Senate Dimrats Vow to Filibuster Trumps SCOTUS Pick Without Knowing Who It Is

I'm sure if Trump nominates a liberal judge the Democrats will retract their filibuster vow.
the left cant stop anything, Trump will just go with 51 votes
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.
Any nominee can be filibustered or a hold put on confirmation. Its not that easy, and who ever it is should never be appointed after what was done to Obamas nominee
So you hate it when it's done, then applaud when it's done? Is it right to do or not?

You do remember, don't you, when the democrats blocked George Bush's Hispanic appointments to the bench?
Who was blocked, be specific
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.

Funny how Republicans continually drive the the necessity for such actions. The nuclear option was only considered and employed for lower court appointments and only after a record number of vacancies had accrued due to unprecedented obstruction by the Repubs. It was never considered for use with SC nominees. The Repubs, given their disregard for regular order and inability to govern honorably, will no doubt go full douchebag on this.
You do remember, don't you, that before Reid actually implemented the nuclear option, the Republicans considered using it, but didn't? Face it, Reid opened a door that he will probably regret opening. He made it easier to take the next step.

Why did Reid feel it necessary to open that door?
I'm not a mind reader, how should I know? I can speculate and say that basically he didn't like the fact that, as leader of the Senate, he couldn't ram things through the way he wanted to. He didn't like the minority party acting like it had rights. Of course, his party screeched about minority party rights too, but hey...
Do you know just how many judicial nominations of Obama, the republicans refused to vote on?
Does that make the practice right, or is it wrong?
Aren't both parties supposed to throw a tantrum, hold their breath until they turn blue, and vote as a simplistic partisan bloc?

Isn't that the way our "government" "works" now?
the left cant stop anything, Trump will just go with 51 votes
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.
Any nominee can be filibustered or a hold put on confirmation. Its not that easy, and who ever it is should never be appointed after what was done to Obamas nominee
So you hate it when it's done, then applaud when it's done? Is it right to do or not?

You do remember, don't you, when the democrats blocked George Bush's Hispanic appointments to the bench?
Who was blocked, be specific
Why? The point is that every president in the modern era has had nominations blocked. There is nothing new about the practice. What is new, however, is Reid's rules change to neuter the minority party's ability to block confirmations, a step that will probably lead to the Republicans expanding it and pushing through Trump's nominees, something that will have democrats screaming bloody murder, and conveniently forgetting that they opened the door.
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice

Nuclear option baby! Can't wait!
There is no nuclear option, republicans need 60 votes which they will never get
Watch what?
  • Senator McConnell will propose proceeding on a vote to confirm the nominee.
  • The presiding officer (one of the Republican senators, serving as president pro-tem) would rule that he is out of order as 60 votes are required for cloture.
  • Senator McConnell would then appeal his ruling. An appeal of a ruling of the presiding officer is voted on without debate and by simple majority.
  • The 52 Republican senators would vote to overturn the ruling of the presiding officer, and then vote to confirm the justice.
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice

Nuclear option baby! Can't wait!
There is no nuclear option, republicans need 60 votes which they will never get
Watch what?
  • Senator McConnell will propose proceeding on a vote to confirm the nominee.
  • The presiding officer (one of the Republican senators, serving as president pro-tem) would rule that he is out of order as 60 votes are required for cloture.
  • Senator McConnell would then appeal his ruling. An appeal of a ruling of the presiding officer is voted on without debate and by simple majority.
  • The 52 Republican senators would vote to overturn the ruling of the presiding officer, and then vote to confirm the justice.
not so easy, there are also "holds" which can stop a nomination
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice
trump should nominate garland, lol.
Trump could declare water to be wet and the left will freak out.
When will you begin to realize that trump is a sick pathetic liar, who doesn't have the slightest clue as to what he is doing
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice
trump should nominate garland, lol.
Trump could declare water to be wet and the left will freak out.
He should tweet that the world is round. Probably triple the membership of the flat earth society overnight.
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice
trump should nominate garland, lol.
Trump could declare water to be wet and the left will freak out.
When will you begin to realize that trump is a sick pathetic liar, who doesn't have the slightest clue as to what he is doing
When he stops accomplishing things and proclaims himself a democrat.
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice
trump should nominate garland, lol.
Trump could declare water to be wet and the left will freak out.
When will you begin to realize that trump is a sick pathetic liar, who doesn't have the slightest clue as to what he is doing
When he stops accomplishing things and proclaims himself a democrat.
What has he accomplished?
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice
trump should nominate garland, lol.
Trump could declare water to be wet and the left will freak out.
When will you begin to realize that trump is a sick pathetic liar, who doesn't have the slightest clue as to what he is doing
Trump is a sick pathetic liar for saying water is wet!?

That didn't take long.
Nuclear option baby! Can't wait!
There is no nuclear option, republicans need 60 votes which they will never get
Watch what?
  • Senator McConnell will propose proceeding on a vote to confirm the nominee.
  • The presiding officer (one of the Republican senators, serving as president pro-tem) would rule that he is out of order as 60 votes are required for cloture.
  • Senator McConnell would then appeal his ruling. An appeal of a ruling of the presiding officer is voted on without debate and by simple majority.
  • The 52 Republican senators would vote to overturn the ruling of the presiding officer, and then vote to confirm the justice.
not so easy, there are also "holds" which can stop a nomination
Only in your fantasy world. Nuclear option could be used, but there are too many Dems in purple States that know which way the wind is blowing.
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice
trump should nominate garland, lol.
Trump could declare water to be wet and the left will freak out.
When will you begin to realize that trump is a sick pathetic liar, who doesn't have the slightest clue as to what he is doing
Trump is a sick pathetic liar for saying water is wet!?

That didn't take long.
Has he Tod the truth about anything?
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice
trump should nominate garland, lol.
Trump could declare water to be wet and the left will freak out.
When will you begin to realize that trump is a sick pathetic liar, who doesn't have the slightest clue as to what he is doing
When he stops accomplishing things and proclaims himself a democrat.
What has he accomplished?
He's set in motion a lot of things that are going to play out over the next several years. The mere fact that he's actually doing that instead of waiting for focus groups to tell him what words to use says a lot. Obama was given unlimited time to turn the economy around and you want to complain because Trump hasn't fixed everything in 3 weeks? Don't you realize how he's changed the expectations of the office merely by entering it?
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice
trump should nominate garland, lol.
Trump could declare water to be wet and the left will freak out.
When will you begin to realize that trump is a sick pathetic liar, who doesn't have the slightest clue as to what he is doing
When he stops accomplishing things and proclaims himself a democrat.
What has he accomplished?
Trump has turned the left into a babbling, drooling subculture of deranged fools, and the world is watching you.

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