Senate Confirms Pro-Life Trump Nominee Sarah Pitlyk as Federal Judge

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Pro-life leaders celebrated Wednesday when the U.S. Senate confirmed conservative Sarah Pitlyk to a federal court position.

Nominated by President Donald Trump in August, Pitlyk will replace U.S. District Judge Catherine Perry in the Eastern District of Missouri. The U.S. Senate voted 49-44 to confirm her Wednesday afternoon.

Pitlyk is a strong human rights advocate and defender of religious freedom. Her work at the Thomas More Society, a leading pro-life legal group, prompted strong opposition from abortion advocacy groups and pro-abortion Democrats.

“We congratulate Sarah Pitlyk on her well-deserved confirmation and are confident she will serve with distinction on the federal bench,” said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “With her world-class education, extensive legal expertise, and commitment to fairness and integrity, we are pleased to see Ms. Pitlyk prevail over partisan obstruction.”

Dannenfelser thanked President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the pro-life senators who voted to confirm her.

Andrew Bath, Thomas More Society executive vice president and general counsel, praised Pitlyk as a strong Constitutional conservative with a towering intellect. He said she will be a fair and wise judge.

“She’s done terrific legal work over the years on some of the Thomas More Society’s biggest cases, and that, together with her service as a law clerk for now U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has prepared her well for her time on the bench,” Bath said.

According to a White House news release, Pitlyk served as a law clerk to Judge Brett Kavanaugh before he was confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. She earned degrees from Yale Law School, Boston College, Georgetown University and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium.

At the Thomas More Society, Pitlyk worked on cases involving the custody of a human embryo and the unconstitutional St. Louis ordinance that declared the city to be an “abortion sanctuary.” She also was involved in the defense of David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress, which uncovered Planned Parenthood’s allegedly illegal sales of aborted baby body parts.

Mainstream news outlets describe Pitlyk as a controversial nominee because of her pro-life, pro-religious liberty record. But most mainstream news outlets did not scrutinize President Barack Obama’s radical pro-abortion judicial appointees in the same way.

“Why are liberal atheist proaborts considered fine for the Federal bench but a #prolife person is ‘controversial?’” Cheryl Sullenger, vice president of Operation Rescue, wrote on Twitter in reaction to reports about Pitlyk earlier this summer. “[The mainstream media’s] biased agenda is showing!”

Criticized by pro-abortion Democrats during committee hearings, Pitlyk assured lawmakers that she would be a fair and impartial judge.

“How can you ensure that a litigant in your courtroom seeking to vindicate her right to an abortion could trust your impartiality given your zealous and passionate advocacy?” questioned U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, during a committee hearing about her nomination.

Pitlyk responded, “I think I stand in a long line of other people who have sat at this table who have had histories in advocacy or in issue-related advocacy or in politics and who have become very distinguished jurists.”

Republican U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, of Maine, bucked her party and voted against her confirmation.


Of course...

“Republican U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, of Maine, bucked her party and voted against her confirmation.”

Why this DARLING is still running as a Republican is beyond me!
Pro-life leaders celebrated Wednesday when the U.S. Senate confirmed conservative Sarah Pitlyk to a federal court position.

Nominated by President Donald Trump in August, Pitlyk will replace U.S. District Judge Catherine Perry in the Eastern District of Missouri. The U.S. Senate voted 49-44 to confirm her Wednesday afternoon.

Pitlyk is a strong human rights advocate and defender of religious freedom. Her work at the Thomas More Society, a leading pro-life legal group, prompted strong opposition from abortion advocacy groups and pro-abortion Democrats.

“We congratulate Sarah Pitlyk on her well-deserved confirmation and are confident she will serve with distinction on the federal bench,” said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “With her world-class education, extensive legal expertise, and commitment to fairness and integrity, we are pleased to see Ms. Pitlyk prevail over partisan obstruction.”

Dannenfelser thanked President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the pro-life senators who voted to confirm her.

Andrew Bath, Thomas More Society executive vice president and general counsel, praised Pitlyk as a strong Constitutional conservative with a towering intellect. He said she will be a fair and wise judge.

“She’s done terrific legal work over the years on some of the Thomas More Society’s biggest cases, and that, together with her service as a law clerk for now U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has prepared her well for her time on the bench,” Bath said.

According to a White House news release, Pitlyk served as a law clerk to Judge Brett Kavanaugh before he was confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court. She earned degrees from Yale Law School, Boston College, Georgetown University and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium.

At the Thomas More Society, Pitlyk worked on cases involving the custody of a human embryo and the unconstitutional St. Louis ordinance that declared the city to be an “abortion sanctuary.” She also was involved in the defense of David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress, which uncovered Planned Parenthood’s allegedly illegal sales of aborted baby body parts.

Mainstream news outlets describe Pitlyk as a controversial nominee because of her pro-life, pro-religious liberty record. But most mainstream news outlets did not scrutinize President Barack Obama’s radical pro-abortion judicial appointees in the same way.

“Why are liberal atheist proaborts considered fine for the Federal bench but a #prolife person is ‘controversial?’” Cheryl Sullenger, vice president of Operation Rescue, wrote on Twitter in reaction to reports about Pitlyk earlier this summer. “[The mainstream media’s] biased agenda is showing!”

Criticized by pro-abortion Democrats during committee hearings, Pitlyk assured lawmakers that she would be a fair and impartial judge.

“How can you ensure that a litigant in your courtroom seeking to vindicate her right to an abortion could trust your impartiality given your zealous and passionate advocacy?” questioned U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, during a committee hearing about her nomination.

Pitlyk responded, “I think I stand in a long line of other people who have sat at this table who have had histories in advocacy or in issue-related advocacy or in politics and who have become very distinguished jurists.”

Republican U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, of Maine, bucked her party and voted against her confirmation.


Of course...

“Republican U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, of Maine, bucked her party and voted against her confirmation.”

Why this DARLING is still running as a Republican is beyond me!
Wonderful news.
Confirming an openly ideologically-driven candidate to the federal bench can only serve to further erode confidence in our legal system. The litigants in legal actions that involve a judge's pet ideologies cannot hope for a fair hearing and fair and neutral ruling. This undercuts the validity of the legal system in its entirety.
Somehow, I don't find the prospect of an ideologically driven judiciary very amusing. Does a person who opposes gun control want to see his case resolved by a judge who has an open track record of saying that he hates guns and wants to rid society of every single one of them and has worked for an organization dedicated to banning guns?
Somehow, I don't find the prospect of an ideologically driven judiciary very amusing. Does a person who opposes gun control want to see his case resolved by a judge who has an open track record of saying that he hates guns and wants to rid society of every single one of them and has worked for an organization dedicated to banning guns?
I do, let the war begin
Christian Sharia vs. the Constitution. Which will she choose?

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
The term "sharia," while beginning as a name for Islamic law, has become a generic term for the rules of other faiths, as well. The various faiths in Christianity have their own rules, as well. What would you call them? The only Christian faith that has a collective name for its laws is Roman Catholicism.
Christian Sharia vs. the Constitution. Which will she choose?

Christian Sharia is an oxymoron.
The term "sharia," while beginning as a name for Islamic law, has become a generic term for the rules of other faiths, as well. The various faiths in Christianity have their own rules, as well. What would you call them? The only Christian faith that has a collective name for its laws is Roman Catholicism.

I’m sorry, but words mean things, and Sharia has a specific meaning. Attempting to tie other faiths to it is merely an attempt to create an association that really doesn't exist. Both Christians and Muslims would oppose such an attempt.

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