Secede? Mississippi governor says he will fight/not comply with national lockdown if Biden proposes one

It's weird how more dead is important than others, how more constitutional rights are more important than others
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
How are we “out infecting you” if you quarantined yourself at home?
To Shawn made a solid point... no one is stopping you from quarantining yourself.
so quarantine yourself for the next 2 months or whatever. Whoever else feels like parading around can, and this super deadly disease will kill all of them off. You get to gloat about how you were right, and you survive. Win/win, no?
But instead you don’t want to take personal initiative and responsibility and instead force your plan on everyone with the use of government force.
Most people can't quarantine for extended periods because they have jobs, families, and responsibilities that require them to interact with the public. Masks and social distancing is a method of lowering the transmission rate of the virus and still interacting with others. If enough people don't comply then lockdowns are the only alternative. We simply can not allow our hospitals to become so swamped with Covid patients that they can not respond to other emergencies. If we allowed that to happen deaths due accidents and other illness would exceed covid deaths.
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
How are we “out infecting you” if you quarantined yourself at home?
To Shawn made a solid point... no one is stopping you from quarantining yourself.
so quarantine yourself for the next 2 months or whatever. Whoever else feels like parading around can, and this super deadly disease will kill all of them off. You get to gloat about how you were right, and you survive. Win/win, no?
But instead you don’t want to take personal initiative and responsibility and instead force your plan on everyone with the use of government force.
Most people can't quarantine for extended periods because they have jobs, families, and responsibilities that require them to interact with the public. Masks and social distancing is a method of lowering the transmission rate of the virus and still interacting with others. If enough people don't comply then lockdowns are the only alternative. We simply can not allow our hospitals to become so swamped with Covid patients that they can not respond to other emergencies. If we allowed that to happen deaths due accidents and other illness would exceed covid deaths.
We all have Obama care, didn't president obama think of this?
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
How are we “out infecting you” if you quarantined yourself at home?
To Shawn made a solid point... no one is stopping you from quarantining yourself.
so quarantine yourself for the next 2 months or whatever. Whoever else feels like parading around can, and this super deadly disease will kill all of them off. You get to gloat about how you were right, and you survive. Win/win, no?
But instead you don’t want to take personal initiative and responsibility and instead force your plan on everyone with the use of government force.
Most people can't quarantine for extended periods because they have jobs, families, and responsibilities that require them to interact with the public. Masks and social distancing is a method of lowering the transmission rate of the virus and still interacting with others. If enough people don't comply then lockdowns are the only alternative. We simply can not allow our hospitals to become so swamped with Covid patients that they can not respond to other emergencies. If we allowed that to happen deaths due accidents and other illness would exceed covid deaths.
I agree. The social
Distancing and masks thing is sufficient.
Locking things down is asinine and counter productive. And as far as making hospitals unresponsive, that was exactly what happened when we locked things down. Hospitals sat empty, countless orocedures were put off, people suffered and died.
What limit are you willing to put on the death count on Americans?

Direct Covid 19 Deaths 243K and rising. We are going to hit WWII before it's over even with the Vaccine because they already know that over 40% will refuse to comply with the health directives and will refuse to take the vaccination.

Do I have your attention yet?

Just curious... would that be the vaccine that Trump’s operation warp speed has allowed to be developed in probably record time?
The same vaccine that leftist governors and mayors try and poopoo, saying they won’t take “trumps vaccine”, and shouldn’t be trusted, etc?
That vaccine, right?
No, that's the vaccine developed by Pfizer with a 90% effective rate that was not part of Warp speed and with financing from Germany.
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
How are we “out infecting you” if you quarantined yourself at home?
To Shawn made a solid point... no one is stopping you from quarantining yourself.
so quarantine yourself for the next 2 months or whatever. Whoever else feels like parading around can, and this super deadly disease will kill all of them off. You get to gloat about how you were right, and you survive. Win/win, no?
But instead you don’t want to take personal initiative and responsibility and instead force your plan on everyone with the use of government force.
Most people can't quarantine for extended periods because they have jobs, families, and responsibilities that require them to interact with the public. Masks and social distancing is a method of lowering the transmission rate of the virus and still interacting with others. If enough people don't comply then lockdowns are the only alternative. We simply can not allow our hospitals to become so swamped with Covid patients that they can not respond to other emergencies. If we allowed that to happen deaths due accidents and other illness would exceed covid deaths.
I agree. The social
Distancing and masks thing is sufficient.
Locking things down is asinine and counter productive. And as far as making hospitals unresponsive, that was exactly what happened when we locked things down. Hospitals sat empty, countless procedures were put off, people suffered and died.
Procedure that could be postponed were, those that couldn't and emergency procedures were still being done. Lockdowns work but there are certainly untended consequences. When epidemic really get bad, the people will shut things down and that is not good. Government shutdowns are controlled so vital services are maintained.
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
So you want to lock up 150 million Americans, what about the illegals?

When it becomes whether to get locked up or mask up, you would be surprised at how many will comply. Some won't. And we lock your butt up until you do. You don't like it, you can become an illegal in Mexico.
Lockdowns kill way more that Wuhan virus. You advocate for increased death. Wow.

What limit are you willing to put on the death count on Americans? We have long since exceed the American Death Toll for WWI. We are headed for the Death toll for WWII. Would you be satisfied for the death toll for the Civil War? Exactly what IS your limit? Mine has already been exceeded.

Vietnam 58,209
WWI 116,516
WWII 405,399
Civil War 620,000

Direct Covid 19 Deaths 243K and rising. We are going to hit WWII before it's over even with the Vaccine because they already know that over 40% will refuse to comply with the health directives and will refuse to take the vaccination.

Until the President declared a National Emergency, the Spanish Flu was as deadly. What did it entail? Isolation, contact tracing, masks in infected areas and more. If you didn't comply, you were arrested and locked up. Even with all that, the Spanish Flu ended up claiming over 290,000 lives before it was gotten under control. Covid 19 is no different. What's different is there are a hell of a lot more children in adult bodies running around that needs to grow the F up. If you can't grow up, you need to be locked up. Otherwise, we go for the Civil War death toll and beyond.

Do I have your attention yet?
Now you care about deaths ? I guess if it's your own...and not Roe vs Wade

One fight at a time. And I was lowballing the Covid related 19 deaths. It's now the beginning of winter and Covid is coming on with a vengence.
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
So you want to lock up 150 million Americans, what about the illegals?

When it becomes whether to get locked up or mask up, you would be surprised at how many will comply. Some won't. And we lock your butt up until you do. You don't like it, you can become an illegal in Mexico.
Lockdowns kill way more that Wuhan virus. You advocate for increased death. Wow.

What limit are you willing to put on the death count on Americans? We have long since exceed the American Death Toll for WWI. We are headed for the Death toll for WWII. Would you be satisfied for the death toll for the Civil War? Exactly what IS your limit? Mine has already been exceeded.

Vietnam 58,209
WWI 116,516
WWII 405,399
Civil War 620,000

Direct Covid 19 Deaths 243K and rising. We are going to hit WWII before it's over even with the Vaccine because they already know that over 40% will refuse to comply with the health directives and will refuse to take the vaccination.

Until the President declared a National Emergency, the Spanish Flu was as deadly. What did it entail? Isolation, contact tracing, masks in infected areas and more. If you didn't comply, you were arrested and locked up. Even with all that, the Spanish Flu ended up claiming over 290,000 lives before it was gotten under control. Covid 19 is no different. What's different is there are a hell of a lot more children in adult bodies running around that needs to grow the F up. If you can't grow up, you need to be locked up. Otherwise, we go for the Civil War death toll and beyond.

Do I have your attention yet?
Now you care about deaths ? I guess if it's your own...and not Roe vs Wade

One fight at a time. And I was lowballing the Covid related 19 deaths. It's now the beginning of winter and Covid is coming on with a vengence.
Well my friend when your done hibernating report back
What limit are you willing to put on the death count on Americans?

Direct Covid 19 Deaths 243K and rising. We are going to hit WWII before it's over even with the Vaccine because they already know that over 40% will refuse to comply with the health directives and will refuse to take the vaccination.

Do I have your attention yet?

Just curious... would that be the vaccine that Trump’s operation warp speed has allowed to be developed in probably record time?
The same vaccine that leftist governors and mayors try and poopoo, saying they won’t take “trumps vaccine”, and shouldn’t be trusted, etc?
That vaccine, right?

Rump had nothing to do with developing the Vaccine. The Vaccine is coming from a German Company. Once again, you are trying to give Rump the credit for someone else's efforts. And we knew all along that the only organization with the infrastructure to distribute the vaccine is the US Military. You leave that part out and give Rump all the credit.

Right now, we don't HAVE a sitting President. Rump is AWOL.
So your plan is to be a dictator?

Like we didn't see that coming, comrade

Because your 'freedom' is just so much more important than the lives of the vulnerable.

How many fatalities were directly caused by about five state governors mandating that the sick, elderly be forced back into unprepared assisted care facilities?

In fact, YES. LIBERTY AND FREEDOM are not FREE. Never have been, never will be.

These Five Democrat Governors Behind Tens of Thousands of Coronavirus Deaths Sent COVID-19 Patients to Nursing Homes
By Jim Hoft
Published August 1, 2020 at 11:27am
An updated study revealed 45% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes.
That comes out to 73,733 Deaths in US Nursing Homes!
That is a bloodbath!!

What is an acceptable number of fatalities to you before we open up the economy?

This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
You can’t infringe upon my liberty. I’m an American, you’re a Marxist.

You don't have the right to mass murder people. 1 in 20 people you meet have Covid in different degrees and can pass it along. And since you won't protect us from you then we will protect us from you. Mass Murderers need to be locked up.
No--cant pass it along if you are masked up and social distancing and locking yourself down. This is AMERICA---you want to be silly about the virus--you can be silly, but you don't have the right to drag everyone else into your fascism.
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
So you want to lock up 150 million Americans, what about the illegals?

When it becomes whether to get locked up or mask up, you would be surprised at how many will comply. Some won't. And we lock your butt up until you do. You don't like it, you can become an illegal in Mexico.
Lockdowns kill way more that Wuhan virus. You advocate for increased death. Wow.

What limit are you willing to put on the death count on Americans? We have long since exceed the American Death Toll for WWI. We are headed for the Death toll for WWII. Would you be satisfied for the death toll for the Civil War? Exactly what IS your limit? Mine has already been exceeded.

Vietnam 58,209
WWI 116,516
WWII 405,399
Civil War 620,000

Direct Covid 19 Deaths 243K and rising. We are going to hit WWII before it's over even with the Vaccine because they already know that over 40% will refuse to comply with the health directives and will refuse to take the vaccination.

Until the President declared a National Emergency, the Spanish Flu was as deadly. What did it entail? Isolation, contact tracing, masks in infected areas and more. If you didn't comply, you were arrested and locked up. Even with all that, the Spanish Flu ended up claiming over 290,000 lives before it was gotten under control. Covid 19 is no different. What's different is there are a hell of a lot more children in adult bodies running around that needs to grow the F up. If you can't grow up, you need to be locked up. Otherwise, we go for the Civil War death toll and beyond.

Do I have your attention yet?
You want to lock up people who want to go outside? That’s true nazi shit.
Most Wuhan deaths were old and Ill.
Under-70, 0.04%.
This is America. Lock yourself down if you like. Leave us Americans out of it.

This is America. When you are out infecting the rest of us, we lock your up. See how that works?
So you want to lock up 150 million Americans, what about the illegals?

When it becomes whether to get locked up or mask up, you would be surprised at how many will comply. Some won't. And we lock your butt up until you do. You don't like it, you can become an illegal in Mexico.
Lockdowns kill way more that Wuhan virus. You advocate for increased death. Wow.

What limit are you willing to put on the death count on Americans? We have long since exceed the American Death Toll for WWI. We are headed for the Death toll for WWII. Would you be satisfied for the death toll for the Civil War? Exactly what IS your limit? Mine has already been exceeded.

Vietnam 58,209
WWI 116,516
WWII 405,399
Civil War 620,000

Direct Covid 19 Deaths 243K and rising. We are going to hit WWII before it's over even with the Vaccine because they already know that over 40% will refuse to comply with the health directives and will refuse to take the vaccination.

Until the President declared a National Emergency, the Spanish Flu was as deadly. What did it entail? Isolation, contact tracing, masks in infected areas and more. If you didn't comply, you were arrested and locked up. Even with all that, the Spanish Flu ended up claiming over 290,000 lives before it was gotten under control. Covid 19 is no different. What's different is there are a hell of a lot more children in adult bodies running around that needs to grow the F up. If you can't grow up, you need to be locked up. Otherwise, we go for the Civil War death toll and beyond.

Do I have your attention yet?
Now you care about deaths ? I guess if it's your own...and not Roe vs Wade

One fight at a time. And I was lowballing the Covid related 19 deaths. It's now the beginning of winter and Covid is coming on with a vengence.
People spread more virus in winter because they spend more time indoors, like, you know, in lockdowns.
Rump had nothing to do with developing the Vaccine. The Vaccine is coming from a German Company. Once again, you are trying to give Rump the credit for someone else's efforts. And we knew all along that the only organization with the infrastructure to distribute the vaccine is the US Military. You leave that part out and give Rump all the credit.

Right now, we don't HAVE a sitting President. Rump is AWOL.


Yeah, your desperation is duly noted.

How is President Trump NOT responsible for the speed at which a vaccine for COVID-19 is developed?

The typical time frame is 5-10 years. Much of that being red tape.

Pfizer Inc.

Traded as
Founded1849; 171 years ago in New York City
Headquarters235 East 42nd Street
Manhattan, New York City, New York 10017 US

You might have missed it but we (the allies) won World War-II not Germany so Pfizer is located in the USA and is an American Company and like Ford motors, has facilities all around the globe.
Locking things down is asinine and counter productive. And as far as making hospitals unresponsive, that was exactly what happened when we locked things down. Hospitals sat empty, countless procedures were put off, people suffered and died.

In addition, the far left is eager to ignore that massive increase in domestic abuse, murder, and suicides since the lockdowns began.
What limit are you willing to put on the death count on Americans?

Direct Covid 19 Deaths 243K and rising. We are going to hit WWII before it's over even with the Vaccine because they already know that over 40% will refuse to comply with the health directives and will refuse to take the vaccination.

Do I have your attention yet?

Just curious... would that be the vaccine that Trump’s operation warp speed has allowed to be developed in probably record time?
The same vaccine that leftist governors and mayors try and poopoo, saying they won’t take “trumps vaccine”, and shouldn’t be trusted, etc?
That vaccine, right?

Rump had nothing to do with developing the Vaccine. The Vaccine is coming from a German Company. Once again, you are trying to give Rump the credit for someone else's efforts. And we knew all along that the only organization with the infrastructure to distribute the vaccine is the US Military. You leave that part out and give Rump all the credit.

Right now, we don't HAVE a sitting President. Rump is AWOL.

Pfizer Inc. (/ˈfaɪzər/)[3] is an American multinational pharmaceutical corporation. It is one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies and ranked 57 on the 2018 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.[4][5]

Headquartered in New York City, Pfizer develops and produces medicines and vaccines for a wide range of medical disciplines, including immunology, oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, and neurology. Its products include the blockbuster drug Lipitor (atorvastatin), used to lower LDL blood cholesterol; Lyrica (pregabalin) for neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia; Diflucan (fluconazole), an oral antifungal medication; Zithromax (azithromycin), an antibiotic; Viagra (sildenafil) for erectile dysfunction; and Celebrex (also Celebra, celecoxib), an anti-inflammatory drug.

the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing is a Southern saying, and it applies here!

I have the perfect response to that. If Nationwide 2 month lockdown to get control of Covid does have to happen (along with the Vaccinations) then we just seal the Mississippi Borders and not allow anything to come out or go into that state including Air Travel until they learn to protect the rest of America. I don't think they will last more than about 2 weeks.

So your plan is to be a dictator?

Like we didn't see that coming, comrade

During a National Emergency, Biden could have the Governor arrested for not complying. And we ARE in the middle of a National Emergency. Of course Rump hasn't a clue so it's going to be up to Biden and company to do the heavy lifting. Otherwise, it's never going to get back to normal. Sorry, but I don't accept another 250,000 deaths as normal like if we continue down Rumps path.

Nope. No POTUS can tell any State what they can or can't do. The only one who could lock down a State is the Governor of that State. Dem Governors might go along with what Biden wants but Rep Governors will tell him to pound sand. They want the economies of their States up and running.

The only way a POTUS can tell a State what to do is to declare martial law and I don't see that happening.

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