The U.S. military was trespassing on the territory of South Carolina.

Cry us a river, why do you? Well adjusted adults realize that history is history, and move on. It is what it is, it's often interesting to study, and sometimes fun to speculate how different the present might be if something had happened differently. What healthy, well adjusted adults don't do is start making up revisionist 150 year old history out of butthurt over the fact that they have miserable lives here in the present day, and they want to blame somebody else.

Listen, if you don't want to live in the United States then get out. Nobody is stopping you. Grow up and get over your infantile entitlement syndrome.
The U.S. military was trespassing on the territory of South Carolina.

Cry us a river, why do you? Well adjusted adults realize that history is history, and move on. It is what it is, it's often interesting to study, and sometimes fun to speculate how different the present might be if something had happened differently. What healthy, well adjusted adults don't do is start making up revisionist 150 year old history out of butthurt over the fact that they have miserable lives here in the present day, and they want to blame somebody else.

Listen, if you don't want to live in the United States then get out. Nobody is stopping you. Grow up and get over your infantile entitlement syndrome.
Yankee scum.
The U.S. military was trespassing on the territory of South Carolina.

Cry us a river, why do you? Well adjusted adults realize that history is history, and move on. It is what it is, it's often interesting to study, and sometimes fun to speculate how different the present might be if something had happened differently. What healthy, well adjusted adults don't do is start making up revisionist 150 year old history out of butthurt over the fact that they have miserable lives here in the present day, and they want to blame somebody else.

Listen, if you don't want to live in the United States then get out. Nobody is stopping you. Grow up and get over your infantile entitlement syndrome.
Yankee scum.
Children, children, please STFU.
Another set of evil doers is in office. Why should it make any difference what party they are from?
The liberals never fail to entertain.

When they win, they proclaim the conservatives are horrible, terrible, evil.

When they lose, they proclaim conservatives and liberals are the same.

These desperate people absolutely count on their audience having short memories and zero recall of what they have already said.
The U.S. military was trespassing on the territory of South Carolina.

Cry us a river, why do you? Well adjusted adults realize that history is history, and move on. It is what it is, it's often interesting to study, and sometimes fun to speculate how different the present might be if something had happened differently. What healthy, well adjusted adults don't do is start making up revisionist 150 year old history out of butthurt over the fact that they have miserable lives here in the present day, and they want to blame somebody else.

Listen, if you don't want to live in the United States then get out. Nobody is stopping you. Grow up and get over your infantile entitlement syndrome.
Yankee scum.

And I would call you ignorant southern white trash, however I'm a better person than you...
Another set of evil doers is in office. Why should it make any difference what party they are from?
The liberals never fail to entertain.

When they win, they proclaim the conservatives are horrible, terrible, evil.

When they lose, they proclaim conservatives and liberals are the same.

These desperate people absolutely count on their audience having short memories and zero recall of what they have already said.

Maybe, JUST Maybe. . .

Not everyone in the entire world buys into the conservative/liberal/independent forced mindset.

You just can't imagine that there is any other way to think, can you?

Everyone either has to come at issues with a conservative agenda, a liberal agenda, or a non-partisan aligned agenda. But none the less, EVERYONE HAS to have some agenda, even if it is a non-partisan agenda, right?
Sovereign nations are allowed to defend their borders.

It was never a "sovereign nation." The traitorous dogs wanted a fight, they started the fight, they got the fight, they lost the fight. Get the fuck over it already.
War is bad. The traitorous confederate dogs shouldn't have started one. Btw, take your 'uniform' back to the cosplay shop, loser, you are NOT a Confederate soldier.

Lincoln started the war. ..

Wrong. Lincoln didn't fire on Fort Sumpter. What is historical FACT is that right up to the final hour before the traitorous rebels started the war they wanted, Lincoln was willing and working to compromise with them. He even supported what would have been a very different 13th Amendment than the one we finally (thankfully) got.

Let it go, Johnny Reb.
Fort Sumpter was IN THE SOUTH DUMB ASS.

Fort Sumpter was a federal fort in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. No illegitimate claim to the contrary (one never recognized by ANY sovereign nation) changes that fact. The traitors lost, LARPER. Let it go.

FACT, idiot. Take off your reenactment costume and move on.
War is bad. The traitorous confederate dogs shouldn't have started one. Btw, take your 'uniform' back to the cosplay shop, loser, you are NOT a Confederate soldier.

Lincoln started the war. ..

Wrong. Lincoln didn't fire on Fort Sumpter. What is historical FACT is that right up to the final hour before the traitorous rebels started the war they wanted, Lincoln was willing and working to compromise with them. He even supported what would have been a very different 13th Amendment than the one we finally (thankfully) got.

Let it go, Johnny Reb.
Fort Sumpter was IN THE SOUTH DUMB ASS.

Fort Sumpter was a federal fort in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. No illegitimate claim to the contrary (one never recognized by ANY sovereign nation) changes that fact. The traitors lost, LARPER. Let it go.

So then Lincoln made war on U.S citizens and slaughtered them by the thousands? Is that what you're saying?

The Union punished traitorous criminals who dragged good men and women to their doom along with their own worthless pride and evil ambition.
Lincoln started the war. ..

Wrong. Lincoln didn't fire on Fort Sumpter. What is historical FACT is that right up to the final hour before the traitorous rebels started the war they wanted, Lincoln was willing and working to compromise with them. He even supported what would have been a very different 13th Amendment than the one we finally (thankfully) got.

Let it go, Johnny Reb.
Fort Sumpter was IN THE SOUTH DUMB ASS.

Fort Sumpter was a federal fort in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. No illegitimate claim to the contrary (one never recognized by ANY sovereign nation) changes that fact. The traitors lost, LARPER. Let it go.

So then Lincoln made war on U.S citizens and slaughtered them by the thousands? Is that what you're saying?

The Union punished traitorous criminals who dragged good men and women to their doom along with their own worthless pride and evil ambition.

Criminals are entitled to a fair trial. What kind of trial did the confederates get? What kind of trial did the black slaves get who were raped by union soldiers?

Lincoln is the one who dragged good men and women to their doom - on both sides of the conflict.
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Lincoln started the war. ..

Wrong. Lincoln didn't fire on Fort Sumpter. What is historical FACT is that right up to the final hour before the traitorous rebels started the war they wanted, Lincoln was willing and working to compromise with them. He even supported what would have been a very different 13th Amendment than the one we finally (thankfully) got.

Let it go, Johnny Reb.
Fort Sumpter was IN THE SOUTH DUMB ASS.

Fort Sumpter was a federal fort in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. No illegitimate claim to the contrary (one never recognized by ANY sovereign nation) changes that fact. The traitors lost, LARPER. Let it go.

So then Lincoln made war on U.S citizens and slaughtered them by the thousands? Is that what you're saying?

The Union punished traitorous criminals who dragged good men and women to their doom along with their own worthless pride and evil ambition.

BTW, can you name one Confederate who was convicted of treason either during or after the war?
Wrong. Lincoln didn't fire on Fort Sumpter. What is historical FACT is that right up to the final hour before the traitorous rebels started the war they wanted, Lincoln was willing and working to compromise with them. He even supported what would have been a very different 13th Amendment than the one we finally (thankfully) got.

Let it go, Johnny Reb.
Fort Sumpter was IN THE SOUTH DUMB ASS.

Fort Sumpter was a federal fort in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. No illegitimate claim to the contrary (one never recognized by ANY sovereign nation) changes that fact. The traitors lost, LARPER. Let it go.

So then Lincoln made war on U.S citizens and slaughtered them by the thousands? Is that what you're saying?

The Union punished traitorous criminals who dragged good men and women to their doom along with their own worthless pride and evil ambition.

BTW, can you name one Confederate who was convicted of treason either during or after the war?

You've got your index cards mixed up. I already addressed this non-point.
Criminals are entitled to a fair trial. ...

Now while they are still shooting. In this case, after the traitorous curs had lost heart and given up, the criminals were granted clemency by a munificent and forward-looking president and those who carried on his will.
Fort Sumpter was IN THE SOUTH DUMB ASS.

Fort Sumpter was a federal fort in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. No illegitimate claim to the contrary (one never recognized by ANY sovereign nation) changes that fact. The traitors lost, LARPER. Let it go.

So then Lincoln made war on U.S citizens and slaughtered them by the thousands? Is that what you're saying?

The Union punished traitorous criminals who dragged good men and women to their doom along with their own worthless pride and evil ambition.

BTW, can you name one Confederate who was convicted of treason either during or after the war?

You've got your index cards mixed up. I already addressed this non-point.

No you didn't.

Was a single so-called "traitor" ever put on trial for treason? You keep calling them traitors. That has to be determined b a jury, doesn't it? Or do you believe the federal government can just murder American citizens wholesale without a trial?
Criminals are entitled to a fair trial. ...

Now while they are still shooting. In this case, after the traitorous curs had lost heart and given up, the criminals were granted clemency by a munificent and forward-looking president and those who carried on his will.

Oh really? Can you refer us to the document where this occurred? I can't seem to find a record of any clemency granted by Lincoln or President Johnson. Furthermore, I thought you had to be charged with a crime before you could be granted clemency.

Union troops started the shooting, that excuse won't cut bait. Who was shooting when Lincoln invaded Virginia? Who were the innocent women and children of Atlanta shooting at when the psychopath General Sherman burned their homes to the ground? Who were black slaves shooting at when union soldiers raped them?

Face it, you're just making stuff up. Lincoln's invasion of the Confederacy was a gross crime against humanity.
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I wonder if the heated calls for independence will suddenly be muted now.

No they will not.

The Rs and Ds are one an the same. They are part of a criminal gang wrapped in a huge ponzi scheme.


Criminal gang? I do believe that they are plutocrats just doing what plutocrats have always done. Looking out for the other plutocrats.

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