Secret Service Deleted Text Messages

Hard to believe that a minor and corrupt party like today's republicans is able to have so much power. Mostly because of these antiquated rules like the electoral college vo
Hard to believe that a minor and corrupt party like today's SCUM demonRATS, is able to have so much power. Mostly because of these antiquated rules, like inventing, and spreading lies.... To add insult to injury, we have a corrupt president who tries to destroy this country, on a daily basis, Sad.
but hey, anti-AMERICA assholes like yourself, believe the fuck tards that are ruining are a piss poor excuse for claiming to be AMERICAN
but hey, your fucked up mentality, must enjoy spending 5 bucks a gallon, and triple for groceries....this is the shit fuck tards like you voted for...but hey, it isnt TRUMP....the best president ever
sadly, you still breathe...after all you voted to ruin AMERICA
Except, she didn't erase a server....

It would help not to be a moron and know the difference between deleting "PRIVATE" emails and erasing a server -- the FBI has the server.....all thru-out Trump's presidency they had the come no charges have come from it??

Is Trump that much of a weak bitch that he couldn't touch a hair on Hillary's head? What a cuck
Careless she was the fucking Secretary of State. In the Army I managed networks and email servers. The lowest snot nose private knew better than to send classified material over an unsecured network. If some moron did it then the least that would happen is a lose of rank and money on the other end you could be charged with treason and get the death penalty. How the hell did a women who had been in Government for decades not know this shit ?
It is important to try to get to the bottom of this.

If, as is alleged, the Secret Service official most close to Trump tried to take Pence away from the Capitol — not to “protect him” but so that Pence could not confirm the election results — and was stopped only by Pence’s own security officials and Pence’s insistence he remain, the American people should know all about it.

“I’m not getting in the car” — the “six most chilling words of this entire thing” according to one Jan 6 committee member

Those six words of Pence, expressing at minimum his praiseworthy determination to stay in the Capitol area during the MAGA invasion, are worthy of note and may have been a key turning point in re-establishing stability quickly on Jan. 6th.

Of course there may — or may not have been — a conscious plan to kidnap Pence and whisk him away from the Capitol (and the Capitol “secure area” where he sheltered). It is at least possible that, under the excuse of “protecting him,” there was a Presidential / Secret Service plan to put Pence out of action so he could not later on Jan. 6th do his duty to read the true state-confirmed electoral vote. The facts here should be thoroughly investigated.

dont forget to keep your shrink appt.
you are 1 fucked up, gullible piece of shit, anti-AMERICA SCUM.....
but hey---parrots are fucking stupid like you...polly want a cracker?
Prove me wrong....go ahead and try! I dare you! I double dog dare you! :)
You’re beyond stupid. This is a big fucking deal and you’re too dumb to realize it.

And what happened to all these agents who told FOX News they wanted to testify that Dumb Donald didn’t grab the wheel?

Suddenly the SS has nothing to say about anything.
they still want to testify but the “committee.” refuses to allow the dems are attacking the career civil servants since they’ve exposed the “comnittew” as a political circus uninterested in facts
Except, she didn't erase a server....

It would help not to be a moron and know the difference between deleting "PRIVATE" emails and erasing a server -- the FBI has the server.....all thru-out Trump's presidency they had the come no charges have come from it??

Is Trump that much of a weak bitch that he couldn't touch a hair on Hillary's head? What a cuck
You, quite simply, are full of shit.

She erased a server she was never supposed to have.
they still want to testify but the “committee.” refuses to allow the dems are attacking the career civil servants since they’ve exposed the “comnittew” as a political circus uninterested in facts
That's a lie. Beginning with the agents saying they would testify.

No agent involved, has come forward and stated such, on the record. Someone anonymous said that..... And SS Spokesman said secret service was coooerating, as they have been all along, statement from them.

That's a lie. Beginning with the agents saying they would testify.

No agent involved, has come forward and stated such, on the record. Someone anonymous said that..... And SS Spokesman said secret service was coooerating, as they have been all along, statement from them.

haha it’s fact the agency publicly refuted what the dembots claimed

and stated they wanted to testify and the “committee” has refused to allow them
haha it’s fact the agency publicly refuted what the dembots claimed

and stated they wanted to testify and the “committee” has refused to allow them
Link to Bobby Engel and Tony Ornato, thetwo SS guys involved, specifically stating such....from the horse's mouth on both, not some other person saying they said it..... :rolleyes:. Those kind of details are important, in this crazy world we live in.
Link to Bobby Engel and Tony Ornato, thetwo SS guys involved, specifically stating such....from the horse's mouth on both, not some other person saying they said it..... :rolleyes:. Those kind of details are important, in this crazy world we live in.
they aren’t being allowed to testify…the “committee” has refused to call them
Careless she was the fucking Secretary of State. In the Army I managed networks and email servers. The lowest snot nose private knew better than to send classified material over an unsecured network. If some moron did it then the least that would happen is a lose of rank and money on the other end you could be charged with treason and get the death penalty. How the hell did a women who had been in Government for decades not know this shit ?
So you are upset that you think she sent classified material over a private server?

Cool...are you sure with 100% certainty that these folks didn't send classified material over their private servers??

And....for the 10000th time, why wasn't she charged for it? Why are you mad at everyone else but the folks who TOLD YOU "VOTE FOR ME AND I WILL LOCK HER UP?"

Because I wouldn't lose an ounce of sleep if Hillary or Trump was locked you would declare war if Trump was so much as forced to testify under oath let alone be locked up.....funny...testifying under oath is something else Hillary did....for 10 hours..and not a single perjury charge....sad.....why are Republicans so weak?
they still want to testify but the “committee.” refuses to allow the dems are attacking the career civil servants since they’ve exposed the “comnittew” as a political circus uninterested in facts

Really????? Do you have any evidence of this or is did FOX News and Breitbart tell you that? You fools have been saying this since Hutchison testified, by talk is cheap and NOBODY has shown up to testify under oath, nor has the Director or any spokesperson from the Secret Service has official denied it happened.

Now the Secret Service is telling us that all of their texts were deleted for those days. How CONVENIENT!!!! I hope the Director of the Secret Service - a Trump appointee in 2019, who has "retired" to take a job as head of security for some internet company, with only days left on the job, is charged and jailed for this.

Where is your cry to "Lock him up" that we heard when Hillary Clinton was investigated for not having sent the National Archives copies of her emails. This is illegal, at best, and a criminal coverup, at worst.
Really????? Do you have any evidence of this or is did FOX News and Breitbart tell you that? You fools have been saying this since Hutchison testified, by talk is cheap and NOBODY has shown up to testify under oath, nor has the Director or any spokesperson from the Secret Service has official denied it happened.

Now the Secret Service is telling us that all of their texts were deleted for those days. How CONVENIENT!!!! I hope the Director of the Secret Service - a Trump appointee in 2019, who has "retired" to take a job as head of security for some internet company, with only days left on the job, is charged and jailed for this.

Where is your cry to "Lock him up" that we heard when Hillary Clinton was investigated for not having sent the National Archives copies of her emails. This is illegal, at best, and a criminal coverup, at worst.
yes, the evidence is they haven’t been called

not surprised that the dems are attacking the career public servants of the SS now that they have exposed the “committtee” as a partisan circus
She deleted her personal emails but turned over all of the govt emails she had visible on her computer, BEFORE she repurposed her server and had it wiped clean. Contrary to the lies from the right wing, her server had not been subpoenaed yet....that happened 5 months later. She had only been subpoenaed for Benghazi and Libya emails, which her lawyers had copied and sent them, beforehand.
Wiped all the play for pay posts from the Clinton Foundation......not too hard to fathom.
yes, the evidence is they haven’t been called

not surprised that the dems are attacking the career public servants of the SS now that they have exposed the “committtee” as a partisan circus

The "evidence"???? What "evidence" would that be????

Here is the reality: The issue isn't whether or not the incident of Trump grabbing the wheel in the car really happened. It's completely irrelevant to the investigation of whether Trump conspired with others to send a violent mob to the Capitol. Right wingers are trying to use this as a distraction to the real issue.

The real issue is whether or not the President engaged in a conspiracy to overthrown the duly elected government of the USA. THAT is what the Committee is now trying to determine, based on the testimony and evidence presented.
The "evidence"???? What "evidence" would that be????

Here is the reality: The issue isn't whether or not the incident of Trump grabbing the wheel in the car really happened. It's completely irrelevant to the investigation of whether Trump conspired with others to send a violent mob to the Capitol. Right wingers are trying to use this as a distraction to the real issue.

The real issue is whether or not the President engaged in a conspiracy to overthrown the duly elected government of the USA. THAT is what the Committee is now trying to determine, based on the testimony and evidence presented.
Yeah and Jonathan Turley says it ain't gonna happen.
The "evidence"???? What "evidence" would that be????

Here is the reality: The issue isn't whether or not the incident of Trump grabbing the wheel in the car really happened. It's completely irrelevant to the investigation of whether Trump conspired with others to send a violent mob to the Capitol. Right wingers are trying to use this as a distraction to the real issue.

The real issue is whether or not the President engaged in a conspiracy to overthrown the duly elected government of the USA. THAT is what the Committee is now trying to determine, based on the testimony and evidence presented.
the evidence that the committee hasn’t called them ans instead is relying on hearsay, gossip and rumors…parody
Wiped all the play for pay posts from the Clinton Foundation......not too hard to fathom.

There was no "pay for play" from the Clinton Foundation. That was also investigated MULTIPLE TIMES, and found to be a lie.

Both the Clintons' personal income taxes and the Clinton Foundation tax filings have been investigated at the behest of Judicial Watch on numerous occasions, and NOTHING ILLEGAL HAS EVER BEEN FOUND.

All of the Clintons' tax returns have been made public since 1992. All Clinton Foundation tax returns have been made public since its inception.

Do you have anything on the Clintons that isn't based on Republican lies and conspiracy theories??? Something there is evidence that they've done, or witnesses?????
Yeah and Jonathan Turley says it ain't gonna happen.

Jonathan Turley???? They guy who said Clinton should be impeached for a blow job, but impeaching Trump for extortion of a foreign leader would he "damaging" to the Presidency, and lead to impeachment for "frivolous reasons"??????

That guy has about as much credibility as Rudy Guilliani.

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