Senate pulls trigger on nuclear option, clearing way for Gorsuch confirmation

The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

We told you this was going to happen....but the Dems had to play their games.
And Garland never even getting a hearing for over 400 days wasn't game playing with an unprecedented tactic to hold that SCOTUS spot position open. Don't piss and moan later down the road if karma jumps up and bites the GOP's collective ASS!
In case you haven't fully realized what just happened here let me put you closer to the edge.

What happened today means Trump can get any justice he wants right up to his last day in office as long as we have 51 senators. Which we will. Ginsberg now has to live past Jan 18th, 2021.

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Mitch McConnell gives a thumbs up after changing the Senate rules to force through Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation on a party-line vote.

Mitch McConnell Goes ‘Nuclear’ To Break Supreme Court Filibuster

NaziCon McConnell will regret this day.
There's plenty of blame to go around on both sides. Which is part of the problem. Stop pointing fingers and get some work done.

There is nothing to blame for here. This isn't a bad thing. The founders never intended judges to get 60 votes. We are restoring the proper standard for judicial nominees
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

We told you this was going to happen....but the Dems had to play their games.
And Garland never even getting a hearing for over 400 days wasn't game playing with an unprecedented tactic to hold that SCOTUS spot position open. Don't piss and moan later down the road if karma jumps up and bites the GOP's collective ASS!
In case you haven't fully realized what just happened here let me put you closer to the edge.

What happened today means Trump can get any justice he wants right up to his last day in office as long as we have 51 senators. Which we will. Ginsberg now has to live past Jan 18th, 2021.

How do you like us now?
Trump can? You sure of that? You went bowling with the guys and used your crystal ball again, huh! Why do you fucks go so far out on a limb with your predictions and man love for the Orange One? The Bloated Ego One will be lucky to make his term reach to Dec 31, 2018! The FBI investigation, et al, on the Russia election hacking/influence, etc. should be back by the third quarter and the subpoenas will start to be issued and the hearings begun!

The Fat Ass Narcissist is about to make the same rookie President mistake that JFK did trying to 'appear' "Presidential" with the Bay of Pigs fiasco which came back to bite him on his ass with the missile crisis. The Orange One as CiC and Russia are going to be at it again and Putin will use and abuse that fat piece of shit in a NY minute so Russia/Putin can get control of Syria and access to a warm water port with access to the entire Med and beyond!
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

We told you this was going to happen....but the Dems had to play their games.
And Garland never even getting a hearing for over 400 days wasn't game playing with an unprecedented tactic to hold that SCOTUS spot position open. Don't piss and moan later down the road if karma jumps up and bites the GOP's collective ASS!
In case you haven't fully realized what just happened here let me put you closer to the edge.

What happened today means Trump can get any justice he wants right up to his last day in office as long as we have 51 senators. Which we will. Ginsberg now has to live past Jan 18th, 2021.

How do you like us now?
Trump can? You sure of that? You went bowling with the guys and used your crystal ball again, huh! Why do you fucks go so far out on a limb with your predictions and man love for the Orange One? The Bloated Ego One will be lucky to make his term reach to Dec 31, 2018! The FBI investigation, et al, on the Russia election hacking/influence, etc. should be back by the third quarter and the subpoenas will start to be issued and the hearings begun!

The Fat Ass Narcissist is about to make the same rookie President mistake that JFK did trying to 'appear' "Presidential" with the Bay of Pigs fiasco which came back to bite him on his ass with the missile crisis. The Orange One as CiC and Russia are going to be at it again and Putin will use and abuse that fat piece of shit in a NY minute so Russia/Putin can get control of Syria and access to a warm water port with access to the entire Med and beyond!
You claim we're out on a limb and go into that crazy ass Russia rant? Having a bad day?
"Stolen, Illegitimate, Appointed"........

Always an excuse for these progtard asswipes when they lose, change the rules, and obstruct.....

Awesome. President Trump has a lot of work to do to make America great again, and obstructionist communists will just slow that down. :)
I predict that the Republicans will regret crossing that line when the Democrats gain control in 2-8 years. Nothing lasts forever and, as we've often seen in Washington DC, they love to play "tit-for-tat".
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

That shot was fired 8 years ago when O rammed healthcare down our throats. Reid continued it and set precedent by nuking lower appt justices. Now, dems are reaping the repercussions on such horrid moves and incompetent policy. Aside from that, both parties are despicable.
O no you don't, no blaming the Dems for this more than the Repubs.
it all started with the dems. why does that anger you so? why not vote in different people? why do you all like the same ole same ole? losers.
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.
Disagreed it's a fatal shot or that it will result in insanity, but I strongly believe the RNC will come to regret this action when the DNC shoves it up their ass at some point in the future. The Pendulum swings both ways.
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

We told you this was going to happen....but the Dems had to play their games.
And Garland never even getting a hearing for over 400 days wasn't game playing with an unprecedented tactic to hold that SCOTUS spot position open. Don't piss and moan later down the road if karma jumps up and bites the GOP's collective ASS!
In case you haven't fully realized what just happened here let me put you closer to the edge.

What happened today means Trump can get any justice he wants right up to his last day in office as long as we have 51 senators. Which we will. Ginsberg now has to live past Jan 18th, 2021.

How do you like us now?
Trump can? You sure of that? You went bowling with the guys and used your crystal ball again, huh! Why do you fucks go so far out on a limb with your predictions and man love for the Orange One? The Bloated Ego One will be lucky to make his term reach to Dec 31, 2018! The FBI investigation, et al, on the Russia election hacking/influence, etc. should be back by the third quarter and the subpoenas will start to be issued and the hearings begun!

The Fat Ass Narcissist is about to make the same rookie President mistake that JFK did trying to 'appear' "Presidential" with the Bay of Pigs fiasco which came back to bite him on his ass with the missile crisis. The Orange One as CiC and Russia are going to be at it again and Putin will use and abuse that fat piece of shit in a NY minute so Russia/Putin can get control of Syria and access to a warm water port with access to the entire Med and beyond!
You claim we're out on a limb and go into that crazy ass Russia rant? Having a bad day?
I didn't think you could follow the dotted trail laid out back to the topic of the OP. So fuck you very much, asshole!
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

That shot was fired 8 years ago when O rammed healthcare down our throats. Reid continued it and set precedent by nuking lower appt justices. Now, dems are reaping the repercussions on such horrid moves and incompetent policy. Aside from that, both parties are despicable.
O no you don't, no blaming the Dems for this more than the Repubs.
it all started with the dems. why does that anger you so? why not vote in different people? why do you all like the same ole same ole? losers.
When did the Dems ever use the Nuclear Option?

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