Senate Introduces Bill to Kill Obamacare Dems Can't Stop

I'm all for repealing Obamacare, but not one pseudocon has EVER answered the question, "AND THEN WHAT?"
Nothing except more repeal.

The health care market needs less federal government interference not more, the reason health care prices are so high and the year over year increases are so great is that we already have a grotesque amount of federal and state induced market distortion.

About the only sensible (and Constitutional) thing the federal government can do is invoke Article I Section 8 "Commerce Clause" to eliminate interstate barriers to health insurance competition (which will take years if it's even doable), other than that get busy eliminating federal regulations and taxes that are hamstringing free and fair competition, innovation, expansion of supply and artificially increasing demand.

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is "needed" before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents' "interests," I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can." -- Barry M. Goldwater
A state providing their own kind of coverage and the federal government doing the same are two different things.

How so?

How so? The federal government is guided by the US Constitution. In that Constitution, there is a list of things that the feds are to provide for the people; healthcare coverage is not in there.

States on the other hand can make any kind of program or regulation they desire as long as it doesn't violate the Constitution.
Nice try

Congress has had broad discretion for two hundred years

Where does it say they could make the Louisiana Purchase?

Let's try this again: Provide for the Citizens.

Lets try this again...

Congress has broad discretion in what it provides We the People

Don't like it? Take it to court

Or just elect the right people to fix it.
How so? The federal government is guided by the US Constitution. In that Constitution, there is a list of things that the feds are to provide for the people; healthcare coverage is not in there.

States on the other hand can make any kind of program or regulation they desire as long as it doesn't violate the Constitution.
Nice try

Congress has had broad discretion for two hundred years

Where does it say they could make the Louisiana Purchase?

Let's try this again: Provide for the Citizens.
Why yes, let us provide for Citizens. A Universal Single Payer Health Care System. Like the rest of the first world nations have.

How's government run healthcare working out for the vets?

I don't see many vets wanting out

If Trump gives vets the option to go anywhere, watch the stampede.

Why don't you tell us what your replacement is before you take away insurance from 30 million people?
Like when Democrats gave America a few hours to read Obamacare?
Who will vote to keep Hopeycare?

Republicans who do not want to see what causing 20 million people to lose insurance looks like at the polls.

Another far left debunked narrative, even the CBO said after the full implantation of Obamacare that 20 million people would still be with out insurance.

Yea and the sky is down :rolleyes:

If Republicans ever succeeded in repealing Obamacare, the U.S. budget deficit would soar by as much as $353 billion over 10 years and 24 million people would lose their health insurance, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Friday.

Obamacare Repeal Would Raise Deficit, Cost People Insurance, Report Finds

See how the far left grips with religious dogma..

That is assuming that no one can get insurance after the repeal, once again a failed far left drone post!

There is no need to assume at all, all we have to do is LOOK AT THE UNINSURANCE RATES BEFORE OBAMACARE took effect.

Amazing what people will do with a gun at their heads.
Nice try

Congress has had broad discretion for two hundred years

Where does it say they could make the Louisiana Purchase?

Let's try this again: Provide for the Citizens.
Why yes, let us provide for Citizens. A Universal Single Payer Health Care System. Like the rest of the first world nations have.

How's government run healthcare working out for the vets?

I don't see many vets wanting out

If Trump gives vets the option to go anywhere, watch the stampede.

Well let's see then

See if they want to go through insurance with deductibles and co pays
I'm all for repealing Obamacare, but not one pseudocon has EVER answered the question, "AND THEN WHAT?"

And I've been asking for over six years.

Any jackass can be against something and criticize it, but it takes intelligence and guts to propose what must be done.
Let me buy insurance from anyone in America.
Right now you can only buy what is offered in the county you live in, and the rates depend on your home address. Many States offer only 1 choice.
Market will sort itself out.

Actually, the market already has

States define what services are required. An insurance company in Buttfuck Mississippi cannot just start offering services in California. They must develop a network of doctors and pharmacies and establish a rate structure in each state
Market has brought down prices? Most States only offer one provider, dufus. People have ONE place to get insurance.

You morons had no intention of reducing costs, so you kept Americans from being able to buy cheap insurance.
Most states only offer one provider?

Which states are those?
I'm all for repealing Obamacare, but not one pseudocon has EVER answered the question, "AND THEN WHAT?"

And I've been asking for over six years.

Any jackass can be against something and criticize it, but it takes intelligence and guts to propose what must be done.
Let me buy insurance from anyone in America.
Right now you can only buy what is offered in the county you live in, and the rates depend on your home address. Many States offer only 1 choice.
Market will sort itself out.

Actually, the market already has

States define what services are required. An insurance company in Buttfuck Mississippi cannot just start offering services in California. They must develop a network of doctors and pharmacies and establish a rate structure in each state
Market has brought down prices? Most States only offer one provider, dufus. People have ONE place to get insurance.

You morons had no intention of reducing costs, so you kept Americans from being able to buy cheap insurance.
Most states only offer one provider?

Which states are those?

I think he meant Commie Care. And yes, they do only offer one provider if you are hell bent on keeping your doctor or hospital.

I recently applied for Commie Care during enrollment. I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic; been a patient there since a child.

Commie Care only had one insurance company to offer me to continue my care at the Clinic. The plan was around 25% of my net pay, and it had a $7,000 deductible with a $7,100 out of pocket. That's on top of a $50.00 copay for a doctor with no prescription coverage, eye care or dental.

I double checked with the Clinic and they concurred. If I bought a cheaper plan, it had the same deductibles and out of pocket, but I would have to switch to a different provider altogether.

Why don't you tell us what your replacement is before you take away insurance from 30 million people?
Like when Democrats gave America a few hours to read Obamacare?
View attachment 105176

Harry Reid (D-USSR)

convened the senate IN SECRET at 2 am on a snowy Christmas eve

NONE of the Senators read the over 2000 pages bill

through parliamentary maneuvers the minority Republicans were NOT allowed to object

and for those reasons

Obama Hellcare must be abolished immediately if not sooner.


Why don't you tell us what your replacement is before you take away insurance from 30 million people?
Like when Democrats gave America a few hours to read Obamacare?
View attachment 105176

Harry Reid (D-USSR)

convened the senate IN SECRET at 2 am on a snowy Christmas eve

NONE of the Senators read the over 2000 pages bill

through parliamentary maneuvers the minority Republicans were NOT allowed to object

and for those reasons

Obama Hellcare must be abolished immediately if not sooner.



The final vote was out in the open and celebrated

Why don't you tell us what your replacement is before you take away insurance from 30 million people?
Like when Democrats gave America a few hours to read Obamacare?
View attachment 105176

Harry Reid (D-USSR)

convened the senate IN SECRET at 2 am on a snowy Christmas eve

NONE of the Senators read the over 2000 pages bill

through parliamentary maneuvers the minority Republicans were NOT allowed to object

and for those reasons

Obama Hellcare must be abolished immediately if not sooner.



The final vote was out in the open and celebrated
Out in the open in secret behind locked doors....:lol:

Why don't you tell us what your replacement is before you take away insurance from 30 million people?
Like when Democrats gave America a few hours to read Obamacare?
View attachment 105176

Harry Reid (D-USSR)

convened the senate IN SECRET at 2 am on a snowy Christmas eve

NONE of the Senators read the over 2000 pages bill

through parliamentary maneuvers the minority Republicans were NOT allowed to object

and for those reasons

Obama Hellcare must be abolished immediately if not sooner.



The final vote was out in the open and celebrated
Here America, come and get a copy and give us your feedback in the next 20 minutes.
There is good reason Democrats are now irrelevant in American politics.

Why don't you tell us what your replacement is before you take away insurance from 30 million people?
Like when Democrats gave America a few hours to read Obamacare?
View attachment 105176

Harry Reid (D-USSR)

convened the senate IN SECRET at 2 am on a snowy Christmas eve

NONE of the Senators read the over 2000 pages bill

through parliamentary maneuvers the minority Republicans were NOT allowed to object

and for those reasons

Obama Hellcare must be abolished immediately if not sooner.



The final vote was out in the open and celebrated
Here America, come and get a copy and give us your feedback in the next 20 minutes.
There is good reason Democrats are now irrelevant in American politics.
View attachment 105246
LOL, one wonders why the enviro-Nazi's aren't going nuts behind all this tree murdering nonsense being perpetrated by the congress critters. :D
Why would Trump not veto this ?

He promised to "replace " Obamacare . Not throw 30 million people of their insurance .
ewwwwwww, those mean ole republicans are going to take away health insurance, ewwwwwwwww.

You fking left lizards and your scare tactics is amazingly childish. haven't you fks ever grown the fk up?

Why don't you tell us what your replacement is before you take away insurance from 30 million people?
Like when Democrats gave America a few hours to read Obamacare?
View attachment 105176

Harry Reid (D-USSR)

convened the senate IN SECRET at 2 am on a snowy Christmas eve

NONE of the Senators read the over 2000 pages bill

through parliamentary maneuvers the minority Republicans were NOT allowed to object

and for those reasons

Obama Hellcare must be abolished immediately if not sooner.



The final vote was out in the open and celebrated
Here America, come and get a copy and give us your feedback in the next 20 minutes.
There is good reason Democrats are now irrelevant in American politics.
View attachment 105246

Without that beautiful bow that touched them so deeply, CommieCare probably wouldn't pass.

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