Seattle Democrats Cancel Columbus Day. Replace It With "indigenous People's Day"

Should be renamed CIVILIZATION day. Oh'yess, that would be offensive to the hunter gathers that hunt buffalo!!!!

You liberals hate America. That is a fact.
I am proud of what the white man did to tame this land and for building this nation into a nation that has done so much for humanity.

Mass production of cars?
mass production of computers?
Vaccines??? Tens or hundreds of Millions are alive today!

You liberals are nothing but trash. You people 100 years ago would of being dealt with.
The Native American side of me (Chippewa) takes a bit of offense at some of the crap posted here. Native Americans lived simply and light on the land. Whites live hard on the land and pollute and destroy it.
Whites broke almost all treaties with the Native Americans.
This country was founded on deceit, greed, lies, theft, slavery and genocide. The one thing it wasn't really founded upon was Christian values.
Since you've got a Saint Patrick Day for the Irish drunks and a black history month, as one day wasn't good enough to satisfy them, I'm all for an Indigenous Peoples Day and you can shove your opinions to the contrary.

Clueless. As part native myself, you're truly full of shit and spouting the liberal trash. Native Americans warred between each other all the time and even joined forces with the white man to get back at one another. They didn't effin live lightly on the land as they hunted most of the mega animal life the hell to extinction! That is a flat out lie about that...

Do you like your car or warm house? Do you call that hard on the land. Why not go live in the fucking woods? Hypocrite! Seriously, you're using a computer??? Doesn't that use energy that is produced by energy infrastructure that is HARD on the land.

Isn't all civilization founded on that? Including the Inca and Aztecs. City states that were constantly at war, even as the Spanish invaded with each other.

Learn some history, child.
Celebrate the contributions of indians?? HAHAHA. Before the white man came, no indian tribe even had a written language. They were stone age people and they still would be except the white man takes care of them.

Columbus Day will now be Indigenous Peoples Day in Seattle Fox News

oct 6 2014
SEATTLE – The Seattle City Council is replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day in the city.

The resolution that passed unanimously Monday celebrates the contributions and culture of Native Americans and the indigenous community in Seattle on the second Monday in October, the same day as the federally recognized Columbus Day.

Tribal members and other supporters say the move recognizes the rich history of people who have inhabited the area for centuries.

"This action will allow us to bring into current present day our valuable and rich history, and it's there for future generations to learn," said Fawn Sharp, president of the Quinault Indian Nation on the Olympic Peninsula, who is also president of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians.

"Nobody discovered Seattle, Washington," she said to a round of applause.

Columbus Day should be replaced with anything else. He didn't discover America as the presence of native peoples attests to say nothing of the half dozen or more other cultures which 'discovered' it before he did.

"1492. As children we were taught to memorize this year with pride and joy as the year people began living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America. Actually, people had been living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America for hundreds of years before that. 1492 was simply the year sea pirates began to rob, cheat, and kill them." - Kurt Vonnegut
Patriotic Americans learn about our history warts and good looks all. That is what the mainstream of American does.

The left learns only about the bad, the far right only about the good, and real Americas learn it all.
So I take it then you'll be out on the streets protesting the Postal union for celebrating Columbus Day as a paid day off.

That's a federal government and union negotiation, and has nothing to do with Seattle.

See how that works: good looks, warts, and all.
But I would assume since you believe Columbus was a bad guy, that there should be no one getting a paid day off in his name. Right ?

Already answered and dismissed. You are not ready for the big leagues, bub.
You're not answering the question. You don't have to be part of the negotiations to have an opinion, and it would only make sense that since you believe Columbus was a bad person that you wouldn't want to see your federal workers getting a paid day off in the name of Columbus. Right ?
What I'd like to know is when did a "city counsel" get this much POWER to act like it's the government in the state?
Columbus was a mass murderer, folks.

The native peoples have every right for their holiday, and if Seattle wants to give them Columbus Day, no one of any intelligence really cares.

Oh, another thing. Every day is White History day.

Grow up.

Blah blah blah idiot. That was the 15th Century idiot. Everyone was a mass murderer in those days.

It's Columbus Day moron, left wing nut cities like Seattle are just putting up a temporary show that won't catch on anywhere but other left wing loony bins.

Get a clue.
The Native American side of me (Chippewa) takes a bit of offense at some of the crap posted here. Native Americans lived simply and light on the land. Whites live hard on the land and pollute and destroy it.
Whites broke almost all treaties with the Native Americans.
This country was founded on deceit, greed, lies, theft, slavery and genocide. The one thing it wasn't really founded upon was Christian values.
Since you've got a Saint Patrick Day for the Irish drunks and a black history month, as one day wasn't good enough to satisfy them, I'm all for an Indigenous Peoples Day and you can shove your opinions to the contrary.
You can shove your Pollyanna beliefs too. You have a very naive view of what went on in North America, many tribes very violent and took land and people as slaves, robbed and murdered. This land was not the garden of Eden. Have you ever heard of a buffalo jump? Some would run a whole herd off a cliff when they could only eat and use a small fraction of the aftermath.

This idiotic liberal hand wringing over "Indians" is so pathetic. The outcome was inevitable when a more advanced culture meets a stone age culture. Everywhere on Earth land was conquered, it's the history of man, not just white people. The natives migrated here, they didn't sprout up through the ground.

As far as the treaties go, I agree with you, it was wrong to make treaties and renege on them. However, what happened elsewhere typically in man's history for the losers was death, slavery or assimilation.
What I'd like to know is when did a "city counsel" get this much POWER to act like it's the government in the state?
They are power mad and live in a bubble universe. They are obviously bitter about Berkeley getting all the good libtard press and are working hard to dethrone them.
I guarantee you 99.9% of Native Americans don't give a rats ass about Seattle and their stupidity.
Celebrate the contributions of indians?? HAHAHA. Before the white man came, no indian tribe even had a written language. They were stone age people and they still would be except the white man takes care of them.

Columbus Day will now be Indigenous Peoples Day in Seattle Fox News

oct 6 2014
SEATTLE – The Seattle City Council is replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day in the city.

The resolution that passed unanimously Monday celebrates the contributions and culture of Native Americans and the indigenous community in Seattle on the second Monday in October, the same day as the federally recognized Columbus Day.

Tribal members and other supporters say the move recognizes the rich history of people who have inhabited the area for centuries.

"This action will allow us to bring into current present day our valuable and rich history, and it's there for future generations to learn," said Fawn Sharp, president of the Quinault Indian Nation on the Olympic Peninsula, who is also president of the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians.

"Nobody discovered Seattle, Washington," she said to a round of applause.
The Incas and Mayans and Aztecs didn't have a written language?
Bunch of goddam boozing welfare bums do nothing but drag down america. Fact is the indigenous people of north america and south america and africa don't have the intelligence for technology.
We were not boozers until the White man came.
As it should be, we built this country.

Yes, we were part of it, with slave labor, Californios, Irish economic labor, Nuevo Mexicanos, southern dixie backs who swam the Red and Sabine illegally into Tejas, and so forth and so on.

It was all of us, bub.

When a race is enslaved, that proves they are inferior. THINK

The English were enslaved by the Normans.

Were they inferior?

Your lack of morality means you God is "might makes right."
Patriotic Americans learn about our history warts and good looks all. That is what the mainstream of American does.

The left learns only about the bad, the far right only about the good, and real Americas learn it all.
The left learns about everything, we just do not ignore the bad the way 'patriots' do.
Already answered and dismissed. You are not ready for the big leagues, bub.
You're not answering the question. You don't have to be part of the negotiations to have an opinion, and it would only make sense that since you believe Columbus was a bad person that you wouldn't want to see your federal workers getting a paid day off in the name of Columbus. Right ?

The answer was already given. You simply are not happy with it. Tough.
What I'd like to know is when did a "city counsel" get this much POWER to act like it's the government in the state?

Big Government Stephanie to the rescue of the Far Right?

Steph, do you see the contradiction, hon
Leave it to the Uber-Liberal Progressive Freak Show in the Pacific Northwest to take this tack.

With any luck, there are enough Italian-Americans living within their jurisdiction, to get pissed off enough to bitch-slap 'em at the polls this November.

Idjit butt-flosses.
What I'd like to know is when did a "city counsel" get this much POWER to act like it's the government in the state?
They are power mad and live in a bubble universe. They are obviously bitter about Berkeley getting all the good libtard press and are working hard to dethrone them.

If the people living there doesn't care they will continue stepping all over them
this is total BS

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