Seattle Democrats Cancel Columbus Day. Replace It With "indigenous People's Day"

I'll never forget the intense burst of anger I evoked in my white 1rst grade teacher when she told us that columbus discovered america.

I raised my hand and asked her how was it that columbus discovered america when there were indians plainly looking at him coming ashore in the picture printed in our book. :lol:

Because dummy, the time when technological societies first stepped ashore is when year one starts.

Balboa is credited with discovering the Pacific Ocean, but no one actually believes he was really the first human to either gaze upon it, or utilize it, obviously humans thousands of years before were there.
All's that matters is when the technosphere first found it.
Who told you that? Must have been another white person with more of that white people logic. You clowns are pretty much clueless.I am sitting here cracking up at your suggestion that what a white person thinks is year one actually has a shred of authority. .

I'm talking about technology. What was the name of the native that first came upon the Pacific ? The first to see Old Faithful in Yellowstone ? The first to canoe the Colorado River ? We don't have records, so we count the time from when the people with technology came along and "discovered" it.

"Technology" can be a broad term..
Youre worried. I can see it in your post. Stop whining and man up.

Why in the world would I be worried?

Partisan ideologues sure can create their own little fantasies, can't they?

Tell me, precisely why should I be worried?

Come on, man up and answer.

Because you see your grasp on everything slipping away. Your women, your hold on jobs due to AA, the fact people arent snowed by revisionist history anymore, and the fact a Black man made it to the white house. Come on and admit it. We already know.
And note that it took laws in order to slow us down. Left alone, the cream always rose to the top.

Thats because it took laws to speed you up. Slavery laws, Jim Crow etc etc. When left alone for the cream to rise to the top you get a situation like the NBA where most of the people are Black. so I agree about the cream part.
Except that I'm talking about intelligence.
You should have mentioned that in the first place so I dont really believe thats what you meant. However, we all know that even intelligence is going to fall. Thats why those fields have not been opened up like sports. You see our success in sports and as all educated people know that is going to translate to intelligence as well. Now be careful in your response if you dont know what you are talking about.
Here's an alternative that makes a little more sense by still recognizing Columbus.

Minneapolis to mark Indigenous Peoples Day as alternative to Columbus
Minneapolis city council voted to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day but said the city would still recognize Columbus

Minneapolis will recognize Indigenous Peoples Day at the same time as Columbus Day from this year forward, the city council voted unanimously on Friday, becoming the first city in the state to officially name a counter-celebration to the controversial holiday.
“The City of Minneapolis recognizes the annexation of Dakota homelands for the building of our city, and knows Indigenous nations have lived upon this land since time immemorial,” the city council resolution read.
“Therefore, be it resolved by the city council that the city of Minneapolis shall recognize Indigenous Peoples Day on the second Monday in October.”
For indigenous activists, the recognition has been a long time coming.
“For me, it’s been almost 50 years that we’ve been talking about this pirate,” Clyde Bellecourt, a civil rights organizer, said in reference to Columbus.
The resolution said that the federal government, state government and city government will still recognize Columbus Day but will also celebrate Indigenous People’s Day on the same day.
The idea of replacing Columbus Day with an indigenous-centered holiday was first proposed in 1977 by a delegation of native nations to the United Nations, the resolution said.
In 1990, representatives from 120 Indigenous nations at the U.N.’s First Continental Conference on 500 years of Indian Resistance unanimously passed a resolution to transform the holiday.
Minneapolis’ city council proclaimed 2013 to be “The Year of the Dakota: Remembering, Honoring and Truth Telling” after decades of American Indian activism.
Indigenous Peoples Day began in Berkeley, California and Denver, Colorado in 1992, according to the online publication Latin Times.
Though Christopher Columbus is often credited with the finding of the so-called New World, many indigenous activists say such a discovery is impossible, given that people had already been living there.
In 1492, Columbus arrived in what is now Haiti and the Dominican Republic — the explorer never landed on the continental United States. He enslaved and exterminated the native Taino population he found on the island.
Columbus' policies reduced Taino numbers from as many as 8 million to 3 million by 1496. By the 1514 Spanish census, only 22,000 natives were still alive. In 1542, only 200. Afterward, they were considered to have disappeared completely.
“I see this as a very small piece of the much larger healing that has to happen in our country so that we can be whole again,” Minneapolis city council member Cam Gordon said according to local news.

Minneapolis to mark Indigenous Peoples Day as alternative to Columbus Al Jazeera America
It's all a joke anyway. People want credit for something they had no part in.

And like I mentioned earlier, it's very telling that a city would change the name to something like this, because it's saying not only are they celebrating natives, but doing so on this day is saying you are against Europeans coming here in the first place.

It's like changing the name of Christmas to "Satan Day".
It's all a joke anyway. People want credit for something they had no part in.

And like I mentioned earlier, it's very telling that a city would change the name to something like this, because it's saying not only are they celebrating natives, but doing so on this day is saying you are against Europeans coming here in the first place.

It's like changing the name of Christmas to "Satan Day".
Only if you by Satan Day you mean whites. There is a reason whites were/are referred to as white devils.
It's all a joke anyway. People want credit for something they had no part in.

And like I mentioned earlier, it's very telling that a city would change the name to something like this, because it's saying not only are they celebrating natives, but doing so on this day is saying you are against Europeans coming here in the first place.

It's like changing the name of Christmas to "Satan Day".
Only if you by Satan Day you mean whites. There is a reason whites were/are referred to as white devils.

Little by little it's all coming out about you.
It's all a joke anyway. People want credit for something they had no part in.

And like I mentioned earlier, it's very telling that a city would change the name to something like this, because it's saying not only are they celebrating natives, but doing so on this day is saying you are against Europeans coming here in the first place.

It's like changing the name of Christmas to "Satan Day".
Only if you by Satan Day you mean whites. There is a reason whites were/are referred to as white devils.

Little by little it's all coming out about you.

Whats coming out about me?
I find it hilarious the the right would be so intent on keeping and celebrating a holiday that only school kids and governmental employees get off..
if you repubs need to be pissed about something that should be it.
so tell me when was the last time any of you got that day off?
I find it hilarious the the right would be so intent on keeping and celebrating a holiday that only school kids and governmental employees get off..
if you repubs need to be pissed about something that should be it.
so tell me when was the last time any of you got that day off?

No one "celebrates" Columbus Day. It's the weakest holiday out there, Feds and banks are the only ones that get it off.

The point here, is that if you want an Indigenous Peoples Day, then create one, instead of renaming a day that symbolizes Europeans arriving on the continent and starting the process if transforming the continent.
By renaming with this day, it's saying that the Euros coming here is nothing to celebrate, in fact it's saying we should mourn the fact that they came here.
I find it hilarious the the right would be so intent on keeping and celebrating a holiday that only school kids and governmental employees get off..
if you repubs need to be pissed about something that should be it.
so tell me when was the last time any of you got that day off?

No one "celebrates" Columbus Day. It's the weakest holiday out there, Feds and banks are the only ones that get it off.

The point here, is that if you want an Indigenous Peoples Day, then create one, instead of renaming a day that symbolizes Europeans arriving on the continent and starting the process if transforming the continent.
By renaming with this day, it's saying that the Euros coming here is nothing to celebrate, in fact it's saying we should mourn the fact that they came here.
false the weakest holidays are the ones on sundays know what those are.
as to the rest,for the natives it was the the worst day ever.
the rest is equal parts greatness and criminality.
we should never forget that.
I find it hilarious the the right would be so intent on keeping and celebrating a holiday that only school kids and governmental employees get off..
if you repubs need to be pissed about something that should be it.
so tell me when was the last time any of you got that day off?

No one "celebrates" Columbus Day. It's the weakest holiday out there, Feds and banks are the only ones that get it off.

The point here, is that if you want an Indigenous Peoples Day, then create one, instead of renaming a day that symbolizes Europeans arriving on the continent and starting the process if transforming the continent.
By renaming with this day, it's saying that the Euros coming here is nothing to celebrate, in fact it's saying we should mourn the fact that they came here.
I think you miss the fact that columbus was a pedophile and murderer and symbolizes European imperialism, colonialism, disease spreading and genocide. Why in hell would anyone want to celebrate that?
I find it hilarious the the right would be so intent on keeping and celebrating a holiday that only school kids and governmental employees get off..
if you repubs need to be pissed about something that should be it.
so tell me when was the last time any of you got that day off?

No one "celebrates" Columbus Day. It's the weakest holiday out there, Feds and banks are the only ones that get it off.

The point here, is that if you want an Indigenous Peoples Day, then create one, instead of renaming a day that symbolizes Europeans arriving on the continent and starting the process if transforming the continent.
By renaming with this day, it's saying that the Euros coming here is nothing to celebrate, in fact it's saying we should mourn the fact that they came here.
I think you miss the fact that columbus was a pedophile and murderer and symbolizes European imperialism, colonialism, disease spreading and genocide. Why in hell would anyone want to celebrate that?

For the last time, since his voyage was better documented, it's the one people point to when the Euros first came here and began the wonderful transformation of this continent.
I find it hilarious the the right would be so intent on keeping and celebrating a holiday that only school kids and governmental employees get off..
if you repubs need to be pissed about something that should be it.
so tell me when was the last time any of you got that day off?

No one "celebrates" Columbus Day. It's the weakest holiday out there, Feds and banks are the only ones that get it off.

The point here, is that if you want an Indigenous Peoples Day, then create one, instead of renaming a day that symbolizes Europeans arriving on the continent and starting the process if transforming the continent.
By renaming with this day, it's saying that the Euros coming here is nothing to celebrate, in fact it's saying we should mourn the fact that they came here.
I think you miss the fact that columbus was a pedophile and murderer and symbolizes European imperialism, colonialism, disease spreading and genocide. Why in hell would anyone want to celebrate that?

For the last time, since his voyage was better documented, it's the one people point to when the Euros first came here and began the wonderful transformation of this continent.
For the last time this transformation was not wonderful for everyone. Why do you think so many people are speaking out against it? All I can say is white people logic seems to cloud your ability to understand simple concepts.
White people logic at its finest.

Non-white peoples' envy and jealousy at its finest.
white false superiority on full display!

Well, you've got us there. The history of non-white peoples does make whites look incompetent comparatively in the atrocities department. No way can white history match the thousands of years of butchery and terror of non-white peoples. I'm sure white history is indeed held in contempt by such masterly perpetrators of genocides and slavery, especially Africans, the world champions.
White people logic at its finest.

Non-white peoples' envy and jealousy at its finest.
white false superiority on full display!

Well, you've got us there. The history of non-white peoples does make whites look incompetent comparatively in the atrocities department. No way can white history match the thousands of years of butchery and terror of non-white peoples. I'm sure white history is indeed held in contempt by such masterly perpetrators of genocides and slavery, especially Africans, the world champions.

You must have forgotten about whites butchering themselves and enslaving themselves in practice for world conquest.. Quick question. Where does the word slave come from? Hint. Not Africa.

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