Self-service Restaurants?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
This came up in my other topic about tips. What do you guys think about this? On one hand I do believe that it's convenient, but on the other hand I think that's people basically saying that they don't want to work anymore so they bring in the machines.
This came up in my other topic about tips. What do you guys think about this? On one hand I do believe that it's convenient, but on the other hand I think that's people basically saying that they don't want to work anymore so they bring in the machines.
It's the owners who want to do away with paying labor wages. Some day you'll understand about business.
It's the owners who want to do away with paying labor wages. Some day you'll understand about business.
the original HORN AND HARDART model made lunch cheap----it was a
response to the hardship of the working person during the depression.
Somehow they managed to make the place pleasant and genteel
They use to have those back in the 40s . You see what you want in a little window put the coins in the slot the window unlocks and you take the food out. Some one in the back replaces the food item.

Are you talking about an early vending machine?
People are happy to work. You just have to pay them enough. Management doesn't want to do that, so they are the cause of the "labor shortage".
Bullshit. In my many years of being a union carpenter, I have talked to many young folks looking for work. In all those years, I have had none take me up on it.

If you had said they wanted to do easy work and get paid well, I would agree with you.
This came up in my other topic about tips. What do you guys think about this? On one hand I do believe that it's convenient, but on the other hand I think that's people basically saying that they don't want to work anymore so they bring in the machines.
Automat is an old idea whose time is come again!

At the turn of the century, New Yorkers rushed to a new kind of dining establishment, one they felt represented all the sleekness and efficiency of a future in chrome: the Automat.
As a sort of ancestor of the vending machine, Automats were a wall of coin-operated cubbies that contained hot food and beverages behind a glass window. They provided quick and delicious meals to hundreds of thousands of diners a day at low prices, thanks to waiter-less service.
This came up in my other topic about tips. What do you guys think about this? On one hand I do believe that it's convenient, but on the other hand I think that's people basically saying that they don't want to work anymore so they bring in the machines.
Those in business are having the same woes trying to deal with crushing inflation as those buying the products. A business must have sufficient profit in order to be able to replace, upgrade, repair equipment, property maintenance and repairs, pay utilities, buy supplies, inputs, etc., pay for licenses, permits, insurance, transportation costs, taxes, i.e. all the costs of doing business. And all costs are higher, sometimes 100% or more higher, than they were four years ago. And they cannot raise their prices beyond what their customers are willing to pay for their products and/or services.

Higher wages for employees who have to have higher wages to pay their own bills and buy necessities not only involve the salaries but also higher costs for any benefits plus inflated costs of SUTA, FUTA, FICA, Work Comp and Liability Insurance, any required bonds, etc.

At some point replacing a work force with automation is not only attractive, but necessary to avoid going out of business.

Those who demand wages they think the employees should have instead of letting the free market set the price of labor along with everything else are just begging for good jobs to go away as they are replaced by that automation.
This came up in my other topic about tips. What do you guys think about this? On one hand I do believe that it's convenient, but on the other hand I think that's people basically saying that they don't want to work anymore so they bring in the machines.

I've worked in restaurants and often you find that the people working there are just not good at anything. They struggle to do their simple restaurant tasks properly, they're better off being put on UBI and they can just be needs and wants for the rest of their lives.
This came up in my other topic about tips. What do you guys think about this? On one hand I do believe that it's convenient, but on the other hand I think that's people basically saying that they don't want to work anymore so they bring in the machines.

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