Sen. Bob Menendez and wife indicted on bribery charges, Justice Department says

So much for the lie that Democrats are weaponizing the DoJ against Republicans.
It's been only 9 hours and already Democrats, from the NJ Governor to the leaders of their legislature, to NJ Congressmen are all calling on Menendez to resign.

You'll never see this kind of integrity from Republicans.


Did he confess ?

If not, doesn't he get a trial or something like that ?

The last time I checked, he lived in the U.S.

I don't like the guy, but you guys seem to want to burn him a the stake NOW.
It's been 11 years and 22 years since this gem:

Neighbor: New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez Screwed a Different Young Lady Every Night, Loudly

New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez is the subject of a recent, much-hyped Daily Caller report alleging that he takes "sex trips" to the Dominican Republic, where at least two women say they were paid to have sex with him. Considering the fact the Daily Caller is a perverse joke run by a ruined prodigy, this may or may not be true. What is true, according to someone who was unfortunate enough to live in the unit below Menendez's Washington, D.C., apartment, is that he would bring home a different young, attractive lady almost every night, put on a little jazz, and fuck loudly until 3 a.m.

"We lived below him," the former neighbor told Gawker (according to public records databases, both Menendez and the former neighbor used to share an address in Northeast DC). "It was outrageous. When it started, we thought it was a one-time thing. But it went on for months-hours and hours of headbanging sex."

When the Senate was in session, the former neighbor said, Menendez would usually stay at the DC apartment on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings-on weekends, Mondays, and Fridays, he would go back to his New Jersey home. Of those three weeknights, the neighbor said, Menendez usually spent at least two with a constantly rotating gallery of attractive, young, and loud women.

"They'd usually arrive together in the late evening," the neighbor said. "We'd hear him put some jazz on. Maybe around 11 p.m., the noise would start. He had a very squeaky mattress and a very squeaky bed frame. We'd hear moaning, and we could hear them switching positions because different parts of the bed would squeak. It was awful."

Without fail, the neighbor said, these women would leave Menendez's apartment at 3 a.m. and get in a cab. "My wife would be up because of the noise, and she'd watch them out the window," the neighbor said. "They were always in like four-inch heels, and it was definitely a different one every time. Different women on back-to-back nights. These were very young, very attractive women."

I don't think the evidence they found -- cash, gold bars, a freakin' car -- could have been any more stereotypical of bribery. Hell, if it were on an episode of a TV show, it would look like a cheap caricature.

Nail this guy. He's a prototype of the sleazy politician, and yet another example of why we fucking need term limits.
Agreed, the swamp is truly bipartisan. Trump promised to drain the swamp.

By bringing in his family as White House advisors, and working with the likes of Stone, Bannon, Flynn, Pillow-Guy, Giuliani, Powell, that one dude who looks like a poor man's Sammy Davis Junior, Eastman, etc.

We'll file that one right up there with his promises of Mexico paying for a wall, ending Obamacare, and wiping out the federal deficit.
I don’t believe Trump had any idea how deep and treacherous the Swamp was. Now he knows. If he is reelected he may need loyal Secret Service guards to protect him. There will be hell to pay and it is not wise to underestimate the Deep State. To the Deep State the end justifies the means.
Menendez allegedly "provided sensitive US Government information and took other steps that secretly aided the Government of Egypt," and "improperly advised and pressured an official at the United States Department of Agriculture for the purpose of protecting a business monopoly granted to Hana by Egypt and used in part to fund the bribes being paid to Menendez" via his wife.

Ah, that explains it; he was poaching on Biden clients. Extorting foreign countries is their gig. They don't like competition and owna lot of judges and AG's.
What a POS this guy is...A democrat too boot....Let's hope AG Garland has the balls to see this through and put his ass away.
Every time I read about this guy, I am shocked he is not a Republican.

Almost all politicians are greedy to some extent but this level of greed and criminality takes a Republican.
Every time I read about this guy, I am shocked he is not a Republican.

Almost all politicians are greedy to some extent but this level of greed and criminality takes a Republican.
He is a Dem because that’s what it takes to get elected in his district and in NJ
He is a Dem because that’s what it takes to get elected in his district and in NJ
He's a senator. Yeah, I know. I am from NJ. But we've had Christie as Governor. So, Republicans are no strangers.
He's a senator. Yeah, I know. I am from NJ. But we've had Christie as Governor. So, Republicans are no strangers.
He “made his bones” as a House member in a district that was always going to elect a Dem.

I know because I lived in lower Bergen County mere miles from his district for most of my life.

He took his noterietay with him when he ran for Senate getting a solid block of votes from his home district .

That and the general leftward lean of NJ got him the Senate.

And I’m a Dem. He has always made me nervous. Glad to see him go
He “made his bones” as a House member in a district that was always going to elect a Dem.

I know because I lived in lower Bergen County mere miles from his district for most of my life.

He took his noterietay with him when he ran for Senate getting a solid block of votes from his home district .

That and the general leftward lean of NJ got him the Senate.

And I’m a Dem. He has always made me nervous. Glad to see him go
Totally agree. His only stock-in-trade is his 'I am Latino' card. But don't think that is going to work for him this time.

They literally got the goods on him during the raid. Like I said, it usually takes a Republican to be this corrupt and greedy.
He “made his bones” as a House member in a district that was always going to elect a Dem.

I know because I lived in lower Bergen County mere miles from his district for most of my life.

He took his noterietay with him when he ran for Senate getting a solid block of votes from his home district .

That and the general leftward lean of NJ got him the Senate.

And I’m a Dem. He has always made me nervous. Glad to see him go
That is a corrupted and dirty state. As a prog you voted for that. And there are many more including the mutant governor most likely lost the last election. A.C. has endless mayors in jail and it should have been completely rebuilt with gambling. Started with many citizens who never did anything in life getting money for their ghetto homes.
That is a corrupted and dirty state. As a prog you voted for that. And there are many more including the mutant governor most likely lost the last election. A.C. has endless mayors in jail and it should have been completely rebuilt with gambling. Started with many citizens who never did anything in life getting money for their ghetto homes.
Dude, there’s corruption in every state. Look at Texas
Want to guess how many Democrats will claim it's a weaponization of the government for the purpose of preventing his reelection?

My guess is zero.

Want to guess how many Republicans will claim that?

My guess is zero.

Compare and contrast this to when Republicans are charged or even convicted of crimes.

The Democrat number stays the same. Republicans however all cry foul.
Has there been a lot of Republicans saying Santos should resign? What ever happened with that?
I don’t believe Trump had any idea how deep and treacherous the Swamp was. Now he knows. If he is reelected he may need loyal Secret Service guards to protect him. There will be hell to pay and it is not wise to underestimate the Deep State. To the Deep State the end justifies the means.

Trump already has Secret Service protection as a former President.
You can't indict a sitting President, he must be impeached and removed first...the impeachment process has started.

Where you been?

I am old enough to remember when Mendenez was a target of the Obama/Xiden regime back in 2016, he was charged, the charges were later dismissed, looks like Xiden really doesn't like this guy

Hung jury.

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