Senator Biden blocked the first Black Woman to be nominated to the Supreme Court

With each post you attack me for pointing it out, you are defending it.

Not to mention you have not called the OP out for it either.
You have not condemned the disgusting practice of licking yogurt off of hobos' feet.

Therefore, you engage in it.

Dude. That's nasty. Cut that out.
The nomination that was threatened with the filibuster was not to the SOCUTS, but to the DC Circuit court.

False it was for the SCOTUS as made clear by the Washington Post themselves:


Bush settled on Alito instead while Judge Brown was already confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals, was then on a short list of people under consideration for SCOTUS nomination.

Janice Rogers Brown

Janice Rogers Brown, 56, was confirmed last month to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. For nine years before that, she was a California Supreme Court justice.


At POST 12 is a Face the Nation video showing Biden talk about Filibustering Brown if she was nominated for SCOTUS opening.


Transcript from CBS
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Thread sumary:

Republicans are being as deliberately dishonest. And no one is surprised.

First, Brown was never nominated to the SC, or being considered for the SC. Her thing was about a DC Circuit Court nomination.

All the Republicans here were clueless about about that. I cazn't say they're lying, because they're all literally too stupid to lie. They were given some propaganda to repeat, and like the obedient cult zombies they are, none of them considered checking it. Conservatives aren't supposed to think, they're supposed to blindly obey, and they do.

Second, Joe Biden never said being a black woman was the only qualification, as they're implying. That's the basis of their hypocrisy argument, and it's a big steaming pile. The threat of filibuster was issued because she was so hostile to civil rights, and she was a wild-eyed extremist judicial activist who thought the Constitution was whatever she wanted it to be. Blocking her was protecting minorities.

So, do any of you Republicans regret pushing this big lie, or, as usual, do you only regret getting busted for it?

(You don't have to answer. We already know Republicans never feel regret in any form about lying.)
Poor loser. She was on the list as being considered for a SCOTUS position. Your racist Dear Leader went on national television and said he and the Dems would filibuster her as a nominee. All true and video even posted. But you had to lie again anyway. As usual. Stay under the bridge.

And Janice Rogers Brown was never a supreme court candidate. Only to the US court of appeals. She was opposed for her conservative activist views.
No, Xiden went on national television and threatened a filibuster of a black female nominee. Totally racist behavior as usual. She was on the list for possible nomination and leftards then lost their minds.
That Face The Nation episode aired in July, 2005. What's your proof that Janice Rogers Brown was on Bush's short list at that time...?

The Washington Post as I showed in POST 45 Judge Brown was being considered a candidate for SCOTUS nomination
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That's something the propaganda writer made up.

Repeat after me until it sinks in: "Just because I saw it on the internet doesn't mean it's true."

For the DC circuit court. This isn't complicated, so why are you having such trouble with it?

That's your new addition to the story, an addition with no basis in fact.

Bush did consider someone before Alito. Harriet Miers. Brown never enters the story.

If you're not making it all up, you'll be able to give us an actual source, from that time period, that said Bush wanted to nominate Brown to the SC before he finally picked Alito. Not an unnamed person making an unsupported claim, but an actual source from the era.

Please proceed.
You pathetic illiterate racist scumbag. You got caught not even reading the OP, got caught lying again, and now trying to move the goalposts because you look stupid. As usual. But truth hurts shitstains like you.
That is very nice. Tell, what opening was there on SCOTUS in 2003? Who was the Justice that left in that year?
You stupid retarded fuck. Nobody has said she was nominated for SCOTUS. Xiden threatened a filibuster of a black female because she was on the list of potential nominees. But like your fellow leftards, you have to lie to try to protect your Dear Leader.
You stupid retarded fuck. Nobody has said she was nominated for SCOTUS. Xiden threatened a filibuster of a black female because she was on the list of potential nominees. But like your fellow leftards, you have to lie to try to protect your Dear Leader.

What is hilarious is that all these lazy ass leftists failed to read this paragraph that was IN THE OPEN at POST ONE that covered everything:

"Brown was on Bush’s shortlist to replace her. She would have been the first Black woman ever nominated to serve as an associate justice of the Supreme Court. But Biden appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” to warn that if Bush nominated Brown, she would face a filibuster. “I can assure you that would be a very, very, very difficult fight and she probably would be filibustered,” Biden said. Asked by moderator John Roberts “Wasn’t she just confirmed?,” Biden replied that the Supreme Court is a “totally different ballgame” because “a circuit court judge is bound by stare decisis. They don’t get to make new law.”


They have yet to catch on.....

You stupid retarded fuck. Nobody has said she was nominated for SCOTUS. Xiden threatened a filibuster of a black female because she was on the list of potential nominees. But like your fellow leftards, you have to lie to try to protect your Dear Leader.

The fucking title of the thread says that you brain dead sheep.
False it was for the SCOTUS as made clear by the Washington Post themselves:


Bush settled on Alito instead while Judge Brown was already confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals, was then on a short list of people under consideration for SCOTUS nomination.

Janice Rogers Brown

Janice Rogers Brown, 56, was confirmed last month to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. For nine years before that, she was a California Supreme Court justice.


At POST 12 is a Face the Nation video showing Biden talk about Filibustering Brown if she was nominated for SCOTUS opening.


Transcript from CBS

Here was Bush's short list in July, 2005...

A couple of months later, he added Brown...

... and of course, had Bush actually been considering Brown, he would have nominated her.
was she nominated?

It is obvious you didn't look at Post 45 where it showed she was being Considered for a nomination which I have been saying all along and as well articulated in Post one which you didn't notice despite that it is right out there in the open:

"Brown was on Bush’s shortlist to replace her. She would have been the first Black woman ever nominated to serve as an associate justice of the Supreme Court. But Biden appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” to warn that if Bush nominated Brown, she would face a filibuster. “I can assure you that would be a very, very, very difficult fight and she probably would be filibustered,” Biden said."

red bolding mine

From Post 41 is my reply to Mamooth:

"No else in the thread said she was nominated yet YOU make it seems that is what happened you snaked eyed LIAR!

Bush decided not to nominate her BECAUSE of Bidens threat to Shut it down decided to nominate Alito instead.

This is why so many here despise you for your incessant lying stupid postings."

and Post 43:

"Since his threat was real and would likely succeed Bush decided to Nominate Alito instead which means Brown was NEVER nominated for SCOTUS.

No one here said she was nominated second time I stated this you going understand it this time?

You were given several links and a couple videos showing Biden would strongly oppose a nomination of Brown and you ignored it all even ignored that Bush dropped Brown (Who was never nominated) for Alito instead who got nominated."


This is why Bush nominate Alito for the vacant seat.

When will the leftists in the thread stop pushing the stupid Red Herring crap about her NOT being nominated since Post One article doesn't neither do people posting in the thread doing it.

Judge Brown was NEVER nominated you understand now?
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Here was Bush's short list in July, 2005...

A couple of months later, he added Brown...

... and of course, had Bush actually been considering Brown, he would have nominated her.

No he was considering her in the beginning of July since Biden went on TV to issue a threat on JULY 3 show Face the Nation and at POST 12 is the video you can watch Biden issue the Filibuster threat on the possibility Of Judge Brown be nominated on July 3, 2005 on CBS.



CBS News
Sunday, July 3, 2005

Hope you catch up
No, Xiden went on national television and threatened a filibuster of a black female nominee. Totally racist behavior as usual. She was on the list for possible nomination and leftards then lost their minds.

your failing a fact check.
aka spreading lies.
No he was considering her in the beginning of July since Biden went on TV to issue a threat on JULY 3 show Face the Nation and at POST 12 is the video you can watch Biden issue the Filibuster threat on the possibility Of Judge Brown be nominated on July 3, 2005 on CBS.



CBS News
Sunday, July 3, 2005

Hope you catch up

Nothing in that transcript states she was on Bush's short list in July. Her name was being tossed around by Republicans.
Nothing in that transcript states she was on Bush's short list in July. Her name was being tossed around by Republicans.

You keep making a FOOL of yourself since this was right in front of your face:

"Brown was on Bush’s shortlist to replace her. She would have been the first Black woman ever nominated to serve as an associate justice of the Supreme Court. But Biden appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” to warn that if Bush nominated Brown, she would face a filibuster. “I can assure you that would be a very, very, very difficult fight and she probably would be filibustered,” Biden said."

The SHORT LIST is published at the Washington Post article for July 1, 2005 while Biden July 3, 2005 on Face the Nation made a FILIBUSTER threat if Brown is nominated.

From Post one you still ignore,

But Biden appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” to warn that if Bush nominated Brown, she would face a filibuster. “I can assure you that would be a very, very, very difficult fight and she probably would be filibustered,” Biden said. Asked by moderator John Roberts “Wasn’t she just confirmed?,” Biden replied that the Supreme Court is a “totally different ballgame” because “a circuit court judge is bound by stare decisis. They don’t get to make new law.”

He stated this on July 3, 2005 two days after the Washington post listed her because he apparently believed she is under consideration for a nomination by Bush thus the threat.

In the end Judge Brown was NEVER nominated because of the Filibuster threat chose Alito instead who was also on the short list for nomination considerations.

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