Senate report: trump caused Constitutional Crisis nearly happened

The Constitution of the USA was meant/intended to be a document that would constrain Guv'mint rather than empower such. The Constitution is meant to provide for a guv'mint of the Least Powers and Abilities needed to function while limited in the scope to infringe upon personal Liberties.

The goal of our Founders was not a "More and Powerful Government" but a restrained and Limited Government.

Actions that meet and address these concepts are the function of (USA) national patriotism.

Actions that seek to expand and grow the power of Central(Federal) Government are anti-patriotic and anti-Principle.

You want a more powerful Guv'mint that controls your every life aspect, go to another nation on this planet, there are many to chose from.

You want to live where Guv'mint is limited and constrained in controlling your Life, understand that is what the USA set out to be and what most of "us" here are trying to maintain and continue.

"That Government is best which governs least."
And he will run in 2024 no matter what kind of lying bullcrap you dimocrats put out there. A majority of the country see's how bad Biden is now, and how good Trump was in contrast, and how what Trump said was TRUE, especially everyday that Biden makes him known to have been telling the truth.

You had to know right ???? What's a shame is that you people are showing your cards daily in your TDS mental conditions that are constantly on display here, and in the country.
Trump running in 24 will just result in the final destruction of the Republican party as we know it. This country is sick of him and I don't mean just liberals and Democrats. Many Republicans know that he is toxic, even if they do not admit it publicly.
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Wipe the spit off of your chin and pay attention. Prosecutors are being strategic withthe charges. A conviction for insurection requires proof of intent. While any moron knows what the intent was, it is harder to peove than the charges related to the actual behavior of the thugs. They will then get those goons to flip those higher up on the food chain. I promis, the insurection charges will come and Trump and his cronies will be the targets. You and yours will be the ones swallowing shit and it won't be tasty

Two more Springfield women arrested, charged in Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol breach

Shot and killed one woman... arrested a bunch more...

... Missouri women are tough...and military Veteran women are tougher...but if these are the 'Insurrectionists' the left is shitting their collective pants's over already...
Yes really this is same shit we see in everyone of these so called investigations the partisans on the committee write their partisan reports the partisan in the media push their sides partisan version and the partisans on social media follow the lead of the partisans on the committe and in media. It is always the same it does not matter if it's this or January 6th, Benghazi or the IRS scandal of targeting conserative groups the patteren never changes because partisans are always going to be partisans and are the only ones who takes these things seriously anymore.
Hmmm.. I do get your frustration. However, this reports actually quotes people. But I do hear you about partisanship. It only services the parties, not the people.
And this is somehow supposed to refute my point?
The 'Insurrectionists'...


and yet the only one killed, was one of the rioters, shot by someone connected to the government.
If they had attacked the White House with the intent of hanging trump, he would have had them all murdered. I'm surprised there was only one civilian death.
...and the history books will read...

...Donald J. Trump, the 45th and 48th President of the United States, was impeached twice by the House of Representatives during his first term in office, but was not convicted. Presidential scholars believe the election of disgraced President* Joseph F. Biden in the 2020 election was influenced by widespread voter manipulation by corporate media entities and possible voter fraud by way of insecurities in a hastily improvised universal mail in voting scheme. Biden's corrupt administration has been linked to intentional weakening of the United States social and economic stability and a destabilization of the US dollar.

After Biden's impeachment and removal from office in 2023 after evidence of extreme cognitive decline was leaked to Project Vertas and the installation of President* Kamala Harris, the Administration all but collapsed from stresses from both outside and inside the White House.

The staggering defeat of Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections left the Harris Administration impotent. It is also well documented Biden choose Harris as his running mate not for her leadership skills or political skills, but solely based on her gender and race.

President Trump easily defeated President* Harris in the national election of 2024...with an overwhelming majority in the House and control of the Senate.
Now that's a real bad joke, and it's on you.
It really bothers you people are getting arrested for storming the Capitol, huh?

Pointing out that ^^^ that THESE are the terrifying 'insurrectionists' that haunt your nightmares really bothers you, doesn't it...
The 'Insurrectionists'...

You'd think that the left is mosad chasing down Nazi's, and boy does it look like they've finally captured some with these two.... ROTFLMBO.
You'd think that the left is mosad chasing down Nazi's, and boy does it look like they've finally captured some with these two.... ROTFLMBO.
They must be sooooo proud of themselves. Killed a female military veteran and captured America's most wanted suburban soccer Moms.

Think they impounded the Tactical Insurrectionist Personnel Carrier (TIP-C)
...AKA Grocery Go-getter...AKA minivan?
View attachment 548901

Pointing out that ^^^ that THESE are the terrifying 'insurrectionists' that haunt your nightmares really bothers you, doesn't it...
"I'm rubber, you're glue," Peewee?

Regardless, I'm always happy to see criminals get arrested. Doesn't bother me at all. You're the one whose panties are twisted over it.
They must be sooooo proud of themselves. Killed a female military veteran and captured America's most wanted suburban soccer Moms.

Think they impounded the Tactical Insurrectionist Personnel Carrier (TIP-C)
...AKA Grocery Go-getter...AKA minivan?
The leftist have caused a lot of trouble I know that much. Just look back, and think back as to how much trouble it has caused. Unbelievable at this point.
They must be sooooo proud of themselves. Killed a female military veteran and captured America's most wanted suburban soccer Moms.

Think they impounded the Tactical Insurrectionist Personnel Carrier (TIP-C)
...AKA Grocery Go-getter...AKA minivan?
I didn't see these ladies on January 6th what I saw was a mob and hidden within the mob or group of insurrectionists intent on overthrowing the government.
Trump was the bad joke on all of us and his legacy of selfishness, deceit, lies and hatred will live long after he is gone. That is the problem with evil.
Bullcrap... Trump is falsely accused, but what the leftist have done since the 60s isn't just false allegations, but more over it's overwhelming facts.

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