Seattle Democrats Cancel Columbus Day. Replace It With "indigenous People's Day"

I'll never forget the intense burst of anger I evoked in my white 1rst grade teacher when she told us that columbus discovered america.

I raised my hand and asked her how was it that columbus discovered america when there were indians plainly looking at him coming ashore in the picture printed in our book. :lol:

Because dummy, the time when technological societies first stepped ashore is when year one starts.

Balboa is credited with discovering the Pacific Ocean, but no one actually believes he was really the first human to either gaze upon it, or utilize it, obviously humans thousands of years before were there.
All's that matters is when the technosphere first found it.
Who told you that? Must have been another white person with more of that white people logic. You clowns are pretty much clueless.I am sitting here cracking up at your suggestion that what a white person thinks is year one actually has a shred of authority. .

I'm talking about technology. What was the name of the native that first came upon the Pacific ? The first to see Old Faithful in Yellowstone ? The first to canoe the Colorado River ? We don't have records, so we count the time from when the people with technology came along and "discovered" it.
I dont care what you as a white person defines as when time started. If I needed to know the answers to those questions I would ask a NA not a white person. White people tell you lies all the time like columbus discovered america or white people built the pyramids.

Same people who hate Limbaugh's kids' books because of their positive portrayal of America's founding.

Same people who want to see America "changed", "fundamentally transformed" and "re-made".

Same people who talk about how those who wrote the Constitution were "rich, white slave owners".

The overall theme here is a little difficult to ignore or deny.

Sounds more like you whining about your white privilege slipping away.

Not worried about that one bit.

Deflection noted, my points confirmed.

Youre worried. I can see it in your post. Stop whining and man up.

Why in the world would I be worried?

Partisan ideologues sure can create their own little fantasies, can't they?

Tell me, precisely why should I be worried?

Come on, man up and answer.

Because you see your grasp on everything slipping away. Your women, your hold on jobs due to AA, the fact people arent snowed by revisionist history anymore, and the fact a Black man made it to the white house. Come on and admit it. We already know.
And note that it took laws in order to slow us down. Left alone, the cream always rose to the top.
Not worried about that one bit.

Deflection noted, my points confirmed.

Youre worried. I can see it in your post. Stop whining and man up.

Why in the world would I be worried?

Partisan ideologues sure can create their own little fantasies, can't they?

Tell me, precisely why should I be worried?

Come on, man up and answer.

Because you see your grasp on everything slipping away. Your women, your hold on jobs due to AA, the fact people arent snowed by revisionist history anymore, and the fact a Black man made it to the white house. Come on and admit it. We already know.

That was a nice attempt at deflection. My wife and I are fine and our daughters (half hispanic) are making us very proud. Why in the world would we want to lean on AA?

Sad the way you stereotype people. You know nothing about me, you know nothing about "my women"(yikes), yet you create an entire world in your mind.

I'm glad I'm not like you. Not everyone is as miserable as you. Not my problem.

I wasnt deflecting. You asked me the reasons and I gave them to you. Ive sexed women that were half white and half Hispanic as well.

Why would you want to lean on AA? Because you had it for 350 years soley for white people and now you hate that other races get a little.

Your women meaning white women.not your children.

You didn't like my observation, so you immediately made it personal.

As I said, I'm glad I'm not like you.

Sounds more like you whining about your white privilege slipping away.

Not worried about that one bit.

Deflection noted, my points confirmed.

Youre worried. I can see it in your post. Stop whining and man up.

Why in the world would I be worried?

Partisan ideologues sure can create their own little fantasies, can't they?

Tell me, precisely why should I be worried?

Come on, man up and answer.

Because you see your grasp on everything slipping away. Your women, your hold on jobs due to AA, the fact people arent snowed by revisionist history anymore, and the fact a Black man made it to the white house. Come on and admit it. We already know.
And note that it took laws in order to slow us down. Left alone, the cream always rose to the top.

Thats because it took laws to speed you up. Slavery laws, Jim Crow etc etc. When left alone for the cream to rise to the top you get a situation like the NBA where most of the people are Black. so I agree about the cream part.
Washington state is becoming California North. Jeez what a pack if moon bats!
Most of the state isn't like that but the Seattle metro area is so populated it often sets the tone and pushes the agenda.

Interesting also is the Kennewick man. He was found many years ago in Kennewick, WA. Scientists had to sue to get access to him, since the feds didn't like the ramifications. He was not indigenous and predated "natives" (who were from immigrants themselves).

Scientists Mysterious Kennewick Man looked Polynesian and came from far away - The Washington Post
The origin of Kennewick Man is relevant to the future disposition of his bones. Native American tribes have claimed him as one of their ancestors and have sought to rebury the remains in keeping with their customs. The scientists argued that there is no evidence linking any of today’s tribes to the skeleton.
Yes, the city is where more people live. Can't believe the Right is still bitching about this. People vote, not acreage.
Youre worried. I can see it in your post. Stop whining and man up.

Why in the world would I be worried?

Partisan ideologues sure can create their own little fantasies, can't they?

Tell me, precisely why should I be worried?

Come on, man up and answer.

Because you see your grasp on everything slipping away. Your women, your hold on jobs due to AA, the fact people arent snowed by revisionist history anymore, and the fact a Black man made it to the white house. Come on and admit it. We already know.

That was a nice attempt at deflection. My wife and I are fine and our daughters (half hispanic) are making us very proud. Why in the world would we want to lean on AA?

Sad the way you stereotype people. You know nothing about me, you know nothing about "my women"(yikes), yet you create an entire world in your mind.

I'm glad I'm not like you. Not everyone is as miserable as you. Not my problem.

I wasnt deflecting. You asked me the reasons and I gave them to you. Ive sexed women that were half white and half Hispanic as well.

Why would you want to lean on AA? Because you had it for 350 years soley for white people and now you hate that other races get a little.

Your women meaning white women.not your children.

You didn't like my observation, so you immediately made it personal.

As I said, I'm glad I'm not like you.

You didnt make an observation. You asked me a question. It appears you didnt like my answers so you tried to bring your children in when I never mentioned them.

You cant be like me. Try developing yourself and stop being envious.
Why in the world would I be worried?

Partisan ideologues sure can create their own little fantasies, can't they?

Tell me, precisely why should I be worried?

Come on, man up and answer.

Because you see your grasp on everything slipping away. Your women, your hold on jobs due to AA, the fact people arent snowed by revisionist history anymore, and the fact a Black man made it to the white house. Come on and admit it. We already know.

That was a nice attempt at deflection. My wife and I are fine and our daughters (half hispanic) are making us very proud. Why in the world would we want to lean on AA?

Sad the way you stereotype people. You know nothing about me, you know nothing about "my women"(yikes), yet you create an entire world in your mind.

I'm glad I'm not like you. Not everyone is as miserable as you. Not my problem.

I wasnt deflecting. You asked me the reasons and I gave them to you. Ive sexed women that were half white and half Hispanic as well.

Why would you want to lean on AA? Because you had it for 350 years soley for white people and now you hate that other races get a little.

Your women meaning white women.not your children.

You didn't like my observation, so you immediately made it personal.

As I said, I'm glad I'm not like you.

You didnt make an observation. You asked me a question. It appears you didnt like my answers so you tried to bring your children in when I never mentioned them.

You cant be like me. Try developing yourself and stop being envious.

In post 307, you responded to my post 305, which got this whole nasty conversation started.

You can't even be honest.

And this little poser/faux self esteem thing of yours doesn't work with me, sorry.

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Stop trying to deflect. The point is white people traveled around the globe bringing war, rape, disease, murder etc etc. in the name of white supremacy. Everyone else was minding their business doing what they do.

and when the Muslims traveled the globe...bringing war, rape, disease, murder, slavery....and they invaded Spain and France long before the first defensive crusade to stop fact...they had to kick them out of Spain before Columbus could sail and discover the new world....

and when the mongols traveled the globe, bringing war, rape, disease, mass murder in the name of Mongol supremacy....

When the Iroquois confederation traveled the north west of the new world, bringing war, rape, disease, murder and slavery....for Indian supremacy....
Stop trying to deflect. The point is white people traveled around the globe bringing war, rape, disease, murder etc etc. in the name of white supremacy. Everyone else was minding their business doing what they do.

and when the Muslims traveled the globe...bringing war, rape, disease, murder, slavery....and they invaded Spain and France long before the first defensive crusade to stop fact...they had to kick them out of Spain before Columbus could sail and discover the new world....

and when the mongols traveled the globe, bringing war, rape, disease, mass murder in the name of Mongol supremacy....

When the Iroquois confederation traveled the north west of the new world, bringing war, rape, disease, murder and slavery....for Indian supremacy....
Christians retook Spain using the Inquisition. You know about that, don't you? Torture, death, torture, death in the name of Jesus.
their problem....they are victims of democrat history education...which is essentially hating America 101. by focusing on hating America, they do not see the whole picture of the path of civilization....

Europe and Africa brought slavery and old world killing to the new world....and then....a miracle happened, the 13 colonies created a new society, one based on freedom. they first separated from the old worlds of Africa and Europe, which cursed them with slavery, and then created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....this new way of people and a government interacting led to the fastest spreading of freedom the world has ever seen, in less time than any other nation, with less abuse of that new found power....

But, blinded by people who hate not being in control of others, who hate the United States because it believes in individual human rights and freedom, they teach any who listen only the worst parts of this great country....they are sad, angry people...and they need to be defeated wherever they show their hate....
And I'm sure the Muslims took Spain with rainbows and pixie dust...right?

the history of men at that time was barbarity we wouldn't understand now...but why do you just blame white European Christians....everyone treated each other like that...every where...but again....what is wrong with you that you only blame white
European do realize Muslims were as bad and in most cases worse than the Christians...Right?

ditto the Mongols, the Japanese, the Zulu, the Aztec and Inca....the Chinese...why do you ignore their barbarity....?

Actually, we do understand it why? Because the Muslims are still doing this day...and yet people like you defend the slavery, real slavery, rape and murder....because they are not white really have a problem....
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Washington state is becoming California North. Jeez what a pack if moon bats!
Most of the state isn't like that but the Seattle metro area is so populated it often sets the tone and pushes the agenda.

Interesting also is the Kennewick man. He was found many years ago in Kennewick, WA. Scientists had to sue to get access to him, since the feds didn't like the ramifications. He was not indigenous and predated "natives" (who were from immigrants themselves).

Scientists Mysterious Kennewick Man looked Polynesian and came from far away - The Washington Post
The origin of Kennewick Man is relevant to the future disposition of his bones. Native American tribes have claimed him as one of their ancestors and have sought to rebury the remains in keeping with their customs. The scientists argued that there is no evidence linking any of today’s tribes to the skeleton.
Yes, the city is where more people live. Can't believe the Right is still bitching about this. People vote, not acreage.
I've never seen anyone miss a point so badly.
Washington state is becoming California North. Jeez what a pack if moon bats!
Most of the state isn't like that but the Seattle metro area is so populated it often sets the tone and pushes the agenda.

Interesting also is the Kennewick man. He was found many years ago in Kennewick, WA. Scientists had to sue to get access to him, since the feds didn't like the ramifications. He was not indigenous and predated "natives" (who were from immigrants themselves).

Scientists Mysterious Kennewick Man looked Polynesian and came from far away - The Washington Post
The origin of Kennewick Man is relevant to the future disposition of his bones. Native American tribes have claimed him as one of their ancestors and have sought to rebury the remains in keeping with their customs. The scientists argued that there is no evidence linking any of today’s tribes to the skeleton.
Yes, the city is where more people live. Can't believe the Right is still bitching about this. People vote, not acreage.
I've never seen anyone miss a point so badly.
really? because all of you righties are missing the point.
Thats because it took laws to speed you up. Slavery laws, Jim Crow etc etc. When left alone for the cream to rise to the top you get a situation like the NBA where most of the people are Black. so I agree about the cream part.

Hey stupid. When are you gonna learn how to use the delete key?. The board is sick of your posts that always contain posts from 20 other people.
I'll never forget the intense burst of anger I evoked in my white 1rst grade teacher when she told us that columbus discovered america.

I raised my hand and asked her how was it that columbus discovered america when there were indians plainly looking at him coming ashore in the picture printed in our book. :lol:

Because dummy, the time when technological societies first stepped ashore is when year one starts.

Balboa is credited with discovering the Pacific Ocean, but no one actually believes he was really the first human to either gaze upon it, or utilize it, obviously humans thousands of years before were there.
All's that matters is when the technosphere first found it.
Who told you that? Must have been another white person with more of that white people logic. You clowns are pretty much clueless.I am sitting here cracking up at your suggestion that what a white person thinks is year one actually has a shred of authority. .

I'm talking about technology. What was the name of the native that first came upon the Pacific ? The first to see Old Faithful in Yellowstone ? The first to canoe the Colorado River ? We don't have records, so we count the time from when the people with technology came along and "discovered" it.
I dont care what you as a white person defines as when time started. If I needed to know the answers to those questions I would ask a NA not a white person. White people tell you lies all the time like columbus discovered america or white people built the pyramids.
Lol ! Now we're getting the real Aselpeon's racism coming out

Same people who hate Limbaugh's kids' books because of their positive portrayal of America's founding.

Same people who want to see America "changed", "fundamentally transformed" and "re-made".

Same people who talk about how those who wrote the Constitution were "rich, white slave owners".

The overall theme here is a little difficult to ignore or deny.


In other words L-I-B-E-R-A-L-S !
Not worried about that one bit.

Deflection noted, my points confirmed.

Youre worried. I can see it in your post. Stop whining and man up.

Why in the world would I be worried?

Partisan ideologues sure can create their own little fantasies, can't they?

Tell me, precisely why should I be worried?

Come on, man up and answer.

Because you see your grasp on everything slipping away. Your women, your hold on jobs due to AA, the fact people arent snowed by revisionist history anymore, and the fact a Black man made it to the white house. Come on and admit it. We already know.
And note that it took laws in order to slow us down. Left alone, the cream always rose to the top.

Thats because it took laws to speed you up. Slavery laws, Jim Crow etc etc. When left alone for the cream to rise to the top you get a situation like the NBA where most of the people are Black. so I agree about the cream part.
Except that I'm talking about intelligence.

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