Fuck you ya murdering pos ass hole. You Yankees are baby killers.

War is bad. The traitorous confederate dogs shouldn't have started one. Btw, take your 'uniform' back to the cosplay shop, loser, you are NOT a Confederate soldier.
In other words, you are opposed to secession.

That's a false dilemma. It's like saying I'm against all immigrants just because I oppose illegal immigration. As it turns out, I'm not opposed to secession at all. Fact of the matter is, unilateral secession is not permitted by the constitution. Secession requires consent of the states, or revolution.

My personal opinion is that if a state wants to secede then the rest of the states should immediately consent. The only stipulation is that the seceding state should immediately pay off it's portion of the national debt to the federal government, or at least enter into a payment schedule with the US government to pay it over time, with interest. The state's share is a percentage equal to the ratio of it's population to the total US population.

I also support a constitutional amendment that would make unilateral secession possible, again with the only stipulation being a plan for payment of the state's share of the national debt.
Sure. It only happens when Democrats are elected.

These people are very immature. If they don't get their way, they threaten to take their toys and go home.
Thanks for actually addressing the op, there hasn't been a great deal of that. believe the u.s. is eternal?

The United States is a perpetual Union, and it has so been since it's inception. You've already had this explained to you. Perpetual is not the same as eternal. To understand the difference do some research on corporate law. A corporation, once established, exists perpetually. It does not have an expiration date, but it can still cease to exist through a deliberate act of dissolution by the corporation.
All you gutless turds who've never served yet feel compelled to BRAG about the Yankees great victory over Dixie should find out why it happened.

There were many reasons that the traitorous 'confederacy' inevitably lost. One of the main reasons was that men in the South got tired of dying for a losing cause on behalf of arrogant, traitorous fools and deserted in droves.
How many Revolutionary and War of 1812 vets in your family?
In other words, you are opposed to secession.

That's a false dilemma. It's like saying I'm against all immigrants just because I oppose illegal immigration. As it turns out, I'm not opposed to secession at all. Fact of the matter is, unilateral secession is not permitted by the constitution. Secession requires consent of the states, or revolution.

My personal opinion is that if a state wants to secede then the rest of the states should immediately consent. The only stipulation is that the seceding state should immediately pay off it's portion of the national debt to the federal government, or at least enter into a payment schedule with the US government to pay it over time, with interest. The state's share is a percentage equal to the ratio of it's population to the total US population.

I also support a constitutional amendment that would make unilateral secession possible, again with the only stipulation being a plan for payment of the state's share of the national debt.
The Constitution allows the states to call a new Convention.

Enough of them could dissolve the union.

I wish we would split into three France's, three nuclear armed, semi-insane Second World countries, content to mind their own business for the most part.
All you gutless turds who've never served yet feel compelled to BRAG about the Yankees great victory over Dixie should find out why it happened.

There were many reasons that the traitorous 'confederacy' inevitably lost. One of the main reasons was that men in the South got tired of dying for a losing cause on behalf of arrogant, traitorous fools and deserted in droves.
Fuck you ya murdering pos ass hole. You Yankees are baby killers.

They also were fond of raping slaves. believe the u.s. is eternal?

The United States is a perpetual Union, and it has so been since it's inception. You've already had this explained to you. Perpetual is not the same as eternal. To understand the difference do some research on corporate law. A corporation, once established, exists perpetually. It does not have an expiration date, but it can still cease to exist through a deliberate act of dissolution by the corporation.

Then all that means is that United States is united until it isn't. It's meaningless, in other words. believe the u.s. is eternal?

The United States is a perpetual Union, and it has so been since it's inception. You've already had this explained to you. Perpetual is not the same as eternal. To understand the difference do some research on corporate law. A corporation, once established, exists perpetually. It does not have an expiration date, but it can still cease to exist through a deliberate act of dissolution by the corporation.

Then all that means is that United States is united until it isn't. It's meaningless, in other words.
It is not meaningless until it is dissolved or the Klingons get here.
Did you read those decisions? They were based on historical opinions. Not based on any interpretations of the Constitution. What a farce. That decision is nothing but Tyrannical boot heeled Statists saying, "because we say say."

Congratulations, you know how to make up imaginary things, out of nowhere, and spit in the face of specific and unambiguous evidence. That's truly a skill. You should go into politics, yourself. You'd fit in nicely with the crooks of D.C.

Give me ONE argument in that decision that was based on the Constitution. You can't, can you? Do you know why? Because that decision wasn't based on the Constitution, it was based on the threat of, or on the previous use of deadly force.

I guess you missed a couple parts. For example:

The Union of the States never was a purely artificial and arbitrary relation. It began among the Colonies, and grew out of common origin, mutual sympathies, kindred principles, similar interests, and geographical relations. It was confirmed and strengthened by the necessities of war, and received definite form and character and sanction from the Articles of Confederation. By these, the Union was solemnly declared to "be perpetual." And when these Articles were found to be inadequate to the exigencies of the country, the Constitution was ordained "to form a more perfect Union." It is difficult to convey the idea of indissoluble unity more clearly than by these words. What can be indissoluble if a perpetual Union, made more perfect, is not?

But the perpetuity and indissolubility of the Union by no means implies the loss of distinct and individual existence, or of the right of self-government, by the States. Under the Articles of Confederation, each State retained its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right not expressly delegated to the United States. Under the Constitution, though the powers of the States were much restricted, still all powers not delegated to the United States nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. And we have already had occasion to remark at this term that the people of each State compose a State, having its own government, and endowed with all the functions essential to separate and independent existence,and that, "without the States in union, there could be no such political body as the United States." Not only, therefore, can there be no loss of separate and independent autonomy to the States through their union under the Constitution, but it may be not unreasonably said that the preservation of the States, and the maintenance of their governments, are as much within the design and care of the Constitution as the preservation of the Union and the maintenance of the National government. The Constitution, in all its provisions, looks to an indestructible Union composed of indestructible States.
Good, while the rest of us are enjoying morons like you that think session is coming soon.

I'm enjoying morons like "cero/siete" giggling like girls about what currency a new nation made up of secessionist states would use. What should be of interest to the readers at this point would be to ask what the value of US currency is based on? Gold you say? Well, not since the 1930's when FDR seized our gold and then devalued the dollar by 40%. But still, we do back our currency with our gold reserve in the end. Okay, so wouldn't it be nice to know if the gold we CLAIM we have is indeed at Fort Knox and is almost 100% pure and not lead bars coated in gold?

Do you think it's curious the last physical inventory of OUR gold was done in 1953? Eisenhower was president. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that LBJ sent the majority of US gold to England in the mid-60's to save their pound sterling. All we get from the Treasury reports is "it's all there so don't worry, be happy". But no physical come?

Well, in 2011 we were told by the Treasury Sec. it would cost $60M to go through the 27lb bars, drill a small hole in each to prove they are solid gold and put them back in sealed wrappers. The Treasury dept. said that cost would be $15M...considering that amount is spent in a few minutes of interest on the national debt, why would proving we have the 9,300 tons of solid gold we claim we have be considered an extravagant expense?

So to the anti-secessionists, I say prove your US dollars are based on anything but smoke and mirrors before you ridicule a new nation setting up it's own currency valuation based on whatever the hell we choose and certainly not phantom gold.
All you gutless turds who've never served yet feel compelled to BRAG about the Yankees great victory over Dixie should find out why it happened.

There were many reasons that the traitorous 'confederacy' inevitably lost. One of the main reasons was that men in the South got tired of dying for a losing cause on behalf of arrogant, traitorous fools and deserted in droves.
Fuck you ya murdering pos ass hole. You Yankees are baby killers.
Can you trace your Confederate heritage, or are you descended from white immigrants who got here after the War was fought, and lost, and just like to spout off stupid shit?
Yes I can. And yes some of my relations were murdered by invading Yankees.
What a load of hogwash but then it goes with the territory.

All you gutless turds who've never served yet feel compelled to BRAG about the Yankees great victory over Dixie should find out why it happened.

There were many reasons that the traitorous 'confederacy' inevitably lost. One of the main reasons was that men in the South got tired of dying for a losing cause on behalf of arrogant, traitorous fools and deserted in droves.
Fuck you ya murdering pos ass hole. You Yankees are baby killers.
Can you trace your Confederate heritage, or are you descended from white immigrants who got here after the War was fought, and lost, and just like to spout off stupid shit?
Yes I can. And yes some of my relations were murdered by invading Yankees. believe the u.s. is eternal?

The United States is a perpetual Union, and it has so been since it's inception. You've already had this explained to you. Perpetual is not the same as eternal. To understand the difference do some research on corporate law. A corporation, once established, exists perpetually. It does not have an expiration date, but it can still cease to exist through a deliberate act of dissolution by the corporation.

Then all that means is that United States is united until it isn't. It's meaningless, in other words.


No, that's not it at all. As a matter of fact, what you've said doesn't make any sense whatsoever. But you made that up, because you are a stubborn fool who doesn't want to face reality.
All you gutless turds who've never served yet feel compelled to BRAG about the Yankees great victory over Dixie should find out why it happened.

There were many reasons that the traitorous 'confederacy' inevitably lost. One of the main reasons was that men in the South got tired of dying for a losing cause on behalf of arrogant, traitorous fools and deserted in droves.
Fuck you ya murdering pos ass hole. You Yankees are baby killers.
Can you trace your Confederate heritage, or are you descended from white immigrants who got here after the War was fought, and lost, and just like to spout off stupid shit?
Yes I can. And yes some of my relations were murdered by invading Yankees.
The typical Confederate flag waving racist ranting idiot cannot name his grand-daddy.

I thought you might be one of those.

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