Second Law of Thermodynamics Declared Wrong....

Dude, you couldn't calculate your way out of a fibonacci sequence...

Thanks. I just blew cereal...actual small flakes of Special K out of my nose. Bits of it will probably be residing up there bothering the crap out of me all day.
So do all the other denialists here deny relativity too, like Westwall?

That is, is it now official denialist cult dogma to deny relativity along with denying quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics?

By the time the denialist cult here gets done defining which science is politically correct, there might not be any science from the past century left.
So do all the other denialists here deny relativity too, like Westwall?

That is, is it now official denialist cult dogma to deny relativity along with denying quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics?

By the time the denialist cult here gets done defining which science is politically correct, there might not be any science from the past century left.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Dude, just give it up. When has ANY sceptic "denied" Einsteins theory? Hmmmm? Just admit you're a ignorant asshat and go away. You're a mental midget...we understand that. Here's a friendly pat on the head (pat, pat) now run along...
I've made several posts tonight, most of which had nothing to do with you. You've responded to every one with a psychostalker insult rant.

Again, what the hell is wrong with you?

Wow! You mean you haven't realized yet that the slack-jawed-idiot is a hard-core troll?
I've made several posts tonight, most of which had nothing to do with you. You've responded to every one with a psychostalker insult rant.

Again, what the hell is wrong with you?

Wow! You mean you haven't realized yet that the slack-jawed-idiot is a hard-core troll?

Best stop the trolling, blunder...LOL, I made a joke!

Anyway, what you're doing hurt my feelings... I think I may cry... Sniff, sniff..

Lucky I'm not a whiny little punk like a certain other poster..

So hows the trolling going? Did you manage to actually defend a position yet or just keep making the font bigger?
I've made several posts tonight, most of which had nothing to do with you. You've responded to every one with a psychostalker insult rant.

Again, what the hell is wrong with you?

Wow! You mean you haven't realized yet that the slack-jawed-idiot is a hard-core troll?

Best stop the trolling, blunder...LOL, I made a joke!

Anyway, what you're doing hurt my feelings... I think I may cry... Sniff, sniff..

Lucky I'm not a whiny little punk like a certain other poster..

So hows the trolling going? Did you manage to actually defend a position yet or just keep making the font bigger?

Oh, it's ALL about the font size man....
The denier cult retard, SSDD, is very confused about the difference between conductive transfer of energy and radiative transfer of energy.


Infrared light and ultraviolet light are both forms of light energy, just like the visible light that our eyes can detect.

SSoooDDuuumb asserts that a light source will not emit light in the direction of a brighter light source and he imagines that his delusion is a statement of the 2nd law.

It has been pointed out to him many times that shining a bright light at a dimmer light does not make the dimmer light turn off but his little pea-brain seems unable to process these facts and so he continues to foolishly claim that it is impossible for infrared light to travel from a weaker source to a stronger source. When challenged to describe the wacky physics involved in his fantasy, he just claims it is a "law of nature" and needs no explanation. He has completely discredited himself with his obsessive attachment to his deranged misunderstanding of the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

Here's a good explanation of the actual science.

The greenhouse effect and the 2nd law of thermodynamics
SSoooDDuuumb asserts that a light source will not emit light in the direction of a brighter light source and he imagines that his delusion is a statement of the 2nd law.

Actually, that's not the argument that I made, but being who and what you are, I am not surprised in the least that you failed to comprehend what was said.
SSoooDDuuumb asserts that a light source will not emit light in the direction of a brighter light source and he imagines that his delusion is a statement of the 2nd law.

Actually, that's not the argument that I made, but being who and what you are, I am not surprised in the least that you failed to comprehend what was said.
What you say, idiotically and ad nauseum, is that downward infrared radiation from the atmosphere to the surface is impossible because the Earth's surface is emitting stronger IR than the atmosphere. You're just too retarded to comprehend that that is just another way of saying that a "light source will not emit light in the direction of a brighter light source". You're.probably too retarded to even realize that infrared radiation is another kind of 'light' that happens to be just outside the visible part of the spectrum.
SSoooDDuuumb asserts that a light source will not emit light in the direction of a brighter light source and he imagines that his delusion is a statement of the 2nd law.

Actually, that's not the argument that I made, but being who and what you are, I am not surprised in the least that you failed to comprehend what was said.
What you say, idiotically and ad nauseum, is that downward infrared radiation from the atmosphere to the surface is impossible because the Earth's surface is emitting stronger IR than the atmosphere. You're just too retarded to comprehend that that is just another way of saying that a "light source will not emit light in the direction of a brighter light source". You're.probably too retarded to even realize that infrared radiation is another kind of 'light' that happens to be just outside the visible part of the spectrum.

Sorry but you are obviously ignorant of the 2nd law of thermodynamics..Tell me do either of the light sources in your little story make the other light burn brighter?

Get a clue troll. If both of the lights are identical and produce identical amounts of light, they cannot make each other any brighter. Let's say they are simple 60 watt incandescent bulbs usually producing 840 lumens. Do you think either of them can make the other one any brighter? Or do you think they actually light the area more brightly?

Here's a clue, they can't make the other one produce more than 840 lumens, and they can't make the other one use more than 60 watts of electricity. They can produce more lumens collectively but not singularly.. Collectively they are capable of producing 1680 lumens give or take, but singularly just 840. You are confusing doubling of output with energy transfer..

Please go back to trolling, your scientific ability is weak...
Sorry but you are obviously ignorant of the 2nd law of thermodynamics..
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.......says the poor deluded retard who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground....

Tell me do either of the light sources in your little story make the other light burn brighter? Do you think either of them can make the other one any brighter?

Of course not, moron, and no one said or implied that they would. Once again, you're just plain too frigging retarded to be able to understand what we're talking about.
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Sorry but you are obviously ignorant of the 2nd law of thermodynamics..
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.......says the poor deluded retard who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground....

Tell me do either of the light sources in your little story make the other light burn brighter? Do you think either of them can make the other one any brighter?

Of course not, moron, and no one said or implied that they would. Once again, you're just plain too frigging retarded to be able to understand what we're talking about.

Blunder when you actually address my post let me know..
Sorry but you are obviously ignorant of the 2nd law of thermodynamics..
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.......says the poor deluded retard who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground....

Tell me do either of the light sources in your little story make the other light burn brighter? Do you think either of them can make the other one any brighter?

Of course not, moron, and no one said or implied that they would. Once again, you're just plain too frigging retarded to be able to understand what we're talking about.

Blunder when you actually address my post let me know..
Slackjawedidiot, when you finally manage to grow a functional brain and figure out what we're actually talking about, let me know. I'm not holding my breath on that one.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.......says the poor deluded retard who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground....

Of course not, moron, and no one said or implied that they would. Once again, you're just plain too frigging retarded to be able to understand what we're talking about.

Blunder when you actually address my post let me know..
Slackjawedidiot, when you finally manage to grow a functional brain and figure out what we're actually talking about, let me know. I'm not holding my breath on that one.

And that's called trolling.. get it yet? What you are doing now is trolling..Do you have a point? Ever? This is you blunder, make a retarded claim or post SPAM, and when it's challenged you do this...

Ever plan actually defending your BS or just going to continue being a useless troll? No don't bother,it was rhetorical..
What you say, idiotically and ad nauseum, is that downward infrared radiation from the atmosphere to the surface is impossible because the Earth's surface is emitting stronger IR than the atmosphere. You're just too retarded to comprehend that that is just another way of saying that a "light source will not emit light in the direction of a brighter light source".

So you are on the crazy train claiming that the second law of thermodynamics is wrong also? What a surprise.

You're.probably too retarded to even realize that infrared radiation is another kind of 'light' that happens to be just outside the visible part of the spectrum.

I'm not so retarded that I believe that energy can spontaneously move from a high enetropy state to a low entropy state.

second law of thermodynamics said:
Second Law of Thermodynamics: In any cyclic process the entropy will either increase or remain the same.
And that's called trolling.. get it yet? What you are doing now is trolling..Do you have a point? Ever? This is you blunder, make a retarded claim or post SPAM, and when it's challenged you do this...

It's all he's got. He couldn't google anyting to cut and paste that addressed your point and he doesn't have the slightest clue what the conversation is really about so he downshifts to plan loud, call names, and try like hell to divert the conversation away from the topic so that he doesn't look as scientifically clueless as he is.

Remember, he has deep inferiority and intimidation issues. That's why he is unable to have any sort of conversation as equals...he must convince himself that he is superior to evryone else and since he can't do it by actually discussing the science at a superior level, he must rant, call names, and sling insults. It is what he has learned, and it is what it does and will continue to do even though it never works.
And that's called trolling.. get it yet? What you are doing now is trolling..Do you have a point? Ever? This is you blunder, make a retarded claim or post SPAM, and when it's challenged you do this...

It's all he's got. He couldn't google anyting to cut and paste that addressed your point and he doesn't have the slightest clue what the conversation is really about so he downshifts to plan loud, call names, and try like hell to divert the conversation away from the topic so that he doesn't look as scientifically clueless as he is.

Remember, he has deep inferiority and intimidation issues. That's why he is unable to have any sort of conversation as equals...he must convince himself that he is superior to evryone else and since he can't do it by actually discussing the science at a superior level, he must rant, call names, and sling insults. It is what he has learned, and it is what it does and will continue to do even though it never works.
This is what clueless retards tell themselves after their moronic drivel gets debunked by the facts.
What you say, idiotically and ad nauseum, is that downward infrared radiation from the atmosphere to the surface is impossible because the Earth's surface is emitting stronger IR than the atmosphere. You're just too retarded to comprehend that that is just another way of saying that a "light source will not emit light in the direction of a brighter light source".

So you are on the crazy train claiming that the second law of thermodynamics is wrong also? What a surprise.

Actually, SSoooDDuuumb, you're "on the crazy train" of being too retarded to understand the difference between conductive transfer of heat and radiative transfer of energy and then fantasizing that you understand the science better than all of the world's actual scientists. You poor confused retard!
Actually, SSoooDDuuumb, you're "on the crazy train" of being too retarded to understand the difference between conductive transfer of heat and radiative transfer of energy and then fantasizing that you understand the science better than all of the world's actual scientists. You poor confused retard!

Do you believe that energy can spontaneously move from any given entropy state to a lower entropy state. It is a yes or no question.

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