Senator Elizabeth Warren introduces '$10 a day' child care legislation

Only rich white folk ahould have kids.
All of your opinions are based in racism aren’t they. Not that it’s not typical of the left. Every opinion you have is because you’re racist. Blacks are too dumb to provide for their own kids. Blacks can’t get rich. It’s all about racism to you because you’re racist.
I think this is one point of Pocahontas' plan that is particularly abhorrent . It provides subsidies to MIDDLE CLASS people for this expense, putting more people into recipiency of the government's largesse.

Let people pay their own bills.

At least those who can.

BTW, there is already subsidized daycare for America's povs, through "Head Start " and other schemes.
It’s also a vote-buying bribe. It’s not enough that the lower-income will vote for her (if she runs) to keep the welfare flowing, she needs to widen her net. Thus, the bribe to parents earning as much as $130,000 a year.
There's already a labor shortage out there and birth rates have declined to be well below replacement rate. Without immigration (which the political right very much opposes), our population will shrink.

What do you think happens to the economy of a country with a shrinking population?
theres a labor shortage because the government pays them to not work and kick the fathers out of the home,,
There’s no labor shortage. There’s an unwillingness of people to take jobs because destructive leftist policies enable them not to.

What do you think happens to the economy of a country when the majority of people are on the government dole?
No, there's a labor shortage and it's getting worse. Labor force participation rate for prime age workers is the same as it was under Trump and only 1.5% off of the peak we hit in the 90s. The problem is that the country is aging and people are retiring.

I am worried about the majority of people being on the government dole, but the people I'm worried about being on the dole are retirees. We need extra workers to support those retirees.

It's very bad news when the population shrinks.
It’s also a vote-buying bribe. It’s not enough that the lower-income will vote for her (if she runs) to keep the welfare flowing, she needs to widen her net. Thus, the bribe to parents earning as much as $130,000 a year.

The entire idea is to create an obligation for these people to vote Leftard.

If the program were to be enacted, the plan is to attack conservative parents as "hypocrites" for not being socialist because they are eligible for this liberal backed subsidy yet still vote "R".
not really sure but based on the tax numbers its in the tens of millions that either are not working or not paying into the tax base,,
Okay. Well maybe you should find out. Then subtract people who are not working because they're in school. Also subtract all the people who don't work because they are already taking care of kids or taking care of their elderly parents.
No, there's a labor shortage and it's getting worse. Labor force participation rate for prime age workers is the same as it was under Trump and only 1.5% off of the peak we hit in the 90s. The problem is that the country is aging and people are retiring.

I am worried about the majority of people being on the government dole, but the people I'm worried about being on the dole are retirees. We need extra workers to support those retirees.

It's very bad news when the population shrinks.
I’m not talking about retirees. I’m talking about able-bodied adults who aren’t working because the combined government assistance benefits equal $50,000 or more.

And having prime-age adults NOT working but taking Instrad hurts the economy, not helps. All welfare should be cut off for anyone whose children are 5 or up.
Okay. Well maybe you should find out. Then subtract people who are not working because they're in school. Also subtract all the people who don't work because they are already taking care of kids or taking care of their elderly parents.
theres about 160 million in the work force and about 240 million working age adults,, we dont have a labor shortage
The entire idea is to create an obligation for these people to vote Leftard.

If the program were to be enacted, the plan is to attack conservative parents as "hypocrites" for not being socialist because they are eligible for this liberal backed subsidy yet still vote "R".
The sad thing is that it’s a safe “promise” to make. Just like reparations, such outright theft will never pass. All Poco has to do is promise money to 90% of the parents (using taxpayer funds), and she effectively buys votes without it even coming to pass.
I’m not talking about retirees. I’m talking about able-bodied adults who aren’t working because the combined government assistance benefits equal $50,000 or more.

And having prime-age adults NOT working but taking Instrad hurts the economy, not helps. All welfare should be cut off for anyone whose children are 5 or up.
You should be talking about retirees because they're a big part of the reason why we need more people. The country cannot survive without either aggressive levels of immigration or a significant increase in birth rates.

What about able bodied adults who aren't working because they can't afford to send their kids to daycare?
You should be talking about retirees because they're a big part of the reason why we need more people. The country cannot survive without either aggressive levels of immigration or a significant increase in birth rates.

What about able bodied adults who aren't working because they can't afford to send their kids to daycare?
I just said people with kids who are over 5. Those kids are in school, and the mother can work. We are already paying for the school….the mother can pay $20 for a couple of hours of after-school care.

As far as aggressive levels of immigration, yes….IF they are middle-class who will pay into the system, not the millions of illegals who can’t support themselves and become a burden.
No. Two separate things:

1) Public schools: Prepare children with the basics of education to be able to work and contribute.

2) Handouts to parents for daycare: Making parents dependent on the government dole, and telegraphing to children that they won’t be responsible for their own expenses when they grow up.
The handout isn't to the parents. The parents don't get a dime.

Parent's aren't responsible for the expenses of public school, so doesn't public school telegraph to children they won't be responsible for their own expenses when they grow up?

You are stepping on your own argument here and that's even before we get to your counter argument that supporting parents having kids isn't beneficial to the country because those kids are just going to live off the government.
My dad told me he went and picked up the ice for the icebox, rather than have it delivered for the one cent delivery charge, and his parents let him spend his penny on candy.

People today are so damn spoiled!

not really sure but based on the tax numbers its in the tens of millions that either are not working or not paying into the tax base,,
Perhaps the cost oof childcare stops people from going to work.

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