Senate pulls trigger on nuclear option, clearing way for Gorsuch confirmation

The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

How so? What is sane about filibustering a perfectly qualified Supreme Court nominee? Furthermore, where is it written that they need to have 60 votes in order to move forward on voting for a judge? The Democrats changed the rules for all other federal court nominees in 2013 and I don't recall their supporters saying they were ending any semblance of sanity in the Senate.
The GOP has really screwed the pooch with this partisan stupidity. There will be a reckoning some day!
Ironically that is what many people were telling the Democrats when they under the leadership of Harry Reid started us down this road in 2013. The Republicans will pay a price for this just as the Democrats are now for what they did in 2013. Those who will really suffer though will be all of us now that Presidents from both parties can get activist judges on the bench with no resistance.
The GOP has really screwed the pooch with this partisan stupidity. There will be a reckoning some day!
Yea, because the dems acting this way has nothing to do with politics.
Both sides are insatiable children. Grow up.
The left didn't just make that rules change did they? You would like to see another Robert Bork type being nominated for a position on the High Court and passed through on a 51-49 vote? I know you have some common sense given I've seen you exercise it a time or two. Pull it out of your kit and give thought to the long term implications of McConnell's folly!
The GOP has really screwed the pooch with this partisan stupidity. There will be a reckoning some day!
Ironically that is what many people were telling the Democrats when they under the leadership of Harry Reid started us down this road in 2013. The Republicans will pay a price for this just as the Democrats are now for what they did in 2013. Those who will really suffer though will be all of us now that Presidents from both parties can get activist judges on the bench with no resistance.

How will Republicans pay a price for this? Like you said, Harry Reid already started us down this road. Democrats already tipped their hand on use of the nuclear option. What the Republicans are doing now won't change the mindset of today's Democrats. We already knew before Republicans pulled the nuclear option that Democrats would use it in the future.
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

Harry Reid's stink comes back to haunt the Dems when it matters most.....I feel like dancing!
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

How so? What is sane about filibustering a perfectly qualified Supreme Court nominee? Furthermore, where is it written that they need to have 60 votes in order to move forward on voting for a judge? The Democrats changed the rules for all other federal court nominees in 2013 and I don't recall their supporters saying they were ending any semblance of sanity in the Senate.
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The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

That shot was fired 8 years ago when O rammed healthcare down our throats. Reid continued it and set precedent by nuking lower appt justices. Now, dems are reaping the repercussions on such horrid moves and incompetent policy. Aside from that, both parties are despicable.
Rammed healthcare? It was debated for nearly a year. Ryan had 7 years to write a replacement & he tried to ram it through in weeks & failed miserably.
The GOP has really screwed the pooch with this partisan stupidity. There will be a reckoning some day!
Ironically that is what many people were telling the Democrats when they under the leadership of Harry Reid started us down this road in 2013. The Republicans will pay a price for this just as the Democrats are now for what they did in 2013. Those who will really suffer though will be all of us now that Presidents from both parties can get activist judges on the bench with no resistance.

How will Republicans pay a price for this? Like you said, Harry Reid already started us down this road. Democrats already tipped their hand on use of the nuclear option. What the Republicans are doing now won't change the mindset of today's Democrats. We already knew before Republicans pulled the nuclear option that Democrats would use it in the future.
Just like the Democrats weren't going to stay in control forever when they did this in 2013 neither will the Republicans it's going to bite them in the ass as well. The Democrats got in 2016 the Republicans may very well in 2020 one party started us down this moronic path the other took us to the end of it bad decisions all the way around.
Remember right after Trump won the election how the libs bragged about the filibuster...:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
There's plenty of blame to go around on both sides. Which is part of the problem. Stop pointing fingers and get some work done.

The Republicans have done nothing major especially considering they control both Houses & the White House. Tomorrow is the last day before a two week vacation with a spending bill needed by month's end or we get another government shut down.
Consider the following fact: When Ruth Bader Ginsberg was nominated by President Clinton in 1993, she was a former head counsel of the ACLU. She was, in short, the "knee-Jerkiest of kneejerk Liberals" one could possibly imagine, and she has proven absolutely that in her many years on the Bench. And yet, she was confirmed on a 96-3 vote , with all but a couple of Republicans supporting her.

Compare the current mess. Which party is being destructively, absurdly partisan? Even with all of the B.S. floating out of the Leftist's mouths, there hasn't been a single cogent reason presented that would justify any vote other than one for confirmation.

Democrats are scum.
Why would we want some one that half of the population sees as against the working man. just to make the us hate each other, so they can do things like allow them to sell our private inter net information.
The senate just fired the fatal shot that will end any semblance of sanity in Washington. Let the games begin.

That shot was fired 8 years ago when O rammed healthcare down our throats. Reid continued it and set precedent by nuking lower appt justices. Now, dems are reaping the repercussions on such horrid moves and incompetent policy. Aside from that, both parties are despicable.
Rammed healthcare? It was debated for nearly a year. Ryan had 7 years to write a replacement & he tried to ram it through in weeks & failed miserably.

Debated? Are you kidding me? No it wasn't. Yes, the R's failed miserably after obamacare when they voted to repeal the worthless law 60 times when the vote didnt matter. Then, Ryan trots out the same crap. Yeah, they're all worthless.

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