Senate report: trump caused Constitutional Crisis nearly happened

This man is the greatness single danger to our country. How does he still walk free?

He will gladly destroy the Constitution in order to sooth his thirst for power. And the cult following him is just as dangerous.
The vote was a partisan split. Not hardly a true reflection of what happened.
so far i read they had stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs....which is the same shit the people during the riots of the summer of 2020 sure that will take over a govt.....
And those AREN’T weapons? The thing is, the rioters did not invade the Capitol and attempt to violently overturn an election the fact that they weren’t successful in no way diminishes what they attempted to do.
so far i read they had stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs....which is the same shit the people during the riots of the summer of 2020 sure that will take over a govt.....
They knew the government forces would not fire upon them ( largely white crowd of misguided Americans ). As a gay man, I can tell you baseball bats can be lethal. And surprisingly, at the exact moment trump was inciting the mob at the White House; his buddy stone was talking to white supremacist leaders as their followers we're building a working gallows. Just by accident ? Some of their members brought wrist tie hand restraints. What could they have been planning ? Nothing good !
Same partisan bullshit it always is with these things both parties issue there own report which are based on there own partisan politics. You could have a so called bipartisan committee investigate an orange and one would write a report saying it was a watermelon the other claiming it’s a banana.
Really? Either he made those calls or he didn't. Stop going into soundbites. It was an in-depth investigation which was corroborated by those who were there. Which parts don't you believe? Have you even seen or read the report?
They knew the government forces would not fire upon them ( largely white crowd of misguided Americans ). As a gay man, I can tell you baseball bats can be lethal. And surprisingly, at the exact moment trump was inciting the mob at the White House; his buddy stone was talking to white supremacist leaders as their followers we're building a working gallows. Just by accident ? Some of their members brought wrist tie hand restraints. What could they have been planning ? Nothing good !
They knew the government forces would not fire upon them

and yet the only one killed, was one of the rioters, shot by someone connected to the government.
It was an "attempted" insurrection. We all watched the idiots that trump told to "fight like Hell" attack the Capitol and try to stop the certification of Joe Biden. They even threatened to kill Mike Pence. You are an orange lipped sheep.
trump has not finished. He is still lying and lining up states to pass law to suppress voters and hand more power over to the select few, many who are repeating his Big Lie.
It was an "attempted" insurrection. We all watched the idiots that trump told to "fight like Hell" attack the Capitol and try to stop the certification of Joe Biden. They even threatened to kill Mike Pence. You are an orange lipped sheep.

I didn't vote for Trump, I won't vote for Trump.

nothing orange on my lips.

But, I'm also not a moron.

"Insurrection" is a buzzword used by your masters to make Trump look even worse than he is.

Keep being a good parrot...

keep squawking what they train you to squawk.
Oh, so what you are saying is if the rioters had gotten their way, and the election hadn't been certified, and Trump had been become president again under those circumstances, you wouldn't call that an insurrection? Interesting....

If If If....

Polly wanna cracker?
Really? Either he made those calls or he didn't. Stop going into soundbites. It was an in-depth investigation which was corroborated by those who were there. Which parts don't you believe? Have you even seen or read the report?
Yes really this is same shit we see in everyone of these so called investigations the partisans on the committee write their partisan reports the partisan in the media push their sides partisan version and the partisans on social media follow the lead of the partisans on the committe and in media. It is always the same it does not matter if it's this or January 6th, Benghazi or the IRS scandal of targeting conserative groups the patteren never changes because partisans are always going to be partisans and are the only ones who takes these things seriously anymore.
And those AREN’T weapons? The thing is, the rioters did not invade the Capitol and attempt to violently overturn an election the fact that they weren’t successful in no way diminishes what they attempted to do.
the only reason so much attention was given to these people is because it was something affecting the congress people directly.....all those violent riots during the summer they had little to say about that because it was a thousand miles away from them and they were safe,but the people that got hurt they could care less about.....those assholes aint more important than we fuck them....
...and the history books will read...

...Donald J. Trump, the 45th and 48th President of the United States, was impeached twice by the House of Representatives during his first term in office, but was not convicted. Presidential scholars believe the election of disgraced President* Joseph F. Biden in the 2020 election was influenced by widespread voter manipulation by corporate media entities and possible voter fraud by way of insecurities in a hastily improvised universal mail in voting scheme. Biden's corrupt administration has been linked to intentional weakening of the United States social and economic stability and a destabilization of the US dollar.

After Biden's impeachment and removal from office in 2023 after evidence of extreme cognitive decline was leaked to Project Vertas and the installation of President* Kamala Harris, the Administration all but collapsed from stresses from both outside and inside the White House.

The staggering defeat of Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections left the Harris Administration impotent. It is also well documented Biden choose Harris as his running mate not for her leadership skills or political skills, but solely based on her gender and race.

President Trump easily defeated President* Harris in the national election of 2024...with an overwhelming majority in the House and control of the Senate.
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Where are the insurrection charges? FBI says no insurrection plan. Yet unthinking people like you and pretty much every leftist here just swallow the shit you’re fed like good little sheep. A worthless “report” from a bunch of Trump haters. Who ignore the ACTUAL shredding of the Constitution being done daily by Xiden and the merry band of idiots.
Wipe the spit off of your chin and pay attention. Prosecutors are being strategic withthe charges. A conviction for insurection requires proof of intent. While any moron knows what the intent was, it is harder to peove than the charges related to the actual behavior of the thugs. They will then get those goons to flip those higher up on the food chain. I promis, the insurection charges will come and Trump and his cronies will be the targets. You and yours will be the ones swallowing shit and it won't be tasty

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