Obviously not

that's what the british said in 1776

Then pick up your gun and get to work, blowhard.
ok..whatever you say, son.

C'mon blowhard. Get to work.
All talk - no action. Now THERE'S someone to respect, huh?

Keep chattering.

That's ALL you do is chatter chickenshit. Pick up a gun and go to work pussy.
Libs don't like to fight or produce... It won't be a long fight.

and you don't like to provide evidence how ID cards would stop MAIL IN VOTING ..

so it's a tie between you and Libs ..
..and now you want to change the subject again...
very tricky.

so remind everyone how far your confederate money will go after you become an independent state ..

Farther than fiat currency created out of thin air by the "fed".

Yeah, tell that to the grocery store clerk
The most likely time for the states to secede will be when they dissolve the dollar. Don't kid yourself, that time IS coming.

At that time, I imagine the various states will offer commodity backed currency.

If you, as a citizen had a choice, and knew, that at anytime you could trade in your currency for food, fuel, or energy, versus a world fiat currency that is backed by nothing, I think the citizens of this land would probably support their locally based currency. Especially if they knew that the State would only issue as much currency as the GDP of the state producing which is issuing the currency.

That is simple logic.

The world currency will be a fiat currency. The fiat currency will be like the current federal reserve currency is now, that is, a debt based currency, intended to make the wealthy banking cartel more wealthy off of the labor of the middle class, and meant to prop up the corrupt elite globalist politicians. It will be designed to be easily manipulated, debased, to create artificial booms and busts, so that politicians can create winners and losers.
and you don't like to provide evidence how ID cards would stop MAIL IN VOTING ..

so it's a tie between you and Libs ..
..and now you want to change the subject again...
very tricky.

so remind everyone how far your confederate money will go after you become an independent state ..

Farther than fiat currency created out of thin air by the "fed".

Yeah, tell that to the grocery store clerk
The most likely time for the states to secede will be when they dissolve the dollar. Don't kid yourself, that time IS coming.

At that time, I imagine the various states will offer commodity backed currency.

If you, as a citizen had a choice, and knew, that at anytime you could trade in your currency for food, fuel, or energy, versus a world fiat currency that is backed by nothing, I think the citizens of this land would probably support their locally based currency. Especially if they knew that the State would only issue as much currency as the GDP of the state producing which is issuing the currency.

That is simple logic.

The world currency will be a fiat currency. The fiat currency will be like the current federal reserve currency is now, that is, a debt based currency, intended to make the wealthy banking cartel more wealthy off of the labor of the middle class, and meant to prop up the corrupt elite globalist politicians. It will be designed to be easily manipulated, debased, to create artificial booms and busts, so that politicians can create winners and losers.

The time is not coming. Just more bloviating bullshit is all we can expect from the pussy, chickenshit "succesionists."

Prove me wrong and pick up a gun pussy.
..and now you want to change the subject again...
very tricky.

so remind everyone how far your confederate money will go after you become an independent state ..

Farther than fiat currency created out of thin air by the "fed".

Yeah, tell that to the grocery store clerk
The most likely time for the states to secede will be when they dissolve the dollar. Don't kid yourself, that time IS coming.

At that time, I imagine the various states will offer commodity backed currency.

If you, as a citizen had a choice, and knew, that at anytime you could trade in your currency for food, fuel, or energy, versus a world fiat currency that is backed by nothing, I think the citizens of this land would probably support their locally based currency. Especially if they knew that the State would only issue as much currency as the GDP of the state producing which is issuing the currency.

That is simple logic.

The world currency will be a fiat currency. The fiat currency will be like the current federal reserve currency is now, that is, a debt based currency, intended to make the wealthy banking cartel more wealthy off of the labor of the middle class, and meant to prop up the corrupt elite globalist politicians. It will be designed to be easily manipulated, debased, to create artificial booms and busts, so that politicians can create winners and losers.

The time is not coming. Just more bloviating bullshit is all we can expect from the pussy, chickenshit "succesionists."

Prove me wrong and pick up a gun pussy.

YES IT IS COMING, YES IT IS!!!!! soon as the south rises again!!!!...LOL!!
..and now you want to change the subject again...
very tricky.

so remind everyone how far your confederate money will go after you become an independent state ..

Farther than fiat currency created out of thin air by the "fed".

Yeah, tell that to the grocery store clerk
The most likely time for the states to secede will be when they dissolve the dollar. Don't kid yourself, that time IS coming.

At that time, I imagine the various states will offer commodity backed currency.

If you, as a citizen had a choice, and knew, that at anytime you could trade in your currency for food, fuel, or energy, versus a world fiat currency that is backed by nothing, I think the citizens of this land would probably support their locally based currency. Especially if they knew that the State would only issue as much currency as the GDP of the state producing which is issuing the currency.

That is simple logic.

The world currency will be a fiat currency. The fiat currency will be like the current federal reserve currency is now, that is, a debt based currency, intended to make the wealthy banking cartel more wealthy off of the labor of the middle class, and meant to prop up the corrupt elite globalist politicians. It will be designed to be easily manipulated, debased, to create artificial booms and busts, so that politicians can create winners and losers.

The time is not coming. Just more bloviating bullshit is all we can expect from the pussy, chickenshit "succesionists."

Prove me wrong and pick up a gun pussy.

Don't encourage him. He might shoot up a mall, school, or theater.
When secession comes, I imagine most of the folks arguing against whether it is legal to secede or not, will at that point, in fact support secession.

It will finally dawn on you folks that the Constitution has been subverted by Agenda 21, the UN Charter, and the various trade deals that have the force of international treaties which supposedly supersede the Constitution, such as NAFTA, TPP & TTIP. You will all finally realize that what the States are seceding from IS NOT the USA, but in fact, a global socialist dictatorship.

I would never advocate secession unless the majority of Americans were with me in realizing that the US government has been co-opted by internationalists that don't give two shits about the American family any more. They care only about the wealthiest and most powerful families in the world. Those families are not necessarily American. And it doesn't even matter if they are American.

Freedom and Justice shouldn't necessarily be restricted to America. But once it dies here? There will be NO CHANCE of it existing anywhere.
gee, all these proud American Patriots sure have a ton of faith in their country don't they?

Traitor SOB's.
Bullshit. Quote the part of the Constitution or the Supreme Court Decision that makes it so.

Well, there's Texas v White.

The United States is a perpetual Union. It has been so since its inception.

Did you read those decisions? They were based on historical opinions. Not based on any interpretations of the Constitution. What a farce. That decision is nothing but Tyrannical boot heeled Statists saying, "because we say say."

Give me ONE argument in that decision that was based on the Constitution. You can't, can you? Do you know why? Because that decision wasn't based on the Constitution, it was based on the threat of, or on the previous use of deadly force. That doesn't make secession unconstitutional.

The only thing that does is make the decision of the reconstructionest Supreme Court illegitimate.

Also see, Plato's Dialogs. Does might make right?

Texas V. White was decided by a gang of hand picked Lincoln hacks. What are the odds that such men are going to rule that secession is Constitutional? Part of that decision says that Texas has always been a state of the union. How can that be when for a number of years, even after the Civil War, it had no representation in Congress?
Oh, just out of curiousity..........what makes you think that the tea party and Occupy- which has been dust for several years now-have anything in common?

They both are rooted in the same complaint, the elites corrupt taxation policy.

At the heart of it, is the income tax of the common man. That is the great swindle. The common man trades his labor for income, there is NO GAIN there, none. The big lie is that the income tax is supposed to only be a tax on INCOME. If you are trading your labor for money, than you don't really HAVE an income, you are trading your labor for money, there is no income, there is only an equal value trade. That money represents a persons labor. The INCOME TAX IS A TAX ON LABOR. So in effect, people are working for the banks. Birth certificates are receipts of sale for slavery to the bankers.

Yet the international banking cartel, via the federal government, STEALS MONEY (which represents the labor) from the common man. It is like stealing a persons labor. When the politicians just GIVE it to corrupt bankers, "to big to fails," their political allies that donate to their campaigns, or any of the other favorite industries, to illegal aliens, to welfare abusers, or pork projects, THEN what is the incentive for people, whether they see themselves as Tea Partiers, or Occupiers, to work, when they know they are just slaves? Eventually there is none. Things become hopeless and eventually, they see secession as the only viable option. And we here that old refrain repeated once again, because the people are NEVER given a real choice, just puppet candidate to choose from. Once again we hear, "NO TAXATION WITH OUT REPRESENTATION." This is what we now have. Does anyone believe that D.C. represents them?

This is no different than what slave owners did to the black man before the civil war. The original Constitution prohibited this sort of abuse. Why should the average citizen tolerate this theft?


There is nothing in common.
You are REALLY obtuse. There is just no getting through to you, is there?

This is your base. Count the number of times liberal drools out of their mouth. Check what they say against what is in the constitution.

Vigilante US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

koshergrl US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Stephanie US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

PoliticalChic US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Tell me how many times they lie through their teeth.
Oh no, I have previously agreed with you, you are right. The partisanship knows no bounds. I am sure they actually believe there will be real change. The wise among us know there won't be.

It is a race awaken and unite the nation against a common foe, I will admit to you. All of the members believe more of what they see on TV and what they read on their corporate funded favorite globalist sites. They have a "my team is best" attitude, more than, WE ARE ALL ONE TEAM.

The elites in Russia, China, the UK, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and Israel all have more in common with each other, than do the US elites have with the average American. THAT is the reason things get worse every year. The folks in DC represent people that have nothing to do with what the average American desires, people on USMB, whether they are on the left, or on the right, just don't get that.

Though, to be sure, YOU don't help the situation either. I can feel the partisan loathing in your posts. Have you ever agreed with any of the posters you mentioned? Or thanked them for their contributions? I have, with all of them. Remember, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

OTH, I have vehemently called them out on their point of view when they are playing into the hands of the globalists and the Statists, while trying to remain polite.

Do you actually imagine they are purposely trying to deceive? REALLY? If you do, you are part of the problem.

I sense you voted for Obama. It wouldn't surprise me one bit. It wouldn't surprise me to learn you went out and voted for your favorite progressive candidate. I notice you didn't point out any Occupy peeps to me. And they exist on this board. Oh, they may not call themselves that anymore, but when the Republican President is elected two years from now (god help us and the innocent children in the ME,) Occupy will reassert itself, and you know who they are as well as I do. . .

Yes, it is deception. The only other option is stupidity. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. Therefore, it is deception. Thank them for what? Sucking up oxygen? They are on ignore. So are a few alleged liberals. If you have to lie to make your case then you don't have a case. It really is that simple. I get along with several right wing posters. It isn't necessary to agree with them 100% 24/7. If there are former members of Occupy here and they are not on ignore then it has nothing to do with their affiliation with that group.

So, the question is how many of those that you know of that are Occupy are down with secession?

How many of those agree with your take that it is taxes that are the issue?

I doubt very seriously that you will see a very large group of people that get together at that level in two years. If you do it will be suspect. You must know this. Further, there are group dynamics in theory and group dynamics in action. Many of those people moved on to where they felt they felt they could specialize in whatever their key interest was. There were many people that were burnt out. I'm not so sure that you will be able to gather that much idealism in one arena again. That's how people lose their idealistic nature.

You do realize that those issues that were raised led to the election of a socialist.
that's what the british said in 1776

Then pick up your gun and get to work, blowhard.
ok..whatever you say, son.

C'mon blowhard. Get to work.
All talk - no action. Now THERE'S someone to respect, huh?

Keep chattering.

That's ALL you do is chatter chickenshit. Pick up a gun and go to work pussy.

collapse, partitioning and reconstruction. It's inevitable.
See ya in the field.
..and now you want to change the subject again...
very tricky.

so remind everyone how far your confederate money will go after you become an independent state ..

Farther than fiat currency created out of thin air by the "fed".

Yeah, tell that to the grocery store clerk
The most likely time for the states to secede will be when they dissolve the dollar. Don't kid yourself, that time IS coming.

At that time, I imagine the various states will offer commodity backed currency.

If you, as a citizen had a choice, and knew, that at anytime you could trade in your currency for food, fuel, or energy, versus a world fiat currency that is backed by nothing, I think the citizens of this land would probably support their locally based currency. Especially if they knew that the State would only issue as much currency as the GDP of the state producing which is issuing the currency.

That is simple logic.

The world currency will be a fiat currency. The fiat currency will be like the current federal reserve currency is now, that is, a debt based currency, intended to make the wealthy banking cartel more wealthy off of the labor of the middle class, and meant to prop up the corrupt elite globalist politicians. It will be designed to be easily manipulated, debased, to create artificial booms and busts, so that politicians can create winners and losers.

The time is not coming. Just more bloviating bullshit is all we can expect from the pussy, chickenshit "succesionists."

Prove me wrong and pick up a gun pussy.

You think the u.s. is eternal?
so remind everyone how far your confederate money will go after you become an independent state ..

Farther than fiat currency created out of thin air by the "fed".

Yeah, tell that to the grocery store clerk
The most likely time for the states to secede will be when they dissolve the dollar. Don't kid yourself, that time IS coming.

At that time, I imagine the various states will offer commodity backed currency.

If you, as a citizen had a choice, and knew, that at anytime you could trade in your currency for food, fuel, or energy, versus a world fiat currency that is backed by nothing, I think the citizens of this land would probably support their locally based currency. Especially if they knew that the State would only issue as much currency as the GDP of the state producing which is issuing the currency.

That is simple logic.

The world currency will be a fiat currency. The fiat currency will be like the current federal reserve currency is now, that is, a debt based currency, intended to make the wealthy banking cartel more wealthy off of the labor of the middle class, and meant to prop up the corrupt elite globalist politicians. It will be designed to be easily manipulated, debased, to create artificial booms and busts, so that politicians can create winners and losers.

The time is not coming. Just more bloviating bullshit is all we can expect from the pussy, chickenshit "succesionists."

Prove me wrong and pick up a gun pussy.

YES IT IS COMING, YES IT IS!!!!! soon as the south rises again!!!!...LOL!!

See ya in the field, boy.
Looking forward to it.
I'm enjoying morons like "cero/siete" giggling like girls about what currency a new nation made up of secessionist states would use. What should be of interest to the readers at this point would be to ask what the value of US currency is based on? Gold you say? Well, not since the 1930's when FDR seized our gold and then devalued the dollar by 40%. But still, we do back our currency with our gold reserve in the end. Okay, so wouldn't it be nice to know if the gold we CLAIM we have is indeed at Fort Knox and is almost 100% pure and not lead bars coated in gold?

Do you think it's curious the last physical inventory of OUR gold was done in 1953? Eisenhower was president. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that LBJ sent the majority of US gold to England in the mid-60's to save their pound sterling. All we get from the Treasury reports is "it's all there so don't worry, be happy". But no physical come?

Well, in 2011 we were told by the Treasury Sec. it would cost $60M to go through the 27lb bars, drill a small hole in each to prove they are solid gold and put them back in sealed wrappers. The Treasury dept. said that cost would be $15M...considering that amount is spent in a few minutes of interest on the national debt, why would proving we have the 9,300 tons of solid gold we claim we have be considered an extravagant expense?

So to the anti-secessionists, I say prove your US dollars are based on anything but smoke and mirrors before you ridicule a new nation setting up it's own currency valuation based on whatever the hell we choose and certainly not phantom gold.
Last edited:
All you gutless turds who've never served yet feel compelled to BRAG about the Yankees great victory over Dixie should find out why it happened.

There were many reasons that the traitorous 'confederacy' inevitably lost. One of the main reasons was that men in the South got tired of dying for a losing cause on behalf of arrogant, traitorous fools and deserted in droves.
All you gutless turds who've never served yet feel compelled to BRAG about the Yankees great victory over Dixie should find out why it happened.

There were many reasons that the traitorous 'confederacy' inevitably lost. One of the main reasons was that men in the South got tired of dying for a losing cause on behalf of arrogant, traitorous fools and deserted in droves.
Fuck you ya murdering pos ass hole. You Yankees are baby killers.
..and now you want to change the subject again...
very tricky.

so remind everyone how far your confederate money will go after you become an independent state ..

Farther than fiat currency created out of thin air by the "fed".

Yeah, tell that to the grocery store clerk
The most likely time for the states to secede will be when they dissolve the dollar. Don't kid yourself, that time IS coming.

At that time, I imagine the various states will offer commodity backed currency.

If you, as a citizen had a choice, and knew, that at anytime you could trade in your currency for food, fuel, or energy, versus a world fiat currency that is backed by nothing, I think the citizens of this land would probably support their locally based currency. Especially if they knew that the State would only issue as much currency as the GDP of the state producing which is issuing the currency.

That is simple logic.

The world currency will be a fiat currency. The fiat currency will be like the current federal reserve currency is now, that is, a debt based currency, intended to make the wealthy banking cartel more wealthy off of the labor of the middle class, and meant to prop up the corrupt elite globalist politicians. It will be designed to be easily manipulated, debased, to create artificial booms and busts, so that politicians can create winners and losers.

The time is not coming. Just more bloviating bullshit is all we can expect from the pussy, chickenshit "succesionists."

Prove me wrong and pick up a gun pussy.
I am a Successionist Baptist.

A secessionist is a bird of another feather.

Are you sure you know your ass from a hole in the ground?
All you gutless turds who've never served yet feel compelled to BRAG about the Yankees great victory over Dixie should find out why it happened.

There were many reasons that the traitorous 'confederacy' inevitably lost. One of the main reasons was that men in the South got tired of dying for a losing cause on behalf of arrogant, traitorous fools and deserted in droves.
They got tired of starving, and most were shot up.

They lost because hotheads started a fight they did not need to start, and could not win without a quick knockout punch.

Had Lee pulled a "Picket's Charge" on Washington early in the war, it would have been different.

It is over now, and doesn't mean shit.
All you gutless turds who've never served yet feel compelled to BRAG about the Yankees great victory over Dixie should find out why it happened.

There were many reasons that the traitorous 'confederacy' inevitably lost. One of the main reasons was that men in the South got tired of dying for a losing cause on behalf of arrogant, traitorous fools and deserted in droves.
Fuck you ya murdering pos ass hole. You Yankees are baby killers.
Can you trace your Confederate heritage, or are you descended from white immigrants who got here after the War was fought, and lost, and just like to spout off stupid shit?

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