Sean Hannity Wants Rap Music Banned Along With Confederate Flag

It appears that some NaziCons have a selective problem with the 1st Amendment and capitalism. Hilarious...
I don't listen to Hannity, any more than I do "rap". Both represent insensitive talentless drivel spewing hacks. If we all work together in the spirit of good taste, we can ignore rap AND Hannity and make this a better place. Just sayin'.
It appears that some NaziCons have a selective problem with the 1st Amendment and capitalism. Hilarious...
So do you when it violates your leftist agenda, hypocrite. You couldn't care less the lives ruined by purveyors of filth as long as your socialist agenda is promoted. The trashing of the American culture is a priority.
Damn, this is funny. Someone is actually defending a rich race hustler who makes hateful racist rap and sells it to infect American youth. Remarkable.

Remarkable is right! Unlike you I don't believe that white parents are bad or their kids are hoodrat simply by listening to rap music. Your bad bro
I would ask one of you lefties to challenge the logic in that but then I remembered that lefties are naturally logic-challenged.
Hannity is just illustrating the typical duplicity of lefties.

You cant challenge logic that isnt there.
Speak for yourself. You want to selectively ban speech.

I am speaking for myself. You said no one can challenge the logic and the reason is simple. Because its not logical.

I think you believe that making accusations will put some on the defensive but everyone knows thats your way to deflect from the topic.

You want to selectively eat bear scat. See?
I pointed out the logic that Hannity's facetious proposal demonstrated and have yet to be refuted.

Did you point it out in the quotes above or is this where you tell me to find it in 1 or the 10 pages as a dodge?
Damn, this is funny. Someone is actually defending a rich race hustler who makes hateful racist rap and sells it to infect American youth. Remarkable.

Remarkable is right! Unlike you I don't believe that white parents are bad or their kids are hoodrat simply by listening to rap music. Your bad bro
Still yapping at yourself. Your race hustling failed. Blah, blah, blah. Jay Z is your uncle, huh.
I don't want it banned, I just want to see people finally move on to something else, something that's actually music again.
Some people can't carry a tune. So they rap. I notice rappers don't play an instrument at the same time either. What goes for talent in America these days is silly.
I don't want it banned, I just want to see people finally move on to something else, something that's actually music again.
Do what I do....don't buy it.

What's your opinion of a president who pals around with the filth who produces this nigga rap?

And there it is....weren't you just complaining about the race card? Or is that only after you said bad parents let kids listen and I pointed out that the majority that listen are white?
I don't want it banned, I just want to see people finally move on to something else, something that's actually music again.
Some people can't carry a tune. So they rap. I notice rappers don't play an instrument at the same time either. What goes for talent in America these days is silly.
I don't want it banned, I just want to see people finally move on to something else, something that's actually music again.
Do what I do....don't buy it.

What's your opinion of a president who pals around with the filth who produces this nigga rap?

And there it is....weren't you just complaining about the race card? Or is that only after you said bad parents let kids listen and I pointed out that the majority that listen are white?

There what is? Time to run crying to your mommy moderator and whine about the big meanie kicking your filthy nasty race hustling ass. Oh, and your parents are jackals.
It appears that some NaziCons have a selective problem with the 1st Amendment and capitalism. Hilarious...
So do you when it violates your leftist agenda, hypocrite. You couldn't care less the lives ruined by purveyors of filth as long as your socialist agenda is promoted. The trashing of the American culture is a priority.

Please provide some "credible" examples.
I don't want it banned, I just want to see people finally move on to something else, something that's actually music again.
Some people can't carry a tune. So they rap. I notice rappers don't play an instrument at the same time either. What goes for talent in America these days is silly.
I don't want it banned, I just want to see people finally move on to something else, something that's actually music again.
Do what I do....don't buy it.

What's your opinion of a president who pals around with the filth who produces this nigga rap?

And there it is....weren't you just complaining about the race card? Or is that only after you said bad parents let kids listen and I pointed out that the majority that listen are white?

There what is? Time to run crying to your mommy moderator and whine about the big meanie kicking your filthy nasty race hustling ass. Oh, and your parents are jackals.

I thought you were against now you're using the n word...I bet you blame that on blacks too huh
Sean Hannity is nothing more than cheap, trailer trash TV that appeals to a blockish audience. There's a reason his joke of a radio program lost its prized Cumulus Media slot and it was given to a real conservative talk show host.

Hannity's influence is on the decline and he really didn't have a lot to begin with.
Higher class than anyone on the left..
I have more respect for Whoopie Goldberg and Morgan Freeman.
Yep, he chicken shitted out of that one. Pussy. He probably couldn't even make it through the CS chamber portion of the NBC training course.

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