Secede? Mississippi governor says he will fight/not comply with national lockdown if Biden proposes one

This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
You can’t infringe upon my liberty. I’m an American, you’re a Marxist.

You don't have the right to mass murder people. 1 in 20 people you meet have Covid in different degrees and can pass it along. And since you won't protect us from you then we will protect us from you. Mass Murderers need to be locked up.
You say the same about flu? How about a cold?
You’re a Marxist.
the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing is a Southern saying, and it applies here!

I have the perfect response to that. If Nationwide 2 month lockdown to get control of Covid does have to happen (along with the Vaccinations) then we just seal the Mississippi Borders and not allow anything to come out or go into that state including Air Travel until they learn to protect the rest of America. I don't think they will last more than about 2 weeks.

So your plan is to be a dictator?

Like we didn't see that coming, comrade

During a National Emergency, Biden could have the Governor arrested for not complying. And we ARE in the middle of a National Emergency. Of course Rump hasn't a clue so it's going to be up to Biden and company to do the heavy lifting. Otherwise, it's never going to get back to normal. Sorry, but I don't accept another 250,000 deaths as normal like if we continue down Rumps path.
So you want a destroyed economy of epic proportions people dying in the streets because of hunger?

We are already dying in the streets. 3 months ago, our County had zero deaths directly attributed to Covid 19. Today, it was reported that we now have 43. Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot for you but to us, that's not acceptable. And Texas is now worse off than NY was at it's peak. They don't have enough places to put the bodies for processing in the Funeral Parlors right now. (yes, it was in the friggin news today on many avenues).
you mean to tell me 43 deaths have overflowed your funeral parlors?
Do you have one funeral parlor, and all 43 were in the same day?

Until Rump got to the locals here, we were mask sensitive and all that. But in the last 3 months, there have been an influx of maskless and hearless SOBs running around and it's murdering people. It's got to the point where Red Areas are going to have to lock down tight. But until we get a President that declares a National Emergency, the Governors don't have that power. The sooner we get that mass murdering pussy out of office and replaced the sooner we can get all this cleared up. You don't like it? Move to another country. America needs to heal in more ways than one.

What are you doing running around and kissing people?

Oh wait your rioting again.
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
So you want to lock up 150 million Americans, what about the illegals?

When it becomes whether to get locked up or mask up, you would be surprised at how many will comply. Some won't. And we lock your butt up until you do. You don't like it, you can become an illegal in Mexico.

You don't have the hospitals or jail cells, but bag
During a National Emergency, Biden could have the Governor arrested for not complying.

No he can’t

Under a National Emergency, the President can send US Marshals to arrest a Governor that refuses to comply a National Emergency order. Deny it if you wish but those are equal to wartime powers.
the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing is a Southern saying, and it applies here!

I have the perfect response to that. If Nationwide 2 month lockdown to get control of Covid does have to happen (along with the Vaccinations) then we just seal the Mississippi Borders and not allow anything to come out or go into that state including Air Travel until they learn to protect the rest of America. I don't think they will last more than about 2 weeks.

So your plan is to be a dictator?

Like we didn't see that coming, comrade

During a National Emergency, Biden could have the Governor arrested for not complying. And we ARE in the middle of a National Emergency. Of course Rump hasn't a clue so it's going to be up to Biden and company to do the heavy lifting. Otherwise, it's never going to get back to normal. Sorry, but I don't accept another 250,000 deaths as normal like if we continue down Rumps path.
So you want a destroyed economy of epic proportions people dying in the streets because of hunger?

We are already dying in the streets. 3 months ago, our County had zero deaths directly attributed to Covid 19. Today, it was reported that we now have 43. Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot for you but to us, that's not acceptable. And Texas is now worse off than NY was at it's peak. They don't have enough places to put the bodies for processing in the Funeral Parlors right now. (yes, it was in the friggin news today on many avenues).
you mean to tell me 43 deaths have overflowed your funeral parlors?
Do you have one funeral parlor, and all 43 were in the same day?

Until Rump got to the locals here, we were mask sensitive and all that. But in the last 3 months, there have been an influx of maskless and hearless SOBs running around and it's murdering people. It's got to the point where Red Areas are going to have to lock down tight. But until we get a President that declares a National Emergency, the Governors don't have that power. The sooner we get that mass murdering pussy out of office and replaced the sooner we can get all this cleared up. You don't like it? Move to another country. America needs to heal in more ways than one.
Do you have a problem with reading comprehension?
You didn’t answer my question in the least.
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Fuck Biden and those that continue to argue for more Shelter in PlaceTM.
Europe is breaking out with riots protesting the next wave of lockdowns. It is quite clear worldwide that leaders across the globe don't have a clue that a virus will spread throughout the entire population. Enough of the Panic Porn.
the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing is a Southern saying, and it applies here!

I have the perfect response to that. If Nationwide 2 month lockdown to get control of Covid does have to happen (along with the Vaccinations) then we just seal the Mississippi Borders and not allow anything to come out or go into that state including Air Travel until they learn to protect the rest of America. I don't think they will last more than about 2 weeks.

So your plan is to be a dictator?

Like we didn't see that coming, comrade

During a National Emergency, Biden could have the Governor arrested for not complying. And we ARE in the middle of a National Emergency. Of course Rump hasn't a clue so it's going to be up to Biden and company to do the heavy lifting. Otherwise, it's never going to get back to normal. Sorry, but I don't accept another 250,000 deaths as normal like if we continue down Rumps path.
So you want a destroyed economy of epic proportions people dying in the streets because of hunger?

We are already dying in the streets. 3 months ago, our County had zero deaths directly attributed to Covid 19. Today, it was reported that we now have 43. Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot for you but to us, that's not acceptable. And Texas is now worse off than NY was at it's peak. They don't have enough places to put the bodies for processing in the Funeral Parlors right now. (yes, it was in the friggin news today on many avenues).
you mean to tell me 43 deaths have overflowed your funeral parlors?
Do you have one funeral parlor, and all 43 were in the same day?

Until Rump got to the locals here, we were mask sensitive and all that. But in the last 3 months, there have been an influx of maskless and hearless SOBs running around and it's murdering people. It's got to the point where Red Areas are going to have to lock down tight. But until we get a President that declares a National Emergency, the Governors don't have that power. The sooner we get that mass murdering pussy out of office and replaced the sooner we can get all this cleared up. You don't like it? Move to another country. America needs to heal in more ways than one.
Do you mind have a problem with reading comprehension?
You didn’t answer my question in the least.

Going from Zero deaths to 43 in 3 weeks after the rest of the country has a huge death rate says loads. Those 43 Deaths were in 3 weeks time after months of zero deaths. We were doing something right. But when Rump talked one group of people to run around without masks, throw large get togethers and such, people died. Our local health Department (GOP managed) is seriously talking about closing everything down after we opened things up a bit. No more reduced Bars sitting, no more reduced Eatery sitting, only delivery and curbside pickup. And that would include Grocery Stores and even Walmart. This is western Colorado, not Texas.
During a National Emergency, Biden could have the Governor arrested for not complying.

No he can’t

Under a National Emergency, the President can send US Marshals to arrest a Governor that refuses to comply a National Emergency order. Deny it if you wish but those are equal to wartime powers.
So is biden going to start another war?

Only if you wish to start one.
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
So you want to lock up 150 million Americans, what about the illegals?

When it becomes whether to get locked up or mask up, you would be surprised at how many will comply. Some won't. And we lock your butt up until you do. You don't like it, you can become an illegal in Mexico.
Lockdowns kill way more that Wuhan virus. You advocate for increased death. Wow.
During a National Emergency, Biden could have the Governor arrested for not complying.

No he can’t

Under a National Emergency, the President can send US Marshals to arrest a Governor that refuses to comply a National Emergency order. Deny it if you wish but those are equal to wartime powers.
the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing is a Southern saying, and it applies here!

I have the perfect response to that. If Nationwide 2 month lockdown to get control of Covid does have to happen (along with the Vaccinations) then we just seal the Mississippi Borders and not allow anything to come out or go into that state including Air Travel until they learn to protect the rest of America. I don't think they will last more than about 2 weeks.

So your plan is to be a dictator?

Like we didn't see that coming, comrade

During a National Emergency, Biden could have the Governor arrested for not complying. And we ARE in the middle of a National Emergency. Of course Rump hasn't a clue so it's going to be up to Biden and company to do the heavy lifting. Otherwise, it's never going to get back to normal. Sorry, but I don't accept another 250,000 deaths as normal like if we continue down Rumps path.
So you want a destroyed economy of epic proportions people dying in the streets because of hunger?

We are already dying in the streets. 3 months ago, our County had zero deaths directly attributed to Covid 19. Today, it was reported that we now have 43. Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot for you but to us, that's not acceptable. And Texas is now worse off than NY was at it's peak. They don't have enough places to put the bodies for processing in the Funeral Parlors right now. (yes, it was in the friggin news today on many avenues).
you mean to tell me 43 deaths have overflowed your funeral parlors?
Do you have one funeral parlor, and all 43 were in the same day?

Until Rump got to the locals here, we were mask sensitive and all that. But in the last 3 months, there have been an influx of maskless and hearless SOBs running around and it's murdering people. It's got to the point where Red Areas are going to have to lock down tight. But until we get a President that declares a National Emergency, the Governors don't have that power. The sooner we get that mass murdering pussy out of office and replaced the sooner we can get all this cleared up. You don't like it? Move to another country. America needs to heal in more ways than one.
Do you mind have a problem with reading comprehension?
You didn’t answer my question in the least.

Going from Zero deaths to 43 in 3 weeks after the rest of the country has a huge death rate says loads. Those 43 Deaths were in 3 weeks time after months of zero deaths. We were doing something right. But when Rump talked one group of people to run around without masks, throw large get togethers and such, people died. Our local health Department (GOP managed) is seriously talking about closing everything down after we opened things up a bit. No more reduced Bars sitting, no more reduced Eatery sitting, only delivery and curbside pickup. And that would include Grocery Stores and even Walmart. This is western Colorado, not Texas.
If you're so scared why don't you , I don't know just stay home?

I am up in Idaho and no one gives two shits, btw
the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing is a Southern saying, and it applies here!

Biden will not impose a nationwide lock down for several reason first being the federal courts would most likely find it illegal. Second the federal government could not enforce it. Lastly, it's not practical to have the same restrictions everywhere. The actual restrictions should vary between states and cities.

If the need is there for a lockdown in most of the country, the president will call for local and state government to order lockdowns with restrictions based on local need. This is pretty much what happened last spring and it worked fairly well to slowdown the virus. I expect Biden will do this if the trajectory of the virus does not change. Trump of course should be considering this now, however he has other more important priorities, like proving the Russians are right, US elections are fraudulent and rigged.
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This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
How are we “out infecting you” if you quarantined yourself at home?
To Shawn made a solid point... no one is stopping you from quarantining yourself.
so quarantine yourself for the next 2 months or whatever. Whoever else feels like parading around can, and this super deadly disease will kill all of them off. You get to gloat about how you were right, and you survive. Win/win, no?
But instead you don’t want to take personal initiative and responsibility and instead force your plan on everyone with the use of government force.
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
How are we “out infecting you” if you quarantined yourself at home?
To Shawn made a solid point... no one is stopping you from quarantining yourself.
so quarantine yourself for the next 2 months or whatever. Whoever else feels like parading around can, and this super deadly disease will kill all of them off. You get to gloat about how you were right, and you survive. Win/win, no?
But instead you don’t want to take personal initiative and responsibility and instead force your plan on everyone with the use of government force.
My guess is he wants to run around naked outside or something..while the rest of us our broke and starving
the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing is a Southern saying, and it applies here!

Biden will not impose a nationwide lock down for several reason first being the federal courts would most likely find it illegal. Second the federal government could not enforce it. Lastly, it's not practical to have the same restrictions everywhere. The actual restrictions should vary between states and cities.

If the need is there for a lockdown in most of the country, the president will call for local and state government to order lockdowns with restrictions based on local need. This is pretty much what happened last spring and it worked fairly well to slowdown the virus. I expect Biden will do this if the trajectory of the virus does not change. Trump of course should be considering this now, however he has other more important priorities, like proving US elections are fraudulent and rigged.
You underestimate the leftist desire to have “supreme command”.
Constant bitching about Trump the dictator, but he followed the law and let states hand it the way they saw fit. He didn’t order them to do things, he didn’t order them to undo things. He spoke his mind, and that was it.
The democrats will howl for Biden to take command and be all the dictator he can be, and they will gargle his balls as he “does something!”
Bet on it.
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
So you want to lock up 150 million Americans, what about the illegals?

When it becomes whether to get locked up or mask up, you would be surprised at how many will comply. Some won't. And we lock your butt up until you do. You don't like it, you can become an illegal in Mexico.
Lockdowns kill way more that Wuhan virus. You advocate for increased death. Wow.

What limit are you willing to put on the death count on Americans? We have long since exceed the American Death Toll for WWI. We are headed for the Death toll for WWII. Would you be satisfied for the death toll for the Civil War? Exactly what IS your limit? Mine has already been exceeded.

Vietnam 58,209
WWI 116,516
WWII 405,399
Civil War 620,000

Direct Covid 19 Deaths 243K and rising. We are going to hit WWII before it's over even with the Vaccine because they already know that over 40% will refuse to comply with the health directives and will refuse to take the vaccination.

Until the President declared a National Emergency, the Spanish Flu was as deadly. What did it entail? Isolation, contact tracing, masks in infected areas and more. If you didn't comply, you were arrested and locked up. Even with all that, the Spanish Flu ended up claiming over 290,000 lives before it was gotten under control. Covid 19 is no different. What's different is there are a hell of a lot more children in adult bodies running around that needs to grow the F up. If you can't grow up, you need to be locked up. Otherwise, we go for the Civil War death toll and beyond.

Do I have your attention yet?
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
So you want to lock up 150 million Americans, what about the illegals?

When it becomes whether to get locked up or mask up, you would be surprised at how many will comply. Some won't. And we lock your butt up until you do. You don't like it, you can become an illegal in Mexico.
Lockdowns kill way more that Wuhan virus. You advocate for increased death. Wow.

What limit are you willing to put on the death count on Americans? We have long since exceed the American Death Toll for WWI. We are headed for the Death toll for WWII. Would you be satisfied for the death toll for the Civil War? Exactly what IS your limit? Mine has already been exceeded.

Vietnam 58,209
WWI 116,516
WWII 405,399
Civil War 620,000

Direct Covid 19 Deaths 243K and rising. We are going to hit WWII before it's over even with the Vaccine because they already know that over 40% will refuse to comply with the health directives and will refuse to take the vaccination.

Until the President declared a National Emergency, the Spanish Flu was as deadly. What did it entail? Isolation, contact tracing, masks in infected areas and more. If you didn't comply, you were arrested and locked up. Even with all that, the Spanish Flu ended up claiming over 290,000 lives before it was gotten under control. Covid 19 is no different. What's different is there are a hell of a lot more children in adult bodies running around that needs to grow the F up. If you can't grow up, you need to be locked up. Otherwise, we go for the Civil War death toll and beyond.

Do I have your attention yet?
Now you care about deaths ? I guess if it's your own...and not Roe vs Wade
What limit are you willing to put on the death count on Americans?

Direct Covid 19 Deaths 243K and rising. We are going to hit WWII before it's over even with the Vaccine because they already know that over 40% will refuse to comply with the health directives and will refuse to take the vaccination.

Do I have your attention yet?

Just curious... would that be the vaccine that Trump’s operation warp speed has allowed to be developed in probably record time?
The same vaccine that leftist governors and mayors try and poopoo, saying they won’t take “trumps vaccine”, and shouldn’t be trusted, etc?
That vaccine, right?

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