Section 4 of the VRA found unconsitutional

My wife doesn't drive. When we registered to vote in Alabama, we both needed a state issued ID for the process. We drove to the county offices and walked right in, no line whatsoever and had her ID in 5 minutes. It did cost $23.

I switched my driver's license at the same time. That took about 10 minutes because I had to take an eye test in addition to the photograph. That cost $23.50.

We then walked about 50 yards to another office and registered to vote. The whole process took about 15 minutes.

Yes easy peasy for you. But what if you were so poor you didn't have a car and lived at the furthest end of the county. And because you are elderly and they didn't keep good records in your parish, you can't provide that necessary underlying documentation of your birth, and you can't afford $23 plus the price of the bus ticket to the county seat. You have just been disenfranchised.

And these are exactly the kind of voters who are disenfranchised by voter ID legislation.
Those are exactly the kind of voters rightwingers have always wanted to disenfranchise. They have never believed in one person one vote.
How do you get welfare without an ID?

Not asking generally. I'm asking how YOU personally do it.
The Democrats have to sue the Slave States for every change they dare make, no matter what. Bring them to their knees with legal costs.

This is ruling is a disgrace, and will only enable the racist-filled GOP.
Yes easy peasy for you. But what if you were so poor you didn't have a car and lived at the furthest end of the county. And because you are elderly and they didn't keep good records in your parish, you can't provide that necessary underlying documentation of your birth, and you can't afford $23 plus the price of the bus ticket to the county seat. You have just been disenfranchised.

And these are exactly the kind of voters who are disenfranchised by voter ID legislation.
And exacty how many people fit this description??

I can't think of anyone personally.

You can't think of anyone personally, so it doesn't happen, amiright? :lol:

You remind me of the crack team of Fox News entertainers who stepped outside their building and asked a few passing negroes if they had IDs, and thought this proved there were no negroes anywhere in America without suitable IDs for voting.

Let me give you a name. And then you can ask yourself why you never heard of him. And it will be because none of the flag pin wearing faux patriots and yellow rags didn't make so much as a peep about him: Bill Internicola.
MSNBC's Bashir: Florida Voter 'Purge' One That 'Stalin Would Admire'; But 'Purge' Amounts to Just 0.02% of Fla. Voters | NewsBusters
Bashir and company ran with a Miami Herald story that spotlighted a 91-year-old World War II veteran who was sent a letter by Broward County (Fla.) officials that questioned whether he was eligible to vote. Bill Internicola, who was awarded the Bronze Star for his bravery in battle, "one of many innocent victims in Gov. Rick Scott's purge meant to reduce voter rolls in advance of November elections," Bashir insisted.

But a review of the Herald article itself makes abundantly clear the "purge" is anything but. Only 2600 notices were sent to voters who were believed to be noncitizens erroneously on the voter rolls. That amounts to a puny 0.023 percent of the state's 11,323,464 currently-registered voters (see Florida Division of Elections website here).

Initially, according to the Miami Herald, the state had flagged some 180,000 potential noncitizens, but confirmed the citizenship disposition of all but 2,600. Even if the full 180,000 had been served notices, that would have been just 1.59 percent of voters put in danger of being unable to vote, again, hardly "purge" territory.

What's more, persons receiving those notices, "have 30 days from the receipt of the letter to provide documentation of citizenship or they will be removed from the rolls." A true "purge" would be automatic and without avenue for appeal, which this is not.

What's more, for his part, Mr. Internicola has actually proven his citizenship, but as the Herald reports, there was reason for the state to have been suspicious in the first place. It turns out he lied about his year of birth many decades ago when first getting his driver's license:

Broward voting records show that Internicola registered in 1991 and has been a frequent voter — including the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections — and in at least a couple of municipal elections. He’s a lifelong Democrat.

Internicola admitted to one discrepancy in records. He says he was born in 1921, though he said his drivers’ license indicates 1919. The reason: in his youth he wanted to start driving early so “I bent the truth a little bit.”​

So when your birth date on voter rolls doesn't match your birth date on the state's driver's license files, you can expect that there's reason for state officials to be suspicious, no? Of course, Internicola's having lied about his age was not mentioned by Bashir, who practically made it sound like Gov. Scott was personally jonesing to disenfranchise a nonagenarian war hero.

And while Bashir and company were hard at work denouncing the "purge" as a partisan effort, even Democrats on the ground in south Florida admit that the effort was "microscopic" in nature, hardly a grand-scale effort to disenfranchise Democratic-leaning voters (emphasis mine):

Broward Party’s Democratic chairman Mitch Ceasar said the number on the county’s list — 259 among more than 1 million registered voters in Broward — “is very very microscopic.” But he questioned the action led by Scott’s administration.​

You should stop paying attention to MSNBC. They lie. A lot.
The opinions at the link:

So basically pre-clearance is still allowable, but the formula used to determine who needs to be pre-cleared is unconsitutional due to the age of the data used.

Yeah, I think Al Sharpton and Co. are making too big a deal out of this.

Liberals / Far-left is getting worked up about nothing.

Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.

"the american people have lost" is the kind of overreaction I'd expect from the far-right and GOP partisans.

I bet this friday when the gay marriage rulings are handed down -- the right will be saying the "american people have lost."
The opinions at the link:

So basically pre-clearance is still allowable, but the formula used to determine who needs to be pre-cleared is unconsitutional due to the age of the data used.

I believe it would be more correct to say Section 4 found out of date--needing to be rewritten.


What would be wrong with just saying all people have a right to vote? Anyone that stops them goes to prison?
There's an easy way to satisfy Liberals' angst over the mechanics of Voter ID...

Rig-up easy-to-access, State-paid assistance for those who cannot comply on their own...

If you cannot afford the $X ID-card fee, then, call the State Voter Help Line, and apply for a State -provided ID Card Cost Waiver which all issuing agencies must honor...

If you cannot travel to an issuing agency location, call the State Voter Help Line and apply for State assistance to (1) visit your home, (2) help you fill out your application, (3) collect your documents, and (4) scan, then FAX or Email them to the issuing Agency using mobile technology, and (5) return the originals to your possession before leaving the premises...

If you cannot produce the necessary documentation, then call the State Voter Help Line and apply for a State Status Investigation, which examines your status and whatever supporting documentation and testimony that you DO have, obtains a free notarized and sealed birth certificate for you where available, and which investigates all claims of attending school and the like, then, if the Investigation Team is satisfied, issues a Citizenship Acknowledgment Certificate which by law would carry the same weight for purposes of proving citizenship as would a notarized, sealed birth certificate...

And, of course, there can be a State-level Board of Review or Board of Appeals, to keep the local-yokels honest...

And, with respect to both the cost of ID-Cards and inability to travel to an issuing agency, when you apply, you must first fill-out the appropriate forms and prove that your circumstances (income, health, etc.) may reasonably be judged as a good reason for receiving State help for such things...

It'll add something to the cost of such programming but it will (a) weed-out the bull$hitters and (b) allow folks who really need the help to remain fully enfranchised despite their unfortunate circumstances and (c) neutralize Liberal objections about cost and hardship and (d) preserve the true intention - to weed-out Illegal Aliens, voter fraud, etc. and (e) create some new jobs while making State Government a bit more responsive to their People's needs.

It'll never happen, mind you, but I thought it was a Grand Idea and couldn't resist blurting it out...
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I don't give a fuck why it was created, it treats people differently based on where they live. that is the exact opposite of the rule of law, and should be abhorrent to everyone, especially those who claim to hate discrimination.

Then what other mechanism would you have proposed to prevent southern voting areas from suppressing the black vote, which back then they were actually and feverently doing?

I would have forced the Supreme Court to overturn Plessy v Fergusen when they first handed the decision down. It was the government that made the problem, more government is not a solution to a government problem.

Considering most of the white people in the country at the time were just fine with Plessy v. Fergueson, that would have been an issue.

And that ruling had nothing to do with vote infringement, that was local, and up close and personal.

They would have had to start reconstruction all over again, and no one had the will for that.
There's an easy way to satisfy Liberals' angst over the mechanics of Voter ID...

Rig-up easy-to-access, State-paid assistance for those who cannot comply on their own...

If you cannot afford the $X ID-card fee, then, call the State Voter Help Line, and apply for a State -provided ID Card Cost Waiver which all issuing agencies must honor...

If you cannot travel to an issuing agency location, call the State Voter Help Line and apply for State assistance to (1) visit your home, (2) help you fill out your application, (3) collect your documents, and (4) scan, then FAX or Email them to the issuing Agency using mobile technology, and (5) return the originals to your possession before leaving the premises...

If you cannot produce the necessary documentation, then call the State Voter Help Line and apply for a State Status Investigation, which examines your status and whatever supporting documentation and testimony that you DO have, obtains a free notarized and sealed birth certificate for you where available, and which investigates all claims of attending school and the like, then, if the Investigation Team is satisfied, issues a Citizenship Acknowledgment Certificate which by law would carry the same weight for purposes of proving citizenship as would a notarized, sealed birth certificate...

And, of course, there can be a State-level Board of Review or Board of Appeals, to keep the local-yokels honest...

And, with respect to both the cost of ID-Cards and inability to travel to an issuing agency, when you apply, you must first fill-out the appropriate forms and prove that your circumstances (income, health, etc.) may reasonably be judged as a good reason for receiving State help for such things...

It'll add something to the cost of such programming but it will (a) weed-out the bull$hitters and (b) allow folks who really need the help to remain fully enfranchised despite their unfortunate circumstances and (c) neutralize Liberal objections about cost and hardship and (d) preserve the true intention - to weed-out Illegal Aliens, voter fraud, etc. and (e) create some new jobs while making State Government a bit more responsive to their People's needs.

It'll never happen, mind you, but I thought it was a Grand Idea and couldn't resist blurting it out...
I have no problem with your proposal.

Liberals, will, of course, since their objection is about the disenfranchisement of people who are ineligible to vote.
Then what other mechanism would you have proposed to prevent southern voting areas from suppressing the black vote, which back then they were actually and feverently doing?

I would have forced the Supreme Court to overturn Plessy v Fergusen when they first handed the decision down. It was the government that made the problem, more government is not a solution to a government problem.

Considering most of the white people in the country at the time were just fine with Plessy v. Fergueson, that would have been an issue.

And that ruling had nothing to do with vote infringement, that was local, and up close and personal.

They would have had to start reconstruction all over again, and no one had the will for that.

It was the first ruling that said that Congress did not have the power to enforce the 14th Amendment against the states. That was the root of the government sanctioning of everything else you want to complain about, which proves that the answer is not the government.
There's an easy way to satisfy Liberals' angst over the mechanics of Voter ID...

Rig-up easy-to-access, State-paid assistance for those who cannot comply on their own...

If you cannot afford the $X ID-card fee, then, call the State Voter Help Line, and apply for a State -provided ID Card Cost Waiver which all issuing agencies must honor...

If you cannot travel to an issuing agency location, call the State Voter Help Line and apply for State assistance to (1) visit your home, (2) help you fill out your application, (3) collect your documents, and (4) scan, then FAX or Email them to the issuing Agency using mobile technology, and (5) return the originals to your possession before leaving the premises...

If you cannot produce the necessary documentation, then call the State Voter Help Line and apply for a State Status Investigation, which examines your status and whatever supporting documentation and testimony that you DO have, obtains a free notarized and sealed birth certificate for you where available, and which investigates all claims of attending school and the like, then, if the Investigation Team is satisfied, issues a Citizenship Acknowledgment Certificate which by law would carry the same weight for purposes of proving citizenship as would a notarized, sealed birth certificate...

And, of course, there can be a State-level Board of Review or Board of Appeals, to keep the local-yokels honest...

And, with respect to both the cost of ID-Cards and inability to travel to an issuing agency, when you apply, you must first fill-out the appropriate forms and prove that your circumstances (income, health, etc.) may reasonably be judged as a good reason for receiving State help for such things...

It'll add something to the cost of such programming but it will (a) weed-out the bull$hitters and (b) allow folks who really need the help to remain fully enfranchised despite their unfortunate circumstances and (c) neutralize Liberal objections about cost and hardship and (d) preserve the true intention - to weed-out Illegal Aliens, voter fraud, etc. and (e) create some new jobs while making State Government a bit more responsive to their People's needs.

It'll never happen, mind you, but I thought it was a Grand Idea and couldn't resist blurting it out...
I have no problem with your proposal.

Liberals, will, of course, since their objection is about the disenfranchisement of people who are ineligible to vote.

Oh you mean property owners it.
There's an easy way to satisfy Liberals' angst over the mechanics of Voter ID...

Rig-up easy-to-access, State-paid assistance for those who cannot comply on their own...

If you cannot afford the $X ID-card fee, then, call the State Voter Help Line, and apply for a State -provided ID Card Cost Waiver which all issuing agencies must honor...

If you cannot travel to an issuing agency location, call the State Voter Help Line and apply for State assistance to (1) visit your home, (2) help you fill out your application, (3) collect your documents, and (4) scan, then FAX or Email them to the issuing Agency using mobile technology, and (5) return the originals to your possession before leaving the premises...

If you cannot produce the necessary documentation, then call the State Voter Help Line and apply for a State Status Investigation, which examines your status and whatever supporting documentation and testimony that you DO have, obtains a free notarized and sealed birth certificate for you where available, and which investigates all claims of attending school and the like, then, if the Investigation Team is satisfied, issues a Citizenship Acknowledgment Certificate which by law would carry the same weight for purposes of proving citizenship as would a notarized, sealed birth certificate...

And, of course, there can be a State-level Board of Review or Board of Appeals, to keep the local-yokels honest...

And, with respect to both the cost of ID-Cards and inability to travel to an issuing agency, when you apply, you must first fill-out the appropriate forms and prove that your circumstances (income, health, etc.) may reasonably be judged as a good reason for receiving State help for such things...

It'll add something to the cost of such programming but it will (a) weed-out the bull$hitters and (b) allow folks who really need the help to remain fully enfranchised despite their unfortunate circumstances and (c) neutralize Liberal objections about cost and hardship and (d) preserve the true intention - to weed-out Illegal Aliens, voter fraud, etc. and (e) create some new jobs while making State Government a bit more responsive to their People's needs.

It'll never happen, mind you, but I thought it was a Grand Idea and couldn't resist blurting it out...
I have no problem with your proposal.

Liberals, will, of course, since their objection is about the disenfranchisement of people who are ineligible to vote.

Oh you mean property owners it.
You get nothing. Because you're a dumbass. Anyone who cares about the democratic process supports the idea of "one person, one vote".

You hate that idea. Democrats winning elections is more important to you than the purity of the process.

You don't give a shit about what Americans want. You just want Democrats in power.

I have no problem with your proposal.

Liberals, will, of course, since their objection is about the disenfranchisement of people who are ineligible to vote.

Oh you mean property owners it.
You get nothing. Because you're a dumbass. Anyone who cares about the democratic process supports the idea of "one person, one vote".

You hate that idea. Democrats winning elections is more important to you than the purity of the process.

You don't give a shit about what Americans want. You just want Democrats in power.


If the other choice is no better than the SS of 1936 then yes.......give me all Dems at every level.

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