Sen. Schumer Called for Blocking Any Future Bush Supreme Court Nominees--IN JULY 2007

Turnabout is fair play.
Do tell?

"On Feb. 3, 1988, McConnell and literally every other GOP senator voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. This was during President Ronald Reagan's last year in the White House, and at a time when Democrats controlled the Senate. Kennedy was confirmed 97-0
, with three Democrats -- Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Simon -- not voting at all because, presumably, they were busy running for president that year."
Mitch McConnell Voted To Confirm A Supreme Court Justice In Reagan's Final Year
Read the beginning of this thread, idiot.

This isn't even about Reagan.
No, it's about the Senate not doing its fucking job you useless little shitstain.
Turnabout is fair play.
Do tell?

"On Feb. 3, 1988, McConnell and literally every other GOP senator voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. This was during President Ronald Reagan's last year in the White House, and at a time when Democrats controlled the Senate. Kennedy was confirmed 97-0
, with three Democrats -- Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Simon -- not voting at all because, presumably, they were busy running for president that year."
Mitch McConnell Voted To Confirm A Supreme Court Justice In Reagan's Final Year

I just answered this nonsense. Kennedy was confirmed EIGHT MONTHS after Reagan nominated Robert Bork. Kennedy had to be nominated because the Dems smeared and blocked Bork, and then Reagan's second pick had to withdraw for personal issues. The point is that Kennedy was the second replacement for a candidate who was nominated EIGHT MONTHS EARLIER--19 MONTHS BEFORE THE END OF REAGAN'S SECOND TERM. So your example is full of holes.

Got it?
In July 2007, when George W. Bush had more than 17 months left in office, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), a leading Senate Democrat and the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on the Senate to block any Bush nominees to the Supreme Court if an opening occurred on the court between then and the end of Bush's second term. Yet, Democrats are howling and screaming over Senator McConnell's position that the Senate should not vote on Obama's nominee to replace Scalia and should wait until the next president submits a nominee. What a pack of hypocrites.

Obama has less than 12 months left in office. When Schumer called for blocking any and all Bush nominees if any vacancies opened on the Supreme Court, Bush had over 17 months left in office. But Democrats are whining and crying over the idea that Senate Republicans won't allow Obama to replace Scalia. Again, what a pack of hypocrites.

FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations

Schumer to fight new Bush high court picks




"On Feb. 3, 1988, McConnell and literally every other GOP senator voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. This was during President Ronald Reagan's last year in the White House, and at a time when Democrats controlled the Senate. Kennedy was confirmed 97-0, with three Democrats -- Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Simon -- not voting at all because, presumably, they were busy running for president that year."
Mitch McConnell Voted To Confirm A Supreme Court Justice In Reagan's Final Year

Kennedy was nominated in November, confirmed 3 months later in February.

11 months before Reagan left office.

How long til Obama leaves office?
Obama leaves office in eleven months.

Haven't you been paying attention?

Yes, and as stated before, he still has to nominate someone, Congress has to approve, odds are he will need to nominate someone else.

etc, etc, etc

Like with Kennedy, he may not get his nomination thru for months
That's not the issue here. Again, are you not paying attention??

The problem isn't with Republicans rejecting his first pick, whom he hasn't even named yet as far as I'm aware -- the problem is they already declared they will not confirm anyone he picks. That goes against the Constitution.

Just like Democrats have done in the past.
Oh? When have Democrats blocked a president from appointing a Supreme Court justice entirely?
In July 2007, when George W. Bush had more than 17 months left in office, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), a leading Senate Democrat and the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on the Senate to block any Bush nominees to the Supreme Court if an opening occurred on the court between then and the end of Bush's second term. Yet, Democrats are howling and screaming over Senator McConnell's position that the Senate should not vote on Obama's nominee to replace Scalia and should wait until the next president submits a nominee. What a pack of hypocrites.

Obama has less than 12 months left in office. When Schumer called for blocking any and all Bush nominees if any vacancies opened on the Supreme Court, Bush had over 17 months left in office. But Democrats are whining and crying over the idea that Senate Republicans won't allow Obama to replace Scalia. Again, what a pack of hypocrites.

FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations

Schumer to fight new Bush high court picks

Now, Now, Now.....let's not tell the democrats how full of it they are.....might upset them....
In July 2007, when George W. Bush had more than 17 months left in office, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), a leading Senate Democrat and the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on the Senate to block any Bush nominees to the Supreme Court if an opening occurred on the court between then and the end of Bush's second term. Yet, Democrats are howling and screaming over Senator McConnell's position that the Senate should not vote on Obama's nominee to replace Scalia and should wait until the next president submits a nominee. What a pack of hypocrites.

Obama has less than 12 months left in office. When Schumer called for blocking any and all Bush nominees if any vacancies opened on the Supreme Court, Bush had over 17 months left in office. But Democrats are whining and crying over the idea that Senate Republicans won't allow Obama to replace Scalia. Again, what a pack of hypocrites.

FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations

Schumer to fight new Bush high court picks
And many on the right bashed him for it, and rightfully so. Here's an example...

  • "This is a strange tack for Schumer to take. Normally exalted members of the world's greatest deliberative body posture themselves as being fair and open-minded before questions of great weight are decided by them. But this time Schumer, who is diabolical but no fool, has shifted course and steered onto another tack. Why? Why would Schumer betray to the whole world that he simply will not give the nominee of the president of the United States to the Supreme Court a fair hearing?"

  • "What he fails to understand is that he doesn’t have the right to filibuster judicial nominees. Or is it the case that his personal feelings or quest for power are more important than the Constitution."

  • "I suppose that this piece of New York excrement would be declaring it one of the high lights of his career if it had been one or two LIBERAL pukes had been appointed to the SC. He is an (_*_)"

  • "I would say this statement should be used by the Republicans to say Chuck Schumer should be taken off the committee. He has made up his mind on all nominees before they are even nominated."

  • "But that’s the thing. These people have elevated the opposition to doing ANYTHING....and the only barrier is if they can get away with it. No constitution, no tradition, no fairness."

  • "The Dems know that a HUGE portion of their base is either fanatical or ignorant and that they can get away with almost anything . The sheeple follow the Dems without question. They are so blind in their vengeance against Bush that they accept everything and anything the party does.The Dems leaders know this and take full advantage of their ignorant base. You surely don’t think the Dem leadership actually believes half of what they say do you ? I’m sure that behind closed doors the Dem leadership must laugh their asses off over how stupid their loyal followers actually are."

  • "This is a terrible failing on Schumer's part. Away with this "confession" act as if that matters. He flat out screwed the pooch, and I for one don't accept this apology. The only penance I'll accept is his resignation."

  • "Schmuckie’s latest hand-wringing over the Alito appointment leads me to think there’s another SCOTUS retirement in the works. He and his henchmen in the senate make me sick."

  • "Why Schumer hasn’t been tried for Treason yet is beyond me..."

Now they cheer for it.
Turnabout is fair play.
The only turnabout is on the part of Republicans who were outraged then but support it wholeheartedly today. Schumer, though he suggested it, never did block Bush as no more seats opened up. Furthermore, though I found Schumer saying what he said, I did not find where Senate Democrats supported him.
In July 2007, when George W. Bush had more than 17 months left in office, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), a leading Senate Democrat and the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on the Senate to block any Bush nominees to the Supreme Court if an opening occurred on the court between then and the end of Bush's second term. Yet, Democrats are howling and screaming over Senator McConnell's position that the Senate should not vote on Obama's nominee to replace Scalia and should wait until the next president submits a nominee. What a pack of hypocrites.

Obama has less than 12 months left in office. When Schumer called for blocking any and all Bush nominees if any vacancies opened on the Supreme Court, Bush had over 17 months left in office. But Democrats are whining and crying over the idea that Senate Republicans won't allow Obama to replace Scalia. Again, what a pack of hypocrites.

FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations

Schumer to fight new Bush high court picks

So what?
Kennedy was nominated in November, confirmed 3 months later in February.

11 months before Reagan left office.

How long til Obama leaves office?
Obama leaves office in eleven months.

Haven't you been paying attention?

Yes, and as stated before, he still has to nominate someone, Congress has to approve, odds are he will need to nominate someone else.

etc, etc, etc

Like with Kennedy, he may not get his nomination thru for months
That's not the issue here. Again, are you not paying attention??

The problem isn't with Republicans rejecting his first pick, whom he hasn't even named yet as far as I'm aware -- the problem is they already declared they will not confirm anyone he picks. That goes against the Constitution.

Just like Democrats have done in the past.
Oh? When have Democrats blocked a president from appointing a Supreme Court justice entirely?

How many times have the tried?

(3 times that I know of)

and, until at least December, you have no proof they have.
Turnabout is fair play.
Do tell?

"On Feb. 3, 1988, McConnell and literally every other GOP senator voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. This was during President Ronald Reagan's last year in the White House, and at a time when Democrats controlled the Senate. Kennedy was confirmed 97-0
, with three Democrats -- Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Simon -- not voting at all because, presumably, they were busy running for president that year."
Mitch McConnell Voted To Confirm A Supreme Court Justice In Reagan's Final Year

I just answered this nonsense. Kennedy was confirmed EIGHT MONTHS after Reagan nominated Robert Bork. Kennedy had to be nominated because the Dems smeared and blocked Bork, and then Reagan's second pick had to withdraw for personal issues. The point is that Kennedy was the second replacement for a candidate who was nominated EIGHT MONTHS EARLIER--19 MONTHS BEFORE THE END OF REAGAN'S SECOND TERM. So your example is full of holes.

Got it?
Kennedy was nominated 14 months until the end of Reagan's term, not 19. And he was confirmed by a Senate which could have blocked him too had they wanted. They confirmed him because he was far more moderate than Bork.I don't recall any Democrats at the time suggesting they wait until the next president gets elected to pick a replacement.
Obama leaves office in eleven months.

Haven't you been paying attention?

Yes, and as stated before, he still has to nominate someone, Congress has to approve, odds are he will need to nominate someone else.

etc, etc, etc

Like with Kennedy, he may not get his nomination thru for months
That's not the issue here. Again, are you not paying attention??

The problem isn't with Republicans rejecting his first pick, whom he hasn't even named yet as far as I'm aware -- the problem is they already declared they will not confirm anyone he picks. That goes against the Constitution.

Just like Democrats have done in the past.
Oh? When have Democrats blocked a president from appointing a Supreme Court justice entirely?

How many times have the tried?

(3 times that I know of)

and, until at least December, you have no proof they have.
In July 2007, when George W. Bush had more than 17 months left in office, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), a leading Senate Democrat and the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on the Senate to block any Bush nominees to the Supreme Court if an opening occurred on the court between then and the end of Bush's second term. Yet, Democrats are howling and screaming over Senator McConnell's position that the Senate should not vote on Obama's nominee to replace Scalia and should wait until the next president submits a nominee. What a pack of hypocrites.

Obama has less than 12 months left in office. When Schumer called for blocking any and all Bush nominees if any vacancies opened on the Supreme Court, Bush had over 17 months left in office. But Democrats are whining and crying over the idea that Senate Republicans won't allow Obama to replace Scalia. Again, what a pack of hypocrites.

FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations

Schumer to fight new Bush high court picks
What the GOP is planning is nothing like what Schumer was saying. He was never against going through the process.
Yes, and as stated before, he still has to nominate someone, Congress has to approve, odds are he will need to nominate someone else.

etc, etc, etc

Like with Kennedy, he may not get his nomination thru for months
That's not the issue here. Again, are you not paying attention??

The problem isn't with Republicans rejecting his first pick, whom he hasn't even named yet as far as I'm aware -- the problem is they already declared they will not confirm anyone he picks. That goes against the Constitution.

Just like Democrats have done in the past.
Oh? When have Democrats blocked a president from appointing a Supreme Court justice entirely?

How many times have the tried?

(3 times that I know of)

and, until at least December, you have no proof they have.


all have been posted numerous times on the board in the last day or so.
Honestly, I fully expect the democrats to begin falling on the floor - kicking and screaming and yelling "The republicans are being mean to us!!!" in the next few weeks...

God, it makes me happy!! :)
Honestly, I fully expect the democrats to begin falling on the floor - kicking and screaming and yelling "The republicans are being mean to us!!!" in the next few weeks...

God, it makes me happy!! :)
The "No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME) speaks. Change the channel.
In July 2007, when George W. Bush had more than 17 months left in office, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), a leading Senate Democrat and the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on the Senate to block any Bush nominees to the Supreme Court if an opening occurred on the court between then and the end of Bush's second term. Yet, Democrats are howling and screaming over Senator McConnell's position that the Senate should not vote on Obama's nominee to replace Scalia and should wait until the next president submits a nominee. What a pack of hypocrites.

Obama has less than 12 months left in office. When Schumer called for blocking any and all Bush nominees if any vacancies opened on the Supreme Court, Bush had over 17 months left in office. But Democrats are whining and crying over the idea that Senate Republicans won't allow Obama to replace Scalia. Again, what a pack of hypocrites.

FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations

Schumer to fight new Bush high court picks
Schumer was wrong in 2007 and McConnell is just as wrong today. So what's your fucking point? Politicians can be stupid, childish and hypocritical? Damn, that's a bold new idea, HUH!
Honestly, I fully expect the democrats to begin falling on the floor - kicking and screaming and yelling "The republicans are being mean to us!!!" in the next few weeks...

God, it makes me happy!! :)
The "No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME) speaks. Change the channel.

Hell, you can change the channel anytime you wish - the results will be the same on every channel. You guys are getting your asses kicked three ways from Sunday. Prepare the crying. Your run was good (I guess) although Barry wasn't able to "fundamentally transform" this country. Not quite. What he DID accomplish, however, was to awaken the American people. Or, as a famous Japanese Admiral was once heard to say - "I fear that all we have accomplished is to awaken a sleeping giant".

America is awake. Now your side can retire to peaceful slumber once again with dreams of Woodstock and Che' Gueverra dancing in your pointed little heads.
In July 2007, when George W. Bush had more than 17 months left in office, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), a leading Senate Democrat and the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, called on the Senate to block any Bush nominees to the Supreme Court if an opening occurred on the court between then and the end of Bush's second term. Yet, Democrats are howling and screaming over Senator McConnell's position that the Senate should not vote on Obama's nominee to replace Scalia and should wait until the next president submits a nominee. What a pack of hypocrites.

Obama has less than 12 months left in office. When Schumer called for blocking any and all Bush nominees if any vacancies opened on the Supreme Court, Bush had over 17 months left in office. But Democrats are whining and crying over the idea that Senate Republicans won't allow Obama to replace Scalia. Again, what a pack of hypocrites.

FLASHBACK: In 2007, Schumer Called For Blocking All Bush Supreme Court Nominations

Schumer to fight new Bush high court picks

But...but....but.....the GOP started it.

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