Sen. Reid on Cattle Battle: "It's not over"

Nope still doesn't answer my question at all. Why should this rancher use land that isn't his for free?

Its called welfare ranching and I'd love to see this incident bring an end to it.

I used to live on open range and the rules/laws are asssinine.

For example, the USDA knocked on my door one day and informed me I had to put a fence around my yard because there were plants there that are toxic to the cattle that would overrun my property.

The land - 160 acres - was fenced in but the cattle would break down the fences and I'd look out my front windows and be face to face with a herd of very wild cattle.

One middle of the night, my dogs woke us, barking in terror, at the big monsters just outside our bedroom windows. They had no idea what those creatures were and let us know we were being invaded. Yes, that incident was kinda comical - the dogs didn't think so - but we had to buy and install a second fence around our house.

The owner would occasionally come to the door, on his horse and ask if we'd seen any of his strays. Sheesh.

Let the ranchers pay for their own business expenses. The tax payers should not be forced to subsidize them.

It's an attitude that seems to be a carry over from the range wars days.

Actually, that's exactly true.

Anyone here own a business?

Do you expect the feds (tax payers) to pay any part of your cost of doing business?

Why should this guy get a free ride? He doesn't own the land, he's trespassing and needs to pay his highly discounted grazing fees.
Every article I have read is that he is not using his land but wants to use public land for free. He hasn't paid in many years. Do you have a link that says this is incorrect? If not why should he use this land for free?

He's been fighting them in court since 1993, and as it's not a STATE COURT, but a FEDERAL COURT, who do YOU think would have the upper hand? With a FEDERALLY APPOINTED JUDGE?

If he doesn't own the land then he has no right to it.

Well, little man, bring your herd around, and feed them as YOU are part of the public, and THIS federal land is also PUBLIC LAND.... The FEDS don't want it used, THEY should fence it off, and post some signs!
From all I've read, he's paid the State of Nevada a grazing fee, and now the Federal Gov't has USURPED the property from the state...Did they PAY the state for that land? :badgrin: I believe that would be covered by STATES RIGHTS.

Ever hear of FREE RANGE, I'm sure IF there were other cattle ranches where he is, they also could have been using that UNUSED land for grazing, BUT he seems to be the only ranch in that precise area!

You're wrong on all counts.

Its not "free" but it is open. Its not his to use. He hasn't paid his tax-payer subsidized fees. Its not a state issue.

To Libby Luddly Libtard it isn't, but to thinking and freedom loving Americans it is.... Go back to the cat thread, where, at least, you post some better material!

IOW, you know you're wrong to demand this guy get a free ride at the expense of the tax payers.

That's not freedom and its sure as hell not patriotism.
He's been fighting them in court since 1993, and as it's not a STATE COURT, but a FEDERAL COURT, who do YOU think would have the upper hand? With a FEDERALLY APPOINTED JUDGE?

If he doesn't own the land then he has no right to it.

Well, little man, bring your herd around, and feed them as YOU are part of the public, and THIS federal land is also PUBLIC LAND.... The FEDS don't want it used, THEY should fence it off, and post some signs!

are you really trying to claim that he was using the land in defiance of the law and court orders out of ignorance because the federal government didn't have enough fencing or signs up?
Its called welfare ranching and I'd love to see this incident bring an end to it.

I used to live on open range and the rules/laws are asssinine.

For example, the USDA knocked on my door one day and informed me I had to put a fence around my yard because there were plants there that are toxic to the cattle that would overrun my property.

The land - 160 acres - was fenced in but the cattle would break down the fences and I'd look out my front windows and be face to face with a herd of very wild cattle.

One middle of the night, my dogs woke us, barking in terror, at the big monsters just outside our bedroom windows. They had no idea what those creatures were and let us know we were being invaded. Yes, that incident was kinda comical - the dogs didn't think so - but we had to buy and install a second fence around our house.

The owner would occasionally come to the door, on his horse and ask if we'd seen any of his strays. Sheesh.

Let the ranchers pay for their own business expenses. The tax payers should not be forced to subsidize them.

It's an attitude that seems to be a carry over from the range wars days.

Actually, that's exactly true.

Anyone here own a business?

Do you expect the feds (tax payers) to pay any part of your cost of doing business?

Why should this guy get a free ride? He doesn't own the land, he's trespassing and needs to pay his highly discounted grazing fees.

What is the cost to the FEDS, AKA US TAXPAYERS, for his cattle grazing on that unused and uncontrolled public land, where ANYONE can walk right in and have no one stop them? You assholes DID NOTICE those hundreds of people that were there didn't have any problems getting on the land!
He's been fighting them in court since 1993, and as it's not a STATE COURT, but a FEDERAL COURT, who do YOU think would have the upper hand? With a FEDERALLY APPOINTED JUDGE?

If he doesn't own the land then he has no right to it.

Well, little man, bring your herd around, and feed them as YOU are part of the public, and THIS federal land is also PUBLIC LAND.... The FEDS don't want it used, THEY should fence it off, and post some signs!

Boy, you really are ignorant of this situation.

Seriously, I suggest you read up on "open range".

And, no, its not "free".
It's an attitude that seems to be a carry over from the range wars days.

Actually, that's exactly true.

Anyone here own a business?

Do you expect the feds (tax payers) to pay any part of your cost of doing business?

Why should this guy get a free ride? He doesn't own the land, he's trespassing and needs to pay his highly discounted grazing fees.

What is the cost to the FEDS, AKA US TAXPAYERS, for his cattle grazing on that unused and uncontrolled public land, where ANYONE can walk right in and have no one stop them? You assholes DID NOTICE those hundreds of people that were there didn't have any problems getting on the land!

How many cattle did they have with them?
If he doesn't own the land then he has no right to it.

Well, little man, bring your herd around, and feed them as YOU are part of the public, and THIS federal land is also PUBLIC LAND.... The FEDS don't want it used, THEY should fence it off, and post some signs!

are you really trying to claim that he was using the land in defiance of the law and court orders out of ignorance because the federal government didn't have enough fencing or signs up?

When the law is WRONG, it's wrong. You saw it with slavery all the up to the Japanese interment in WW II! You currently see a CORRUPT Harry Reid trying to do something underhanded with the Chinese. Look it up!
It's an attitude that seems to be a carry over from the range wars days.

Actually, that's exactly true.

Anyone here own a business?

Do you expect the feds (tax payers) to pay any part of your cost of doing business?

Why should this guy get a free ride? He doesn't own the land, he's trespassing and needs to pay his highly discounted grazing fees.

What is the cost to the FEDS, AKA US TAXPAYERS, for his cattle grazing on that unused and uncontrolled public land, where ANYONE can walk right in and have no one stop them? You assholes DID NOTICE those hundreds of people that were there didn't have any problems getting on the land!

it is a public resource. the public should be compensated for its for profit use by an individual.
Its called welfare ranching and I'd love to see this incident bring an end to it.

I used to live on open range and the rules/laws are asssinine.

For example, the USDA knocked on my door one day and informed me I had to put a fence around my yard because there were plants there that are toxic to the cattle that would overrun my property.

The land - 160 acres - was fenced in but the cattle would break down the fences and I'd look out my front windows and be face to face with a herd of very wild cattle.

One middle of the night, my dogs woke us, barking in terror, at the big monsters just outside our bedroom windows. They had no idea what those creatures were and let us know we were being invaded. Yes, that incident was kinda comical - the dogs didn't think so - but we had to buy and install a second fence around our house.

The owner would occasionally come to the door, on his horse and ask if we'd seen any of his strays. Sheesh.

Let the ranchers pay for their own business expenses. The tax payers should not be forced to subsidize them.

It's an attitude that seems to be a carry over from the range wars days.

Actually, that's exactly true.

Anyone here own a business?

Do you expect the feds (tax payers) to pay any part of your cost of doing business?

Why should this guy get a free ride? He doesn't own the land, he's trespassing and needs to pay his highly discounted grazing fees.
The green energy companies seem to think so, and along with the Reids of the world they do their best to help them out with free stuff. A guy raising cattle? Surround that guy with guns and kill him. The Reids can make more money off of solar plants than cattle.
Actually, that's exactly true.

Anyone here own a business?

Do you expect the feds (tax payers) to pay any part of your cost of doing business?

Why should this guy get a free ride? He doesn't own the land, he's trespassing and needs to pay his highly discounted grazing fees.

What is the cost to the FEDS, AKA US TAXPAYERS, for his cattle grazing on that unused and uncontrolled public land, where ANYONE can walk right in and have no one stop them? You assholes DID NOTICE those hundreds of people that were there didn't have any problems getting on the land!

How many cattle did they have with them?

They had HORSES, you ignorant twat!

Actually, that's exactly true.

Anyone here own a business?

Do you expect the feds (tax payers) to pay any part of your cost of doing business?

Why should this guy get a free ride? He doesn't own the land, he's trespassing and needs to pay his highly discounted grazing fees.

What is the cost to the FEDS, AKA US TAXPAYERS, for his cattle grazing on that unused and uncontrolled public land, where ANYONE can walk right in and have no one stop them? You assholes DID NOTICE those hundreds of people that were there didn't have any problems getting on the land!

it is a public resource. the public should be compensated for its for profit use by an individual.

What resource is that, some plant life, that is renewable?
Why do you answer a question with a question? No easy answers? Is real courage such an alien concept? All those people talk big with weapons in hand but apparently they are full of fear and would feel weak and defenseless without them.

Oh! Is that why they faced the BROWN SHIRTS with helicopter gun ships, Tasers, snipers, and assorted high power armaments?

You're a pathetic example of a citizen!

You misunderstand, the government was not afraid OF them, they were afraid FOR them.


Oh bite me. The government was terrified. More specifically Democrats were terrified out of their minds.

It's an election year after all.

The reason this operation "send in an army to collect a federal debt" was called off was because every candidate was screaming their heads off at Washington and yelling $#%^ are you thinking? We don't need a *#$*@%^& Ruby Ridge in an election year Reid. You're a <^#$%*&@#.
Actually, that's exactly true.

Anyone here own a business?

Do you expect the feds (tax payers) to pay any part of your cost of doing business?

Why should this guy get a free ride? He doesn't own the land, he's trespassing and needs to pay his highly discounted grazing fees.

What is the cost to the FEDS, AKA US TAXPAYERS, for his cattle grazing on that unused and uncontrolled public land, where ANYONE can walk right in and have no one stop them? You assholes DID NOTICE those hundreds of people that were there didn't have any problems getting on the land!

it is a public resource. the public should be compensated for its for profit use by an individual.
And what exactly is the going rate for grass and weeds that cost nothing to produce and the cattle actually help grow? What exactly is your compensation worth? If Bundy wasn't raising cattle the land would be a turtle infestation. Or just an empty slot of worthless on the map.

Why is it that land nobody else wants has to be controlled by the government when the land produces food? Bundy has a way to make this work, the feds only have a way to shut it down. Does this make sense to you?
If he doesn't own the land then he has no right to it.

Well, little man, bring your herd around, and feed them as YOU are part of the public, and THIS federal land is also PUBLIC LAND.... The FEDS don't want it used, THEY should fence it off, and post some signs!

Boy, you really are ignorant of this situation.

Seriously, I suggest you read up on "open range".

And, no, its not "free".

Hey Libby Luddly Libtard, when do you plan on writing the gov't that the FUCKING AIR WE BREATH is FREE, and should be taxed?....After all IT IS IN AMERICA!
What is the cost to the FEDS, AKA US TAXPAYERS, for his cattle grazing on that unused and uncontrolled public land, where ANYONE can walk right in and have no one stop them? You assholes DID NOTICE those hundreds of people that were there didn't have any problems getting on the land!

it is a public resource. the public should be compensated for its for profit use by an individual.

What resource is that, some plant life, that is renewable?

yes. yes it is.

why shouldn't the government be compensated for something of value they own that is being used by an individual for profit?

why should we be subsidizing this man's cattle operations? after all if he wasn't allowed to graze his cattle on that land he'd have to feed them some other way, correct? so why should he get what is arguably the most important resource to a cattle farmer for free?
What is the cost to the FEDS, AKA US TAXPAYERS, for his cattle grazing on that unused and uncontrolled public land, where ANYONE can walk right in and have no one stop them? You assholes DID NOTICE those hundreds of people that were there didn't have any problems getting on the land!

it is a public resource. the public should be compensated for its for profit use by an individual.
And what exactly is the going rate for grass and weeds that cost nothing to produce and the cattle actually help grow? What exactly is your compensation worth? If Bundy wasn't raising cattle the land would be a turtle infestation. Or just an empty slot of worthless on the map.

Why is it that land nobody else wants has to be controlled by the government when the land produces food? Bundy has a way to make this work, the feds only have a way to shut it down. Does this make sense to you?
the government had a way to make it work too, but budy decided he didn't have to follow the rules and that he could just take what he wanted.
He's been fighting them in court since 1993, and as it's not a STATE COURT, but a FEDERAL COURT, who do YOU think would have the upper hand? With a FEDERALLY APPOINTED JUDGE?

If he doesn't own the land then he has no right to it.

Well, little man, bring your herd around, and feed them as YOU are part of the public, and THIS federal land is also PUBLIC LAND.... The FEDS don't want it used, THEY should fence it off, and post some signs!

So you like welfare. I see.
It's an attitude that seems to be a carry over from the range wars days.

Actually, that's exactly true.

Anyone here own a business?

Do you expect the feds (tax payers) to pay any part of your cost of doing business?

Why should this guy get a free ride? He doesn't own the land, he's trespassing and needs to pay his highly discounted grazing fees.

What is the cost to the FEDS, AKA US TAXPAYERS, for his cattle grazing on that unused and uncontrolled public land, where ANYONE can walk right in and have no one stop them? You assholes DID NOTICE those hundreds of people that were there didn't have any problems getting on the land!

I guess if your not home anyone can wander onto your land and do whatever they want. Sure.
Well, little man, bring your herd around, and feed them as YOU are part of the public, and THIS federal land is also PUBLIC LAND.... The FEDS don't want it used, THEY should fence it off, and post some signs!

are you really trying to claim that he was using the land in defiance of the law and court orders out of ignorance because the federal government didn't have enough fencing or signs up?

When the law is WRONG, it's wrong. You saw it with slavery all the up to the Japanese interment in WW II! You currently see a CORRUPT Harry Reid trying to do something underhanded with the Chinese. Look it up!

Oh so welfare is ok when it comes to ranchers.

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