead.

Interesting Hannity would be doing this interview now as it looks like Rolling Stone Magazine is on the outs now over the Journalist ( who was assassinated ) and also since General McKrystal told the world how he really felt about Obama in the Rolling Stone article a year or two ago. News keeps getting stranger by the day! - Jeri

Hannity is a douchebag

He will schedule guest after guest who claim that Obama is a Muslim (or worse) and sit back and say nothing

Then he says.....I never claimed Obama is a Muslim
proof you
never actually watched the show or listen to his radio show you you like the one like a little girl

Welcome to my nightmare
Let it go lefties. The attacks on a hour show on Fox makes you look like jerks.

Jerks are the people who believe everything Arab owned Fox says.


Arab owned?
The Prince owns 7% of Fox News stocks.

How about the one news station who is completely owned by Arabs called Current?
I don't hear the left complaining about this news organization that is owned 100% by Arabs.
Let it go lefties. The attacks on a hour show on Fox makes you look like jerks.

Jerks are the people who believe everything Arab owned Fox says.


Arab owned?
The Prince owns 7% of Fox News stocks.

How about the one news station who is completely owned by Arabs called Current?
I don't hear the left complaining about this news organization that is owned 100% by Arabs.

Anyone even watching Current TV?

You're actually so dense you don't get that yet? It's been five years, dood.

He's {my Muslim faith} in spoken quotes, as in "my so-called Muslim faith".
Christ, he says right in your video "well what I'm saying is he (McCain) hasn't suggested I'm a Muslim".

Some of y'all must go to a special school to achieve this level of density.

I'm sorry, I wan't fitted with an Obama Context Filter like you "Progressives" I tend to listen to what he actually says, like when he does the Muslim call to prayer with a "first-rate Arabic accent"

I quoted the actual words in the actual video at the actual times 0:14 to 0:18. Hear it. It's the same usage as if I were to adopt the term "you progressives" just because you tossed it out. I'd be mocking it.

But wait -- there's more. Now having a good accent is suspicious, because anything over dumb-down level is unamurrikan. Hey, I have a first-rate Portuguese accent; that doesn't make me a freaking Brazilian. What the hell's wrong with proper pronunciation? Seriously?

Damn, the shit you ODS people will scrape at...
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Anybody that relies on Shawn Hannity
Rachel maddow
Rush Limbaugh
SGT Shulz
Chris Matthews
Bill O'riley
Al Sharpton
for thier Political commentary are just fucking stupid.
They are all in for the Money and ratings only.
Anybody that relies on Shawn Hannity
Rachel maddow
Rush Limbaugh
SGT Shulz
Chris Matthews
Bill O'riley
Al Sharpton
for thier Political commentary are just fucking stupid.
They are all in for the Money and ratings only.


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