Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

"Questionable loyalty" What bull shit!
Accusations were made up. This entire BS was made up.

Are you alleging that Col. Allen and his fellow SCIA officers made false charges, or that Capt. Sheehan and his G-2 team falsified their report on Fort Monmouth? These are serious charges. What is your evidence?

Well, it's hard to pick just one, but let's take Aaron Coleman. He had been a City College of New York classmate of Julius Rosenberg, Morton Sobell, etc. Ex-Communist CCNY alum Nathan Sussman testified that Coleman had been a fellow member there of the Young Communist League, along with Rosenberg et al. Rosenberg testified that he had been in contact with Coleman at Fort Monmouth. In 1946, security agents searched his rooms, finding more than 40 official papers, some highly confidential. Coleman's roommate at the time, Jack Okun, would be suspended from Fort Monmouth on security grounds in 1949. Any one of these associations should have rendered Coleman ineligible for employment at a Signals Corps base under the Truman loyalty order of 1947. Yet he was still working at Fort Monmouth when the McCarthy inquiry began in 1953.

If you mean that security there was dangerously lax, you are correct.

Did McCarthy believe there were communists in the Army or did he not believe it? If he didn't then why all the allegations that you cut and pasted?

McCarthy heard serious allegations from Allen of SCIA, Sheehan of G-2, Lawton, base commander at Fort Monmouth, and Andrew Reid, chief of security there. He was in the process of investigating those allegations (seeking subpoenas of the security review board members) when the Army accused him of cooking up the whole Fort Monmouth inquiry as a way of pressuring it to grant favored treatment to Schine -- thus pre-empting the Fort Monmouth investigation with the Army-McCarthy hearings, investigating McCarthy himself.

I notice that you did not post when and where Cohn stated "I will wreck the Army," nor when and where McCarthy asserted the presence of Communists in the Army; nor did you post your sources. Are you retracting these charges?

McCarthy told his shrink, hairdresser and bartender on December 19, 1953.

Under your thesis McCarthy had "serious allegations" yet never "asserted the presence of Communists in the Army"?
They must not have been very serious or outright bogus, which you know they were, if McCarthy never "asserted the presence of Communists in the Army.

The shrink was killed by a mysterious drive by shooting. The FBI is investigating the killings of Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B. I. G. as possibly being the same shooter.
The hairdresser was the grand neice of Mati Hari. After her tips were not up to par she turned to communism because beards and haircuts were the Bloshevik style thus increasing her business 33% off the bat.
The bartender was shot on sight in Moscow in a Stolichnaya smuggling deal gone bad.

Several months and hundreds of posts ago, I recommended that you actually crack open the book "Blacklisted" and learn something, instead you choose to spew charges that get exponentially more absurd with each telling.
By the time Ike was in a position to set policy, the Soviets already had the A-bomb, making their occupation of Eastern Europe a fait accompli. Truman had the opportunity to liberate millions of his fellow human beings. He chose not to.

You mean go to war with the Soviets while we were still engaged with Japan, did not know if our atomic bombs were going to work, with no training divisions left back in the states, with Germany and France and eastern Europe ravaged by war. Your opinion does not reflect the reality of the time.

Truman and Eisenhower and Marshall decided otherwise. Your comment is nothing more, Mark, than a jumped-up internet opinion. We are all entitled to them, but they mean nothing in and of themselves. Your evidence is not compelling. Don't ask us to build your case. You have to do it, then we get to critique it.

As we discussed in the "Patton" thread, the reason the General felt WWII was a strategic failure for the US was because he believed all that was accomplished for civilization east of Berlin was to exchange one sociopathic mass murderer for another. History bears him out.

We now learn that FDR let "Uncle Joe" keep all the real estate because he was advised to do so by genuine Communist spies.

That's the point, Jake. You're absurd notion that Third Shock Army would have been dancing in Paris 10 weeks after start of hostilities with the USA lies in a smoldering wreck like a JS-III without air cover.

We had a term other than "Monday morning QB" in my day.
When did Stalin ever occupy Great Britain, West Berlin, France, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Libya, Algeria or Tunisia Frank?
Frank would have us believe that FDR was never advised by anyone in the military on foreign affairs and that Patton was right and all of the other military leaders were socialists supporting Uncle Joe.
But I love fiction as it is always more interesting than FACT.
You mean go to war with the Soviets while we were still engaged with Japan, did not know if our atomic bombs were going to work, with no training divisions left back in the states, with Germany and France and eastern Europe ravaged by war. Your opinion does not reflect the reality of the time.

Truman and Eisenhower and Marshall decided otherwise. Your comment is nothing more, Mark, than a jumped-up internet opinion. We are all entitled to them, but they mean nothing in and of themselves. Your evidence is not compelling. Don't ask us to build your case. You have to do it, then we get to critique it.

As we discussed in the "Patton" thread, the reason the General felt WWII was a strategic failure for the US was because he believed all that was accomplished for civilization east of Berlin was to exchange one sociopathic mass murderer for another. History bears him out.

We now learn that FDR let "Uncle Joe" keep all the real estate because he was advised to do so by genuine Communist spies.

That's the point, Jake. You're absurd notion that Third Shock Army would have been dancing in Paris 10 weeks after start of hostilities with the USA lies in a smoldering wreck like a JS-III without air cover.

We had a term other than "Monday morning QB" in my day.
When did Stalin ever occupy Great Britain, West Berlin, France, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Libya, Algeria or Tunisia Frank?
Frank would have us believe that FDR was never advised by anyone in the military on foreign affairs and that Patton was right and all of the other military leaders were socialists supporting Uncle Joe.
But I love fiction as it is always more interesting than FACT.

Give me your address and I'll Amazon ship one to you

You mean go to war with the Soviets while we were still engaged with Japan, did not know if our atomic bombs were going to work, with no training divisions left back in the states, with Germany and France and eastern Europe ravaged by war. Your opinion does not reflect the reality of the time.

Truman and Eisenhower and Marshall decided otherwise. Your comment is nothing more, Mark, than a jumped-up internet opinion. We are all entitled to them, but they mean nothing in and of themselves. Your evidence is not compelling. Don't ask us to build your case. You have to do it, then we get to critique it.

As we discussed in the "Patton" thread, the reason the General felt WWII was a strategic failure for the US was because he believed all that was accomplished for civilization east of Berlin was to exchange one sociopathic mass murderer for another. History bears him out.

We now learn that FDR let "Uncle Joe" keep all the real estate because he was advised to do so by genuine Communist spies.

That's the point, Jake. You're absurd notion that Third Shock Army would have been dancing in Paris 10 weeks after start of hostilities with the USA lies in a smoldering wreck like a JS-III without air cover.

We had a term other than "Monday morning QB" in my day.
When did Stalin ever occupy Great Britain, West Berlin, France, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Libya, Algeria or Tunisia Frank?
Frank would have us believe that FDR was never advised by anyone in the military on foreign affairs and that Patton was right and all of the other military leaders were socialists supporting Uncle Joe.
But I love fiction as it is always more interesting than FACT.

Yes. CrusaderFrank = fiction. Frank should go talk to Tom Clancy.

The far wackright will not stay in reality.
As we discussed in the "Patton" thread, the reason the General felt WWII was a strategic failure for the US was because he believed all that was accomplished for civilization east of Berlin was to exchange one sociopathic mass murderer for another. History bears him out.

We now learn that FDR let "Uncle Joe" keep all the real estate because he was advised to do so by genuine Communist spies.

That's the point, Jake. You're absurd notion that Third Shock Army would have been dancing in Paris 10 weeks after start of hostilities with the USA lies in a smoldering wreck like a JS-III without air cover.

We had a term other than "Monday morning QB" in my day.
When did Stalin ever occupy Great Britain, West Berlin, France, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Libya, Algeria or Tunisia Frank?
Frank would have us believe that FDR was never advised by anyone in the military on foreign affairs and that Patton was right and all of the other military leaders were socialists supporting Uncle Joe.
But I love fiction as it is always more interesting than FACT.

Yes. CrusaderFrank = fiction. Frank should go talk to Tom Clancy.

The far wackright will not stay in reality.

History has shown your Uncle Joe to be one of civilizations worse mass murderers, right up there with the other Progressive Hero Chairman Mao
Under your thesis McCarthy had "serious allegations" yet never "asserted the presence of Communists in the Army"?

Well, among the multitude of allegations presented to McCarthy were the following:

  1. there was pro-Communist infiltration of and disappearance of classified material from the Signal Corps
  2. among the personnel at the Signal Corps base at Fort Monmouth, NJ, were 34 subversives
  3. people who were “very dangerous to the security of this country” were kept on at Fort Monmouth even after having been identified
  4. suspensions of security suspects at Fort Monmouth were stalled for 21 months, only to be granted within two weeks once McCarthy brought attention to the matter
  5. certain Fort Monmouth personnel “indiscriminately reproduced” “highly classified documents” and were “taking them home,” including one Fort Monmouth employee who had signed out for more than 2,700 documents, two-thirds of which disappeared
  6. secret materials found their way from Fort Monmouth into Soviet hands

These allegations were made by, respectively:

  1. Col. Jim Allen and nine other officers at the Signal Corps Intelligence Agency
  2. a secret FBI report mandated by the Truman loyalty order of 1947 (Executive Order 9835, Part VI.1.a.)
  3. Andrew Reid, chief of security at Fort Monmouth
  4. Gen. Kirke Lawton, post commander of Fort Monmouth
  5. Capt. Benjamin Sheehan and his G-2 counterintelligence squad
  6. defector Harald Buettner

I don't think of it as my thesis, but I admit that I do regard these allegations as serious. If you don't, you are of course entitled to your opinion; we'll just have to agree to disagree.

They must not have been very serious or outright bogus, which you know they were, if McCarthy never "asserted the presence of Communists in the Army.

Actually I don't know that (as I mentioned above, I do indeed consider these allegations serious), but I would like to see your evidence. Are you alleging that Reid, Buettner, Capt. Sheehan, Col. Allen, Gen. Lawton and the FBI all falsified investigative reports or committed perjury? These are serious charges. What is your evidence?

McCarthy's investigation into these allegations was interrupted and never concluded, so for him to have asserted the presence of Communists in the Army would have been a premature judgment. As Evans shows, McCarthy was certainly capable of such missteps, but did he make this one? It's not, as you put it, my thesis that McCarthy never asserted the presence of Communists in the Army. I apologize if I led you to believe that. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but if I recall correctly, what I actually posted was

Did McCarthy state that there were Communists in the Army? When and where did he say that? What is your source?

I asked those questions not because I was contending that McCarthy never said this, but because I didn't know whether he did, and I wanted to learn. I've gone over McCarthy's collected speeches and the subcommittee transcripts, but I can't find such a statement anywhere. So I still don't know, but I'm also still curious: Where did you get that information?

Your thesis that these charges were “bogus” pits you against the Army and the Eisenhower administration, which did, as Lawton testified, finally remove these suspects from Fort Monmouth once McCarthy focused public attention on the situation. In addition, after McCarthy had departed the scene, new evidence would emerge that would challenge your thesis. For example, Buettner's allegation that secret material from Fort Monmouth found its way into Soviet hands would eventually be corroborated by another defector, a Russian scientist identified in the public record only under the cover name “Andrivye,” who would testify to the Senate Internal Security subcommittee that in the Soviet Union he had seen “thousands” of secret US documents identified as having come from Fort Monmouth.
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The USA had enough fissionable material for TWO bombs in 1945.

That's true, but the window of opportunity for action didn't close in 1945, but extended through 1949, when the Soviets finally broke the US nuclear monopoly. During this period, the U.S. constructed many A-bombs; the Soviets had none.

I notice that you didn't post when and where McCarthy "accused IKE of being a Commie symnpathizer," [sic] nor did you post your source. Are you retracting that charge?
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You mean go to war with the Soviets while we were still engaged with Japan, did not know if our atomic bombs were going to work, with no training divisions left back in the states, with Germany and France and eastern Europe ravaged by war.

No, I don't mean that. I mean after the demonstrations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Soviets became aware of what the A-bomb could do. The U.S. could have told the Soviets to honor their agreement regarding the independence of Eastern Europe, or face the Enola Gay over Moscow.

Your opinion does not reflect the reality of the time.

Truman and Eisenhower and Marshall decided otherwise. Your comment is nothing more, Mark, than a jumped-up internet opinion.

I didn't intend to express an opinion. I apologize if my post came across that way. I don't mean to opine that Truman should have threatened to use his nuclear leverage to force Stalin back; I mean only that (in fact) it was an option he had that Ike did not, and that he chose not to use it.

Your evidence is not compelling.

What evidence?

Don't ask us to build your case.

What case?
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In March 1952, the State Department Gen Snow got his chance to expose McCarthy for the liar that the claimed McCarthy was. He was called to the Senate committee to look into the charges that State was beyond lax at weeding out Communist spies.

Senator McCarren challenged Gen Snow directly on point as follows,

"You made a blanket statement and say what Senator McCarthy says from beginning to end is blanketed everything that he said as false. Now, you will prove to us that they are false."

As you might expect, but didn't know until now, State Department's Gen Snow answered like Jake Starkey quoting contradictory footnotes in "Blacklisted"

If McCarthy was a liar, if he was making up stuff out of whole cloth about Communist Spies at State, Gen Snow could have destroyed McCarthy right then and there with facts. But he didn't and couldn't.

Did you know that?
In March 1952, the State Department Gen Snow got his chance to expose McCarthy for the liar that the claimed McCarthy was. He was called to the Senate committee to look into the charges that State was beyond lax at weeding out Communist spies.

Senator McCarren challenged Gen Snow directly on point as follows,

"You made a blanket statement and say what Senator McCarthy says from beginning to end is blanketed everything that he said as false. Now, you will prove to us that they are false."

As you might expect, but didn't know until now, State Department's Gen Snow answered like Jake Starkey quoting contradictory footnotes in "Blacklisted"

If McCarthy was a liar, if he was making up stuff out of whole cloth about Communist Spies at State, Gen Snow could have destroyed McCarthy right then and there with facts. But he didn't and couldn't.

Did you know that?

What a stupid example Frankie. It's like asking someone "When did you stop beating your wife and children?"

Of course EVERYTHING McCarthy said from beginning to end was not false. How could anyone prove EVERYTHING ANYONE said is false from beginning to end. So the only other possible conclusion is that EVERYTHING McCarthy said from beginning to end was true?

That is some pretty fucked up logic Frankie.
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In March 1952, the State Department Gen Snow got his chance to expose McCarthy for the liar that the claimed McCarthy was. He was called to the Senate committee to look into the charges that State was beyond lax at weeding out Communist spies.

Senator McCarren challenged Gen Snow directly on point as follows,

"You made a blanket statement and say what Senator McCarthy says from beginning to end is blanketed everything that he said as false. Now, you will prove to us that they are false."

As you might expect, but didn't know until now, State Department's Gen Snow answered like Jake Starkey quoting contradictory footnotes in "Blacklisted"

If McCarthy was a liar, if he was making up stuff out of whole cloth about Communist Spies at State, Gen Snow could have destroyed McCarthy right then and there with facts. But he didn't and couldn't.

Did you know that?

General Snow was Chairman of The Loyalty-Security Board from 1947-1952. Snow stated that the Security Division at State passed on information on security questions and the FBI passed on information on loyalty exclusively.
Snow gave a report to the Secretary Jan 8, 1953 about McCarthy's allegations giving a statistical breakdown of McCarthy's allegations. McCarthy NEVER came to Snow or the Loyalty-Security committee, NOT ONCE, to discuss ANY report or ANY information.
In one case McCarthy made a public statement that a State Department employee was associating with a Communist, General Snow went immediately to McCarthy's office and inquired about the name of the Communist that employee was associating with. McCarthy told him he had that name on a piece of paper and that the paper had been lost.
"We never received any assistance from McCarthy whatsoever, except the names of 61 alleged communists in the State Departmend, whose files were made available to a select committee chaired by Millard Tydings-Foreign Relations Committee. That Committee had an oppurtunity to read all 61 cases. The Committee gave the State Department a clean bill of health on allof the files"
Snow made 3 speeches in 1951 "I accused McCarthy of making false statements about matters he knew were false".
General Conrad E. Snow knew McCarthy was a liar and told him that to his face.
Richard D. McKinzie interview with General Snow July 2, 1973

You have been a slacker on your reading Frank.
You mean go to war with the Soviets while we were still engaged with Japan, did not know if our atomic bombs were going to work, with no training divisions left back in the states, with Germany and France and eastern Europe ravaged by war.

No, I don't mean that. I mean after the demonstrations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Soviets became aware of what the A-bomb could do. The U.S. could have told the Soviets to honor their agreement regarding the independence of Eastern Europe, or face the Enola Gay over Moscow.

Your opinion does not reflect the reality of the time.

Truman and Eisenhower and Marshall decided otherwise. Your comment is nothing more, Mark, than a jumped-up internet opinion.

I didn't intend to express an opinion. I apologize if my post came across that way. I don't mean to opine that Truman should have threatened to use his nuclear leverage to force Stalin back; I mean only that (in fact) it was an option he had that Ike did not, and that he chose not to use it.

Your evidence is not compelling.

What evidence?

Don't ask us to build your case.

What case?

Exactly. You have no case.

A comment about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One, they were our last atomic weapons until the next year in the arsenal. Two, the civilized nations of the world, including our citizens, would never have countenanced a war on our ally then. Several years later, maybe, but by then, any opportunity was gone, if there had ever been one in the first place.
In March 1952, the State Department Gen Snow got his chance to expose McCarthy for the liar that the claimed McCarthy was. He was called to the Senate committee to look into the charges that State was beyond lax at weeding out Communist spies.

Senator McCarren challenged Gen Snow directly on point as follows,

"You made a blanket statement and say what Senator McCarthy says from beginning to end is blanketed everything that he said as false. Now, you will prove to us that they are false."

As you might expect, but didn't know until now, State Department's Gen Snow answered like Jake Starkey quoting contradictory footnotes in "Blacklisted"

If McCarthy was a liar, if he was making up stuff out of whole cloth about Communist Spies at State, Gen Snow could have destroyed McCarthy right then and there with facts. But he didn't and couldn't.

Did you know that?

Good post, I think the reason the Liberal's are so angry and mean when it comes to McCarthy is the success of Ann Coulter's book "Treason: Liberal Treachery From the Cold War to the War on Terrorism,"

McCarthyism: The Rosetta Stone of Liberal Lies - HUMAN EVENTS

When I wrote a ferocious defense of Sen. Joe McCarthy in Treason: Liberal Treachery From the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, liberals chose not to argue with me. Instead they posted a scrolling series of reasons not to read my book, such as that I wear short skirts, date boys, and that Treason was not a scholarly tome.

After printing rabidly venomous accounts of McCarthy for half a century based on zero research, liberals would only accept research presenting an alternative view of McCarthy that included, as the Los Angeles Times put it, at least the "pretense of scholarly throat-clearing and objectivity."

This week, they got it. The great M. Stanton Evans has finally released Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies. Based on a lifetime's work, including nearly a decade of thoroughgoing research, stores of original research and never-before-seen government files, this 672-page book ends the argument on Joe McCarthy. Look for it hidden behind stacks of Bill Clinton's latest self-serving book at a bookstore near you.

Evans' book is such a tour de force that liberals are already preparing a "yesterday's news" defense -- as if they had long ago admitted the truth about McCarthy. Yes, and they fought shoulder to shoulder with Ronald Reagan to bring down the Evil Empire. Thus, Publishers Weekly preposterously claims that "the history Evans relates is already largely known, if not fully accepted." Somebody better tell George Clooney.

The McCarthy period is the Rosetta stone of all liberal lies. It is the textbook on how they rewrite history -- the sound chamber of liberal denunciations, their phony victimhood as they demean and oppress their enemies, their false imputation of dishonesty to their opponents, their legalization of every policy dispute, their ability to engage in lock-step shouting campaigns, and the black motives concealed by their endless cacophony.

The true story of Joe McCarthy, told in meticulous, irrefutable detail in Blacklisted by History, is that from 1938 to 1946, the Democratic Party acquiesced in a monstrous conspiracy being run through the State Department, the military establishment, and even the White House to advance the Soviet cause within the U.S. government.

In the face of the Democrats' absolute refusal to admit to their fecklessness, fatuity and recklessness in allowing known Soviet spies to penetrate the deepest levels of government, McCarthy demanded an accounting.

Even if one concedes to on-the-one-hand-on-the-other-hand whiners like Ronald Radosh that Truman's Secretary of State Dean Acheson didn't like communism, his record is what it was. And that record was to treat Soviet spies like members of the Hasty Pudding Club.

Rather than own up to their moral blindness to Soviet espionage, Democrats fired up the liberal slander machine, which would be deployed again and again over the next half century to the present day. In hiding their own perfidy, liberals were guilty of every sin they lyingly imputed to McCarthy. There were no "McCarthyites" until liberals came along.

Blacklisted by History proves that every conventional belief about McCarthy is wrong, including:

-- That he lied about his war service: He was a tailgunner in World War II;

-- That he was a drunk: He would generally nurse a single drink all night;

-- That he made the whole thing up: He produced loads of Soviet spies in government jobs;

-- That he just did it for political gain: He understood perfectly the godless evil of communism.

Ironically, for all of their love of conspiracy theories -- the rigging of the 2000 election, vote suppression in Ohio in 2004, 9/11 being an inside job, oil companies covering up miracle technology that would allow cars to run on dirt, Britney Spears' career, etc., etc. -- when presented with an actual conspiracy of Soviet spies infiltrating the U.S. government, they laughed it off like world-weary skeptics and dedicated themselves to slandering Joe McCarthy.

Then as now, liberals protect themselves from detection with wild calumnies against anybody who opposes them. They have no interest in -- or aptitude for -- persuasion. Their goal is to anathematize their enemies. Blacklisted by History removes the curse from one of the greatest patriots in American history.
Crusader Frank Mark and Rochelle continue to act as if they are junior Joe McCarthys and are no more effective.
You have no case.

I'm not arguing a case. I'm only here to learn. For example, when you wrote that McCarthy employed

unAmerican behavior in his search for communists and whatnots

I asked:

what behavior of McCarthy's are you referring to as "unAmerican"?

You never answered, but I'm still curious.

A comment about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One, they were our last atomic weapons until the next year in the arsenal.

You're absolutely right that after the detonation of Trinity, Fat Man and Little Boy, the U.S. didn't detonate another A-bomb until Operation Crossroads in July 1946.

Two, the civilized nations of the world, including our citizens, would never have countenanced a war on our ally then.

You're also correct that Stalin had been "our ally": He had joined the European allies once the Nazi-Soviet pact collapsed, and had been "our ally" against Japan for nearly a week -- from the bombing of Nagasaki on August 9 to the surrender of Japan on August 15, 1945.

The U.S. had successfully detonated a total of eight A-bombs by the time Stalin blockaded East Berlin, on June 24, 1948. The next day, British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin invited the U.S. to station B-29s (The Enola Gay was a B-29) in England to show Stalin "we mean business." Churchill proposed that the allies present Stalin with an ultimatum: Withdraw from East Germany, or face U.S. A-bombs dropped on Soviet cities.

On September 16, the National Security Council decided in favor of the use of atomic bombs, reasoning that giving Stalin the "slightest reason" to doubt that the U.S. would use them could "provoke exactly that sort of Soviet aggression which it is fundamentally U.S. policy to avert."

For the next two months, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal systematically solicited opinions on the question in the U.S. and Europe. He found "unanimous consent" in favor of the use of nuclear weapons. Gen. Lucius Clay, Commander of U.S. forces in Germany, told Forrestal he "would not hesitate to use the atomic bomb and would hit Moscow and Leningrad first."

Counterfactuals are speculative, but you may be right that "the civilized nations of the world, including our citizens, would never have countenanced" such an ultimatum. However, given that the "civilized nations of the world" countenanced the depredations of Hitler and Stalin, I'm not so sure. Among those imprisoned behind the former Iron Curtain many have written that they not only would have "countenanced," but prayed fervently for such an ultimatum. Although Hitler and Stalin agreed with your assessment, I'm not certain that such people were less than "civilized;" the same goes for Churchill et al.

At any rate, such an ultimatum did exist, but it applied only to Western Europe, not Eastern Europe. It was the express meaning of the U.S. nuclear umbrella over Western Europe, and of the doctrine of nuclear deterrence. As Churchill put it in 1949, "It is certain that Europe would have been communized and London under bombardment some time ago but for the deterrent of the atomic bomb in the hands of the United States."

You're absolutely right that many people, including some of "our citizens," didn't countenance U.S. protection of Western Europe, and that such folks made no secret of the fact that they felt themselves to be more "civilized" than the rest of us. But you are arguing with yourself; as I said:

I don't mean to opine that Truman should have threatened to use his nuclear leverage to force Stalin back; I mean only that (in fact) it was an option he had that Ike did not, and that he chose not to use it.
General Snow was Chairman of The Loyalty-Security Board from 1947-1952. Snow stated that the Security Division at State passed on information on security questions and the FBI passed on information on loyalty exclusively.
Snow gave a report to the Secretary Jan 8, 1953 about McCarthy's allegations giving a statistical breakdown of McCarthy's allegations. McCarthy NEVER came to Snow or the Loyalty-Security committee, NOT ONCE, to discuss ANY report or ANY information.
In one case McCarthy made a public statement that a State Department employee was associating with a Communist, General Snow went immediately to McCarthy's office and inquired about the name of the Communist that employee was associating with. McCarthy told him he had that name on a piece of paper and that the paper had been lost.
"We never received any assistance from McCarthy whatsoever, except the names of 61 alleged communists in the State Departmend, whose files were made available to a select committee chaired by Millard Tydings-Foreign Relations Committee. That Committee had an oppurtunity to read all 61 cases. The Committee gave the State Department a clean bill of health on allof the files"
Snow made 3 speeches in 1951 "I accused McCarthy of making false statements about matters he knew were false".
General Conrad E. Snow knew McCarthy was a liar and told him that to his face.
Richard D. McKinzie interview with General Snow July 2, 1973

You have been a slacker on your reading Frank.

Excellent post. Where can the original source be found?
You're also correct that Stalin had been "our ally": He had joined the European allies once the Nazi-Soviet pact collapsed, and had been "our ally" against Japan for nearly a week -- from the bombing of Nagasaki on August 9 to the surrender of Japan on August 15, 1945. That would have been news to Churchill, FDR, Marshall, Truman, etc., plus the American media blitz to paint "Uncle Joe" as our "friend."

The U.S. had successfully detonated a total of eight A-bombs by the time Stalin blockaded East Berlin, on June 24, 1948. Thank you for substantiating my point about no new nukes were available after Aug 1945. Three years later does not matter. Your discussion after that date does not matter, is not germane to whether the USA should have gone to war in the summer or fall of 1945.

Counterfactuals are speculative, but you may be right that "the civilized nations of the world, including our citizens, would never have countenanced" such an ultimatum. No other matters invalidate the speculation that the American people along with their French, German, and British counterparts would not have permitted such a war against the USSR.
General Snow was Chairman of The Loyalty-Security Board from 1947-1952. Snow stated that the Security Division at State passed on information on security questions and the FBI passed on information on loyalty exclusively.
Snow gave a report to the Secretary Jan 8, 1953 about McCarthy's allegations giving a statistical breakdown of McCarthy's allegations. McCarthy NEVER came to Snow or the Loyalty-Security committee, NOT ONCE, to discuss ANY report or ANY information.
In one case McCarthy made a public statement that a State Department employee was associating with a Communist, General Snow went immediately to McCarthy's office and inquired about the name of the Communist that employee was associating with. McCarthy told him he had that name on a piece of paper and that the paper had been lost.
"We never received any assistance from McCarthy whatsoever, except the names of 61 alleged communists in the State Departmend, whose files were made available to a select committee chaired by Millard Tydings-Foreign Relations Committee. That Committee had an oppurtunity to read all 61 cases. The Committee gave the State Department a clean bill of health on allof the files"
Snow made 3 speeches in 1951 "I accused McCarthy of making false statements about matters he knew were false".
General Conrad E. Snow knew McCarthy was a liar and told him that to his face.
Richard D. McKinzie interview with General Snow July 2, 1973

If this is an accurate recounting of what Gen. Snow said, he erred when he said that McCarthy had submitted

the names of 61 alleged communists in the State Departmend

Snow made two errors here: the number of suspects, and the allegations against them. While many of the 124 suspects whose cases McCarthy submitted to the Senate for investigation were at such agencies as Treasury, Commerce, the UN, etc., 67 were still in the State Department at the time (68 if you count Harlow Shapley, a non-compensated State Department adviser at the UN). Nor were these “alleged Communists”: what McCarthy actually said was that his suspects “would appear to be either card carrying Communists or certainly loyal to the Communist Party.”

Fellow-travelers who were not CP members but were “loyal to the Communist Party” were explicitly targeted by the Truman Loyalty Order (“Membership in, affiliation with or sympathetic association with any foreign or domestic organization, association, movement, group or combination of persons, designated by the Attorney General as totalitarian, Fascist, Communist, or subversive, or as having adopted a policy of advocating or approving the commission of acts of force or violence to deny other persons their rights under the Constitution of the United States, or as seeking to alter the form of Government of the United States by unconstitutional means” [Emphasis added]). However, Snow was absolutely right that

The Committee gave the State Department a clean bill of health on allof the files

The Senate had charged the Tydings subcommittee with the task of conducting “a full and complete study and investigation as to whether persons who are disloyal to the United States are, or have been, employed by the Department of State.” Astonishingly, Tydings could not find a single instance, somehow missing such blatant cases as Noel Field (who had defected to the East bloc in 1948) or Laurence Duggan, who committed suicide (or was “liquidated” by SMERSH) after being identified by the FBI as a Soviet agent.

Flabbergasted by Tyding's performance, Sen. Irving Ives (R-NY) suggested that “a fraud and a hoax have been perpetrated on the Senate of the United States, and the American people” by Tydings, adding that “such perpetration is evident in the apparently deliberate action of the subcommittee in disregarding the will of the Senate.”

How Tydings could have come to overlook such obvious cases may be surmised from his memorandum to President Truman:

I strongly recommend for your own welfare, for the welfare of the country and lastly for the welfare of the Democratic party that the present Communist inquiry not be allowed to worsen, but that you take bold, forthright and courageous action which I presume to say will do as much as anything I can think of to give you and your administration and party a tremendous advantage in the coming election. [Emphasis added]​

Despite Truman's best efforts, the voters reelected McCarthy, and dumped Tydings.
That would have been news to Churchill, FDR, Marshall, Truman, etc.,

I'm not sure about that. Churchill seems to have had some glimmer that throughout the Battle of Britain and the London Blitz, Radio Moscow was beaming defeatist propaganda to the allies, that the Communists were urging British workers to strike to sabotage the war effort; that, asked what Britons should do if the Nazis crossed the channel, Stalin's British apologist George Bernard Shaw advised, "Welcome them as tourists."

Likewise the French seem to have noticed the joint Nazi-Soviet victory parades in Poland in 1939; and that French Communist Party leaders Maurice Thorez and Jacques Duclos exulted openly over the Nazi conquest of France, Thorez declaring that "the struggle of the French people has the same aim as the struggle of German Imperialism."

Roosevelt would seem to have been aware of the Communists picketing the White House, denouncing him as a "reactionary war monger" for extending Lend-Lease to the UK; it was he who created the Emergency Detention Program in 1939, which targeted not just Japanese, Nazis and Fascists, but Communists; it was he who signed the Smith Act into law, and his Justice Department that secured a four-year sentence for Communist Party boss Earl Browder in 1940.

Thank you for substantiating my point

You're welcome. That's what I meant when I wrote

You're absolutely right

Your discussion after that date does not matter, is not germane to whether the USA should have gone to war in the summer or fall of 1945.

I thought I made it tolerably clear that I was not arguing that the U.S. should go to war at all. As I have written twice now:

I don't mean to opine that Truman should have threatened to use his nuclear leverage to force Stalin back; I mean only that (in fact) it was an option he had that Ike did not, and that he chose not to use it.

I also thought I made it clear that I was not limiting my discussion to the summer and fall of 1945. As I wrote:

the window of opportunity for action didn't close in 1945, but extended through 1949, when the Soviets finally broke the US nuclear monopoly. During this period, the U.S. constructed many A-bombs; the Soviets had none.
General Snow was Chairman of The Loyalty-Security Board from 1947-1952. Snow stated that the Security Division at State passed on information on security questions and the FBI passed on information on loyalty exclusively.
Snow gave a report to the Secretary Jan 8, 1953 about McCarthy's allegations giving a statistical breakdown of McCarthy's allegations. McCarthy NEVER came to Snow or the Loyalty-Security committee, NOT ONCE, to discuss ANY report or ANY information.
In one case McCarthy made a public statement that a State Department employee was associating with a Communist, General Snow went immediately to McCarthy's office and inquired about the name of the Communist that employee was associating with. McCarthy told him he had that name on a piece of paper and that the paper had been lost.
"We never received any assistance from McCarthy whatsoever, except the names of 61 alleged communists in the State Departmend, whose files were made available to a select committee chaired by Millard Tydings-Foreign Relations Committee. That Committee had an oppurtunity to read all 61 cases. The Committee gave the State Department a clean bill of health on allof the files"
Snow made 3 speeches in 1951 "I accused McCarthy of making false statements about matters he knew were false".
General Conrad E. Snow knew McCarthy was a liar and told him that to his face.
Richard D. McKinzie interview with General Snow July 2, 1973

You have been a slacker on your reading Frank.

Excellent post. Where can the original source be found?

Truman Library. Original transcripts from the interview. McKinzie also wrote a book on it.

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