Sen. Schumer Called for Blocking Any Future Bush Supreme Court Nominees--IN JULY 2007

The Thurmond Rule
The Schumer Rule
Elections Have Consequences
We won

The only way the Scalia seat gets filled by Obama is if he nominates another Conservative Italian American
Mitch McConnell, when Bush was president:

"Our democratic colleagues continually talk about the so-called 'Thurmond Rule,' under which the Senate supposedly stops confirming judges in a presidential election year," McConnell announced.

"This seeming obsession with
this rule that doesn't exist is just an excuse for our colleagues to run out the clock on qualified nominees who are waiting to fill badly needed vacancies."

John Oliver Just Destroyed the GOP for Their Plan to Block Scalia's Replacement

If it doesn't exist why have Dems used it the past?
Ask Mitch McConnell. He's the one that said it didn't exist.

Where is the proof that he actually said that?
Is there a video of him saying it?

A link was provided you obnoxious retard.

Ah so only you are allowed to play that game, got it.:biggrin:
Of course, stonewalling will also have the effect of inflaming moderates and independents enough to potentially lose the Senate.

Funny you mention that. I just wrote my Senator (Portman) just to let him know he wont be receiving my vote this time around.

The Senate needs to do its fucking job. And the people of KY can kiss my ass for sending mitch the turtle to Congress over and over and over. What a bunch of putzes the people of KY are.
Senate Republicans will cave on their threats to disrupt the SCOTUS.
The general public does not give two shits about this sort of thing...
There is nothing pressing, it can wait till the next presidents pick. Commander asshat has shitty judgement, a deal breaker.
Now go hide you silly little dolt... Lol
Look who is calling someone a dolt. Commander asshat as you call the President who won by five million votes in 2012 has routinely kicked turtle boys and the Republicans asses for seven years. That is just hard cold fact. The fractured almost destroyed Republican Party is already falling apart on the issue.
After 7 years of trying to fundamentally change a great country into a South American socialist rat hole and successfully dividing Americans, it's a little late in the game to come hat in hand and ask a favor from the political spectrum he vilifies with every breath he takes.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out. On second thought, I hope it hits you good and hard.

Rich Lowry's take this morning:

This is the twisted view now prevalent on the Left and in the media: It reads Article II of the Constitution giving the president the power to appoint justices with “the advice and consent” of the Senate as, in effect, an affirmative obligation on the Senate to consider and approve the president’s nominees.

If President Obama wanted a collegial relationship with the Republican Senate, he should have thought of that long ago, and if didn’t want to lose the Senate, he should have moderated his stances. Now, he will pronounce himself shocked and saddened that Congress doesn’t want to hold his coat while he remakes the high court.

Block an Obama Nomination | RealClearPolitics

Cut the shit, Griffith.

Saturday Night Massacre Bork was a fucking mess from top to bottom, and even some of those in his own party rendered him a stunning loss in the total vote count/

Which he could have predicted with the 9 - 5 nay vote of the Judiciary Committee.

Thank the freaking lord that despicable creature, who showed himself after to be more extreme than anyone could have imagined, was never confirmed.

You're an extremist and a wingnut. Bork did not "show himself to be more extreme than anyone could have imagined." Rather, the Dems twisted and distorted a handful of his statements and ignored his record as a whole. His appellate decisions had a very high percentage of being sustained by the Supreme Court, hardly the mark of being "extreme."

Said the extremist wingnut who stated - and I quote - "No one ever talks about the good aspects of slavery.":lol:

That's the same kind of smear attack that the Dems used on Bork. You've taken one comment, paraphrased it, and ignored everything I said before and after that statement.

We both know that if you quoted the paragraph in which that statement appears and the paragraph before and after it, reasonable people would read them and say, "Yes, that seems logical and fair. What's the problem?"

Judged by the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, Bork was in fact a somewhat mild conservative. He was not as conservative as Scalia or Alito. But he was too conservative for the Democrats, and so they smeared and blocked him, in spite of his indisputable qualifications and academic standing, not to mention the fact that he had been unanimously confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Of course, stonewalling will also have the effect of inflaming moderates and independents enough to potentially lose the Senate.

Funny you mention that. I just wrote my Senator (Portman) just to let him know he wont be receiving my vote this time around.

The Senate needs to do its fucking job. And the people of KY can kiss my ass for sending mitch the turtle to Congress over and over and over. What a bunch of putzes the people of KY are.
Senate Republicans will cave on their threats to disrupt the SCOTUS.
The general public does not give two shits about this sort of thing...
There is nothing pressing, it can wait till the next presidents pick. Commander asshat has shitty judgement, a deal breaker.
Now go hide you silly little dolt... Lol
Look who is calling someone a dolt. Commander asshat as you call the President who won by five million votes in 2012 has routinely kicked turtle boys and the Republicans asses for seven years. That is just hard cold fact. The fractured almost destroyed Republican Party is already falling apart on the issue.
He did not have much to beat, two Rinos one as old as dirt and spineless to boot - the other the personality of a stump and a cult member to boot.
I don't think either one of them could win dog catcher in my home town - hence no one voting for them. Barry played down to their level... It happens in sports all the time.
Voter turnout was shit on the R side... Don't crow too loudly, there are many who just are not worth voting for no matter the stakes. I certainly did not vote for those assclowns, as did millions of others just like me.
The federal government is a banana republic, has been for decades now thanks to progressives like Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and FDR and so on...

Now go hide
Of course, stonewalling will also have the effect of inflaming moderates and independents enough to potentially lose the Senate.

Funny you mention that. I just wrote my Senator (Portman) just to let him know he wont be receiving my vote this time around.

The Senate needs to do its fucking job. And the people of KY can kiss my ass for sending mitch the turtle to Congress over and over and over. What a bunch of putzes the people of KY are.
Senate Republicans will cave on their threats to disrupt the SCOTUS.
The general public does not give two shits about this sort of thing...
There is nothing pressing, it can wait till the next presidents pick. Commander asshat has shitty judgement, a deal breaker.
Now go hide you silly little dolt... Lol
Look who is calling someone a dolt. Commander asshat as you call the President who won by five million votes in 2012 has routinely kicked turtle boys and the Republicans asses for seven years. That is just hard cold fact. The fractured almost destroyed Republican Party is already falling apart on the issue.
He did not have much to beat, two Rinos one as old as dirt and spineless to boot - the other the personality of a stump and a cult member to boot.
I don't think either one of them could win dog catcher in my home town - hence no one voting for them. Barry played down to their level... It happens in sports all the time.
Voter turnout was shit on the R side... Don't crow too loudly, there are many who just are not worth voting for no matter the stakes. I certainly did not vote for those assclowns, as did millions of others just like me.
The federal government is a banana republic, has been for decades now thanks to progressives like Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and FDR and so on...

Now go hide
You are using the wrong time description when you say decades. Your reference to Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson indicate you are referencing a Century. You are claiming America has been a banana republic almost the entire 20th Century. Pretty sure you haven't a clue about what a banana republic is.
Cut the shit, Griffith.

Saturday Night Massacre Bork was a fucking mess from top to bottom, and even some of those in his own party rendered him a stunning loss in the total vote count/

Which he could have predicted with the 9 - 5 nay vote of the Judiciary Committee.

Thank the freaking lord that despicable creature, who showed himself after to be more extreme than anyone could have imagined, was never confirmed.

You're an extremist and a wingnut. Bork did not "show himself to be more extreme than anyone could have imagined." Rather, the Dems twisted and distorted a handful of his statements and ignored his record as a whole. His appellate decisions had a very high percentage of being sustained by the Supreme Court, hardly the mark of being "extreme."

Said the extremist wingnut who stated - and I quote - "No one ever talks about the good aspects of slavery.":lol:

That's the same kind of smear attack that the Dems used on Bork. You've taken one comment, paraphrased it, and ignored everything I said before and after that statement.

We both know that if you quoted the paragraph in which that statement appears and the paragraph before and after it, reasonable people would read them and say, "Yes, that seems logical and fair. What's the problem?"

Judged by the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, Bork was in fact a somewhat mild conservative. He was not as conservative as Scalia or Alito. But he was too conservative for the Democrats, and so they smeared and blocked him, in spite of his indisputable qualifications and academic standing, not to mention the fact that he had been unanimously confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Look you nutcake -- there is zero, none, zippo, nada context that makes your oft repeated line (said in varying ways) "No one ever talks about the *good* aspects of slavery."

You're quote is still legend at H, because it was such an appalling defense of slavery you made over and over, no one there can ever forget it.

You're a neo-confederate shitbag I debated for some 8 years, and I know enough about your views to say you are one of the most despicable persons I have ever traded words with.

Now get over the fact worm-meal Robert "I like poll taxes" Bork didn't get his nomination, and was shitcanned by people in his own party with a lopsided nay vote for the history books, and get ready to see your "we need 100 Jesse Helms in the Senate" brand of conservatism get ever more crushed.
Funny you mention that. I just wrote my Senator (Portman) just to let him know he wont be receiving my vote this time around.

The Senate needs to do its fucking job. And the people of KY can kiss my ass for sending mitch the turtle to Congress over and over and over. What a bunch of putzes the people of KY are.
Senate Republicans will cave on their threats to disrupt the SCOTUS.
The general public does not give two shits about this sort of thing...
There is nothing pressing, it can wait till the next presidents pick. Commander asshat has shitty judgement, a deal breaker.
Now go hide you silly little dolt... Lol
Look who is calling someone a dolt. Commander asshat as you call the President who won by five million votes in 2012 has routinely kicked turtle boys and the Republicans asses for seven years. That is just hard cold fact. The fractured almost destroyed Republican Party is already falling apart on the issue.
He did not have much to beat, two Rinos one as old as dirt and spineless to boot - the other the personality of a stump and a cult member to boot.
I don't think either one of them could win dog catcher in my home town - hence no one voting for them. Barry played down to their level... It happens in sports all the time.
Voter turnout was shit on the R side... Don't crow too loudly, there are many who just are not worth voting for no matter the stakes. I certainly did not vote for those assclowns, as did millions of others just like me.
The federal government is a banana republic, has been for decades now thanks to progressives like Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and FDR and so on...

Now go hide
You are using the wrong time description when you say decades. Your reference to Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson indicate you are referencing a Century. You are claiming America has been a banana republic almost the entire 20th Century. Pretty sure you haven't a clue about what a banana republic is.
A country so far in debt that it uses tax, spend and print policies as bandaids for its broken parts...
Obviously those things have never worked, can never work and will never work...
True, I should have said many, many decades...
Anyway, it's obvious the situation has only gotten worse over the MANY, MANY decades since, do to socialist entitlement programs and the onslaught of the dumbass Robin Hood/it takes a village mentality recently.

Now go hide
Senate Republicans will cave on their threats to disrupt the SCOTUS.
The general public does not give two shits about this sort of thing...
There is nothing pressing, it can wait till the next presidents pick. Commander asshat has shitty judgement, a deal breaker.
Now go hide you silly little dolt... Lol
Look who is calling someone a dolt. Commander asshat as you call the President who won by five million votes in 2012 has routinely kicked turtle boys and the Republicans asses for seven years. That is just hard cold fact. The fractured almost destroyed Republican Party is already falling apart on the issue.
He did not have much to beat, two Rinos one as old as dirt and spineless to boot - the other the personality of a stump and a cult member to boot.
I don't think either one of them could win dog catcher in my home town - hence no one voting for them. Barry played down to their level... It happens in sports all the time.
Voter turnout was shit on the R side... Don't crow too loudly, there are many who just are not worth voting for no matter the stakes. I certainly did not vote for those assclowns, as did millions of others just like me.
The federal government is a banana republic, has been for decades now thanks to progressives like Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and FDR and so on...

Now go hide
You are using the wrong time description when you say decades. Your reference to Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson indicate you are referencing a Century. You are claiming America has been a banana republic almost the entire 20th Century. Pretty sure you haven't a clue about what a banana republic is.
A country so far in debt that it uses tax, spend and print policies as bandaids for its broken parts...
Obviously those things have never worked, can never work and will never work...
True, I should have said many, many decades...
Anyway, it's obvious the situation has only gotten worse over the MANY, MANY decades since, do to socialist entitlement programs and the onslaught of the dumbass Robin Hood/it takes a village mentality recently.

Now go hide
America became the richest, most powerful and most envied nation on earth or even in the history of the planet during the Century that you seem so dissatisfied with. Most of the world know that America owns vast holdings that work as collateral for our debt. The public properties recently in the news are worth many times over our current debt are just one example. The resources on them are so vast that selling significant portions of the property itself will probably never be a consideration.
Republicans are always looking for reasons to why they will go back on their principals. And curiously, they always point to the people they say lack pricipals as a guide.

In other words, it's okay for the Democrats to do it, but not okay for the Republicans to do it

Obviously, I know whenever someone takes actions I find deplorable and lacking of character the first thing I do is point to them as a guide to my behavior as well
Cut the shit, Griffith.

Saturday Night Massacre Bork was a fucking mess from top to bottom, and even some of those in his own party rendered him a stunning loss in the total vote count/

Which he could have predicted with the 9 - 5 nay vote of the Judiciary Committee.

Thank the freaking lord that despicable creature, who showed himself after to be more extreme than anyone could have imagined, was never confirmed.

You're an extremist and a wingnut. Bork did not "show himself to be more extreme than anyone could have imagined." Rather, the Dems twisted and distorted a handful of his statements and ignored his record as a whole. His appellate decisions had a very high percentage of being sustained by the Supreme Court, hardly the mark of being "extreme."

And let me guess: You think Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not a radical and an extremist, right? The lady is an airhead who asks the dumbest questions when cases are argued before the court.

Bork committed an illegal act! Remember the Saturday Night Massacre in Oct 1973? Bork's two bosses, AG Richardson and Deputy AG Ruckelshaus were ordered by Nixon to fire Archibald Cox, but both resigned rather than violate the law. Then Tricky Dick ordered Bork to fire Cox and he did it, an act which was ruled as illegal in Court several weeks later. Bork's unlawful action would come under the heading of high crimes and misdemeanors, and display a huge flaw in his character. That act of firing Cox should have been a disqualifier for further appointments within the government given Bork violated the statute and regulations for the Special Prosecutor office; there was no finding of extraordinary impropriety as required to say nothing of acting as Tricky Dick's puppet; two crooks acting in concert!!!!.

And your claim, "Bork did not "show himself to be more extreme than anyone could have imagined."" is absolute BULLSHIT!
The general public does not give two shits about this sort of thing...
There is nothing pressing, it can wait till the next presidents pick. Commander asshat has shitty judgement, a deal breaker.
Now go hide you silly little dolt... Lol
Look who is calling someone a dolt. Commander asshat as you call the President who won by five million votes in 2012 has routinely kicked turtle boys and the Republicans asses for seven years. That is just hard cold fact. The fractured almost destroyed Republican Party is already falling apart on the issue.
He did not have much to beat, two Rinos one as old as dirt and spineless to boot - the other the personality of a stump and a cult member to boot.
I don't think either one of them could win dog catcher in my home town - hence no one voting for them. Barry played down to their level... It happens in sports all the time.
Voter turnout was shit on the R side... Don't crow too loudly, there are many who just are not worth voting for no matter the stakes. I certainly did not vote for those assclowns, as did millions of others just like me.
The federal government is a banana republic, has been for decades now thanks to progressives like Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt and FDR and so on...

Now go hide
You are using the wrong time description when you say decades. Your reference to Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson indicate you are referencing a Century. You are claiming America has been a banana republic almost the entire 20th Century. Pretty sure you haven't a clue about what a banana republic is.
A country so far in debt that it uses tax, spend and print policies as bandaids for its broken parts...
Obviously those things have never worked, can never work and will never work...
True, I should have said many, many decades...
Anyway, it's obvious the situation has only gotten worse over the MANY, MANY decades since, do to socialist entitlement programs and the onslaught of the dumbass Robin Hood/it takes a village mentality recently.

Now go hide
America became the richest, most powerful and most envied nation on earth or even in the history of the planet during the Century that you seem so dissatisfied with. Most of the world know that America owns vast holdings that work as collateral for our debt. The public properties recently in the news are worth many times over our current debt are just one example. The resources on them are so vast that selling significant portions of the property itself will probably never be a consideration.
You stupid dolt, the debt/unfunded liabilities is most likely north of 225 trillion given the recent immigration/refuge bullshit. There is not enough so called "holdings", money(really iOUs) and resources on the planet to even come close to a pay off. Dumbass
People like you are why this country is fucked by career politicians and their federal government, FDR put the last nail in the coffin making the federal government no longer the people's...

No go hide
Any candidate Our Kenyan Emperor might nominate surely must have enough skeletons in the closet to make Highgate Cemetery look like a postage stamp. Vet, vet, vet some more.
Any candidate Our Kenyan Emperor might nominate surely must have enough skeletons in the closet to make Highgate Cemetery look like a postage stamp. Vet, vet, vet some more.
Except there is a choice of fine judges that were unanimously approved by the Senate already. Will be a perfect illustration of mindless Pub obstruction.
Republicans are always looking for reasons to why they will go back on their principals. And curiously, they always point to the people they say lack pricipals as a guide.

In other words, it's okay for the Democrats to do it, but not okay for the Republicans to do it

Obviously, I know whenever someone takes actions I find deplorable and lacking of character the first thing I do is point to them as a guide to my behavior as well
And the dems didn't go along with Chuck. McConnell can do this, but there will be payback. We'd all be better off if McConnell offered to have good faith hearings on a moderate.

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