Senator Elizabeth Warren introduces '$10 a day' child care legislation

Well i'm more of an entertainer than a serious political commentator. but i do present serious issues with humor. that doesn't make me a non-American liar. maybe i fail at communicating sometimes, but i intend to have fun and engage in debate, as oppose to lying, which i literally gain nothing from
and yet you constantly lie and have yet to be serious or funny,,
I used to know a woman who actually believed that credit cards were free money. She really believe they didn't have to be paid back. She would run a card up to maximum debt and just go get another one. At one point, she was making minimum payments on one card with other cards.

I thought she was just crazy but, it appears, more than a few people believe that "free" means it doesn't have to be paid for.

As one of only a few posters at USMB with a young son at home, I know how hard it can be to find affordable child care you can rely on. That's why I'm calling on everyone, politicians and citizens alike, to join Pocahontas in her FIGHT to give America's working families a helping hand.

In our area it runs $800-$900 a month for 7:30-5:30 5 day a week daycare in a group setting at at licensed providers. Babies can cost more though, but I am not sure anybody really takes them under 6 months except private sitters. There are people who run day cares out of their homes that might charge a little less or a lot more depending on how they model their business.
In our area it runs $800-$900 a month for 7:30-5:30 5 day a week daycare in a group setting at at licensed providers.

That's $7.50 an hour for someone to care for your child in a safe environment and feed them at least one meal a day.

Sounds like a genuine bargain.
That's $7.50 an hour for someone to care for your child in a safe environment and feed them at least one meal a day.

Sounds like a genuine bargain.

No no, the bargain is if taxpayers pay for their irresponsibility
No no, the bargain is if taxpayers pay for their irresponsibility

If I had kids in day care, which I don't any longer, I would consider $7.50 an hour all day, every day, a bargain.

I would be embarrassed if I had to ask someone else to pay it for me.
If I had kids in day care, which I don't any longer, I would consider $7.50 an hour all day, every day, a bargain.

I would be embarrassed if I had to ask someone else to pay it for me.

Well you're responsible.
Don't you think that paying $50 a week for child care rather than $50 per day will help families deal with that inflation problem????
If you are paying fifty dollars a day for childcare and not making six figures then I got a damn good idea how you can fight that inflation. QUIT YOUR JOB.

I have always been opposed to child care subsidies because you are not subsidizing the parent, you are subsidizing the low wages of their employer. I mean it takes a damn fool to take their preschool child to some germ factory to stay nine or ten hours while they slave away at Walmart, yet thousands of parents do it.

I mean what is fifty dollars a day, five days a week, for fifty weeks? $12,500. For a little over twenty grand you can get an Au Pair, that includes their flight, their stipend, and the Area Director. When you factor in lost work from sickness those children catch it is damn near breakeven.
Don't you think that paying $50 a week for child care rather than $50 per day will help families deal with that inflation problem????
If Americans have $200 / week disposable income because the government decides to pay for child care, that's nearly $11K in additional money .... that people will spend. More spending doesn't help inflation, and this is essentially a government check to do so. Also .. who will qualify for it? Will it be low-income only? Why should I have to pay for Shaniqua's 4 kids because of her poor decisions?
When you decide to have children those children are your responsibility. They are your children, not society's, your responsibility.

If you can't or won't accept that responsibility then use personal responsibility.
If Americans have $200 / week disposable income because the government decides to pay for child care, that's nearly $11K in additional money .... that people will spend. More spending doesn't help inflation, and this is essentially a government check to do so. Also .. who will qualify for it? Will it be low-income only? Why should I have to pay for Shaniqua's 4 kids because of her poor decisions?
If Shaniqua is going to get my tax dollars I would rather pay her to stay at home with her four kids than pay some daycare provider so that she can work the drive-thru at McDonalds.

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