Senator Al Franken!!!

Al is a really bright guy. He is less partisan than poeple think. He drives Bill O'Reilly up the wall. He was a college wrestler and is not afraid of bullies like Big Bill. I will be watching FOX NEWS if Franken is seated. As a matter of fact I am going over to FOX now.



Franken's not a partisan? ROFL... Oh GOD! Now that's precious... Given that conclusion would mean that neither Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity nor Mark Levin are partisan... (Of course none of those people feel they have to run to elected office to 'get people to take them seriously.'

Of course I spent several excruciating minutes listening to Franken spew unbridled idiocy on his long defunct radio exorcise <pun intended> and he's a rancid Marxist and an imbecile. The recount was as crooked as a ram's horn and hysterically transparent as such... but it does prove AGAIN that the ideological left is thoroughly void of morality and that they operate without the slightest concern for principle, with their only concern being the acquisition of power; thus establishing the basis for their catastrophic tendencies.

Welcome to power Franken... just realize that no one will take you any more seriously than when you were failing as a comedian, businessman or talk-show host.
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another election won by corruption, spit on al franken, he will never be a senator in my eyes.
Didn't you spend years defending people like Dumbya, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, and Heck of a Job Brownie?

I did? Please share my posts with me which supports that!

Your a prime example of what is wrong with partisan politics, you spew your comments based on ideology and party line instead of thinking for yourself.

Go find a republican to pull that shit with.

Franken's not a partisan? ROFL... Oh GOD! Now that's precious... Given that conclusion would mean that neither Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity nor Mark Levin are partisan... (Of course none of those people feel they have to run to elected office to 'get people to take them seriously.'

Of course I spent several excruciating minutes listening to Franken spew unbridled idiocy on his long defunct radio exorcise <pun intended> and he's a rancid Marxist and an imbecile. The recount was as crooked as a ram's horn and hysterically transparent as such... but it does prove AGAIN that the ideological left is thoroughly void of morality and that they operate without the slightest concern for principle, with their only concern being the acquisition of power; thus establishing the basis for their catastrophic tendencies.

Welcome to power Franken... just realize that no one will take you any more seriously than when you were failing as a comedian, businessman or talk-show host.

Perfect job for Franken, he won't be held accountable for his failures. ( not that he was before )
Didn't you spend years defending people like Dumbya, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, and Heck of a Job Brownie?

I see that Lyc responded and did a nice job of it...

But I wanted to cop to the complaint... I've supported GW and have voted for him FOUR times... If you can show a viable alternative in any of those elections, I'd sure love to see it.

While GW has always been a fascists and fascists are to be avoided where possible, fascists are VASTLY preferred over any of their more destructive comrades in the ranks of the socialists...

With regard to his constitutionally mandated duties of defending the country, GW has done an excellent job... where he has failed in that regard, it is due purely to his having lent credence to leftists and as a result either failing to reject their input which lead to, among other calamityies, his failure to retract subversive policy which they had previously established. But as a moderate, he has garnered what every species inevitably finds in the middle of the road and that is being run down in both directions.

What's hilarious to me is that GW has signed more social spending into law than any President since LBJ, a side of him I detest for it's catastrophic ramifications and which the left (that's you...) usually can't resist, but simply can't find solice because GW has jealously defended the United States from your terrorist comrades; a point which, once again... proves your subversive nature and establishes a solid basis for stripping you of your vote; you simply lack the intellectual means to grasp reality.
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You would guess wrong, the Democrats will fall all over themselves to seat him even if the State does not certify him.

A few years back the House had a contested seat while the Dems were in charge. On 2 recounts the Republican won, the house refused to seat him and sent their own "team" to do their own counting. Can you guess who they seated?
Appears to be another case of fake, manufactured "outrage" by Bush supporters. I've seen children put up a more convincing act of "outrage" when they didn't get their cookie.

Can someone point me to the thread where republicans were whining and crying that two GOP movie stars were unqualified to be Governors of California, where a Texas bug exterminator wasn't qualified to be in congress, and where a former GOP baseball player wasn't qualified to be a US Senator?


How about a B movie actor as President who's claim to fame was having a co-star who was a fukin' chimpanzee? Bedtime for Bonzo


A tree's a tree. How many more do you need to look at?
Ronald Reagan

Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement.
Ronald Reagan

Facts are stubborn things.
Ronald Reagan

Going to college offered me the chance to play football for four more years.
Ronald Reagan

---- methinks they get the picture -----

so forget reading and comprehension....reading itself is your weak suit?

ack, my ass.


Al is a really bright guy. He is less partisan than poeple think.

He drives Bill O'Reilly up the wall. He was a college wrestler and is not afraid of bullies like Big Bill. I will be watching FOX NEWS if Franken is seated. As a matter of fact I am going over to FOX now.



Franken's not a partisan? ROFL... Oh GOD! ...




wingnutism ignorance on public display
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you will see the real Al Franken as soon as he loses it after the abuse he will take from his good buddies Limbo and Handrighty.....
anyone who calls for others to be ban, needs to be banned from speaking.


Hmmm ............. I was going to suggest deportation or execution, but, didn't want to seem harsh.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Hmmm ............. I was going to suggest deportation or execution, but, didn't want to seem harsh.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.


to paraphrase a conservative who actually has a point and a brain...

"I have no desire to get any deeper into this with the likes of you because, like with a Fellini movie, the deeper we get, the less sense you make."

not that there's anything wrong with that


Franken was born in New York, the son of Phoebe G. (née Kunst), a homemaker and real estate agent, and Joseph P. Franken, a printing salesman. He attended Harvard College and it's unknown whether his student loans were repaid. Franken married Franni Bryson. He went on to be a lurid writer for Saturday Night Live. Lorne Michels, the SNL producer, called Franken the best fart and scat writer he ever had.He had vast appeal to the sexual fetish crowd with his diaper routines.
Playboy article

In the column, titled “Porn-O-Rama!”, Franken describes visiting a fictional sex institute where he participates in sex acts with machines and humans. Franken writes of sitting in a virtual sex machine and choosing his preferred setting, then describes and evaluates the act. Later, he investigates other parts of the fictional institute and participates in other sexual acts that he describes. His degrading of white gentile females has everyone hopping.

In the same article, Franken jokes about his 12-year-old son researching a report on bestiality and using the Internet “to download some effective visual aids.” He makes up fake statistics comparing Playboy readers with readers of Hustler magazine.

He was almost imprisoned on some income tax issues.

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