Section 4 of the VRA found unconsitutional

oh no---we have to go back to equality ???

No, you're going back to a system that facilitated voting rights violations.


I can see how this is funny to someone whose Grandfather wasn't beat down because of his "American Dream". I bet you are having a real laugh.........ha ha.
"...Liberals, will, of course, since their objection is about the disenfranchisement of people who are ineligible to vote."
I had to look at that twice, but I 'got it', and, yeah, I'd say you're on to something there.

If we DID come up with a viable Voter ID scheme that addressed all VALID objections such as income and mobility and the like, some of the more extreme partisans would STILL probably object, because they'd lose some modest percentage of their 'take' at the polls.

I've got no basis-in-fact for saying that, but, as a concept-piece, it seems worthy of a closer look, because it has the ring of truth to it.
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"...Oh you mean property owners it."
Is this something that someone here said earlier (I must've missed it) or are you just conjuring out of thin air?

In the for-fun 'proposal' itself, there was no mention of 'property', not even the hint of it, but the various State-supplied 'accommodation' for low-income and mobility-impaired Voters would be aimed primarily at folks who do NOT own property, correct?

I'm havin' a wee bit o' difficulty seeing how you've managed to take a proposal designed to assist those without wealth and property, and declare that to be an aid to the Propertied Folk of a State?

How you got from A to B on that one is absolutely beyond me.
Of course that's a bit, a small bit, of hyperbole but given recent history and a Republican H. of Rep. majority we can assume voter suppression will not only continue but accelerate.

This ruling (once again 5-4) along with CU v. FEC has completely transformed our country into a Plutocracy. Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Kennedy and Scalia have purposely and consciously harmed the American People and the democratic ethos of this once great nation.

It will be interesting to see the comments from those who cherish liberty. For more details see the link below.


Tomorrow or the next day the reprehensible gang of five will have an opportunity to defile The Declaration of Independence and deny a set of citizens liberty and the ability to pursue happiness as they choose.

The VRA is still in effect and any injured party can still sue in federal court to force thier state/locality to follow the law.

All that is removed is the CURRENT pre-clearance system, which was based on old data and not the current conditions in the locality. Congress can rewrite it and send it to the court to see if it would work again.

Pre-clearance was a relic of the 60's and 70's when REAL voter suppression was rampant. Today is not the case. Why keep relic laws on the books when they served thier purpose?

Bullshit. Extreme BULLSHIT. Among other things, by the time a lawsuit is settled - the election in question is over. Five members of SCOTUS should be wearing white hoods.
There's an easy way to satisfy Liberals' angst over the mechanics of Voter ID...

Rig-up easy-to-access, State-paid assistance for those who cannot comply on their own...

If you cannot afford the $X ID-card fee, then, call the State Voter Help Line, and apply for a State -provided ID Card Cost Waiver which all issuing agencies must honor...

If you cannot travel to an issuing agency location, call the State Voter Help Line and apply for State assistance to (1) visit your home, (2) help you fill out your application, (3) collect your documents, and (4) scan, then FAX or Email them to the issuing Agency using mobile technology, and (5) return the originals to your possession before leaving the premises...

If you cannot produce the necessary documentation, then call the State Voter Help Line and apply for a State Status Investigation, which examines your status and whatever supporting documentation and testimony that you DO have, obtains a free notarized and sealed birth certificate for you where available, and which investigates all claims of attending school and the like, then, if the Investigation Team is satisfied, issues a Citizenship Acknowledgment Certificate which by law would carry the same weight for purposes of proving citizenship as would a notarized, sealed birth certificate...

And, of course, there can be a State-level Board of Review or Board of Appeals, to keep the local-yokels honest...

And, with respect to both the cost of ID-Cards and inability to travel to an issuing agency, when you apply, you must first fill-out the appropriate forms and prove that your circumstances (income, health, etc.) may reasonably be judged as a good reason for receiving State help for such things...

It'll add something to the cost of such programming but it will (a) weed-out the bull$hitters and (b) allow folks who really need the help to remain fully enfranchised despite their unfortunate circumstances and (c) neutralize Liberal objections about cost and hardship and (d) preserve the true intention - to weed-out Illegal Aliens, voter fraud, etc. and (e) create some new jobs while making State Government a bit more responsive to their People's needs.

It'll never happen, mind you, but I thought it was a Grand Idea and couldn't resist blurting it out...

Voter ID is a solution in search of an imaginary problem in order to put a patina of legitimacy over a naked attempt to disenfranchise the poor.
"...Voter ID is a solution in search of an imaginary problem in order to put a patina of legitimacy over a naked attempt to disenfranchise the poor."
You are not supposed to be sufficiently sentient to have reached such a conclusion...

Be still, now, while we plug you back into the Matrix...
Of course that's a bit, a small bit, of hyperbole but given recent history and a Republican H. of Rep. majority we can assume voter suppression will not only continue but accelerate.

This ruling (once again 5-4) along with CU v. FEC has completely transformed our country into a Plutocracy. Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Kennedy and Scalia have purposely and consciously harmed the American People and the democratic ethos of this once great nation.

It will be interesting to see the comments from those who cherish liberty. For more details see the link below.


Tomorrow or the next day the reprehensible gang of five will have an opportunity to defile The Declaration of Independence and deny a set of citizens liberty and the ability to pursue happiness as they choose.

The VRA is still in effect and any injured party can still sue in federal court to force thier state/locality to follow the law.

All that is removed is the CURRENT pre-clearance system, which was based on old data and not the current conditions in the locality. Congress can rewrite it and send it to the court to see if it would work again.

Pre-clearance was a relic of the 60's and 70's when REAL voter suppression was rampant. Today is not the case. Why keep relic laws on the books when they served thier purpose?

Bullshit. Extreme BULLSHIT. Among other things, by the time a lawsuit is settled - the election in question is over. Five members of SCOTUS should be wearing white hoods.

There is a really simple solution for that, all Congress has to do is rewrite section 4 using data that shows modern turnout figures instead of pretending it is 1960 and that various counties still have problems with minority turnout.
There's an easy way to satisfy Liberals' angst over the mechanics of Voter ID...

Rig-up easy-to-access, State-paid assistance for those who cannot comply on their own...

If you cannot afford the $X ID-card fee, then, call the State Voter Help Line, and apply for a State -provided ID Card Cost Waiver which all issuing agencies must honor...

If you cannot travel to an issuing agency location, call the State Voter Help Line and apply for State assistance to (1) visit your home, (2) help you fill out your application, (3) collect your documents, and (4) scan, then FAX or Email them to the issuing Agency using mobile technology, and (5) return the originals to your possession before leaving the premises...

If you cannot produce the necessary documentation, then call the State Voter Help Line and apply for a State Status Investigation, which examines your status and whatever supporting documentation and testimony that you DO have, obtains a free notarized and sealed birth certificate for you where available, and which investigates all claims of attending school and the like, then, if the Investigation Team is satisfied, issues a Citizenship Acknowledgment Certificate which by law would carry the same weight for purposes of proving citizenship as would a notarized, sealed birth certificate...

And, of course, there can be a State-level Board of Review or Board of Appeals, to keep the local-yokels honest...

And, with respect to both the cost of ID-Cards and inability to travel to an issuing agency, when you apply, you must first fill-out the appropriate forms and prove that your circumstances (income, health, etc.) may reasonably be judged as a good reason for receiving State help for such things...

It'll add something to the cost of such programming but it will (a) weed-out the bull$hitters and (b) allow folks who really need the help to remain fully enfranchised despite their unfortunate circumstances and (c) neutralize Liberal objections about cost and hardship and (d) preserve the true intention - to weed-out Illegal Aliens, voter fraud, etc. and (e) create some new jobs while making State Government a bit more responsive to their People's needs.

It'll never happen, mind you, but I thought it was a Grand Idea and couldn't resist blurting it out...

Voter ID is a solution in search of an imaginary problem in order to put a patina of legitimacy over a naked attempt to disenfranchise the poor.

Which explains why states that require voter ID also give away photo identification for free.
Of course, and that suit will take place after an election. What remedy exists then? None! This can and will be spun by the anti democratic forces as simply an update - in reality it fucks over minorities, students and the aged.

So pre-clearance has to be perpetual and ever ongoing? Even if the conditions that created the need for pre-clearance are no longer valid?

Who says the conditions are no longer valid?

Congress could have fixed this the last time they re-upped the VRA, but they got lazy, kept a formula from 40 years ago intact, and got burned.

Congress is dysfunctional, the Gang of Five knows this, which is why the ruling is a shame.

The section was written when ACTUAL voter suppression using guns and dogs and hangings was going on. That is no longer the case, and the law SHOULD have been updated to reflect that.

Oh, so "ACTUAL" voter suppression requires guns, dogs and hangings. I see, long lines, hard or impossible or expensive to get ID cards or too few ballots may make us more civilized but voter suppression is still in effect.
Like your text, it is a herring response.
There's an easy way to satisfy Liberals' angst over the mechanics of Voter ID...

Rig-up easy-to-access, State-paid assistance for those who cannot comply on their own...

If you cannot afford the $X ID-card fee, then, call the State Voter Help Line, and apply for a State -provided ID Card Cost Waiver which all issuing agencies must honor...

If you cannot travel to an issuing agency location, call the State Voter Help Line and apply for State assistance to (1) visit your home, (2) help you fill out your application, (3) collect your documents, and (4) scan, then FAX or Email them to the issuing Agency using mobile technology, and (5) return the originals to your possession before leaving the premises...

If you cannot produce the necessary documentation, then call the State Voter Help Line and apply for a State Status Investigation, which examines your status and whatever supporting documentation and testimony that you DO have, obtains a free notarized and sealed birth certificate for you where available, and which investigates all claims of attending school and the like, then, if the Investigation Team is satisfied, issues a Citizenship Acknowledgment Certificate which by law would carry the same weight for purposes of proving citizenship as would a notarized, sealed birth certificate...

And, of course, there can be a State-level Board of Review or Board of Appeals, to keep the local-yokels honest...

And, with respect to both the cost of ID-Cards and inability to travel to an issuing agency, when you apply, you must first fill-out the appropriate forms and prove that your circumstances (income, health, etc.) may reasonably be judged as a good reason for receiving State help for such things...

It'll add something to the cost of such programming but it will (a) weed-out the bull$hitters and (b) allow folks who really need the help to remain fully enfranchised despite their unfortunate circumstances and (c) neutralize Liberal objections about cost and hardship and (d) preserve the true intention - to weed-out Illegal Aliens, voter fraud, etc. and (e) create some new jobs while making State Government a bit more responsive to their People's needs.

It'll never happen, mind you, but I thought it was a Grand Idea and couldn't resist blurting it out...

Voter ID is a solution in search of an imaginary problem in order to put a patina of legitimacy over a naked attempt to disenfranchise the poor.

Which explains why states that require voter ID also give away photo identification for free.
I particularly like the racist component of the argument. Forcing everyone to abide by one rule is considered racist....Who knew?
Voter ID is a solution in search of an imaginary problem in order to put a patina of legitimacy over a naked attempt to disenfranchise the poor.

Which explains why states that require voter ID also give away photo identification for free.
I particularly like the racist component of the argument. Forcing everyone to abide by one rule is considered racist....Who knew?

It's racist simply because it doesn't make them special above everyone else. Insanity...

Me I'd just rewrite it to say that all men have one vote. Reject their right to vote=go to prison!
Oh you mean property owners it.
You get nothing. Because you're a dumbass. Anyone who cares about the democratic process supports the idea of "one person, one vote".

You hate that idea. Democrats winning elections is more important to you than the purity of the process.

You don't give a shit about what Americans want. You just want Democrats in power.


If the other choice is no better than the SS of 1936 then yes.......give me all Dems at every level.
Look at your little tin god, dumbass. The SS of 1936 is what you're getting.

Dumbass. Did I mention you're a dumbass? True story!
No, you're going back to a system that facilitated voting rights violations.


I can see how this is funny to someone whose Grandfather wasn't beat down because of his "American Dream". I bet you are having a real laugh.........ha ha.
This may come as a shock to you, but I've never owned a slave. I've never repressed anyone. I can't go back in time to change anything.

So it looks like your anger is entirely misplaced.

If you want to be angry at anyone, be angry at the Democratic Party, who insist you're not good enough to succeed without the help of white liberals; who structure government assistance to promote the dissolution of the black family; who take your vote for granted; and should you decide to think for yourself and vote for any other party, will excoriate you with racist labels.

But you won't. You'll keep being angry at conservatives, exactly as programmed.
"...Liberals, will, of course, since their objection is about the disenfranchisement of people who are ineligible to vote."
I had to look at that twice, but I 'got it', and, yeah, I'd say you're on to something there.

If we DID come up with a viable Voter ID scheme that set addressed all VALID objections such as income and mobility and the like, some of the more extreme partisans would STILL probably object, because they'd lose some modest percentage of their 'take' at the polls.

I've got no basis-in-fact for saying that, but, as a concept-piece, it seems worthy of a closer look, because it has the ring of truth to it.

The Senate race in MN that saw Franken elected may well have been decided by felons voting illegally.

Felons Voting Illegally May Have Put Franken Over the Top in Minnesota, Study Finds | Fox News
My wife doesn't drive. When we registered to vote in Alabama, we both needed a state issued ID for the process. We drove to the county offices and walked right in, no line whatsoever and had her ID in 5 minutes. It did cost $23.

I switched my driver's license at the same time. That took about 10 minutes because I had to take an eye test in addition to the photograph. That cost $23.50.

We then walked about 50 yards to another office and registered to vote. The whole process took about 15 minutes.

Yes easy peasy for you. But what if you were so poor you didn't have a car and lived at the furthest end of the county. And because you are elderly and they didn't keep good records in your parish, you can't provide that necessary underlying documentation of your birth, and you can't afford $23 plus the price of the bus ticket to the county seat. You have just been disenfranchised.

And these are exactly the kind of voters who are disenfranchised by voter ID legislation.

OK, first of all mind your own goddamned business up there in canada. No one down here gives a shit what you do up there.

Second, a hypothetical possibility that one person, or a hundred might not make it to the polls is meaningless, but there are methods such as absentee ballots that can suffice.

The bed wetters already use them after registering people in asylums and nursing homes, and of course filling the ballots out for them since they're unresponsive.
I would have forced the Supreme Court to overturn Plessy v Fergusen when they first handed the decision down. It was the government that made the problem, more government is not a solution to a government problem.

Considering most of the white people in the country at the time were just fine with Plessy v. Fergueson, that would have been an issue.

And that ruling had nothing to do with vote infringement, that was local, and up close and personal.

They would have had to start reconstruction all over again, and no one had the will for that.

It was the first ruling that said that Congress did not have the power to enforce the 14th Amendment against the states. That was the root of the government sanctioning of everything else you want to complain about, which proves that the answer is not the government.

Short of armed revolt by the black population in the areas, what would the answer be?
Of course that's a bit, a small bit, of hyperbole but given recent history and a Republican H. of Rep. majority we can assume voter suppression will not only continue but accelerate.

This ruling (once again 5-4) along with CU v. FEC has completely transformed our country into a Plutocracy. Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Kennedy and Scalia have purposely and consciously harmed the American People and the democratic ethos of this once great nation.

It will be interesting to see the comments from those who cherish liberty. For more details see the link below.


Tomorrow or the next day the reprehensible gang of five will have an opportunity to defile The Declaration of Independence and deny a set of citizens liberty and the ability to pursue happiness as they choose.

The VRA is still in effect and any injured party can still sue in federal court to force thier state/locality to follow the law.

All that is removed is the CURRENT pre-clearance system, which was based on old data and not the current conditions in the locality. Congress can rewrite it and send it to the court to see if it would work again.

Pre-clearance was a relic of the 60's and 70's when REAL voter suppression was rampant. Today is not the case. Why keep relic laws on the books when they served thier purpose?

Bullshit. Extreme BULLSHIT. Among other things, by the time a lawsuit is settled - the election in question is over. Five members of SCOTUS should be wearing white hoods.

All of the things you are considering "voter suppression" these days merely require that if you cannot be vetted as a eligible voter you have to submit a provisional ballot while they check your eligibility. From what I have seen no one is turned away at the polls.

So how does this affect the election in question?

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