Senator Cruz Finally Offers Proof That Cubans Are Generally, Genuinely, Stupid!

Conservative Jews in Israel have questioned even if American Jews can make that claim: To being Jewish. U. S. Jewish cemeteries allow for Conservative Jews to follow their burial customs, and seem to keep the area very tiny, not on prominent display. U. S. Jewish cemeteries, however, will not allow "Jews for Jesus" members burial rights: With basis in the conversion. The Mainstream Moslems do not associate the jihadists with themselves: With basis in the apparent conversion. If there is conversion, then practice is no longer paramount, to the identification of the belief.
U.S. Muslim Leaders Say ISIS 'Has Declared War on All of Us'

So posted: "The reason for not using the concept, "Radical Islamist" is that jihadists are not entirely, actually, or even close to being Moslems. Their basis goes back to something 1200 years old. Elsewhere noted. The minority Sunni in Iraq have not been reportedly setting themselves off to promptly die. The Sunni in Saudi Arabia are not so noted. The Syrian Sunni are not so noted. The Persians and Iraqis tend to be majority Shia."

So noted in the OP, The militants engaged in the "Conversion" to the unusual path have a different place in Civil Liberties from the Civil Liberties of the Sunni and Shia, following along the usual path. The usual path Moslems do not associate the jihadists with themselves. The attack on the Civil Liberties of people in other nations is not Islamic condoned, and even being not supported at all in Islam.

More to the matter of a Senator Cruz, or a Senator Rubio, or a mikegriffith1 type of poster: There are more likely agenda rooted in personal inadequacies, in intellectual deficiencies--and mostly in generally bad things--Trump can maybe understand--probably learned from birth. The birth concept lends to identification of nationality, circumstance, and other problems therein associated.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes flee Old Country in tiny boats--supposed to have all landed in Cuba in the First Place(?)!"
The staff of USMB should be forced to inform the membership just what strange combination of chemicals has so rotted your brain.
For Sallow poster, mostly only on that basis, following along some posters in this thread: Are you allowed to have any Civil Rights at all, unless the 3/4 includes some Syrian heritage.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations mainly have right to lesser life expectancy than many Third World Nations!)
For Sallow poster, mostly only on that basis, following along some posters in this thread: Are you allowed to have any Civil Rights at all, unless the 3/4 includes some Syrian heritage.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations mainly have right to lesser life expectancy than many Third World Nations!)

Like I said, Cruz is a schmuck. But he doesn't represent all Cubans.
Noting that theology allows for a witness of only two. There is a Senator Rubio, of the generally, genuine, stupid brand. To many, the Moses Atrocity is actually deity itself(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit now called, "Seven Come Eleven," not nothing with no form or name!)
Painstakingly explain that the historical and cultural differences between jihad tribes means they can't be terrorists and then call all Cubans "stupid". No surprise from the left.
So! Then it's settled!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Hey! How are ya, are ya, ar ya? Hey! How are ya, are ya, are ya? Hey!)
So! Then it's settled!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Hey! How are ya, are ya, ar ya? Hey! How are ya, are ya, are ya? Hey!)
Settled? That some people should stay away from mescaline?

I guess you're right.
As in matter is settled!

"I guess your right!" Qualified and right, even(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe better qualified, left(?)!)

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