Secret Service Driver Says Cassidy Hutchinson Lied and Trump Did Not Grab for Steering Wheel in Limo on J6

The lie weird one was that Trump grabbed the wheel of a limo from the back seat

It may have been a "lie". I dunno.
But, if it truly was a lie, then it seems to have originated with Tony Orlanto.
Then his lied grew legs and ran all over the place. And maybe he is embarrassed about it now. I dunno.

After saying all is still inconsequential* in the grand scheme of things. After all, it was the 2-month long illegal attempt to steal the election from Joe Biden that is the really big deal then. And it remains a big deal to this day. Ask Jack Smith. Ask Fanni Willis.

*'inconsequential'....unless Smith uses it to establish intent or state of mind as he crafts his arguments for the jury.
So, in addition to believing the nutty conspiracy theory that Trump carjacked the Secret Service, you also believe the Secret Service has the ultimate say in where the president goes.

Crazy for sure, but an interesting glimpse into the hive-mind of your cult.
So you’re saying the secret service driver lied under oath?
So you’re saying the secret service driver lied under oath?

If you have video or audio of him saying that, yes.

You don't, of course. What you have is a ludicrous conspiracy theory, that you believe 100%, because you're dumb as dogshit, and the liars know it. They count on you to spread it.

Like Lesh, however, you're too chickenshit to admit you believe it. You just spread the lie like the coward you are.

If you have video or audio of him saying that, yes.

You don't, of course. What you have is a ludicrous conspiracy theory, that you believe 100%, because you're dumb as dogshit, and the liars know it. They count on you to spread it.

Like Lesh, however, you're too chickenshit to admit you believe it. You just spread the lie like the coward you are.

Republicans released the transcript of his testimony.
If you have video or audio of him saying that, yes.

You don't, of course. What you have is a ludicrous conspiracy theory, that you believe 100%, because you're dumb as dogshit, and the liars know it. They count on you to spread it.

Like Lesh, however, you're too chickenshit to admit you believe it. You just spread the lie like the coward you are.

I'm going to explain to you simps why the steering wheel story has become so important to you. Then you can return to your simpleton ways.

It's become a thing among Trump cultists because the game is all about trying to damage Cassidy's credibility. You feel the need to do that because her testimony, even absent her testifying about what Ornato told her regarding what happened in the Beast, was so damning for Trump. You think casting aspersions on her, assassinating her character by accusing her of lying, not only diminishes her but the entire Jan. 6 committee's findings. Which is something simps very much want to do. It's why the weaponized House Repubs are going to try to call the committee's findings in to question as the campaign heats up this summer.

House Republicans release report seeking to undermine Jan. 6 committee and star witness​

Here's the thing. Some of us aren't simps. We understand what is happening and why. Glad I could help.
So you lied again when you said this:
The driver testified Trump didn’t reach for the steering wheel and the driver also testified Trump demanded to go to the Capitol.

I don’t think the driver is lying. You apparently do, because you believe one thing thing they said but not the other.
It was the left who brought up the steering wheel thing, as if it was important in some way.


It was a loyal Trump administration member who related a story told to her by a Trump lapdog named Ornato.

And of course it is important in establishing the state of mind of the orange slob during one of his crime sprees.
If you have video or audio of him saying that, yes.

You don't, of course. What you have is a ludicrous conspiracy theory, that you believe 100%, because you're dumb as dogshit, and the liars know it. They count on you to spread it.

Like Lesh, however, you're too chickenshit to admit you believe it. You just spread the lie like the coward you are.


Go to about the 1:50 mark of the video and you can hear Trump say he wanted to go to the Capital.

Go to about the 1:50 mark of the video and you can hear Trump say he wanted to go to the Capital.

Of course he did. He wanted to go there to incite his violent mob. Just like he did from his hidey hole while he was watching them on television.
No need. I am not trying to convice squealing cultists of anything.

When will the Trump lapdog Ornato go under oath? He promised he would, when he was strutting around for the media last year.

You're spreading the lie, but you're too chickenshit to admit you believe it.


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