Seditious Snowflake Celeb Chelsea Handler Suggests Military Coup To Overthrow Trump

If we go to war President Trump can send all these enemies of the government to an internment camp for the duration. The irony of these people thinking those camps were built for us only to find themselves sitting behind those barbed wire fences. Divine justice.
If we go to war President Trump can send all these enemies of the government to an internment camp for the duration. The irony of these people thinking those camps were built for us only to find themselves sitting behind those barbed wire fences. Divine justice.

My, where did you get that tactic? Kim Jong-un's playbook?
one tv personality? oooookkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaa
Yes, the "isolation" tactic, trying to pretend that this is the only case, a one-off, an anomaly, and not just the latest of many.

At least you folks are consistent. Transparent, but consistent.

hey, I'm open to a link that supports "one tv personalitys" opinion by an entire group of idiots like the tea party ...

step up and post one .. :popcorn:
There's no number of examples that would make you think the Left's behaviors have been anything but appropriate.

Just as there is no number that would make Trumpsters think his behaviors have been anything but appropriate.

The two ends of the American political spectrum: Peas in a pod.

sure there is, I didnt vote for Obama or Clinton ... post one since theres a number of them.

wait, heres one .


oh, thats RW"s again .. my bad.
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You can't think of any examples. Precisely the point I made in Post 16.

A Trumpster would say precisely the same thing.

This is why I don't play along with either side. It's a waste of time.
How is it that a snowflake causes the frosting to melt on our resident cupcake?


The only reason for the military to take action against our President Grabass is if he orders a nuclear first strike.

Let the Constitution work.
easy would rather totally lose his shit about nothing than break a sweat for something he didnt have to lie about.

end of story
Pro-Hillary TV Personality Suggests Military Coup To Depose Trump

"Chelsea Handler suggested on Friday that U.S. generals should carry out a military coup to replace President Trump, who she called “our idiot-in-chief.”

“To all the generals surrounding our idiot-in-chief…the longer U wait to remove him, the longer UR name will appear negatively in history,” the TV personality wrote on Twitter.

Handler’s comments come as the Trump administration, including the Defense Department, are on heightened alert over a rhetorical battle between President Trump and North Korea.

Handler, a Hillary Clinton supporter who cried when the Democrat lost in November, frequently makes controversial statements about Trump."

Handler is a rabid left-wing snowflake POS who was triggered when Hillary lost and hasn't gotten over it yet.....
Chelsea Jailsea

That kind of speech is totally illegal. Why is the FBI afraid to arrest her? It's about time we don't pay any attention at all to what the Liberals will think.
The military is more apt to overthrow Chelsea Handler than Trump. But, this is an indication of just how deep and wide the division in this country is. Getting rid of Trump isn't going to fix this. Democrats are like drug addicts, Getting rid of Trump is their fix. They think it will feel good, for about ten minutes.

Babbble, babbble. You righties come here just to post your biased b.s.

You're talking about 63% of the country, stupid. It will feel good for a lifetime. This is hilarious: IBD poll has Trump at 32%. I can't wait until it drops below 30%. Probably by mid-September.

Analysis | Trump’s base is crumbling

A CNN poll and an Investor's Business Daily poll, both released late Monday, show somewhat different pictures of Trump's overall approval. The CNN poll pegs it at 38 percent — around where it has been in other polling for a while — while the IBD poll shows it at a painfully low 32 percent. That's the lowest of any high-quality poll in Trump's entire presidency.
But both polls actually reinforce the idea that Trump's support among the base is in decline.
The IBD poll shows Trump's decline even more acutely, with 71 percent of Republicans approving of him. That's down from 83 percent just a month ago.""""
Not that it matters, but Trumps poll numbers are at 45%. Although I believe it's much higher. I had a friend of mine yesterday say something about Trump getting us in another war with Korea. All a I said was would you rather have Hillary as president. He saw my point quickly.
If we go to war President Trump can send all these enemies of the government to an internment camp for the duration. The irony of these people thinking those camps were built for us only to find themselves sitting behind those barbed wire fences. Divine justice.

Ah Conservatives and their desire to kill or imprison any that dare contradict their Dear Leader.

No one should be suggesting that the military remove a President.

8 years of Birthers making similar suggestions to the military regarding Obama- doesn't make it okay for to make the same suggestions against Trump.
Don't be like this Trumpster

A senior US Energy Department official appointed by the Trump administration once described Barack Obama as a “Kenyan creampuff”, Mark Zuckerberg as an “arrogant, self-hating Jew” and climate scientists as “cultists” and “nuts”, according to a report.

William C Bradford, director of the Department’s Office of Indian Energy, also appeared to believe Mr Obama might refuse to step down after his two terms of office, asking “what will we do? Is a military coup the only answer?”

Trump official suggested 'coup' against ‘Kenyan creampuff’ Obama

Or this guy from 2014

Retired Army General To Tea Party Group: I Would Lead A Coup Against The U.S. Government

Tea Party leader, retired Army general and former Fox News contributor Paul Vallely in a recently published video told a Tea Party group that, if given the troops, he would lead a coup against the U.S. government.

Vallely has called made his comments in a discussion with an Arizona-based Tea Party group last December, a recording of which the website Right Wing Watch recently acquired. “I had a call this afternoon from Idaho, the gentleman said, ‘If I give you 250,000 Marines to go to Washington, will you lead them?’” Vallely, who was Fox News’ senior military analyst during the Iraq War, told the group. “I said, ‘Yes, I will, I’ll surround the White House and I’ll surround the Capitol building, but it’s going to take physical presence to do things.”
Silly the trumpanzees will want to kill her.

Why? It's funny to watch her melt down, just like it's funny to watch all of you meltdown here.
Our military is more likely to round up liberals and detain them for enhanced interrogations. :muahaha:
I'm pretty sure our military does not follow the wishes of a b list entertainer.

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