Senate Democrats to further damage American intelligence apparatus on the way out the Door

Good. About time there is some transparency, as just blindly believing in the CIA or NSA to protect human rights of those under its care has worked really well so far.
Good. About time there is some transparency, as just blindly believing in the CIA or NSA to protect human rights of those under its care has worked really well so far.

Good of you to acknowledge that there has not been another attack like 9/11 due to the efforts of the CIA and the NSA.
Good. About time there is some transparency, as just blindly believing in the CIA or NSA to protect human rights of those under its care has worked really well so far.

Good of you to acknowledge that there has not been another attack like 9/11 due to the efforts of the CIA and the NSA.
There have been plenty of attacks, the Boston Bombings, the Navy Yard, and so on. However no attack was stopped that couldn't have been stopped without the patriot act.
Good. About time there is some transparency, as just blindly believing in the CIA or NSA to protect human rights of those under its care has worked really well so far.

Good of you to acknowledge that there has not been another attack like 9/11 due to the efforts of the CIA and the NSA.
There have been plenty of attacks, the Boston Bombings, the Navy Yard, and so on. However no attack was stopped that couldn't have been stopped without the patriot act.

"Good of you to acknowledge that there has not been another attack like 9/11"
Good. About time there is some transparency, as just blindly believing in the CIA or NSA to protect human rights of those under its care has worked really well so far.

Good of you to acknowledge that there has not been another attack like 9/11 due to the efforts of the CIA and the NSA.

"No major attacks" does not excuse everything.
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OBL wasn't in Saudi Arabia
Most of the hijackers and funding for the attacks came from Saudi Arabia; just because an alleged terrorist is hiding somewhere inside a given country doesn't bestow the right to invade and occupy that country, unless you happen to live in the greatest purveyor of violence in the world, that is.
Shortly after the Sixth Fleet transmission of the rules of engagement to its dispatched rescue aircraft, the Israeli torpedo boats suddenly broke off their attack and transmitted messages asking if USS Liberty required assistance
Let's ask those who where there:
"Damage control firefighters, who had already risked their lives merely by appearing on deck, had to abandon their efforts because their fire hoses had been shredded by machine gun fire.[23]

"Survivors also report that the (Israeli) torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order 'prepare to abandon ship.'[24]

"This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched."

USS Liberty Memorial Summary of Events
OBL wasn't in Saudi Arabia
Most of the hijackers and funding for the attacks came from Saudi Arabia; just because an alleged terrorist is hiding somewhere inside a given country doesn't bestow the right to invade and occupy that country, unless you happen to live in the greatest purveyor of violence in the world, that is.

Take it up with Franklin Roosevelt. Just because some Japanese airplanes bombed a few US Navy ships, he attacked Japan. A few airplanes crashed into the WTC and Bush invaded Afghanistan. I could explain that the Taliban in Afghanistan was enabling OBL, but since you are on their side, it would be a waste of my time.
If some terrorists fly into a few buildings and kill almost 3,000 people in the future, I will suggest that they get you on TV to apologize for having those buildings in their way.
Shortly after the Sixth Fleet transmission of the rules of engagement to its dispatched rescue aircraft, the Israeli torpedo boats suddenly broke off their attack and transmitted messages asking if USS Liberty required assistance
Let's ask those who where there:
"Damage control firefighters, who had already risked their lives merely by appearing on deck, had to abandon their efforts because their fire hoses had been shredded by machine gun fire.[23]

"Survivors also report that the (Israeli) torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order 'prepare to abandon ship.'[24]

"This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched."

USS Liberty Memorial Summary of Events

I do find it rather interesting that you wanted the US to declare war on Israel and opposed invading Afghanistan. I am done with you since you are an anti-American Jew hating POS. And those would be your good points.
Shortly after the Sixth Fleet transmission of the rules of engagement to its dispatched rescue aircraft, the Israeli torpedo boats suddenly broke off their attack and transmitted messages asking if USS Liberty required assistance
Let's ask those who where there:
"Damage control firefighters, who had already risked their lives merely by appearing on deck, had to abandon their efforts because their fire hoses had been shredded by machine gun fire.[23]

"Survivors also report that the (Israeli) torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order 'prepare to abandon ship.'[24]

"This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched."

USS Liberty Memorial Summary of Events

I do find it rather interesting that you wanted the US to declare war on Israel and opposed invading Afghanistan. I am done with you since you are an anti-American Jew hating POS. And those would be your good points.

This seems to be a reoccurring theme in this thread; dems are traitors and therefore unworthy to take on in a debate that does not disintegrate into taunts, f-bombs and off-topic white noise.

Why are you afraid to take on your imagined enemies?
Shortly after the Sixth Fleet transmission of the rules of engagement to its dispatched rescue aircraft, the Israeli torpedo boats suddenly broke off their attack and transmitted messages asking if USS Liberty required assistance
Let's ask those who where there:
"Damage control firefighters, who had already risked their lives merely by appearing on deck, had to abandon their efforts because their fire hoses had been shredded by machine gun fire.[23]

"Survivors also report that the (Israeli) torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order 'prepare to abandon ship.'[24]

"This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched."

USS Liberty Memorial Summary of Events

I do find it rather interesting that you wanted the US to declare war on Israel and opposed invading Afghanistan. I am done with you since you are an anti-American Jew hating POS. And those would be your good points.

This seems to be a reoccurring theme in this thread; dems are traitors and therefore unworthy to take on in a debate that does not disintegrate into taunts, f-bombs and off-topic white noise.

Why are you afraid to take on your imagined enemies?

Afraid on a political board? Ludicrous! I just don't have time for an anti-American Jew hating POS.

Afraid on a political board? Ludicrous! I just don't have time for an anti-American Jew hating POS.

What better opportunity to prove him wrong, then by destroying his arguments with your own?

The other posters will judge who came out on top.
I could explain that the Taliban in Afghanistan was enabling OBL
I could tell you how the Taliban would never have come into power in Afghanistan without help from the "Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World" but you've obviously stuck your head so far up your star-spangled ass you wouldn't comprehend.
I could explain that the Taliban in Afghanistan was enabling OBL
I could tell you how the Taliban would never have come into power in Afghanistan without help from the "Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World" but you've obviously stuck your head so far up your star-spangled ass you wouldn't comprehend.

Why don't you tell me anyway. While you are at it, you can probably blame America for WWII.
I could explain that the Taliban in Afghanistan was enabling OBL
I could tell you how the Taliban would never have come into power in Afghanistan without help from the "Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World" but you've obviously stuck your head so far up your star-spangled ass you wouldn't comprehend.

Why don't you tell me anyway. While you are at it, you can probably blame America for WWII.
"For 17 years, Washington poured $4 billion into the pockets of some of the most brutal men on earth - with the overall aim of exhausting and ultimately destroying the Soviet Union in a futile war.

"CIA director William Casey backed a plan by Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, to recruit people from around the world to join the Afghan jihad.

"More than 100,000 Islamic militants were trained in Pakistan between 1986 and 1992, in camps overseen by the CIA and Britain's MI6, with the British SAS trained future al Qaeda and Taliban fighters in bomb-making and other black arts.

"Their leaders were trained at a CIA camp in Virginia.

"This was called Operation Cyclone and continued long after the Soviets had withdrawn in 1989."

In case you're actually interested, the US has been funding, arming, and training radical Islam since the days of Egypt's Nasser.

CIA worked with Pak to create Taliban
I could explain that the Taliban in Afghanistan was enabling OBL
I could tell you how the Taliban would never have come into power in Afghanistan without help from the "Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World" but you've obviously stuck your head so far up your star-spangled ass you wouldn't comprehend.

Why don't you tell me anyway. While you are at it, you can probably blame America for WWII.

That is easy for the morons on the left. Here is the hint. The morons on the left equate the tea party to the nazi party and kkk.

That is how stupid they are. All of them. No exceptions. They are nothing but brainwashed pawns. Absolutely nothing more. Just insult the shit out of them.
I could explain that the Taliban in Afghanistan was enabling OBL
I could tell you how the Taliban would never have come into power in Afghanistan without help from the "Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World" but you've obviously stuck your head so far up your star-spangled ass you wouldn't comprehend.

Why don't you tell me anyway. While you are at it, you can probably blame America for WWII.
"For 17 years, Washington poured $4 billion into the pockets of some of the most brutal men on earth - with the overall aim of exhausting and ultimately destroying the Soviet Union in a futile war.

"CIA director William Casey backed a plan by Pakistan's intelligence agency, the ISI, to recruit people from around the world to join the Afghan jihad.

"More than 100,000 Islamic militants were trained in Pakistan between 1986 and 1992, in camps overseen by the CIA and Britain's MI6, with the British SAS trained future al Qaeda and Taliban fighters in bomb-making and other black arts.

"Their leaders were trained at a CIA camp in Virginia.

"This was called Operation Cyclone and continued long after the Soviets had withdrawn in 1989."

In case you're actually interested, the US has been funding, arming, and training radical Islam since the days of Egypt's Nasser.

CIA worked with Pak to create Taliban

Does that mean you would have preferred that the Soviet Union had prevailed in Afghanistan? What middle eastern country do you think they would have invaded next? I am rather pleased that the Soviet Union was sent home with their tails between their legs. You?

Liberals feigning outrage over the poor brown terrorists being water boarded while in the same pathetic hypocritical stink liberal breath wishing saddam was still alive torturing people.

Their bullshit will not work on me.

Mad cabbie, occupy hypocrite and the rest of fucking pawns can all go fuck themselves.

The deliberate damage this fucking disgrace in the white house has done to this country goes beyond treason.

The second civil war is getting.closer.
do it you pussy.. You wont do anything but type angry words and nothing more.

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