Senator Elizabeth Warren introduces '$10 a day' child care legislation

or youre lying that you are,,, I will go with you are not an american based on your political POV and continue to call you out on it,, patriotic americans dont call for socialist programs or stealing other peoples money,,

gotta love it when a fat piece of shit like you compares anything to how much sex another person has,,
so everyone who disagrees with you is not your countryman? ok, Hitler! are you sure Hitler didn't shit you out of his butt?
thats not what I said and you know it,, just another lie from you,,

now go back and read it again,,
i don't need to read anything. quit being an asshole, and show some respect to a son of a fucking martyr (me) or i will put your sorry ass on ignore
I've never put anyone on ignore, except in rare instances, progressive hunter is different

if you keep turning EVERY SINGLE thread i make into personal attacks...i'm kicking you out of my threads by putting you on ignore, you may however DM me and attack me all day long, i'm happy to engage with you, but don't derail my precious threads...this is forum is for DISCUSSION, not personal attacks...while they do play a part, they're not supposed to be EVERYTHING
And yet you make personal attacks on others. Interesting turn of events.
i don't need to read anything. quit being an asshole, and show some respect to a son of a fucking martyr (me) or i will put your sorry ass on ignore
And continuing to issues what you consider threats. All it says is that you cannot debate, as evidenced by your continuing posts.
ignoring me changes nothing youve lied about,,

it does allow me to make fun of you and you not know about it
let me put this way: if you're an American, and you represent America, i don't want to be an American. to hell with America if that's the case. but i think America stands for freedom and the freedom of immigrants to come and achieve their dreams. unless you're native american, you're not a natural American either
let me put this way: if you're an American, and you represent America, i don't want to be an American. to hell with America if that's the case. but i think America stands for freedom and the freedom of immigrants to come and achieve their dreams. unless you're native american, you're not a natural American either
if it stands for freedom then why are you trying to promote socialist agendas like this one???

immigrants are fine but illegals need to wait their turn and not jump the line in front of people that have waited yrs,,
and I am a native american,,
Where’s the money supposed to come from for this? Americans are struggling with Bideninflation, and we are $30T+ in debt.

Don't you think that paying $50 a week for child care rather than $50 per day will help families deal with that inflation problem????
Don't you think that paying $50 a week for child care rather than $50 per day will help families deal with that inflation problem????
if they pay for it themselves yes,,

if they expect me and others to pay then they can fuck off or go whoring like someone we know did,, but beware they may end up being another worn out 5 dollar street whore,,
Don't you think that paying $50 a week for child care rather than $50 per day will help families deal with that inflation problem?

You get that unless you can find child care workers for $1 an hour, that SOMEONE has to pay the difference, right?

That someone is taxpayers, typically ones with kids of their own or no kids at all.
if it stands for freedom then why are you trying to promote socialist agendas like this one???

immigrants are fine but illegals need to wait their turn and not jump the line in front of people that have waited yrs,,
and I am a native american,,
i promote everyone. i voted for Trump twice. who do you vote for? Ron Paul? LOL
thats makes you a useless idiot not an american patriot,,
Well i'm more of an entertainer than a serious political commentator. but i do present serious issues with humor. that doesn't make me a non-American liar. maybe i fail at communicating sometimes, but i intend to have fun and engage in debate, as oppose to lying, which i literally gain nothing from

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