Seldom Used Law Will Force Mitch To Take Disaster Vote

The showdown between Nancy and Donald over wall funding begins soon.
Then we'll see who has the most political skill.
Either way, it will be a major issue in the 2020 election.
OKTexas, post: 21751993
The house can pass a resolution, there's nothing that says the senate must vote on it for 6 months. That's the requirement in the law.

Sorry Trumpodude. There likely are 30 Dem Senators that would force it to the floor for a vote.

“If 30 Senators submit a petition for the purpose, the measure is automatically discharged and placed on the calendar, from which it may be called up for floor consideration.31”

That’s why McConnell is politically scared of it.

Quote the law or senate rule. You're flapping your gums, now it's time to prove it.

easyt65, post: 21754777
Do snowflakes not understand that Congress already gave up the power for a President to declare emergencies?....

Do Trumpo’s idiots understand that the point is not whether a POTUS has the power to declare an emergency. It’s whether idiot Trumpo will declare building a border wall a national energency which wouid end up splitting Republicans in the Senate forcing some to cast a vote against him. So stupid would becTrumpo’s energency declaration because it’s 99% certain that any emergency wall funding would be blocked in the courts.

The stupid wall is never going to be built.
easyt65, post: 21754777
Do snowflakes not understand that Congress already gave up the power for a President to declare emergencies?....

Do Trumpo’s idiots understand that the point is not whether a POTUS has the power to declare an emergency. It’s whether idiot Trumpo will declare building a border wall a national energency which wouid end up splitting Republicans in the Senate forcing some to cast a vote against him. So stupid would becTrumpo’s energency declaration because it’s 99% certain that any emergency wall funding would be blocked in the courts.

The stupid wall is never going to be built.
Do idiot snowflakes realize Barak Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, and Schumer have all called the situation at our southern border a crisis and / or national Emergency at one time or another ... And the only thing that has changed is Trump beat Hillary?

Do they remember Obama, Pelosi, & Schumer all voted for a wall...twice ... & the only thing that has changed is Trump beat Hillary?


Do the snowflakes realize Obama declared bogus national emergencies ... Like for BURUNDI ... yet they never said a word as long as Barry was doing it?

OKTexas, post: 21754870
Quote the law or senate rule. You're flapping your gums, now it's time to prove it.

Do you admit you are wrong or do you flap your chicken wings and run away?

Committee Action in the Senate
“For the stages of committee and initial floor consideration, the expedited procedures in the Congressional Review Act apply to the Senate alone. First, the Act attempts to ensure that the Senate will be able to act on the disapproval resolution whether or not the committee of referral reports it. Regardless of when the resolution is introduced, a procedure to discharge the committee from its consideration becomes available beginning 20 calendar days after the rule has been both submitted to Congress and published in the Federal Register. If 30 Senators submit a petition for the purpose, the measure is automatically discharged and placed on the calendar, from which it may be called up for floor consideration.31”
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Quote the law or senate rule. You're flapping your gums, now it's time to prove it.

Do you admit you are wrong or do you flap your chicken wings and run away?

Committee Action in the Senate
“For the stages of committee and initial floor consideration, the expedited procedures in the Congressional Review Act apply to the Senate alone. First, the Act attempts to ensure that the Senate will be able to act on the disapproval resolution whether or not the committee of referral reports it. Regardless of when the resolution is introduced, a procedure to discharge the committee from its consideration becomes available beginning 20 calendar days after the rule has been both submitted to Congress and published in the Federal Register. If 30 Senators submit a petition for the purpose, the measure is automatically discharged and placed on the calendar, from which it may be called up for floor consideration.31”

When are you going to get through your thick head that the CRA only applies to regulations imposed by federal executive agencies. The National Emergency Act has a completely different set of requirements.

See Senate rule 14, which also doesn't apply to a disapproval resolution under the National Emergency Act.

=Title II: Declarations of Future National Emergencies= - States that, with respect to Acts of Congress authorizing the exercise of any special or extraordinary power during a national emergency, the President is authorized to declare such national emergency.

Provides that any national emergency declared by the President in accordance with this title shall terminate if (1) Congress terminates the emergency by concurrent resolution; or (2) the President issues a proclamation terminating the emergency.

H.R.3884 - 94th Congress (1975-1976): National Emergencies Act

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“Mr. McConnell predicted that Speaker Nancy Pelosi would have the House immediately pass a “resolution of disapproval” attempting to block him from using existing funding for the wall.”

Any senator from either party could then demand a vote, because the resolution would be deemed “privileged.” Mr. McConnell told Mr. Trump that he would have no choice but to schedule a floor vote on the measure within 15 days,

OKTexas, post: 21754870
Quote the law or senate rule.

I posted the law fifteen minutes ago.

Before you hit the ‘funny’ button and run away here is more evidence that you are barking up the wrong tree.

“But the most important critic of the declaration is Mr. McConnell. “I don’t think much of that idea,” Mr. McConnell said last month when asked about the declaration. “I hope he doesn’t go down that path.”

Mr. McConnell, according to three people familiar with his thinking, has grown increasingly frustrated with the White House in recent days, telling associates that he thinks members of the president’s staff have failed to adequately brief him on the legislative and political perils of moving ahead with a disaster declaration.

During his White House meeting, disclosed by The Washington Post, Mr. McConnell predicted that Speaker Nancy Pelosi would have the House immediately pass a “resolution of disapproval” attempting to block him from using existing funding for the wall.

Any senator from either party could then demand a vote, because the resolution would be deemed “privileged.” Mr. McConnell told Mr. Trump that he would have no choice but to schedule a floor vote on the measure within 15 days, and Republican aides have estimated that between three and 10 Republicans would side with the chamber’s Democrats against Mr. Trump.”

Path to Trump’s Border Wall Narrows as Republicans Balk at Emergency Declaration
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OKTexas, post: 21754870
Quote the law or senate rule.

I posted the law fifteen minutes ago.

Before you hit the ‘funny’ button and run away here is more evidence that you are barking up the wrong tree.

“But the most important critic of the declaration is Mr. McConnell. “I don’t think much of that idea,” Mr. McConnell said last month when asked about the declaration. “I hope he doesn’t go down that path.”

Mr. McConnell, according to three people familiar with his thinking, has grown increasingly frustrated with the White House in recent days, telling associates that he thinks members of the president’s staff have failed to adequately brief him on the legislative and political perils of moving ahead with a disaster declaration.

During his White House meeting, disclosed by The Washington Post, Mr. McConnell predicted that Speaker Nancy Pelosi would have the House immediately pass a “resolution of disapproval” attempting to block him from using existing funding for the wall.

See post 47.

Quote the law or senate rule. You're flapping your gums, now it's time to prove it.

Do you admit you are wrong or do you flap your chicken wings and run away?

Committee Action in the Senate
“For the stages of committee and initial floor consideration, the expedited procedures in the Congressional Review Act apply to the Senate alone. First, the Act attempts to ensure that the Senate will be able to act on the disapproval resolution whether or not the committee of referral reports it. Regardless of when the resolution is introduced, a procedure to discharge the committee from its consideration becomes available beginning 20 calendar days after the rule has been both submitted to Congress and published in the Federal Register. If 30 Senators submit a petition for the purpose, the measure is automatically discharged and placed on the calendar, from which it may be called up for floor consideration.31”

When are you going to get through your thick head that the CRA only applies to regulations imposed by federal executive agencies. The National Emergency Act has a completely different set of requirements.

See Senate rule 14, which also doesn't apply to a disapproval resolution under the National Emergency Act.

=Title II: Declarations of Future National Emergencies= - States that, with respect to Acts of Congress authorizing the exercise of any special or extraordinary power during a national emergency, the President is authorized to declare such national emergency.

Provides that any national emergency declared by the President in accordance with this title shall terminate if (1) Congress terminates the emergency by concurrent resolution; or (2) the President issues a proclamation terminating the emergency.

H.R.3884 - 94th Congress (1975-1976): National Emergencies Act


How stupid do you want to be? As stupid as Trumpo?

McConnell has confirmed that Pelosi’s Resolution will force a vote in the Senate.

It’s a done deal if Trumpo intends to appropriate money for a wall that was not appropriated by Congress.

If you can’t read what you don’t want to know just let me know.
OKTexas, post: 21755474,
Posting applicable law is hardly running, try reading it.

If it’s applicable law then in your next post you need to explain why Mitch McConnell does not apply it.

You asked me to post my source for 30 Senators from any Party being able to get a Joint Resolution if Disapproval to the floor for a vote and I did.

You response is to run to another erroneous point about the national emergencies act that has no impact on a Joint Resolution of Disapproval.
OKTexas, post: 21755414
When are you going to get through your thick head that the CRA only applies to regulations imposed by federal executive agencies. The National Emergency Act has a completely different set of requirements.

During his White House meeting, disclosed by The Washington Post, Mr. McConnell predicted that Speaker Nancy Pelosi would have the House immediately pass a “resolution of disapproval” attempting to block him from using existing funding for the wall.

Your problem is the National Emergency Act does not entitle Trumpo to use existing funding fir hus stupud Wall. It’s why you have to run.
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OKTexas, post: 21755474,
Posting applicable law is hardly running, try reading it.

If it’s applicable law then in your next post you need to explain why Mitch McConnell does not apply it.

You asked me to post my source for 30 Senators from any Party being able to get a Joint Resolution if Disapproval to the floor for a vote and I did.

You response is to run to another erroneous point about the national emergencies act that has no impact on a Joint Resolution of Disapproval.

Just fuck off, the CRA is not applicable, period. BTW what Mitch said a month ago is out the window now.

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OKTexas, post: 21755474,
Posting applicable law is hardly running, try reading it.

If it’s applicable law then in your next post you need to explain why Mitch McConnell does not apply it.

You asked me to post my source for 30 Senators from any Party being able to get a Joint Resolution if Disapproval to the floor for a vote and I did.

You response is to run to another erroneous point about the national emergencies act that has no impact on a Joint Resolution of Disapproval.

Just fuck off, the CRA is not applicable, period. BTW what Mitch said a month ago is out the window now.


There is the officai “I’m right, fuck the facts, I gotta run.

Mitch was referring to the Joint Resolution of Disapproval which will happen if Trumpo tries to build a wall with money not approved by Congress.

It’s not out the window. Mitch confirms it will happen. And he ought to know.

You are wrong and now you run as I predicted.
OKTexas, post: 21755474,
Posting applicable law is hardly running, try reading it.

If it’s applicable law then in your next post you need to explain why Mitch McConnell does not apply it.

You asked me to post my source for 30 Senators from any Party being able to get a Joint Resolution if Disapproval to the floor for a vote and I did.

You response is to run to another erroneous point about the national emergencies act that has no impact on a Joint Resolution of Disapproval.

Just fuck off, the CRA is not applicable, period. BTW what Mitch said a month ago is out the window now.


There is the officai “I’m right, fuck the facts, I gotta run.

Mitch was referring to the Joint Resolution of Disapproval which will happen if Trumpo tries to build a wall with money not approved by Congress.

It’s not out the window. Mitch confirms it will happen. And he ought to know.

You are wrong and now you run as I predicted.

After the house refused to negotiate in good faith, expect many republicans to sing a different tune. Your dumb ass article speculated 10 republican defections, don't expect that now. BTW nothing Trump gets done after the declaration can be undone.

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After the house refused to negotiate in good faith, expect many republicans to sing a different tune. Your dumb ass article speculated 10 republican defections, don't expect that now. BTW nothing Trump gets done after the declaration can be undone.

The Democrats don’t need Republicans. You originally said there wouid be no vote on a Resolution of Disapproval for six months. You were wrong. Admit it.

And if Trumpo ever gets past the courts and to building his stupid needless walls - the next POTUS can certainly put a stop to any wasteful spending they want.

You are way wrong as usual.
I’ll let the right-wing Washington Examiner explain why this would be such a disaster—for both Mitch and the rest of the GOP.

The California Democrat, under a seldom-used statute, could put a binding "resolution of disapproval" on the House floor to counter Trump should he claim constitutional power to unilaterally build a border wall.

The resolution would almost assuredly pass the Democratic House. Then, in a quirk of the law - the Congressional Review Act - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., would essentially be forced to hold a floor vote, with only a simple majority required for passage rather than the customary 60 votes.

Speaker Pelosi owns GOP (again): 'Seldom-used' law will force Mitch to take disaster vote.

The author of the cited article doesn't know much about the law he was discussing. First of all, the “resolution of disapproval” does not apply to Presidential executive action; instead, it applies only to actions taken by administrative agencies. Further, if Trump vetoes the resolution, the veto can be overridden only by two-thirds of the members of each house. This is what was printed in the Washington Examiner:

“The California Democrat, under a seldom-used statute, could put a binding “resolution of disapproval” on the House floor to counter Trump should he claim constitutional powers to unilaterally build a border wall. The president is threatening action if Congress refuses his demand for $5.7 billion in border wall funding. Friday, Trump expressed skepticism that a bipartisan commission seeking a deal on the wall to avoid another government shutdown would succeed, saying there was a "good chance" he would declare an emergency.”

Unfortunately, the unenlightened, intellectually lazy author never researched the law to determine to whom the law applied and how it operates. The following describes what the “joint resolution of disapproval” is all about:

“A joint resolution of disapproval is a measure, introduced and considered by Congress under the terms of the Congressional Review Act of 1996, that overturns a new federal agency rule and blocks the issuing agency from creating similar rules in the future without specific authorization. As with all bills and joint resolutions, a joint resolution of disapproval must be passed by both houses of Congress in identical form and sent to the president for approval or passed over a presidential veto by two-thirds of the members of each house.”

CONCLUSION:. The author of the article was wrong, proving it is always dangerous to rely on a single news source. If you want to get to the truth, you will almost always have to do some research.

Have you figured out you are wrong?

Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ Would Please His Base But Put GOP Senators On The Spot
The Democratic-led House would be likely to pass a bill undoing an emergency declaration — and Mitch McConnell could not stop it from coming up for a Senate vote.
By S.V. Date, Arthur Delaney, and Igor Bobic
02/07/2019 05:08 PM ET

Just wondering.
OKTexas, post: 21755474,
Posting applicable law is hardly running, try reading it.

If it’s applicable law then in your next post you need to explain why Mitch McConnell does not apply it.

You asked me to post my source for 30 Senators from any Party being able to get a Joint Resolution if Disapproval to the floor for a vote and I did.

You response is to run to another erroneous point about the national emergencies act that has no impact on a Joint Resolution of Disapproval.

Just fuck off, the CRA is not applicable, period. BTW what Mitch said a month ago is out the window now.



Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ Would Please His Base But Put GOP Senators On The Spot | HuffPost

Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ Would Please His Base But Put GOP Senators On The Spot
The Democratic-led House would be likely to pass a bill undoing an emergency declaration — and Mitch McConnell could not stop it from coming up for a Senate vote.
By S.V. Date, Arthur Delaney, and Igor Bobic
02/07/2019 05:08 PM ET

The vote can come as fast as 15 days.

You said it wouid take six months.

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