Secret Service Driver Says Cassidy Hutchinson Lied and Trump Did Not Grab for Steering Wheel in Limo on J6

Lol. Read the rules of hearsay.
Hearsay was admitted in your kangaroo court, yes.
Hearsay is NOT admitted in REAL court.
Your pretend "justice" is just that: pretend.
Just like the pretend culture of your trans pawns, you rely on fantasy and illogical nonsense to support your self-importance; meanwhile in REALITY, it's all BULLSHIT.
Spit it out, poster Munkle.
Just exactly what are you alleging?
If you are hinting that she will be assassinated by either NeverTrumpers or by MAGA/QAnon......well, say it then.
Cowboy up, and talk straight.


Ummm, poster Rambunctious your partisan-slip is showing. "Admitted as evidence"?? Look, my friend, this was a 'hearing' was not a trial.

Cassidy, a well vetted, Republican political worker-bee, who had worked for Ted Cruz an Steve Scalise, did such sterling work it brought her to the attention of the White House and the Chief of Staff's insistence she work for him.
That doesn't at all sound like an unstable unreliable employee who isn't supporting Administration goals. You don't move up, even by admirable merit....if you are disloyal.

What was the lie she told?
Or retold?
Was it Ornato's?
And was Hutchinson careful and precise in describing that she was TOLD the tale by Ornato?

QAnon still lurks in the USMB digital Twilight Zone.
The above comment is silly conspiracy nonsense. Another break from reality that we can see somewhat regularly from RWNJ/QAnon/MAGA fangurls......and fanboys, on this venue. IMHO

Well, they did want to do that. Made attepts to do that. But the two agents wouldn't testify under oath. At the time, they claimed some kind of 'Secret Service' policy so to protect the confidentiality of those they guard.
Thus, the Committee felt that if there were no consequences if they lied.....then they may very well lie to cover up the 'tall-tale' they had relayed to impress a young and pretty staffer.

Plus Ornato was widely viewed as a Trump uber-loyalist.

The Committee felt that once they were under oath they would more likely be truthful, as they had some skin in the their careers. But they refused to speak 'under-oath'.

Poster Rambuncitous, you are hyper-ventilating.
Do you know what "Treason" is?
Do you know you are using the term wrongly?
Learn it.
Google is your friend.
And try to be a more accurate and reliable poster.

Indeed, it is M'58. A distraction. The alleged 'tussling-with-POTUS' is small potatoes compared to the meat of the issue ---- the attempted theft of an American election for President.

Hutchinson's testimony was a minor part of the several hearings the Committee held. To be sure, it was sensational. She was attractive, humble, careful, credible, and in a position to know. And not unimportantly, she was under oath. But some of her testimony....e.g., the SUV-Lunge, was hearsay, as Hutchinson carefully and precisely articulated it as such in front of the cameras so we all could watch as it happened.

The bigger picture is that Don Trump and a circle of enablers tried to steal the 2020 Election. Don Trump knew he lost. Multiple people in a position to know and who testified under oath that they had informed him of that. Some have said Trump himself acknowledged that he had lost.

Yet, he, and Eastman, and Giuiliani, and Cheseboro, and Jordan, and Perry, and multiple others continued the attempt at stealing the election.

America needs the trial prosecuted by Jack Smith to lay out all the facts of that attempted theft. To be sure, the J6 Committee has already done a careful and pretty thorough job of informing us (*see their full report linked below). But a court of law is where it now needs to be. Where everybody is under oath. THAT is how we will know as much as can be known. And that is where justice can and should be delivered.

BS, they did talk to the committee, and made clear they wanted to again after they put this sideshow on prime time tv

Why do you lie?
To buttress the observation made by poster Mac'58 and myself....that the brouhaha over the SUV Lunge is a distraction.....there is this succinct reportage:

"Aside from the claim made by this rumor (the Lunge), perhaps the key takeaway from Hutchinson's testimony was her recounting that Trump and Meadows both knew of the dangerous threat of violence on Jan. 6, including that of armed supporters near Trump's rally, and that neither man chose to act sooner to prevent or stop the attack on the Capitol. Trump even wanted to join the crowd, just as he said into the microphone at his own rally on the Ellipse"
A little birdie TOLD ME SO.
See how that works?

In my humble opinion, poster SeaMajor7, your avatar is a silly, unserious poster who contributes very little to the desired adult discourse here.

To date, I have seen no gravitas in your thinking nor your demeanor here.

Now, I am not saying you have none whatsoever. Rather, we've seen so little of it demonstrated to this point.

Be better.....and, good luck.
Hearsay was admitted in your kangaroo court, yes.
Hearsay is NOT admitted in REAL court.
Your pretend "justice" is just that: pretend.
Just like the pretend culture of your trans pawns, you rely on fantasy and illogical nonsense to support your self-importance; meanwhile in REALITY, it's all BULLSHIT.

Read the rules. You're not a JD or even a competent paralegal.

Would you lie under oath?

In my humble opinion, poster SeaMajor7, your avatar is a silly, unserious poster who contributes very little to the desired adult discourse here.

To date, I have seen no gravitas in your thinking nor your demeanor here.

Now, I am not saying you have none whatsoever. Rather, we've seen so little of it demonstrated to this point.

Be better.....and, good luck.
Go fuck yourself.
"Go fuck yourself."

Prototypical MAGA-think.
And those blokes claim they can make America great?
Sadly, they play to the cliche's that most of America uses to describe them. The MAGA-Q's seldom miss an opportunity to validate it.

In their creative imaginations.....using f-bombs generously and frequently in adult conversation is the way to make America great.

Yeah, me too. I don't get that one either.
Prototypical MAGA-think.
And those blokes claim they can make America great?
Sadly, they play to the cliche's that most of America uses to describe them. The MAGA-Q's seldom miss an opportunity to validate it.

In their creative imaginations.....using f-bombs generously and frequently in adult conversation is the way to make America great.

Yeah, me too. I don't get that one either.
Seriously dude, your pompous pretentiousness is over the top annoying.
You fucking demented Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES are out of your minds chasing this PATHETIC story, and every other ORANGE MAN BAD lawfare against Trump.
This is how the USSR operated, and here you are, as a presumed American, cheering on this travesty.
You IDIOTS never think through what DAMAGES you are causing for this country just to get the bad orange Man that your TV told you to oppose.The demented LEFT are completely overrun by the Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie brigade, and has been for the last 100 some odd years, and YOU are a symptom of the SICKNESS that all that has wrought.
Do yourself a favor and put me on ignore, because I will not be silenced by your disagreement.
  • fucking demented Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES
  • demented LEFT are completely overrun by the Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie brigade
Ain't that the MAGA-think, the QAnon-mind ........ that we all recognize? Thankfully, America is a tolerant 'Big Tent' society. As such we can absorb the fringies and the nutters, and maybe even be a bit amused by 'em.

And the sense that we thank our Creator for not making us like them.

Just sayin'.


Do yourself a favor and put me on ignore,
Put you on ignore?
Your postings....while content-free of informed insight.....are still useful as examples of QAnon-think, of MAGA-think. As such, they serve notice to America on the quality and the character of those folks who claim they can make America great.

That has value to the rest of us. As a good example of a bad example.

And besides, my avatar believes that other avatars who put contributors "On Ignore" are chickens, sceeredy-cats, wimps, wusses, and snowflakes.
And that the fearful should just man-up and soldier through.

Too, they can skip over contributors who may offer them insights that they unfortunately haven't yet recognized or understood. IMHO
Ain't that the MAGA-think, the QAnon-mind ........ that we all recognize? Thankfully, America is a tolerant 'Big Tent' society. As such we can absorb the fringies and the nutters, and maybe even be a bit amused by 'em.

And the sense that we thank our Creator for not making us like them.

Just sayin'.


Put you on ignore?
Your postings....while content-free of informed insight.....are still useful as examples of QAnon-think, of MAGA-think. As such, they serve notice to America on the quality and the character of those folks who claim they can make America great.

That has value to the rest of us. As a good example of a bad example.

And besides, my avatar believes that other avatars who put contributors "On Ignore" are chickens, sceeredy-cats, wimps, wusses, and snowflakes.
And that the fearful should just man-up and soldier through.

Too, they can skip over contributors who may offer them insights that they unfortunately haven't yet recognized or understood. IMHO
Again, when backed into a corner, this pretentious prick shouts out QAnon as if that's really a thing.
Absolutely PATHETIC.
The best thing Hutchinson can do is say the truth. Liz Cheney coached her to perjure herself in order to get the sensational story about Trump grabbing for the steering wheel, which is ridiculous on its face because the prez is seated four feet back in the passenger cabin. If there was any back-talk all Trump would have to say is "Mister I am giving you a direct order." All these guys are military veterans and would never dare defy an order directly from the President of the United States.

It's Hutchie's best bet because either she or Liz Cheney are going to jail. Cheney brought down would be a huge step forward for the country because she is part of the Deep State cabal through her father 9/11, Iraq War mastermind Dick Cheney, as evil a man as ever walked the Earth.

Let's see if Cassidy meets up with a tree stepping in front of her car one dark night in a mysterious one-car accident.

"Hutchinson, who at the time was an aide to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, testified to the select committee that she was told Trump had shouted: “I’m the f—ing president! Take me up to the Capitol now!” before he tried to grab the steering wheel from the driver in a desperate effort to join his supporters marching towards the Capitol.

Loudermilk’s report notes that Hutchinson’s testimony was “directly refuted” by White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations Anthony Ornato – the man who according to Hutchinson, told her the anecdote – and the Secret Service agent driving the SUV.

“Ornato testified that the first time he had ever heard the story Hutchinson claims Ornato told her on January 6, was during Hutchinson’s public testimony,” the oversight subcommittee report states.

“Hutchinson’s testimony was also contradicted by the [Secret Service] agent who was with President Trump on January 6,” the subcommittee found, which notes that “Hutchinson’s accusation came up only after the Secret Service agent’s attorney proactively brought up the subject” to select committee investigators. "
View attachment 925198
I never really understood this nonsense. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that Trump was in the beast and actually lunged for the steering wheel. So what? The guy is supposed to be prisoner in the vehicle? He doesn't have the right to go where he wants to go? Which law did Trump break by lunging for the steering wheel? This has never been anything more than a nothingburger.
"...shouts out QAnon as if that's really a thing."
First rule of Fight Club......and.......QAnon: Deny, deny, deny.

I never really understood this nonsense. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that Trump was in the beast and actually lunged for the steering wheel. So what?

This has never been anything more than a nothingburger.
Well, as has been previously posted, it is a tempest-in-a-teacup. So he spoke emphatically to a driver, maybe even touched or grabbed him, so what? He's the boss.*
(*except, maybe it can be linked to a "state-of-mind" aspect or motive?)

The real story, the meat-on-the-bone stuff of those hearings was NOT some attractive young assistant relaying a story of drama and manliness that she asserted was told to her by participants.

Nope. The REAL story is the attempted theft of an election by Don Trump and his circle of enablers, including sitting congressman, including a cadre of nutjob personalities, including some ambitious sycophant lawyers. the REAL story. The attempted theft. The violence of the J6 assault....and it's intent to stop the Constitutionally mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power.

So, small minds can hyperventilate, hissyfit, shrill, and shriek over the Tussle-in-the-Suburban, but serious adults, real patriots with a sense of ownership in America, and a sense of responsibility will keep their eye on the most dangerous intentions --- the intention to steal the 2020 Election from the lawful winner and from the American people. To steal the votes of millions and millions of citizens.
First rule of Fight Club......and.......QAnon: Deny, deny, deny.


Well, as has been previously posted, it is a tempest-in-a-teacup. So he spoke emphatically to a driver, maybe even touched or grabbed him, so what? He's the boss.*
(*except, maybe it can be linked to a "state-of-mind" aspect or motive?)

The real story, the meat-on-the-bone stuff of those hearings was NOT some attractive young assistant relaying a story of drama and manliness that she asserted was told to her by participants.

Nope. The REAL story is the attempted theft of an election by Don Trump and his circle of enablers, including sitting congressman, including a cadre of nutjob personalities, including some ambitious sycophant lawyers. the REAL story. The attempted theft. The violence of the J6 assault....and it's intent to stop the Constitutionally mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power.

So, small minds can hyperventilate, hissyfit, shrill, and shriek over the Tussle-in-the-Suburban, but serious adults, real patriots with a sense of ownership in America, and a sense of responsibility will keep their eye on the most dangerous intentions --- the intention to steal the 2020 Election from the lawful winner and from the American people. To steal the votes of millions and millions of citizens.
So, what is this lunging for the steering wheel thing all about? There is no law against a president lunging for the beast's steering wheel. Why are we even talking about it? Why was Hutchinson's testimony needed to supposedly prove Trump lunged for the steering wheel? So what?
First rule of Fight Club......and.......QAnon: Deny, deny, deny.


Well, as has been previously posted, it is a tempest-in-a-teacup. So he spoke emphatically to a driver, maybe even touched or grabbed him, so what? He's the boss.*
(*except, maybe it can be linked to a "state-of-mind" aspect or motive?)

The real story, the meat-on-the-bone stuff of those hearings was NOT some attractive young assistant relaying a story of drama and manliness that she asserted was told to her by participants.

Nope. The REAL story is the attempted theft of an election by Don Trump and his circle of enablers, including sitting congressman, including a cadre of nutjob personalities, including some ambitious sycophant lawyers. the REAL story. The attempted theft. The violence of the J6 assault....and it's intent to stop the Constitutionally mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power.

So, small minds can hyperventilate, hissyfit, shrill, and shriek over the Tussle-in-the-Suburban, but serious adults, real patriots with a sense of ownership in America, and a sense of responsibility will keep their eye on the most dangerous intentions --- the intention to steal the 2020 Election from the lawful winner and from the American people. To steal the votes of millions and millions of citizens.
And predictably the "fight club" gaslight excuse comes out.
That's even MORE pathetic.
You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES are a hoot.

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