Seeing the Forest...


Gold Member
Feb 14, 2012
...from deep within the shadows of the trees.

I've placed this thread in the CT forum to save some hapless moderator the trouble and to free myself from the constraints of overly cautious phrasing. However, the events and circumstances on which this discussion is to be based are not the stuff of theory; they're in full effect and happening all over the world as we speak. It is my intention to frame these (con)current events and circumstances as a concerted effort that's being carried out on numerous fronts and to appropriately name that effort World War 3.

In the words of Michel Chossudovsky (from a video interview by James Corbett):

"Well, first of all, global warfare is now being waged in all major regions of the world, in various forms. In some cases [by way of] theatre wars (as in Yemen); in Syria and Iraq [by way of] a US sponsored insurgency (the so-called 'Islamic State'); in Latin America it's a process of destabilization of national economies but also militarization (the sending in of new Marines into central America); in southeast Asia and the far east it's the so-called 'pivot to Asia' (the situation of provocation, largely directed against China); in Ukraine on Russia's border [by way of] acts of provocation directed against he Russian federation, and the conquest, essentially, of new frontiers for the 'global economy'; in Africa [by way of] US sponsored insurgencies, the destabilization of national economies, and the battle for oil.

Largely, we're dealing with very powerful corporate actors which control and overshadow the governments. If we wish to give it some kind of structure, we're talking about [...] the big Anglo-American oil companies, Wall Street (which is involved in financial destabilization), what President Eisenhower called 'the military industrial complex' (which are the large defense contractors, the mercenary companies, the intelligence/security/corporate apparatus, linked, of course, to the US military and to NATO), and of course, you have the media conglomerates (which are there serving the process of war propaganda, upholding a corporate agenda); and then [...] you have the bio-tech conglomerates ('bigphrama').

One dimension of this global war is the destruction/demise of the agricultural cycle (the fact that when you introduce genetically modified seeds into a region, such as sub-Saharan Africa, you're not only destroying agriculture, but you destroy bio-diversity and undermine the livelihood of an entire region. And that's happening in countries like India; it's happening throughout sub-Saharan Africa; and it's part of that global agenda.

Global warfare is not limited to military interventions. It uses covert operations. It's also geared toward destabilizing sovereign governments through so-called 'colored revolutions', the installation of proxy regimes which will obey orders, and so on [..]. It's a very complex process, and we have to connect, in a sense, all the different dimensions of this devastating process which has destroyed countries, transform[ed] sovereign nations into 'territories', opened space for corporations, and impoverish[ed] the world population (and that impoverishment is not the consequence of a scarcity of resources - it's the consequence of the manipulation and destruction of economic and social institutions).


The common enemy of humanity, the psychopathic masterminds who've waged all three world wars from behind the scenes, has historically propagated situations in which 'the people' could only identify and rise up against the marionettes (never the string-pullers). I say it's long past time to start identifying and outing the puppeteers, or else history will continue to repeat itself beneath the bloodthirsty eyes of those inhuman(e) vultures and their alien progeny.

If you're still waiting for the start of WW3, People, I suggest that you take a peek out of your living room windows, because it's cooly unfolding right under your noses...and it's only a matter of time before it 'goes hot'.
War is a money maker for virtually every segment of our corporate structure...Why are you surprised....???
War is a money maker for virtually every segment of our corporate structure...Why are you surprised....???

The only things that have consistently surprised me about war-profiteering through the ages have been the extents to which it has either been accepted or ignored by those who've footed the monetary bills (the tax-payers). I'm left to wonder as to how many have even possessed the capacity to empathize with the untold millions who've borne the far more human costs.
The "sheeple" far outnumber the shepherds..And will always continue to do so..One of the, IMNSFHO, most mysterious facets of human evolution, has been the vast, range of mental capacities among our species..
opportunity missed with banking crisis...could have put em all out of business.........

How on Earth did I fail to mention the lifeblood of the globalist agenda in the OP? :dunno:

If not for the promulgation of the central banking paradigm over the past hundred or so years, the geopolitical state of affairs would be a very different story today.
What is the end game of this third world war? The same as the others - world domination.

The biggest difference this time around is the sheer extent to which whole countries are being manipulated like chess pieces from outside corporatist forces that give no real allegience to any national sovereignty. In fact, the chief aim of this Fourth Reich seems to be to undermine and ultimately destroy all of its nationalist based competition.

Again quoting Chossudovsky from the same interview as before:

"It is global war, it is total war, and it is destruction. And it has a logic, and it’s part of global capitalism. But at this stage it is not a struggle against socialism, but it is a struggle against national capitalism. In other words, it is the global capitalist elites, mainly Anglo-American, dominated by Wall Street and the city of London, the large financial centers, against competing capitalist powers, which, we might name them: Russia, China – China’s not a communist country, China is a capitalist country, in fact a very advanced capitalist country, and so is Iran.

So that essentially, what this war involves is world domination, it’s the establishment of a global economic and political system whereby countries worldwide would be subordinated to these global corporations, and where national sovereignty under national capitalism would be undermined. And the trade and investment agreements which are being negotiated behind closed doors are part of this agenda. They’re part of this agenda, and in effect they are the end game of this agenda, whereby global corporations undermine and destroy national and regional corporations – in other words, bankruptcy of the entire landscape – and impose a global economic agenda throughout the world.

Bold emphasis mine.

That guy knows what he's talking about, Gang, and the proof can be seen in the pudding all over the globe.

In several key respects, US sovereignty was among the earliest casualties of those globalist lowlives, and all current indicators suggest that they're not going to stop until it's gone altogether.
What is the end game of this third world war? The same as the others - world domination.

The biggest difference this time around is the sheer extent to which whole countries are being manipulated like chess pieces from outside corporatist forces that give no real allegience to any national sovereignty. In fact, the chief aim of this Fourth Reich seems to be to undermine and ultimately destroy all of its nationalist based competition.

Again quoting Chossudovsky from the same interview as before:

"It is global war, it is total war, and it is destruction. And it has a logic, and it’s part of global capitalism. But at this stage it is not a struggle against socialism, but it is a struggle against national capitalism. In other words, it is the global capitalist elites, mainly Anglo-American, dominated by Wall Street and the city of London, the large financial centers, against competing capitalist powers, which, we might name them: Russia, China – China’s not a communist country, China is a capitalist country, in fact a very advanced capitalist country, and so is Iran.

So that essentially, what this war involves is world domination, it’s the establishment of a global economic and political system whereby countries worldwide would be subordinated to these global corporations, and where national sovereignty under national capitalism would be undermined. And the trade and investment agreements which are being negotiated behind closed doors are part of this agenda. They’re part of this agenda, and in effect they are the end game of this agenda, whereby global corporations undermine and destroy national and regional corporations – in other words, bankruptcy of the entire landscape – and impose a global economic agenda throughout the world.

Bold emphasis mine.

That guy knows what he's talking about, Gang, and the proof can be seen in the pudding all over the globe.

In several key respects, US sovereignty was among the earliest casualties of those globalist lowlives, and all current indicators suggest that they're not going to stop until it's gone altogether.
Neither extreme of the economic spectrum can successfully manage societal issues....It takes a carefully blended mix of the best features of both socialism, and capitalism to make an economy function efficiently...We were quite close to that balance until we fell for the "supply side" fallacy during the Reagan years, and now we need to reestablish that delicate balance, and redistribute the wealth back to a system where a single family no longer controls assets greater than the bottom 40% of our population combined.
In the timeless words of "Pogo":
"I have met the enemy, and he is us"..:beer::beer:
Frankt said:
...In the timeless words of "Pogo":
"I have met the enemy, and he is us"..:beer::beer:

Where the American political system is concerned, the problem is the nature of the beast, in that it has been reduced to a two-party circus...and has thus become one of the most effective weapons in the arsenal of those who have, for all intents and purposes, 'divided and conquered' the American People.

You speak of the "supply side fallacy" as though it were solely a partisan thing "during the Reagan years", but what the hell did Clinton do to correct the problem through the better part of the 90's? He played the role of Grand Deregulator and threw the poor and middle-class under the bus in the process (I remember a time, not too long ago, when a $0.10 per gallon jump in the price of gas was a BFD!).

The sad truth is that we've been reduced to voting for the narratives we'll be given to justify a group of 'untouchable' agendas that will never be undermined in any meaningful way by the so-called 'democratic process'. Are we going to war for humanitarian or patriotic reasons? Because, either way, we're going to war. ETC., ETC.

As for the notion that the American People have been responsible (by way of the vote) for the unconscionable policies that have remained in place across several administrations, well, in my eyes, THAT's the fallacy.

True, there is some blame that can fairly be placed on the American citizenry, particularly for the widespread ignorance and apathy that prevail therein; but that has nothing to do with the sham of a political system into which we were born.
We need to seriously consider the words of one of the main prophets of global corporatist fascism - Zbigniew Brzezinski.

On page 209 of his 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard, he wrote:

"...In the long run, global politics are bound to become increasingly uncongenial to the concentration of hegemonic power in the hands of a single state. Hence, America is not only the first, as well as the only, truly global superpower, it is also likely to be the very last. ..."

Between 1:22:26 and 1:36:20 in the following video, Mike Ruppert gives a very brief summary of Brzezinski's book:

Regarding the quote above, Ruppert asked and answered,

"And what does he [Brzezinski] say is going to happen [to the US]? He says that the United States will fold into a one world government and cease to exist - run by corporations. ... I'm paraphrasing."

Disarming the American People is the last domino standing, Gang. And in light of certain manufactured events over the past few years, months...and days, that domino is teetering.

The strangest thing about all of this, at least for me personally, is that I'm not entirely convinced that a disarmed population under a united world government would be such a bad state of human affairs. I think the only thing that gives me pause is the thought that some of the same heartless (if not inhuman) individuals who ran the old world order will rule over the new world order as well. It's difficult to imagine a scenario in which that would be acceptable to me on a deeply spiritual level.

If you can find the time, Ruppert's entire video presentation, The Truth and Lies of 9/11, is well worth the viewing. It's dated, but both the information and commentary hold up incredibly well.

For those unware, Michael Ruppert ...umm..."committed suicide" back in April of 2014. He was a true American Hero to the last.

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