Seems There’s No Such Thing As Islamic Terrorism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Because they hate American, and the schools they control turn out hordes who feel the same way, they place no importance on limiting America-hating aliens entering the fact, they encourage it.
And, when these enemies do what they do.....they shrug and say 'no big deal.'

Case in point.....

1.“MIAMI (CBSMiami/AP) — Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, the American Airlines mechanic with possible ties to Muslim extremists, pleaded guilty Wednesday to sabotaging a plane.

Alani entered the plea in Miami federal court. He previously admitted to investigators that he committed the sabotage, insisting it was an attempt to gain overtime to fix the American Airlines jet — which he did.

“I do admit the guilt,” Alani, shackled and wearing tan jail clothing, said through an Arabic interpreter.

Alani, 60, is a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Iraq who had been an airline mechanic for 30 years. Prosecutors say he has a brother in Iraq who may be involved with the Islamic State extremist group and that he had made statements wishing Allah would use “divine powers” to harm non-Muslims.

Investigators said Alani also had Islamic State videos on his phone depicting mass murders and that he traveled to Iraq in March but did not disclose that to the FBI after his arrest.

Despite that evidence, Alani was never charged with any terrorism-related crime.

Authorities say if the flight, which had 150 passengers, had taken off from Miami International Airport as planned July 17 for Nassau, Bahamas, the sabotage could have caused a crash.” A former American Airlines mechanic admitted he tried to sabotage a plane at the Miami airport - CNN

“During a detention hearing in September, federal prosecutors said Alani displayed support for ISIS by making statements about wishing Allah would use "divine powers" to harm non-Muslims while sharing ISIS videos on his cellphone.”
American Airlines mechanic pleads guilty to sabotaging plane in Miami: reports

“A Miami aircraft maintenance worker who allegedly tampered with an American Airlines plane over the summer has possible terrorist ties with the Islamic State, prosecutors said in court Wednesday. Two witnesses also told prosecutors that Alani mentioned to them he had a brother who was in ISIS,…” American Airlines mechanic who allegedly sabotaged plane has ISIS ties, prosecutor says

Gee….he wasn’t charged with terrorism……I guess it doesn’t exist.

2."When asked whether targeting and killing civilians can be justified to further a political, social or religious cause, 84% of U.S. Muslims say such tactics can rarely (8%) or never (76%) be justified, while 12% say such violence can sometimes (7%) or often (5%) be justified."
U.S. Muslims Concerned About Their Place in Society, but Continue to Believe in the American Dream

Soooooo......20% of American Muslims are peachy keen with the murder of those who disagree with 'em.
Because they hate American, and the schools they control turn out hordes who feel the same way, they place no importance on limiting America-hating aliens entering the fact, they encourage it.
And, when these enemies do what they do.....they shrug and say 'no big deal.'

Case in point.....

1.“MIAMI (CBSMiami/AP) — Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, the American Airlines mechanic with possible ties to Muslim extremists, pleaded guilty Wednesday to sabotaging a plane.

Alani entered the plea in Miami federal court. He previously admitted to investigators that he committed the sabotage, insisting it was an attempt to gain overtime to fix the American Airlines jet — which he did.

“I do admit the guilt,” Alani, shackled and wearing tan jail clothing, said through an Arabic interpreter.

Alani, 60, is a naturalized U.S. citizen originally from Iraq who had been an airline mechanic for 30 years. Prosecutors say he has a brother in Iraq who may be involved with the Islamic State extremist group and that he had made statements wishing Allah would use “divine powers” to harm non-Muslims.

Investigators said Alani also had Islamic State videos on his phone depicting mass murders and that he traveled to Iraq in March but did not disclose that to the FBI after his arrest.

Despite that evidence, Alani was never charged with any terrorism-related crime.

Authorities say if the flight, which had 150 passengers, had taken off from Miami International Airport as planned July 17 for Nassau, Bahamas, the sabotage could have caused a crash.” A former American Airlines mechanic admitted he tried to sabotage a plane at the Miami airport - CNN

“During a detention hearing in September, federal prosecutors said Alani displayed support for ISIS by making statements about wishing Allah would use "divine powers" to harm non-Muslims while sharing ISIS videos on his cellphone.”
American Airlines mechanic pleads guilty to sabotaging plane in Miami: reports

“A Miami aircraft maintenance worker who allegedly tampered with an American Airlines plane over the summer has possible terrorist ties with the Islamic State, prosecutors said in court Wednesday. Two witnesses also told prosecutors that Alani mentioned to them he had a brother who was in ISIS,…” American Airlines mechanic who allegedly sabotaged plane has ISIS ties, prosecutor says

Gee….he wasn’t charged with terrorism……I guess it doesn’t exist.

2."When asked whether targeting and killing civilians can be justified to further a political, social or religious cause, 84% of U.S. Muslims say such tactics can rarely (8%) or never (76%) be justified, while 12% say such violence can sometimes (7%) or often (5%) be justified."
U.S. Muslims Concerned About Their Place in Society, but Continue to Believe in the American Dream

Soooooo......20% of American Muslims are peachy keen with the murder of those who disagree with 'em.
No. It means that 80% of American muslims are liars.
The Regressive Left will just downplay, dismiss and deflect on this topic.

Interestingly, while that's happening, Trumpsters claim that there is "no such thing" as right wing racism. Despite all evidence to the contrary.

That's not a coincidence. That's an example of how similarly the two whacked-out ends of our political spectrum can behave.

Zero intellectual honesty, zero credibility. Liars & hypocrites.
The Regressive Left will just downplay, dismiss and deflect on this topic.

Interestingly, while that's happening, Trumpsters claim that there is "no such thing" as right wing racism. Despite all evidence to the contrary.

That's not a coincidence. That's an example of how similarly the two whacked-out ends of our political spectrum can behave.

Zero intellectual honesty, zero credibility. Liars & hypocrites.

This chart is inaccurate.

Everyone knows, the biggest threat is the Deep State and false flag terrorists.

The intel. agencies manufacture and produce the most terrorists from all groups, left, right, center, what have you.

The biggest threat is the secret police and the establishment media, dividing the people against each other.

FEAR is the biggest excuse rulers have to create draconian freedom stripping laws.

The Sting
How the FBI Created a Terrorist
How the FBI Created a Terrorist


also known as
from the Latin
Staged Events/Order Out of Chaos

This chart is inaccurate.

Everyone knows, the biggest threat is the Deep State and false flag terrorists.

The intel. agencies manufacture and produce the most terrorists from all groups, left, right, center, what have you.

The biggest threat is the secret police and the establishment media, dividing the people against each other.

FEAR is the biggest excuse rulers have to create draconian freedom stripping laws.

The Sting
How the FBI Created a Terrorist
How the FBI Created a Terrorist


also known as
from the Latin
Staged Events/Order Out of Chaos
You guys need to get it straight as to what Deep State is
Not Much Has Changed

…or, understanding as a way of putting contemporary events in their historical perspective.

“Pittsburgh resident, Syrian man arrested on terrorism charges after allegedly planning attack on Christian church” Pittsburgh resident, Syrian man arrested on terrorism charges after planning attack on Christian church due in court Friday

A one-off??? A ‘lone-wolf’???? A singleton??? Don’t believe it.

Writing about the intermittent, yet, constant, jihadi attacks throughout the world, Melanie Phillips notes that this is “merely the most visible sign of a much more intractable problem…within Western civilization. …the advance of the global jihad is being facilitated by a wholesale collapse of Western values and national identity…”

Government school doesn’t educate, especially in the are of history….now known as social studies. It may simply be incompetence…..or, it my be part of an agenda. If government school grads had a firm grip on the origin and methods of Islam, these events would be understandable…and perhaps predictable. For a quarter of the world’s population there has been no modernity, and the worldview of the seventh century is just as much in effect now as it was then.

In 610, Muhammad bin Abdullah (570-632) began telling the Meccan polytheists that he was a messenger from Allah, to a great deal of eye-rolling. Submit, he told them- Islam in Arabic- and they would be safe. But after 12 years of preaching he had only converted some one hundred, mostly his relatives, and the townsfolks felt that without submitting, they were pretty safe, already. So they kicked him out.
Muhammad had a way to change that view; it involved the sword and the scimitar.

Edward Gibbons writes in “ The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire

”chapter 50, …. “The injustice of Mecca and the choice of Medina, transformed the citizen into a prince, the humble preacher into the leader of armies; but his sword was consecrated by the example of the saints; and the same God who afflicts a sinful world with pestilence and earthquakes, might inspire for their conversion or chastisement the valour of his servants.

In the exercise of political government, he was compelled to abate of the stern rigour of fanaticism, to comply in some measure with the prejudices and passions of his followers, and to employ even the vices of mankind as the instruments of their salvation.

The use of fraud and perfidy, of cruelty and injustice, were often subservient to the propagation of the faith; and Mahomet commanded or approved the assassination of the Jews and idolaters who had escaped from the field of battle.”

What Gibbons was saying is that he told his crew that they should offer admission to his organization, and any who declined, well…..they could kill the men, rape and enslave any females, and keep any bling they could find.

Did you get that? Those his followers couldn’t convince to convert to Islam, well….they should kill and rape and rob.

The Book of Genesis was written nearly 3500 years ago. In it, we find this:

Genesis 16:12 The patriarch of the Arabs….. “He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."

Must be just a coincidence and couldn't be connected to the sort of jihadist massacres that take place regularly…..

.....or could it.

The mission of Democrat/Progressive government school is to make certain that their audience never understands history.
I’ll help the OP out.

There is Islamic terrorism. It definitely exists. Radicalized Muslims have absolutely employed terror tactics to reach their socio-political aims. In doing so, they have injured or killed thousands upon thousands of innocent people the world over.

You may resume your normal activities now.
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Not even close
Where did you get your uncited, unsourced mystery chart?
Aren't you proud of it and want everyone to see where it came from?

You know plots of terrorism like this one where a passenger plane is sabotaged by a muslim nut case are discovered and foiled by alert law enforcement fairly often.
And the cowardly media won't even honestly call this incident what it attempted act of terrorism.
So we can't even accurately gauge how pervasive terrorism is in this nation, which is just how the media wants it. RW terrorists, on the other hand, are quite easily and openly identified as such by the complicit government approved media.

Claiming right wing terrorism is a bigger threat to our nation than muslim jihadism is just ignorant biased bullshit by cowards and fellow travelers on the path of world dominion.
You should be ashamed, but you have none.
I’ll help the OP out.

There is Islamic terrorism. It definitely exists. Radicalized Muslims have absolutely employed terror tactics to reach their socio-political aims. In doing so, they have injured or killed thousands upon thousands of innocent people the world over.

You may resume your normal activities now.

Please continue, and respond to the subtext....that Democrats/Progressives at worst work to hide the danger, and at best aid in causing it.

That includes the Muslim who was the previous President.
Not even close
Where did you get your uncited, unsourced mystery chart?
Aren't you proud of it and want everyone to see where it came from?

You know plots of terrorism like this one where a passenger plane is sabotaged by a muslim nut case are discovered and foiled by alert law enforcement fairly often.
And the cowardly media won't even honestly call this incident what it attempted act of terrorism.
So we can't even accurately gauge how pervasive terrorism is in this nation, which is just how the media wants it. RW terrorists, on the other hand, are quite easily and openly identified as such by the complicit government approved media.

Claiming right wing terrorism is a bigger threat to our nation than muslim jihadism is just ignorant biased bullshit by cowards and fellow travelers on the path of world dominion.
You should be ashamed, but you have none.

It seems you recognize the modus operandi of that poster.
I’ll help the OP out.

There is Islamic terrorism. It definitely exists. Radicalized Muslims have absolutely employed terror tactics to reach their socio-political aims. In doing so, they have injured or killed thousands upon thousands of innocent people the world over.

You may resume your normal activities now.

Please continue, and respond to the subtext....that Democrats/Progressives at worst work to hide the danger, and at best aid in causing it.

That includes the Muslim who was the previous President.

Oh! OK.

The subtext, including the lie that Obama is Muslim, is bullshit. You can relax now.

Have a Merry Christmas!

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