SEan Hannity Says May Be Time for a New Conservative Party

Again the title doesn't match the news. Hannity did not say it's time for a 3rd party. He said the big "if". "If the GOP doesn't fight Obamacare". It's a mild threat to the GOP and should not be taken as a advocating a 3rd party as the desperate democrats would love to see.

Perhaps you're not aware of this but there are dozens of "other parties".

Maybe someday the teepotters will become a political party. Very unlikely but anything's possible.
A dozen years in the wilderness and out of power, and this whole thing would collapse like a house of cards in a hurricane.

Isn't that what we're seeing now? The party is falling apart, has been for a quite a while. Radical religious froot loops have taken over and the actual conservatives are dying out or just quitting.

They all hated each other during the primaries but that's as close as they've gotten to being honest. Except, that is, when Jindal accidentally told the truth - that they're The Party Of Stupid.

Ideologues are all the same. It doesn't matter if they're right or left. Ideologues believe that what they believe is The Truth, and if only everyone else could see what they believe, everyone else will believe The Truth too. Therefore, if we only had a "true" conservative candidate, America would vote for the conservative.

Of course, that's self-delusional bullshit. Conservatives can win, for certain, but they don't win simply because they're more conservative.

Liberals are no different BTW. It's just that there are far fewer liberals than conservatives in America, and thus they tend to be a bit more realistic about their chances. But if you go to other countries, the Left is often more delusional than the Right about their belief that they are speaking for The People.
A dozen years in the wilderness and out of power, and this whole thing would collapse like a house of cards in a hurricane.

Isn't that what we're seeing now? The party is falling apart, has been for a quite a while. Radical religious froot loops have taken over and the actual conservatives are dying out or just quitting.

They all hated each other during the primaries but that's as close as they've gotten to being honest. Except, that is, when Jindal accidentally told the truth - that they're The Party Of Stupid.

Ideologues are all the same. It doesn't matter if they're right or left. Ideologues believe that what they believe is The Truth, and if only everyone else could see what they believe, everyone else will believe The Truth too. Therefore, if we only had a "true" conservative candidate, America would vote for the conservative.

Of course, that's self-delusional bullshit. Conservatives can win, for certain, but they don't win simply because they're more conservative.

Liberals are no different BTW. It's just that there are far fewer liberals than conservatives in America, and thus they tend to be a bit more realistic about their chances. But if you go to other countries, the Left is often more delusional than the Right about their belief that they are speaking for The People.

There are crazies on the left but they're not trying to take basic Constitutional rights away from Americans. Nor do they hold phony votes to hide the fact that they actually do nothing at all.
A party of conservative principles and not this Karl Rove bullshit. A party that is firm on pro life, limited government, and against foreign entanglements. That's just the beginning.

Ron Paul represented those concepts but he was rejected by the zionist conservatives just as a jews rejected Christ and had him crucified.

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