Sean Hannity Wants Rap Music Banned Along With Confederate Flag

I don't listen to Hannity, any more than I do "rap". Both represent insensitive talentless drivel spewing hacks. If we all work together in the spirit of good taste, we can ignore rap AND Hannity and make this a better place. Just sayin'.
^^^^ this
Hannity is essentially unlistenable, and a four year can write a rhyme and "rap" into a microphone.

I know Music, Rap is the biggest fraud perpetrated ever. Most of these people can't read music, can't play an instrument and the entire genre is so anti music, it's about rhyming braggadocio and confrontation and hostility. In a nut shell. And the bass pumping, like a mindless tribal brainless orgy. Rap and Music, right up there with Graffiti and ART. A lot of people wouldn't know ART from dog poo.
I don't want it banned, I just want to see people finally move on to something else, something that's actually music again.
Do what I do....don't buy it.

What's your opinion of a president who pals around with the filth who produces this nigga rap?
Well, it depends on what you mean by "pals around"? But I will point out, while I don't like rap, it's not for me OR for you to tell a President what kind of music they should enjoy.
Is the banning of the word ****** by USMB a violation of my rights?

It's not public policy. USMB is not required to ban it by the government. It is their choice.
The baker is not required by the government to deny cake to gay couples...but he gets challenged for his decision?
How's it going on getting those PA laws appealed?
What is PA?
Public Accomodation laws.....these are the laws you really should be complaining about and you don't even know what they are?????
It appears that some NaziCons have a selective problem with the 1st Amendment and capitalism. Hilarious...
So do you when it violates your leftist agenda, hypocrite. You couldn't care less the lives ruined by purveyors of filth as long as your socialist agenda is promoted. The trashing of the American culture is a priority.
"Purveyors of filth"? So you don't like rap music...we get it. Don't buy any. Problem solved.
I don't listen to Hannity, any more than I do "rap". Both represent insensitive talentless drivel spewing hacks. If we all work together in the spirit of good taste, we can ignore rap AND Hannity and make this a better place. Just sayin'.
^^^^ this
Hannity is essentially unlistenable, and a four year can write a rhyme and "rap" into a microphone.

He DOES sound like someone stuck some tampons up his nostrils.
I don't listen to Hannity, any more than I do "rap". Both represent insensitive talentless drivel spewing hacks. If we all work together in the spirit of good taste, we can ignore rap AND Hannity and make this a better place. Just sayin'.
It always puzzled me how allegedly expert people are on things they ignore.
I would ask one of you lefties to challenge the logic in that but then I remembered that lefties are naturally logic-challenged.
Hannity is just illustrating the typical duplicity of lefties.

You cant challenge logic that isnt there.
Speak for yourself. You want to selectively ban speech.

I am speaking for myself. You said no one can challenge the logic and the reason is simple. Because its not logical.

I think you believe that making accusations will put some on the defensive but everyone knows thats your way to deflect from the topic.

You want to selectively eat bear scat. See?
I pointed out the logic that Hannity's facetious proposal demonstrated and have yet to be refuted.

Did you point it out in the quotes above or is this where you tell me to find it in 1 or the 10 pages as a dodge?
It's in my very first posts.
I don't listen to Hannity, any more than I do "rap". Both represent insensitive talentless drivel spewing hacks. If we all work together in the spirit of good taste, we can ignore rap AND Hannity and make this a better place. Just sayin'.
^^^^ this
Hannity is essentially unlistenable, and a four year can write a rhyme and "rap" into a microphone.

He makes a good drinking game. Take a drink every time he uses 'literally' when he is speaking figuratively.
If you want to get really trashed take a drink when he starts a sentence with 'now'
Sean Hannity is nothing more than cheap, trailer trash TV that appeals to a blockish audience. There's a reason his joke of a radio program lost its prized Cumulus Media slot and it was given to a real conservative talk show host.

Hannity's influence is on the decline and he really didn't have a lot to begin with.
Higher class than anyone on the left..
I have more respect for Whoopie Goldberg and Morgan Freeman.
You cant challenge logic that isnt there.
Speak for yourself. You want to selectively ban speech.

I am speaking for myself. You said no one can challenge the logic and the reason is simple. Because its not logical.

I think you believe that making accusations will put some on the defensive but everyone knows thats your way to deflect from the topic.

You want to selectively eat bear scat. See?
I pointed out the logic that Hannity's facetious proposal demonstrated and have yet to be refuted.

Did you point it out in the quotes above or is this where you tell me to find it in 1 or the 10 pages as a dodge?
It's in my very first posts.

I would ask one of you lefties to challenge the logic in that but then I remembered that lefties are naturally logic-challenged.
Hannity is just illustrating the typical duplicity of lefties.

"We the People" determine what flags fly on government property. Capitalism will determine the sale of white supremacist flags and rap music in the private sector.
Who is asking the people? This is a strong arm fascist tactic. Has nothing to do with 'the people'.

You have no clue.
Gov mandated speech stifling is what it is.

No, I think it's butthurt over losing your precious "get out of racism free by calling it heritage" card.

Who's to choose which prevails?

Since your speech hasn't been stifled, nobody has "prevailed". You are perfectly free to display your symbol, just as a Nazi is free to display his symbol.
The gov forcing that flag's removal from public property is the same as the FCC banning publicly broadcast speech.

You have no clue.
Gov mandated speech stifling is what it is.

No, I think it's butthurt over losing your precious "get out of racism free by calling it heritage" card.

Who's to choose which prevails?

Since your speech hasn't been stifled, nobody has "prevailed". You are perfectly free to display your symbol, just as a Nazi is free to display his symbol.
BTW, that heritage thing is for real while lefty fascists who are conditioned by images of that flag being misused by racists post-1960's is not. But lefty heritage doesn't exist before the 1960's.
Educate yourself.

I would ask one of you lefties to challenge the logic in that but then I remembered that lefties are naturally logic-challenged.
Hannity is just illustrating the typical duplicity of lefties.

You cant challenge logic that isnt there.
Speak for yourself. You want to selectively ban speech.

which one points out the 'logic' of hannity?

keep in mind, there has been no ban on anything.
Waste of time. Everytime you corner him he tells you he made a point somewhere in a 10 page thread but cannot repeat it. Thats how you know he's only trying to save face by sending you on a wild goose chase.
Waste of time. Everytime you corner him he tells you he made a point somewhere in a 10 page thread but cannot repeat it. Thats how you know he's only trying to save face by sending you on a wild goose chase.
that's every post before the claim that he'd pointed out the logic. if he did, it's one of those.

i don't see it, but perhaps RoshawnMarkwees can tell us which one he thinks makes a point
I would ask one of you lefties to challenge the logic in that but then I remembered that lefties are naturally logic-challenged.
Hannity is just illustrating the typical duplicity of lefties.

"We the People" determine what flags fly on government property. Capitalism will determine the sale of white supremacist flags and rap music in the private sector.
Who is asking the people? This is a strong arm fascist tactic. Has nothing to do with 'the people'.

You have no clue.
Gov mandated speech stifling is what it is.

No, I think it's butthurt over losing your precious "get out of racism free by calling it heritage" card.

Who's to choose which prevails?

Since your speech hasn't been stifled, nobody has "prevailed". You are perfectly free to display your symbol, just as a Nazi is free to display his symbol.
The gov forcing that flag's removal from public property is the same as the FCC banning publicly broadcast speech.

You have no clue.
Gov mandated speech stifling is what it is.

No, I think it's butthurt over losing your precious "get out of racism free by calling it heritage" card.

Who's to choose which prevails?

Since your speech hasn't been stifled, nobody has "prevailed". You are perfectly free to display your symbol, just as a Nazi is free to display his symbol.
BTW, that heritage thing is for real while lefty fascists who are conditioned by images of that flag being misused by racists post-1960's is not. But lefty heritage doesn't exist before the 1960's.
Educate yourself.

I would ask one of you lefties to challenge the logic in that but then I remembered that lefties are naturally logic-challenged.
Hannity is just illustrating the typical duplicity of lefties.

You cant challenge logic that isnt there.
Speak for yourself. You want to selectively ban speech.

which one points out the 'logic' of hannity?

keep in mind, there has been no ban on anything.
Flying the confederate flag on public grounds was banned. FCC regulates public airwaves.
Flying the confederate flag on public grounds was banned. FCC regulates public airwaves.

No, if you wish to bring your Confederate flag to the park and wave it around, you are still quite free to do so, and always will be.

Keep working on figuring out the difference between the government, which does not have rights, and the people, who do have rights.
Flying the confederate flag on public grounds was banned. FCC regulates public airwaves.

No, if you wish to bring your Confederate flag to the park and wave it around, you are still quite free to do so, and always will be.

Keep working on figuring out the difference between the government, which does not have rights, and the people, who do have rights.
You don't have the right to broadcast over FCC regulated public airwaves.

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