Secularism's Refusal To Recognize Evil


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Don't confuse 'secular' with 'urbane.'
To be 'urbane' is to be hip, refined, suave, …a cool dude.

Secular includes this characteristic: "asserting the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, or, in a state declared to be neutral on matters of belief, from the imposition by government of religion or religious practices upon its people (Google).

2. 'Secular' is the direct result of the Enlightenment, and the French Revolution. Religion was no more than superstition.
Instead of morality and the Bible, society was to be guided by reason and science, with the unspoken understanding that everyone simply knew how to behave, and, in fact, agreed with what was called 'the general will.'

The corollary of this new ethos is that there is no such thing as 'evil:' reason could now explain every behavior, no matter how hideous or villainous.

"…evil became medical instead of medieval. The diagnosis was more enlightened….It is the difference between saying 'The man is a paranoid schizophrenic, driven by homicidal delusions,' and 'The man is evil.'
The difference, of course, relates to responsibility and punishment. The paranoid schizophrenic is himself a victim…."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 177

3. The result is how society deals with those who take the lives of innocents.

Genesis 9:6 prescribed the death penalty for murder when it said that if a man “shed the blood” of another man, by man must his blood be shed. The only law repeated in all five of the books of the old testament.

a. To add insult to injury, well-intentioned Christians will often attempt to comfort the families of murder victims by suggesting that “God works in mysterious ways” as if He were somehow responsible for allowing the murder to occur.

b. "Capital punishment is to the whole society what self-defense is to the individual." "The Ethics of Life and Death," J.P. Moreland, p. 115.

c. "It is based on the assumption that normal adult beings are rational and moral beings who knew better, who could have done otherwise, but yet who chose to do evil anyway, and who therefore deserve to be punished." JPM, Op. Cit. p. 118

4. Yet a secular society supposedly based on reason and science, does everything possible to ignore reason and science when it come to recognizing evil….there is copious evidence that the death penalty saves innocent lives….

"Most commentators who oppose capital punishment assert that an execution has no deterrent effect on future crimes. Recent evidence, however, suggests that the death penalty, when carried out, has an enormous deterrent effect on the number of murders. More precisely, our recent research shows that each execution carried out is correlated with about 74 fewer murders the following year.

For any society concerned about human life, that type of evidence is something that should be taken very seriously."
Capital Punishment Works
5. Is the secular society's refusal to recognize evil, and treat evil individuals accordingly, based on tolerance or on cowardice?

Has the desire to recognize the danger of evil been beaten out of Western democracies by secularism, often known as Liberalism, largely under the tutelage of leaders such as the former President, a crypto-Islamist himself, who told all sorts of lies to advance Islam.

This was then:

"Only a few years ago, mass-murder attacks on the West in the name of Islam, like those of September 11, would have seemed like a thriller writer’s fantasy. Nor would anyone have imagined that a bombing by Islamists could swing a general election in a European country, that a Dutch movie-maker might be shot dead on the street for a film about the abuse of women in Islam, or that one might find oneself watching, on television, the beheading of Western hostages by men crying out Allahu Akhbar! over their savage deeds. Pakistan now has a nuclear bomb, and this weapon is widely described as an Islamic bomb." The Islamization of Europe? - Commentary Magazine

It is a straight line from the rejection of religion per the Enlightenment, to the current Islamization of Europe.

This is now:

"Rather than enhancing Western culture through the enrichment different ethnic and religious groups provide in countries with a Judeo-Christian foundation, multiculturalists have actually been rejecting their own Western culture." Gatestone Institute

Once, Western culture recognized evil and confronted it.

The question remains: is secularism's refusal To recognize evil based on tolerance or on cowardice?
"'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Leviticus 20:13

Beware of those who quote the Bible as justification for whom they want to kill.

And do not forget this great method of child discipline...

18 “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, 19 then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, 20 and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ 21 Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
There was a time when the West recognized evil. And dealt with it.

6. In October of 1943, Heinrich Himmler said this to the SS:

" One basic principle must be the absolute rule for the S.S. men. We must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood and nobody else. What happens to a Russian and a Czech does not interest me in the least. …Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to death interests me only in so far as we need them as slaves for our culture: otherwise it is of no interest to me.

Whether ten thousand Russian females fall down from exhaustion while digging an anti-tank ditch interests me only in so far as the anti-tank ditch for Germany is finished. … it is a crime against our blood to worry about them and give them ideals, thus causing our sons and grandsons to have a more difficult time with them. When somebody comes up to me and says: 'I cannot dig the anti-tank ditch with women and children, it is inhuman, for it would kill them,' then I have to say: 'You are the murderer of your own blood, …. Our concern, our duty, is our people and our blood.

We can be indifferent to everything else. I wish the S.S. to adopt this attitude towards the problem of all foreign, non-Germanic peoples, especially Russians...."

Blood? At that time, all of the Western democracies recognized evil.

Yet, over time, the same democracies opened their doors to unvetted hordes that hate them.

Dr Glazov, herein, refers to Islam as a 'blood cult.' Coincidence?

"'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Leviticus 20:13

Beware of those who quote the Bible as justification for whom they want to kill.

And do not forget this great method of child discipline...

18 “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, 19 then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, 20 and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ 21 Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear. very sorry, you dunce....

...but the shelf life on your argument ran out a thousand years ago..

Now.....the love affair that Liberals have with the religion of 'submission,' the one that is responsible for slaughter and oppression currently.....

.....assaults all from the headlines daily.

The only conclusion possible is that you are a government school grad.

Evil = Zionism = those behind

US Marines in Lebanon 1982
Pan Am 103 - type Gaddafi Jewish into any search engine
USS Liberty
1. Don't confuse 'secular' with 'urbane.'
To be 'urbane' is to be hip, refined, suave, …a cool dude.

Secular includes this characteristic: "asserting the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, or, in a state declared to be neutral on matters of belief, from the imposition by government of religion or religious practices upon its people (Google).

2. 'Secular' is the direct result of the Enlightenment, and the French Revolution. Religion was no more than superstition.
Instead of morality and the Bible, society was to be guided by reason and science, with the unspoken understanding that everyone simply knew how to behave, and, in fact, agreed with what was called 'the general will.'

The corollary of this new ethos is that there is no such thing as 'evil:' reason could now explain every behavior, no matter how hideous or villainous.

"…evil became medical instead of medieval. The diagnosis was more enlightened….It is the difference between saying 'The man is a paranoid schizophrenic, driven by homicidal delusions,' and 'The man is evil.'
The difference, of course, relates to responsibility and punishment. The paranoid schizophrenic is himself a victim…."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 177

3. The result is how society deals with those who take the lives of innocents.

Genesis 9:6 prescribed the death penalty for murder when it said that if a man “shed the blood” of another man, by man must his blood be shed. The only law repeated in all five of the books of the old testament.

a. To add insult to injury, well-intentioned Christians will often attempt to comfort the families of murder victims by suggesting that “God works in mysterious ways” as if He were somehow responsible for allowing the murder to occur.

b. "Capital punishment is to the whole society what self-defense is to the individual." "The Ethics of Life and Death," J.P. Moreland, p. 115.

c. "It is based on the assumption that normal adult beings are rational and moral beings who knew better, who could have done otherwise, but yet who chose to do evil anyway, and who therefore deserve to be punished." JPM, Op. Cit. p. 118

4. Yet a secular society supposedly based on reason and science, does everything possible to ignore reason and science when it come to recognizing evil….there is copious evidence that the death penalty saves innocent lives….

"Most commentators who oppose capital punishment assert that an execution has no deterrent effect on future crimes. Recent evidence, however, suggests that the death penalty, when carried out, has an enormous deterrent effect on the number of murders. More precisely, our recent research shows that each execution carried out is correlated with about 74 fewer murders the following year.

For any society concerned about human life, that type of evidence is something that should be taken very seriously."
Capital Punishment Works

bummer that you live in a secular country. perhaps you should go live in Iran, cut and paste queen.
And what, exactly, is the benefit of recognizing "evil"?

If our Standard is "do no harm," is that not sufficient? Do not assault, kill, or destroy that which is not your own. Do not lie, do not break your promises (e.g., wedding vows). Do not damage, destroy, waste, or abuse the world's resources.

"Do no harm" does not resolve all issues: is abortion doing harm? Is burning firewood "wasting" natural resources? Is killing a pest (wolf) destroying something that should be preserved? But "do no harm" is satisfactory, while "avoid evil" is infinitely problematic, with no associated benefit.
We shouldn't recognize those behind 911 as "evil" because Israel was behind it and my preacher says everyone who thinks Israel should be held accountable is Hitler... and that we should let Israel get away with murdering thousands and bilking Americans of trillions because I can't stop parroting my JDAAC preacher.
Evil = Zionism = those behind

US Marines in Lebanon 1982
Pan Am 103 - type Gaddafi Jewish into any search engine
USS Liberty

"We have a lot in common [with Israel]. I always say, if one defines the Judeo-Christian West, then Israel represents a kind of border. If Israel fails, Europe fails. And if Europe fails, Israel fails." — Heinz-Christian Strache, leader of the Austrian Freedom Party."
Gatestone Institute
So, because you think a star is the size of a fig leaf, and that Jesus really did heal despite failing to do so in his trial...

we should let Israel murder, steal, and start wars with US troops because that is all you care about = ISRAEL
1. Don't confuse 'secular' with 'urbane.'
To be 'urbane' is to be hip, refined, suave, …a cool dude.

Secular includes this characteristic: "asserting the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, or, in a state declared to be neutral on matters of belief, from the imposition by government of religion or religious practices upon its people (Google).

2. 'Secular' is the direct result of the Enlightenment, and the French Revolution. Religion was no more than superstition.
Instead of morality and the Bible, society was to be guided by reason and science, with the unspoken understanding that everyone simply knew how to behave, and, in fact, agreed with what was called 'the general will.'

The corollary of this new ethos is that there is no such thing as 'evil:' reason could now explain every behavior, no matter how hideous or villainous.

"…evil became medical instead of medieval. The diagnosis was more enlightened….It is the difference between saying 'The man is a paranoid schizophrenic, driven by homicidal delusions,' and 'The man is evil.'
The difference, of course, relates to responsibility and punishment. The paranoid schizophrenic is himself a victim…."
Lance Morrow, "Evil: An Investigation," p. 177

3. The result is how society deals with those who take the lives of innocents.

Genesis 9:6 prescribed the death penalty for murder when it said that if a man “shed the blood” of another man, by man must his blood be shed. The only law repeated in all five of the books of the old testament.

a. To add insult to injury, well-intentioned Christians will often attempt to comfort the families of murder victims by suggesting that “God works in mysterious ways” as if He were somehow responsible for allowing the murder to occur.

b. "Capital punishment is to the whole society what self-defense is to the individual." "The Ethics of Life and Death," J.P. Moreland, p. 115.

c. "It is based on the assumption that normal adult beings are rational and moral beings who knew better, who could have done otherwise, but yet who chose to do evil anyway, and who therefore deserve to be punished." JPM, Op. Cit. p. 118

4. Yet a secular society supposedly based on reason and science, does everything possible to ignore reason and science when it come to recognizing evil….there is copious evidence that the death penalty saves innocent lives….

"Most commentators who oppose capital punishment assert that an execution has no deterrent effect on future crimes. Recent evidence, however, suggests that the death penalty, when carried out, has an enormous deterrent effect on the number of murders. More precisely, our recent research shows that each execution carried out is correlated with about 74 fewer murders the following year.

For any society concerned about human life, that type of evidence is something that should be taken very seriously."
Capital Punishment Works

bummer that you live in a secular country. perhaps you should go live in Iran, cut and paste queen.'re really gettin' guttsy in your old age....actually authoring a post, not just your usual emoticon.

Sadly, you still can't find anything to offer rebuttal to in my posts.
As bring nothing to the table, other than proof of the saying:

In the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

Bon appitit, you dolt.
You are the murderer of your own blood,

That describes



Both murdered and lied for the cause of Zionism.

The Israeli owned "US" media loved both.

Both did unimaginable damage to the United States.

You provided this as my statement...'You are the murderer of your own blood,...'

Time for a lesson in post writing?


That phrase that you've attributed to me, isn't mine.

It requires quotation marks at the least, and attribution to be accurate.

As for the intent of your erroneous post.....
You're the explanation of why the Hindenburg ended up the way it did.

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