Senator Elizabeth Warren introduces '$10 a day' child care legislation

not sure if you saw my question,,

how many if any of those crisis centers get tax payer money??
I dont know of any,,

Pregnancy crisis centers???? What useless places those are. Lying to and misleading women about the dangers of abortion.

After The early 80s we entered the age of it takes two people working just to make it by. As this era intensifies more of these young couples will decide to only have one or no kids will continue to be the trend. Can we blame them?
What you don't realize is that subsidizing child care for low-wage workers does not lift them out of poverty and more than likely extends that poverty to the next generation. That money would be better spent improving the educational opportunities of those living in low-income areas. The Build Back Better act addressed this inequity through subsidies for high-speed internet, that is a step in the right direction. This Warren proposal is shortsighted and misguided.
Its possible to do both. You suffer from conservative binary thinking.
As one of only a few posters at USMB with a young son at home, I know how hard it can be to find affordable child care you can rely on. That's why I'm calling on everyone, politicians and citizens alike, to join Pocahontas in her FIGHT to give America's working families a helping hand.

In other words... 'we must fight to have other people pay my expenses!!"

This is a societal/culture problem where people make choices.
Poor ones. Like having children before they can afford them. Like moving far away from family and thus have no support.
Child care is expensive, and has always been expensive. Go ahead and try the cheap options and see how that goes.
I've never put anyone on ignore, except in rare instances, progressive hunter is different

if you keep turning EVERY SINGLE thread i make into personal attacks...i'm kicking you out of my threads by putting you on ignore, you may however DM me and attack me all day long, i'm happy to engage with you, but don't derail my precious threads...this is forum is for DISCUSSION, not personal attacks...while they do play a part, they're not supposed to be EVERYTHING
You have no power to kick him off a “precious” thread, you can only ignore him. He can still post and you won’t be able see his post, he can still “derail“ your “precious“ threads but you just won’t see ”derailing” him, unless you have superpowers, like Antman, Aquaman or Elizabeth Warren.
As one of only a few posters at USMB with a young son at home, I know how hard it can be to find affordable child care you can rely on. That's why I'm calling on everyone, politicians and citizens alike, to join Pocahontas in her FIGHT to give America's working families a helping hand.

We raised four kids and struggled but we never put them in day care, I would work night, my partner would work days, we did that for years. We had them and never shoved that responsibility or cost to someone else, we paid for our college, we paid for our housing, we paid everything. If you can’t afford them, if you are willing to bear the cost, if you want someone else to raise them, then don’t have them, don’t expect others to pay for your choices.
Because it's to your benefit to have Shaniqua working. If she's at home with 4 kids, your paying a lot more than the cost of day care. Perhaps you'd prefer her kids grow up poor and angry and then you can put them in jail at a cost of $70,000 per year per child.

But that's a real high level of stupid you've got going on for yourself. Poor women don't have "4 kids". They can't afford them. Your assumption that women with children make "poor decisions" shows what an ignorant tool you really are.
No .. it's really not to my benefit .. Shaniqua will most definitely be using government benefits, won't be contributing to them because she makes a low salary and history will repeat itself with her children who will more than likely be a debt to society. Government benefits provide little to no incentives to better oneself.

Black american females rank #1 as single mothers in the United States with a whopping 65%+ on non-marital births, have the highest number of fatherless families at 58% and have on average 2.5 children.
We raised four kids and struggled but we never put them in day care, I would work night, my partner would work days, we did that for years. We had them and never shoved that responsibility or cost to someone else, we paid for our college, we paid for our housing, we paid everything. If you can’t afford them, if you are willing to bear the cost, if you want someone else to raise them, then don’t have them, don’t expect others to pay for your choices.
A big part of the problem is that couples want to live in big houses, eat out, go on expensive vacations - and that takes two incomes.

When I was growing up, the moms stayed home with their kids (at least until they were in school) and the dads worked. Did that mean that we had to live in a 1200 sf house with one bathroom? Yes, and we were perfectly happy.

People who choose to have children must sacrifice, at least in the early years, by living very modestly - as opposed to living a $130,000 HHI lifestyle and then expecting other people to pay for child care.
Or here’s another idea: when I was little and people had limited money, the parents formed babysitting clubs where they earned and spent “points.”

Why not have two mothers join forces, have ONE of them get a job, and then the job-earner gives a portion of her earnings to the SAH for watching her kid? Both families would be increasing their income, rather than have other people support their children.
We dont live in the 50s anymre. 2 wages are needed in every household.
That was the 80’s as well, my wife stayed home until the kids were in school. But then we wanted stuff and more stuff and more stuff and like many Americans we saddled ourselves with unnecessary debt. One income can work but it is difficult and you can’t be materialistic.
As one of only a few posters at USMB with a young son at home, I know how hard it can be to find affordable child care you can rely on. That's why I'm calling on everyone, politicians and citizens alike, to join Pocahontas in her FIGHT to give America's working families a helping hand.

Sounds stupid. This kind of short sighted bullshit isn't well thought out and will cost plenty more than suggested.

Not only will legions of welfare workers have to be employed to certify and make the payments, but the whole system will push demand for child care and the price to new heights.

The old supply-demand graph, if you'll remember Econ 101.

I predict that if this is enacted, millions of broads will be using this system to get subsidized child care that they will be using so they can be engaged in their own childcare business watching other children at taxpayer expense.

People think that poverty stricken indigents are "stupid", but nothing could be further from the truth. They will figure out exactly how to profit from this Atrocity before the ink is dry.
As one of only a few posters at USMB with a young son at home, I know how hard it can be to find affordable child care you can rely on. That's why I'm calling on everyone, politicians and citizens alike, to join Pocahontas in her FIGHT to give America's working families a helping hand.

My wife and I raised 2 kids. Had child care. One is getting her masters degree.

we never needed nor wanted the govt. to help us with any of it. if you couldn't afford child care, you shouldn't have had a child.

I know that's a terribly difficult concept for some.
That was the 80’s as well, my wife stayed home until the kids were in school. But then we wanted stuff and more stuff and more stuff and like many Americans we saddled ourselves with unnecessary debt. One income can work but it is difficult and you can’t be materialistic.
We did it in the 90s.we had help from my Mother and my wife worked part time nights.There was always someone home when they came home from school.

But I had a decent job and we could just about afford it.We were noth in our 30s and well settled.
We would have appreciated the help though.

Our govt closed down a programme called sure start which helped young families. Now hey raae opening family hubs which is pretty much the same thing. Our economy is lagging because people are at home looking after their kids. They are desperate to get women back in the workforce..

Its an investment not welfare.. Corporations should pay for it out of their taxes.
My wife and I raised 2 kids. Had child care. One is getting her masters degree.

we never needed nor wanted the govt. to help us with any of it. if you couldn't afford child care, you shouldn't have had a child.

I know that's a terribly difficult concept for some.
Women have to have kids in a lot of states. Your thinking is not joined up.

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