Secretary: A Media Dream


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-gender vignette (my last one thank goodness) inspired by the films Working Girl and Swimming with Sharks.

Signing off,


Scarecrow was America's favorite vigilante, and now he wanted to retire and hire a secretary to help him manage his charities and social-outreach PR work through the Gotham City mayor's office while maintaining his loyalty to the GCPD commissioner James Gordon. So, Scarecrow hired the American actress Charlize Theron (star of culturally-provocative films such as Aeon Flux, The Devil's Advocate, and Snow White and the Huntsman). Theron was happy to serve as Scarecrow's personal secretary and helped him manage his new AIDS-charity pen-collectible showcase-telethon on Valentine's Day 2018. The Scarecrow-Charlize partnership became a very profitable boss-secretary dynamic (arguably the best ever!).


Scarecrow was asked by Commissioner Gordon to assess the folkloric summary of the great Media War (waged between conservatives and liberals). Scarecrow accepted the assignment and had his helpful secretary Charlize collect a mosaic of culturally-symbolic iconography and symbols to create a 'society-evolution timeline' presentation for TIME magazine, which was doing a special article on Scarecrow and vigilantism since the days of the counter-culture movement in the West (i.e., hippies). Charlize considered herself a 'pseudo-hippie' and so she found the assignment rather intriguing and found a very interesting bumper-sticker of a Medieval Blue Knight who represented the sort of pro-democracy values Scarecrow tried to espouse during the great Media War (which, incidentally, involved the hyping of American movie super-star Tom Cruise's endorsement of Scientology/Dianetics and media-promoted religious pluralism in the emerged commerce-based 'society etiquette').


Charlize quickly became known as Gotham's greatest secretary, and therefore her movie celebrity gained in prominence, and her films became quite popular as Netflix downloads. In particular, her film Mad Max: Fury Road became very popular (especially among college students). Charlize made the film with her co-star and rumored beau Tom Hardy (star of The Dark Knight Rises and Legend). The Gotham mayor invited both Theron and Hardy to attend a special AIDS-charity related celebrity event in Los Angeles on St. Patrick's Day 2018. Everyone wanted to know if Hardy and Charlize were a couple and if Charlize' beau liked his belle's new 'boss' --- the eccentric vigilante Scarecrow! The AIDS-charity celebrity event was much-publicized, and Charlize kept a handful of the press-photos for her personal files for Scarecrow's office. When Scarecrow received a death-threat letter regarding his 'past life of vigilantism,' he gave some of these photos of the AIDS-charity event to TIME magazine so the magazine could report, "Pedestrians react to anti-vigilantism sentiments with media-press social outreach photos of great prestige!"


Next, Scarecrow was asked by James Gordon to invest in an endorsement-related video-game marketing involving the combat-themed franchise Mortal Kombat (MK). MK games had become representative of a modern media/entertainment industry investment in graphic violence imagery and free-speech 'bravado' and had therefore become quite controversial. Scarecrow and Charlize were to use their Gotham office to promote the MK female warrior-avatar Kitana (a fan-blade wielding assassin!) as a 'totem' of gender-politics intrigue (rather than graphic violence glorification). The MK work that Scarecrow and Charlize did earned them the Nobel Prize, and Kitana was suddenly being called the 'Kali of Cyber-Punk' by pro-populism feminists such as Sonia Gandhi, Angela Davis, and even Deborah Diana. This was a great delight for Scarecrow, since he was an avid fan of video games all his life (especially while growing up in a youth-hostel in London).


Scarecrow was then asked by James Gordon to use the MK work/accreditation to address the stark bifurcation media between classic/values-themed imagery (e.g., Mother Goose) and graphic/pornographic imagery (e.g., MTV). Scarecrow decided to use Kitana as a 'new age Joan of Arc' figure/symbol, and his populism-shrewd secretary Charlize Theron helped Scarecrow market Kitana as a modern-day 'radio-feminist.' It was a very productive mission, and soon, society critics writing for the New Yorker suggested that imagery in modern media reflected a commerce-based approach to 'etiquette' (i.e., Facebook). Scarecrow realized he had done something truly wise in hiring Charlize Theron as his personal secretary but continued to worry that media obsession with 'fortune' would generate all kinds of fanatical sentiments such as, "Why are some secretaries ideal, while others are clearly useless?"


Scarecrow wisely-concluded that while his Utopian crusade during his vigilantism days did not bear much real-life value or fruit, his democratic idealism were realized in the populism-promoting work achieved by his office (and by him and his very shrewd secretary Charlize Theron). Scarecrow was even approached by a feminist to do an article in the New Yorker about the perspective of female contributions to male-dominated politics/industry in the modern world, but he wisely handed the assignment-offer to his secretary Charlize who submitted a very handsome piece to the New Yorker which also mentioned the pro-populism 'couture' work of her rumored offbeat talented beau Tom Hardy. Hardy asked Charlize, "Are you happy working as Scarecrow's secretary?" to which she quickly replied, "It's cool having a 'democratic boss,' Tom!" Hardy wondered if he should feel 'jealous' of Scarecrow (but alas, Scarecrow was a confirmed lifelong 'monk').



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