Sen. Rand Paul Told To ‘Get F**ked’ During Virtual Town Hall

Toon as in Cartoon, was asked by someone for some unknown reason to join the townhall-----and what she was able to come up with was a fuck you? Like all nitwitted libs, completely unable to justify their hate of everything.
This sums it up nicely

the woman could have picked one issue of disagreement with rand paul and made her case to him directly

not many of us get that opportunity

but she squandered her chance

I wonder what OldLady thinks about this?
Rand Paul is losing his mind. He is telling people to not mask up...not get the shot....refuse the social distance. People are going to die because Rand Paul is telling them to help continue to spread Delta variant. The longer COVID has a grasp on the unvaccinated, the more likely a new more deadly variant comes to life.

If it does, and the vaccines are ineffective on fighting it, it will be the fault of people like Rand Paul who is supposed to be come kind of quack doctor but is inviting people to die,
Lefties were horrified when a New Jersey woman posted a sign about Biden that said the same thing. They threatened to fine her $250 per day for the time the sign was up in her yard.
It was a Kentuckian. It is not like the guy Ron Pissed off next door and beat the shit out him. He is a cocky, full of crap trumpian, jerk who is anti-precaution, anti-fax. Why shouldn't his constituents tell him to get Fkd, it that is what they think he should do. She wasn't hysterical or getting up in his face. She just had her say and then the show went on. Sounds fine to me. I was amused by the look on the moderators face as she quickly went to the next Kentuckian.
When a trump Nazi speaks out to a progressive in a similar fashion, his (or her) fellow trump Nazis applaud. The trump Nazis faux "superior" civility is rarely displayed in the real world, only in the alternate reality where they all dwell and where facts do not exist.

Actually he should get his butt kicked. The fact is that we should be intolerant against right wing punks who encourage Americans to not get vaccines or ignore mask mandates. He is a criminal who is a accessory to murder.

Please try.
It was a Kentuckian. It is not like the guy Ron Pissed off next door and beat the shit out him. He is a cocky, full of crap trumpian, jerk who is anti-precaution, anti-fax. Why shouldn't his constituents tell him to get Fkd, it that is what they think he should do. She wasn't hysterical or getting up in his face. She just had her say and then the show went on. Sounds fine to me. I was amused by the look on the moderators face as she quickly went to the next Kentuckian.

Poor stupid little commie, his name is Rand, his father is Ron.

Actually he should get his butt kicked. The fact is that we should be intolerant against right wing punks who encourage Americans to not get vaccines or ignore mask mandates. He is a criminal who is a accessory to murder.

So what does that say about Cuomo?

Poor stupid little commie, his name is Rand, his father is Ron.

Ron made more sense. Rand is just a rabble-rouser that does not want to look into people's eyes anymore.
That’s how the left “argues”, they shout obscenities and try to stop events with their antics. They can’t ever debate any issue.
Doofus, that lady was not invited to debate Rand Paul. She was invited to speak to her Senator and she simply delivered her heartfelt message as a conscientious Kentuckian, as she saw it. Rand certainly never challenged her to a debate. She might have beat the crap out of him, like his next door neighbor did.
She might have beat the crap out of him, like his next door neighbor did.
Do you seriously think sneaking up on a feller from behind while he's on his riding mower, cutting his lawn, wearing ear protection is something to be prideful of, White?
Do you seriously think sneaking up on a feller from behind while he's on his riding mower, cutting his lawn, wearing ear protection is something to be prideful of, White?
Not particularly something to be prideful of, but it was effective. If somebody tackled you from behind, would they make a federal case out of it. Probably not. Same here. I doubt if the neighbor was looking for bragging rights, so his pride was not the point. I suspect whipping Rand's ass was the point. Not a lot you can do to effect a sitting Senator, as they are fairly connected, but if you feel it is worth your time, trouble and money (and it will cost you time, trouble and money) you can deliver a personal message that will be remembered by the object of your disdain. It just depends on what it is worth to you.
Not particularly something to be prideful of, but it was effective. If somebody tackled you from behind, would they make a federal case out of it. Probably not. Same here. I doubt if the neighbor was looking for bragging rights, so his pride was not the point. I suspect whipping Rand's ass was the point. Not a lot you can do to effect a sitting Senator, as they are fairly connected, but if you feel it is worth your time, trouble and money (and it will cost you time, trouble and money) you can deliver a personal message that will be remembered by the object of your disdain. It just depends on what it is worth to you.

Attacking Rand, in that manner is not "whipping his ass", it was a cowardly attack by a wimp.

Like most progressive assholes. They attack from ambush or in a mob.
Attacking Rand, in that manner is not "whipping his ass", it was a cowardly attack by a wimp.

Like most progressive assholes. They attack from ambush or in a mob.
Oh, you seek games of skill, strength and prowess when somebody needs an ass whipping. I trained for years to ambush or surprise and enemy, picking favorable terrain and tactic in order to destroy them to the point they could not fight, and achieve my objectives. Unless you are bigger, and more highly skilled, Marquess of Queensberry Rules is a good way to get your ass kicked, possibly killed, with your fine sensibilities, and is certainly no guarantee of achieving your objective.
Oh, you seek games of skill, strength and prowess when somebody needs an ass whipping. I trained for years to ambush or surprise and enemy, picking favorable terrain and tactic in order to destroy them to the point they could not fight, and achieve my objectives. Unless you are bigger, and more highly skilled, Marquess of Queensberry Rules is a good way to get your ass kicked, possibly killed, with your fine sensibilities, and is certainly no guarantee of achieving your objective.

Then you have problem if some douchebag tries that on me and I air him out.


And, for the record, it seems pretty arrogant of you determining who should get their ass whipped.

Dontcha think?

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